Obsession Too: Loving An Alpha Male

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Obsession Too: Loving An Alpha Male Page 22

by S. K. Lessly

  I ended the call with him just as I was cleared through security at the Pentagon and found a parking space. I was anxious to get to Russia and I prayed this meeting wouldn’t take forever. I’d been through countless meetings like the one I was heading to and as long as I stuck to the facts of the case and was as thorough as possible, things should be fine.

  Unfortunately, once I walked into the room and saw Special Agent in Charge Harry Dickenson there, I knew things weren’t going to go the way I expected; not in the least.


  Many, many painful hours later, I sat in my car outside of Misty’s house. I was doing my best to decompress from the rather troubling, unnecessary, long-ass meeting I’d had the displeasure of suffering through. Ironically, I should’ve been used to this shit. Being stuck in meetings upon meetings after a mission was the story of my life. It was expected of me as the leader in charge of one of the most covert and deadliest teams in our government. What I didn’t have the tolerance for was wasting time with trivial things that had nothing to do with a case or a mission. My patience for insolence and stupidity ran out the day I was born.

  I looked down at my uniform and sighed. There had been no time for me to go home and change after the meeting. I drove straight to Misty’s with the intent to not stay very long.

  I was scheduled to fly out of Dulles International Airport in the morning to meet Jacks in Russia. I had been scheduled to fly out tonight. However, the damn meeting took longer than I had planned. I had to take a break from the meeting just to call my sergeant to get him to reschedule my flight. I still had to go home, change, and pack. I was also tired as shit from the night before. I was running on empty. If I was going to get at least a few hours of sleep, I needed to be in and out and on the road home in less than an hour or so.

  All right, Cooper, you are going to walk in there, talk to her, and then leave. That’s it, I silently coached myself. With my plan mapped out, I shut off my truck’s engine, pulled my tired body from my seat, and shut the door behind me. I dragged my tired limbs along the concrete pathway leading to Misty’s single-level home, taking deep breaths as I walked. Once I got to the door, I paused a bit before I rang her bell. It was about ten-thirty at night. I had texted her before I drove the forty minutes out of my way to make sure she was still up and wanted to talk. She assured me she was. So throughout the drive, I tried to figure out how this conversation would go.

  I knew she wanted to talk about what had happened between us. The fact that she had kept her distance from me most of the day and how she reacted to me inside my office before I left was a testament to her struggles with had gone down that night. My plan B, which was to take things slow, was still intact as I rang the doorbell. I waited for a few minutes before I heard the sound of her locks clicking. The door opened inward, and Misty leaned on the door wearing an oversized T-shirt that reached the middle of her thighs, a beautiful smile, and nothing else. Fuck me.

  At this point, I did what any man would do in my position. I grabbed her by her T-shirt, pulled her to me, and brought my starving lips down to hers. All of that self-control and planning went right out of the front door as I slammed it and then slammed her up against it. She opened up to me the second we touched and once my tongue entered her mouth, I almost exploded. The surge of passion I felt devoured me entirely. I forgot everything, including how to breathe. I forgot all about control and did my best to fill every part of her body with my taste and touch. I wasted no time.

  With my lips consuming hers and her arms tightly around my neck, my hands started to probe this heavenly body of hers. I moved to the bottom of her T-shirt, pushed it up and moved back slightly in order for my hands to caress her flat stomach. They slid up the sides of her sexy body to her breasts. The feel of her smooth skin underneath my touch felt good as if I was caressing silk. The need to feel more took over, and I lightly ran my thumbs across the underside of her breasts back and forth teasing as I moved, barely gliding over her lace-covered pert nipples.

  Still caressing her beautiful mouth with mine, I slid my needy fingers to her back, slowly dragged my fingers down her arch, and gripped her ass with my left. My right hand circled around to the front of her panties and I plunged my fingers inside, teasing her clit with two of my fingers before pushing them into her hot, greedy sex.

  She gasped lightly against my mouth at the intrusion, but quickly settled into my arms again.

  Fuck, she was soaked. The whimper that rewarded my ears and the circling of her hips against my hand told me just how much she was enjoying my touch. I moved in and out of her channel, rhythmically as I continued to stroke her mouth with my tongue.

  I felt her hold around my neck grow tighter as her legs started to buckle. Being the gentleman that I was, and not wanting her to fall, I gripped her ass tighter, pushing her body deeper into me. Needing to feel more of her, my lips released hers and I slowly glided them under her jaw to her neck and found that spot that turned her legs into jelly.

  “Ooohhh,” she moaned softly, holding onto me tight, gripping the hell out of my hair and my shirt.

  I didn’t care. I continued to move my fingers and to give this woman, my woman everything she wanted and needed.

  “Cum for me, Grace. Let me feel you, baby,” I whispered against her neck then backed away and met her heated eyes.

  God, the way her features came alive as I moved in and out of her made my dick so hard it was borderline painful. I throbbed with the need to sink deep in her walls, but I grabbed a smidgen of patience as I brought her the pleasure her body was chasing.

  “Yes, baby, just like that. Fuck, you’re so beautiful when you’re cummin’. Yes, baby come on,” I growled low and did a bit of groaning myself. Her salacious scent was driving me up the fucking wall.

  Her hips moved faster and faster against my hand. My thumb rubbed her swollen bud for added sensation. I knew she was close. Her cries of passion, hurried breathing, and the tightness around my two curved fingers told me just how close she was to going over the edge. The problem was my patience. I wanted to be inside her so I could feel her cum all over my cock. That’s what I wanted and I wanted that shit right fucking now. But I kept telling myself that she needed this. So I kissed the fuck out of her, let go of her ass, and pinched the hell out of her nipple.

  She came.Yeah, my baby came like a damn waterfall all over my fingers. Her juices dripped down my hand to my wrist. Wasting no time, I picked her up, wrapped her legs around my waist, and moved quickly to her bedroom. I awkwardly pulled off her T-shirt on the way, ripped her bra off, and dropped her hot ass on the bed. My clothes disappeared from my body quickly and I got rid of her panties.

  The way I was feeling right now… I hoped she was ready.

  “Turn around and bend over!” My raspy voice commanded in a tone that conveyed precisely how out of control I was now. I also helped her along by twisting her hips and pushing her face into her mattress.

  I had already pulled out the condoms from the pocket of my uniform pants before they dropped. That speech in my car was for nothing. I knew damn well I wasn’t leaving without getting my feel of her. After all, she was mine.

  I strapped on as quickly as I could, gripped my throbbing, aching cock, and pushed into her slick folds. We both groaned long and satisfyingly at the invasion. I was finally home. Misty wiggled her ass against me trying to get accustomed to my size, but it was only making me harder.

  “Baby, you keep moving like that and shit’s going to get interesting really quick.”

  She looked back at me and wiggled again, a devilish grin on her sexy, alluring face. I smacked her ass, tangled my fingers in her hair, and pulled. She gasped loudly, shocked by the aggressiveness of my hold.

  “You asked for it,” I warned and proceeded to fuck the shit out of my woman.

  I bent my knees, and stroked her soaked core, my thrusts long, hard, and unforgiving. I made sure that when I pulled out slightly and rammed back into her that I slid right along that
G-spot of hers. Yes, I had found that juicy spot the other night. Apparently, she needed to be reminded of that fact.

  “Wait a second! Um, Shane?” she said in a slightly shaky voice. She tried to sit up and look at me, but I pushed her back down.

  “I’m not waiting for shit. Ohhh yesss, baby, give me this pussy! Shit, baby, just like that.” I let go of her hair and put a death grip on her hips to keep her exactly where I wanted her.

  She was mine. Tonight, I was letting her know that this pussy would never be stroked, commanded, or worked over by anyone, but me. I picked up the pace of my hips, getting as deep as I could inside her tight pussy, my balls smacking her lips as I moved.

  “Consider this pussy ruined, baby,” I growled and smacked her ass over her muffled screams of pure ecstasy.


  Chapter Fourteen


  A soft moan fell from my lips as the feel and touch of Shane’s hands drawing circles and figure eights with his fingertips on my back. I was lying on my stomach with my eyes closed trying to catch my breath as the remnants of our lovemaking settled around us. My body shivered slightly, doing its best to recuperate from the roller coaster ride of the orgasm I’d just lived through.

  Being with him was… goodness.

  Shane was someone that if you weren’t in shape, he’d break you. He placed my legs and body in positions that I only saw contortionists do in circuses. When I thought that a position wouldn’t work, he’d stroke some spot in me that had me climbing up my headboard, running from him. He talked a lot of shit, telling me how I was his and how he would ruin me. Well, considered me ruined. The sound of his labored breathing as he lay next to me made me smile to myself. I knew whatever I was currently going through right now, so was he.

  I opened my eyes and pushed my damp hair away from my face to look at him. My eyes roamed over the rapid rise and fall of his chest. His skin was still slightly red from the exertion he’d just experienced and I could see the sheen of sweat on his chest, forehead, and arms.

  As if feeling my eyes on him, I saw a smile blossom on his face and he turned his head to look at me. “You okay, beautiful?” he asked in a light rush.

  I returned his smile and crawled closer to him, closing the gap between us. I curled my arm and rested my head in my hand. “It seems like I should be asking you that question. You seem a bit winded.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, well, it’s your fault I’m like this.”

  I playfully pushed his arm and laughed too. “Oh no, big boy, it wasn’t my fault. Don’t blame me because you can’t control yourself.”

  Shane shifted his body to his side so he could face me. He rested his head against his hand and studied me. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you?” he asked just as casually as if he had asked me to pass the salt.

  The smile on my face faltered slightly, and I couldn’t speak at all. The intensity that filled his eyes had robbed me of the natural task of breathing.

  Shane reached up and lightly brushed the back of his fingers along my face. “I don’t know what it is about you,” he began. “I just can’t control myself.”

  I didn’t reply to that. I couldn’t. My silence didn’t seem to bother him, though. He cupped the back of my head and pulled me to him for a light kiss on my nose and then my lips. He didn’t linger or deepen the kiss. It was sweet and made me melt on the inside. I fell back against the bed and closed my eyes. He definitely knew how to rock my world with not only the stroke of his fingers, tongue, and dick, but with his words as well.

  I didn’t expect him to go on attack when he came here tonight. I just thought we’d talk about what was happening between us and come to a sound decision that we shouldn’t have sex again. But the moment I opened the door and saw him dressed in his Class A uniform looking sexy as hell, I was done for. I’m telling you, if he didn’t ravish me in that moment I would’ve definitely raped him.

  “You’re mighty quiet over there.”

  I opened my eyes and looked over at Shane. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I just looked like a fish, opening and closing my mouth like an idiot.

  He chuckled. “Wow, Grace Michelle King is speechless.”

  “I just don’t know what to say to you,” I confessed.

  “Just say that you understand, sweetheart.”

  I moved back to my side and mirrored his body position. “Yeah, I understand all right. I understand that you’re crazy.”

  Smiling, he replied, “Just as long as you understand.”

  I needed to change the subject fast. “Well, since you came here all full of energy, I take it your meeting went well?”

  He groaned and fell back against my bed. “Actually, no, that shit was insane and a complete waste of time.”

  I rubbed his chest soothingly as he lay quietly staring up at the ceiling. “What happened? Did you get your ass chewed out?”

  He laughed derisively. “Something like that, but not for the reasons you may think.”

  “Really? What happened?” she queried.

  “Do you remember SAC Dickenson, that little shit that was giving you hell?”

  My face hardened with contempt. “Yes, I remember that piece of shit, Agent Dickless. Why?”

  “Well, he was there.”

  “Oh, please.” I frowned at him. “Don’t tell me he was really pressing charges?”

  “He tried. He came with his circumstantial evidence, pointed fingers, and all that. He even brought the deputy director of the FBI with him.”

  My eyes widened. “No shit?”

  “No shit. I guess he didn’t understand or remember that night entirely or someone didn’t bring him up to speed. Anyway, they asked me to give my report on the events of that night, and I did, not holding anything back. I told them how we came about the information on Simon and forwarded it to the appropriate people, which in this case was the FBI. I told them our plan was to provide assistance where needed on the scene. When I was asked to provide a shooter and you had made it on the scene before me, I gave them you. That’s when the meeting shifted. Dickenson had a lot to say at that point.”

  “What did he say about me?” I asked, feeling the tension in my body gripping me tight.

  Shane looked in my eyes and I knew he could see me getting upset. He shook his head and told me, “I’m not going to get into what was said. Let me just say that I explained your reasoning for heading into the building. I told them I backed you one hundred percent, especially after I shared with them the updated intel we had that affected the raid.”

  “What updated intel?” I queried. “I don’t remember any intel being communicated to me.”

  He sighed. “Well, you didn’t give me a chance. It was why I wanted you to stay put until Josh got to you. Just when you communicated the issue with the comms, Junior discovered a different set of construction plans that were buried under city ordinance due to red tape or something to that effect. I relayed that information to the FBI and told them to wait until I got there to go in. With that new information, we needed to regroup and think of a better play. Unfortunately, his arrogant ass didn’t listen and went in anyway. I also told him, because I know the FBI, that if they went in any way not to use you. So, when you communicated your position, I was livid. He had no business using you after the new information I’d given them. There was no telling what or who was going to come out of that back door. Placing you back there alone was a total disregard for your safety. Shit, it took everything in me not to knock his teeth down his throat when I saw him. Sometimes being in charge fucking sucks.”

  “Wow!” I shook my head. “I knew that little bastard was slimy, but dang. Did they prove that the comms were down like I said?” I inquired.

  Shane nodded. “They did. The little asshole was back peddling so fast, especially when the DD found out how foolish his claims were. I explained how crucial it was for us to wait. I provided the FBI with enough information for Dickenson to make the same sound decis
ion as I had. We were far back enough from the warehouse for us to have waited. We had every exit surrounding the warehouse covered. What we needed to do was reformulate a plan based on the new intel and dumbass didn’t listen.”

  “Did the deputy director light into his ass?”

  “Not in front of us. I could see his disappointment in the whole situation though. Essentially, Dickenson made the FBI look bad. They don’t like looking bad.”

  “I bet, but wait. Why did you say that you sort of got your ass chewed? That didn’t sound like ass chewing.”

  Shane sat up and pushed the pillows behind him up against the headboard. He leaned back against them and pushed his hair away from his face. I sat up as well and hugged one of my pillows to my naked chest.

  “Well, I didn’t tell you that Agent Buford was at the meeting too,” he announced. His hand rested on the back of his neck, squeezing and massaging it.

  “Agent Buford? Who’s that?”

  “He was the one that Josh was going to rough up for calling you a bitch.”

  “Oh, yeah, I remember him, but why was he there? Was he complaining about Josh? He never touched him.”

  “Yeah, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t touched.”

  I watched Shane for a second as I digested his words. I studied how his eyes grew cold and flinty, his face pinched tight. The veins in his neck stood out like livid ridges. Then it hit me. I understood what he’d meant. My eyes narrowed. “What did you do?”

  He shrugged, sort of downplaying my question. “Nothing, really. I happened to see him in the makeshift parking lot at the crime scene. I was walking to my car to come see you. He was standing around with some of his fellow agents, talking and shooting the shit. I guess he was done when he saw me and peeled away from the group. He was heading toward his car, I guess, which happened to be in the same direction as me.”


  “Well, the damnedest thing happened to him on his way to his car. He tripped over something. I’m not sure what, but he fell to the ground and hit his head on someone’s car. He left a huge dent on the car too. It was pure luck that I was there to help him. I made sure he was okay and got him some help.”


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