Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  A need built deep within her as liquid heat gathered in her veins. Restless energy vibrated along the muscles of her arms and legs until she couldn’t be still. She slowly lowered one hand toward her pussy, stopping to massage her shaved mound before continuing to slip between her wet pussy lips. Her strangled cry at the first touch of her fingers to her heated sex sounded loud in the tiny bedroom. Its echo reverberated as she settled her finger against her slit without moving any farther.

  Flashes of Marx and Jackson holding her between them ignited a new round of shivers across her body as she slowly began to run her finger up and down her pussy without entering her hole or touching her clit. She imagined Jackson between her legs, licking her, drawing her pussy lips into his mouth and nibbling on them. She stroked her wet tissues even faster before slowly entering her cunt with two fingers. Pumping them in and out, Kelly groaned as her muscles began to bunch and tighten with expectation.

  Every flick of her fingers on her nipples and plunge of her fingers inside her wet pussy drove her closer and closer to climax. Briefly she thought about pulling out her bullet to increase the intensity, but decided it wouldn’t help. Even as she reached for the impending orgasm, she knew it wouldn’t be satisfying. Nothing gave her the release she needed outside of those three little words that always sent her over the edge. Come for me.

  Kelly tried to control her breathing as she ran her thumb lightly over her clit to gauge her readiness to come. It fluttered to life. She groaned again and pressed the pad of her thumb over the little nub, applying pressure in spurts as she continued to thrust her fingers in and out of her pussy. Since learning that she could actually come thinking about Jackson and Marx, she had repeated the experiment over and over. Release was possible, but satisfaction was still elusive.

  Tears of frustration threatened to fall as her climax slowly built deep inside her cunt. Unable to reach her own G-spot, she chose to concentrate on her clit. She circled it then tapped on it over and over as the pressure built and her ability to hold off waned. Finally, unable to wait any longer, Kelly pinched her clit and twisted her nipple, sending a thousand jolts of electrical current throughout her body. She jerked and whimpered as her body shook until the sensations slowly backed off and became mere vibes.

  She lay there panting with tears in her eyes wishing that she wasn’t so screwed up inside. The climax might have taken a little bit of the edge off, but it had in no way been satisfying. She needed more than her own hand to truly get off. The prospect of that happening anytime soon was disheartening.

  Suddenly the anticipation of Saturday night didn’t seem quite so scary. For some reason she began to wonder if maybe the Callahan brothers could fulfill her needs while she continued to remain in control of herself. Did she have the strength to only give that part of herself that she could afford to let go of? She had a few days to think about it, but Saturday would be there before she knew it.

  Chapter Seven

  Jackson and Marx pulled up outside of the apartments Saturday evening to pick Kelly up. Jackson looked over at Marx and nodded. They were in agreement. They had to keep in total control and not frighten their woman. She was skittish of them and of what she wanted. They had no doubt they would eventually win her over if they managed to keep their cool.

  He climbed out of the passenger side of the truck and walked up to her apartment, leaving Marx in the truck to wait on them. They had decided that only one of them should pick her up to keep from overwhelming her before they even got her out the door. Since he was the more easygoing of the two, Jackson got to be the initial escort.

  The lightbulb had been replaced outside her door, and he couldn’t help but grin at the memory of Marx explaining to the landlord what would happen if he didn’t start paying attention to safety issues at the place. No one wanted Marx Callahan on their case.

  The door opened almost immediately after he knocked. Kelly’s wide eyes stared up at him then looked over his shoulder.

  “Where’s Marx?”

  “He’s waiting in the truck. Are you ready?”

  Rather than answer him, she stepped out of the apartment and locked the door, slipping the keys into the little bag that she was carrying. The outfit she was wearing surprised him. He didn’t think she had it in her to wear anything so revealing. His surprise must have showed on his face because she began to fidget as he looked her over. The deep red of the harem-type pants that had slits all the way up the sides covered her legs, but still gave hints of skin as she moved. The matching blouse rose high above her waist allowing for a large amount of bare skin to show between the waistline of the low-hung pants and the top. It allowed for a generous amount of bare cleavage while the sleeves flowed down her arms slit on two sides so that even more skin was visible there as well.

  Jackson had to swallow around the need to push her against the door and bury his hardened dick deep in her cunt. He wondered if she had on underwear beneath the harem pants since he could see glimpses of her bare ass when she moved.

  “We better get going or Marx is going to wonder what we are doing up her and decide to join us.”

  She jerked at his words and hurried ahead of him toward the truck. Every movement brought about a tantalizing glimpse of skin that easily tightened his cock to painful proportions. It was going to be one hell of a hard night. He couldn’t wait to see Marx’s reaction to her outfit. His brother was a contrast of needs. He loved to show off their subs while being controlling at the same time. With his present possessive streak when it came to Kelly, he wondered if his brother would want to show her off like the others.

  He quickly stepped ahead of Kelly to open the truck door and help her into the cab. He watched Marx’s gaze glide over her body and grinned at the immediate darkening of the man’s eyes. He had a moment of worry that his brother would lose control but relaxed when he merely tightened his jaw and spoke to her.

  “Hello, Kelly. You look lovely tonight.”

  Her shy smile and the dip of her head told him she was secretly pleased that Marx had complimented her. Maybe things would work out tonight after all. Jackson stretched his arm out along the back of the seat as Marx backed out of the parking place and drove toward the steak house. With how she was dressed, he was thankful they had decided on a private booth for the night. The curtained booth would provide the privacy he wanted and help her to feel less on display while they ate. With it being so early, there would be fewer patrons there to gawk as well.

  They arrived at the establishment outside of town in less than fifteen minutes. After helping Kelly down from the truck, he and Marx escorted her inside the steak house and waited to be seated in their booth. They were led around the outside of the room to the back where the curtain was pulled back on their booth. The rounded booth allowed for them to scoot Kelly between them.

  A waitress immediately took their drink order and left them alone to discuss their options. Once Kelly had made up her mind, Marx signaled the waitress and their order was placed, then the waitress slid the thick curtain around the entrance of the booth and left them alone. Jackson caught the surprise on Kelly’s face. Obviously she hadn’t known about the curtained booths.

  “They have five of these here in the back for privacy. Sometimes people just want to be able to discuss personal issues without worrying about being overheard, but sometimes, a Dom wants to play with his sub a bit during a meal.” He enjoyed seeing the blush blossom across her face.

  Marx leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear. Jackson couldn’t hear what he was saying, but Kelly’s face grew even pinker if that was possible. He chuckled as Marx nipped at her ear.

  “I told Kelly that I loved watching hints of her bare ass as she walked across the floor in front of me. I bet the other men in the room enjoyed staring at them as well.”

  “Can you imagine how much prettier it would be with our handprints on her delectable ass cheeks?” Jackson asked, watching Kelly’s eyes grow even wider if that was possible.

“The thought of turning her over my lap and feeling her belly press against my cock while I warm her ass makes me hot enough to blow right here.” Marx continued staring at Kelly’s face.

  Their shy little sub stared straight ahead with color staining her cheeks and a slight tremble evident on her lips. Jackson wanted to suck those kissable lips into his mouth, but he decided to hold off for now. They would tease her then eat dinner and then taste her sweet kisses.

  Marx ran a hand lightly up her arm until it reached her shoulder then dipped down into the slit at her breasts and teased her cleavage with his finger. Jackson never stopped watching as his brother inched closer and closer to the plump breasts that mounded over the top of her bra, deepening the gap of her cleavage in the process.

  As if not being able to help it, Marx leaned forward and nipped a hardened nipple through the material of her clothes. She yelped but quickly clamped down on making any further sounds. Even as she struggled to contain her reaction, Marx was straightening and pulling the curtains open just enough that the waitress would know she could approach with refills for their drinks or bring their meals now.

  Kelly’s refusal to look up intrigued him. Was it as a result of her submissive nature, was she trying to stay in the part of a submissive, or was she too embarrassed to look into their faces? He wasn’t sure he wanted to find out just yet. Right now they had her off center, and he wanted to keep her that way. Once she was able to think, she would be able to decipher what they had in store for her. He didn’t want her to be prepared. He wanted her to anticipate it instead. That was half the fun of a healthy D/s relationship.

  Was she already developing a sense of trust for them? He couldn’t be sure. The fact that she’d worn that outfit and actually allowed them to escort her to this dinner and the club spoke volumes, but they had roped her in, so to speak. He felt not one iota of regret or remorse. They wanted her as their own, and all was fair in lust and war, or was that love and war? Jackson wasn’t so sure now what they were playing with. He refused to explore it too deeply yet. He had enough on his hands at the moment.

  The appearance of the waitress with their meals halted his thoughts as the curtain was once again closed to ensure their privacy. He picked up Kelly’s fork and speared a bite of the grilled salmon she’d ordered. He placed it at her lips and to his delight, she opened for him, taking the tender morsel into her mouth. He and Marx took turns feeding her. She didn’t balk or complain, which thrilled him. He loved feeding her. It wasn’t something he would always want to do, but tonight it felt right.

  A quick glimpse of Marx proved that his brother was in the same boat. The heavy-lidded eyes and tight grind of his jaw alluded to a firm control of his needs. Being a Dom was all about control. Not just the control of a sub, but the control that had to be maintained over oneself and a scene to assure that nothing went wrong and everyone was satisfied and happy once it was over. Holding on to control around Kelly was proving much more difficult that he had expected.

  Seeing his brother so close to losing it only affirmed his belief that Kelly was the woman for them. Nothing shook Marx’s legendary control, nothing but the slip of a girl that sat between them.

  “Are you full, Kelly?” Marx had stopped feeding her and was watching her closely.

  She nodded.

  “Speak to me. I require that you say it out loud.”

  She briefly looked up then hurriedly returned her gaze to the table in front of her. That small movement proved she was unsure of her place with them and what they would require of her.

  “I’m full, sir.”

  Jackson hid the grin at her use of sir to answer Marx. Already they had her drifting into the headspace they wanted her in for the night. Neither man planned to subject her to the entire process, but they did want her to submit to them tonight.

  “Good. Would you like some more wine, kitten?”

  He felt her stiffen next to him, but she soon relaxed. “No thank you, sir.”

  As soon as they had finished their meal, Marx opened the curtain to signal that they were ready for their check. Jackson took the check and settled the bill while his brother escorted their beautiful submissive outside to the truck. He joined them, grateful that he hadn’t been forced to watch all that delectable skin peek through the many slits while she climbed up into the truck. No doubt Marx was fighting his need to strip her right there and have his way with her. She kept them both in a constant state of arousal, but that outfit made him salivate like a wolf after its mate. He needed a cold shower to deal with tantalizing glimpses of her all night without being able to truly indulge in any of her hidden charms.

  * * * *

  Kelly couldn’t stop the slight tremble of her hands as she sat between the two men on their way to the club. Golden Shackles was a BDSM club that operated on the outside of the town in the country. It was only open on weekends, though she knew that classes and such were often held there during the week. She hadn’t ventured out there since she had arrived in town. She was trying to avoid that lifestyle now for the most part. Outside of her job and the jewelry she loved to design, Kelly had wanted nothing to do with the community when she first arrived there. Taking the job at Heavy Trinkets had proven to her that she couldn’t run far from her nature despite her intentions.

  When they pulled up in the back of the club, Kelly felt her heart begin to pound in her chest. It had been nearly eight months since she’d been inside of a club. How would she handle the sights, sounds, and scents of the place after all of this time? It had gotten to where the only time her old Master had taken her was when he wanted to make her punishment public. That last night had been about something else though. She jerked her thoughts back from the past and swallowed back the bile in her throat.

  Jackson helped her down from the truck, and both he and Marx escorted her to the back door where Marx knocked while still keeping a hand at her waist. The door opened, and someone greeted them before letting them in.

  “Just a minute. I’ll bring the paperwork she has to sign back here.” The man left them in a small room just inside the door.

  It looked to be a combination storeroom and prop room with the wide array of items there. She saw everything from paper towels to a spanking bench. She didn’t have long to look around before the man returned with a clipboard and pen.

  “I need you to read over this contract. You have to sign it in order to come into the club. It is to protect you as well as everyone else that attends.”

  Kelly took the clipboard and read over the rules, rights, and obligations before signing her name at the bottom of the page. The stranger witnessed her signature then nodded at Marx and Jackson. They followed him out of the room into a narrow corridor that opened up into a wider hallway with doors on either side. There were some with windows where you could look in and others that had no opportunities for voyeurs to view the activities going on within the room.

  When they stepped into a much larger room, it was to find the lights all the way up and the sounds of activity other than what normally occurred inside those walls. She located Steve and Ben across the room almost immediately. She started to step away from Marx and Jackson then thought better of it. She looked up at Jackson to ask if she could go. Old habits and all.

  He grinned down at her and kissed her forehead before turning her toward his brother. She looked up at Marx and found his face held a slight smile to her surprise. He kissed her cheek. Then he leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

  “I can’t wait to get you all to ourselves later, kitten. I’ll be thinking about you all night.”

  Kelly shivered before turning back toward the front where the other two men were busy setting up a booth. She hurried toward them, noticing several other booths in various stages being erected around the outsides of the room. She located the tattoo and piercing booth just two down from Steve’s. She was seriously thinking about a tattoo as well as getting her nipples pierced. It seemed crazy not to have the piercings when she made in
timate jewelry for both pierced and nonpierced body parts.

  Steve and Ben immediately drew her into the ruckus when she walked up. They spent the next hour putting together the displays and arranging inventory in case they needed it. Kelly was astonished that she had one entire corner for her stuff and she was supposed to man the area the entire night, taking orders and fitting her pieces.

  “Kelly, your stuff has been steadily selling since you started creating it. I want to enlarge your inventory and have you consult with customers to create custom pieces. You’ve got an amazing talent, honey. Beginning with this show, you now get a percentage of the sales of your pieces.” He quoted the amount, and she had to sit down before she passed out.

  It could potentially help her move out of her horrible apartment much sooner than she had originally thought. Excitement sped up her heart rate even as worry sent it fluttering in her chest. She had to take several deep breaths before she could settle down to spread out her things. What happened if Marx and Jackson didn’t want her to work anymore? Some Doms didn’t like their subs to work outside while others required it to help with expenses.

  She gritted her teeth. She wasn’t their submissive or their slave. She wasn’t going to allow anyone to dictate what she could and couldn’t do again. Aggravated that she had even allowed herself to worry about it, Kelly quickly lost herself in preparing for the promised crowd. Steve had warned her that there would be hundreds of people coming through the club that night. People from all over the Perkins City area came to these open house nights.

  There would be no free play going on in the club that night. Instead, there would be tours of the club along with scheduled demonstrations of various things such as shibari or kinbaku, the art of binding and rope bondage. There would also be demonstrations on everything from flogging to the single tail along with the uses of the various props and devices within the club. Despite having been to the ones in the Dallas and Houston areas, she was curious to see if the one here was like them.


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