Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Marla Monroe

“I’m adding licks as we go. How many?” He had to grit his teeth to keep from smiling at her astonishment.

  “Six, sir.”

  “Plus four makes ten. I will spank you ten times. You will count and thank me after each one.”

  “Yes, sir.” The words were obviously hissed between ground teeth.

  He rubbed her ass cheeks to stimulate the circulation so she wouldn’t bruise so easily. He couldn’t wait to see his handprint on her rounded ass. After assuring that she was adequately stimulated, Marx popped her on one side.

  “One. Thank you, sir.”

  “Good sub.” He slapped her other cheek a little harder.

  She gasped. “Two. Thank you, sir.”

  He spanked her ass, making sure to cover both sides evenly until he had delivered the last blow.

  “Ten. Thank you, sir.”

  He could hear the tears in her voice, but she hadn’t said stop, and he’d been careful to keep them heavy enough to hurt but not heavy enough to leave bruises. He ran his fingers through her pussy to find that she was indeed wet. He rubbed his hands lightly over her reddened skin and admired the pretty colors. Then he leaned over her and placed kisses down her spine.

  “You did well, little sub. Now I’m going to fuck you. Beg me to fuck your pussy.”

  “Please, sir. Fuck my pussy.”

  Comfortable that she was ready for him by the wetness between her legs, Marx tore open a condom and rolled it over his engorged cock, lining it up with her slit, and pushed forward. He moved slowly, aware that she might still be slightly swollen from the night before. When he was all the way inside her, he stopped to let her adjust and to calm his need to pound into her. She felt like a hot velvet glove squeezing his shaft.

  “You are so damn tight. I want to stay here inside of you forever.” He gritted his teeth and pulled out just as slowly before slamming his cock inside her once again.

  She didn’t say a word as he slowly picked up speed as need burned its way down his spine to tighten his balls. He refused to give in and come before she climaxed. He held her hips steady as he stroked his dick in and out of her cunt. Reaching around beneath her, Marx located her swollen clit and began to press against it in a careful rhythm designed to stimulate her without sending her over the edge.

  She gasped out a moan as he slowly increased the pressure at her clit the closer he got to climaxing. He wanted her there with him, clamping down on his cock, milking his seed from his body.

  When he felt his balls contract, he pinched her clit, sending her into orgasm as his cock pulsed inside of her. Her cunt squeezed down around his dick in ripples that guaranteed to suck him dry. He yelled out her name then collapsed over her, catching the bed with his hands to keep from crushing her.

  It took him several long seconds to regain enough control of his breathing and his muscles to lift off of her and pull his spent dick from her pussy. He quickly dealt with the condom and returned with a warm wet cloth to clean her up. He curled around her and pulled her back against his body where he could listen for her breathing to even out. They had a little time before breakfast would be ready. Jackson wouldn’t have started it right away.

  “Can I go home now?”

  Chapter Ten

  She felt Marx stiffen behind her. Then he rolled off the bed and stood up. She quickly followed. Her ass was tender and her emotions, raw. She wanted to put some distance between them before he managed to tear down the wall she’d worked so hard to build around her heart.

  “Breakfast should be ready by now.” He stood in front of her clothes so she couldn’t get to them.

  With a sigh, she realized she wasn’t going to be allowed clothes yet. She marched into the short hall and returned to the kitchen where Jackson was serving up pancakes. He smiled at her and winked.

  “Hungry? I bet you could use some coffee.” He grabbed a mug and poured some before setting it and the plate of pancakes at the table. “Do you need cream or sugar?”

  “No thanks.” She took her seat as Marx pushed it in for her.

  Watching them as she sipped her coffee, she couldn’t help letting a small sigh escape at their masculine beauty. Jackson was dressed in jeans and nothing else. The muscles in his arms flexed as he poured more batter on the griddle and flipped the pancakes. Marx walked back in the kitchen wearing his black leather slacks from the night before. He poured a cup for himself and waited by the stove as Jackson piled a small stack of pancakes on another plate.

  Jackson looked over toward her. “Eat up before they get cold, kitten. There’s plenty more.”

  Marx grabbed a plate of sausage and set it in the middle of the table as he took his seat. She poured syrup over her stack and passed the bottle over to Marx. By the time she had finished hers, Jackson had another stack ready for her.

  “I’m full, Jackson. Thank you, but I can’t eat anymore.”

  He shrugged and sat down to eat instead. She started to get up and take her plate to the kitchen, but a look from both men had her rethinking that idea. The two men talked about the ranch as they ate. Jackson asked her questions like had she ever ridden a horse before and what was her favorite TV show.

  By the time they had finished and had the kitchen cleaned up, Kelly knew that they both enjoyed watching old war movies and the Discovery Channel. Marx and Jackson exchanged looks as they dried their hands on a towel. At Marx’s nod, Jackson approached the table and held out his hand.

  “Come with me. I think we need to talk some.”

  She hesitated for a second before taking his hand and letting him lead her to the living room. When he sat down on one of the recliners, he pulled her onto his lap and laid them back a ways. Marx took a seat on the other one. With how she was sitting across Jackson’s lap, she could see Marx across the short distance.

  Nothing was said for a few minutes, and Kelly began to dread the conversation. She already knew it wasn’t going to work out between the three of them. They wanted more than she could give despite their assurances that they didn’t want a twenty-four-hour slave.

  “Kelly. Did you enjoy last night?”

  Jackson’s question startled her. She hadn’t expected him to ask if she had enjoyed herself.

  “Um, yes, sir.”

  “We don’t require you to address us as sir when we’re not in the bedroom or initiating sex.” This came from Marx.

  Again she was surprised.

  “I think we should have gone over how we want you to act before now. You weren’t sure last night, and we didn’t stop to explain anything to you.” Jackson ran a hand up and down her arm. “We are dominants, but we don’t live that lifestyle all the time. When we are at the club, we expect obedience to our demands immediately. We will punish misbehavior and offer the occasional discipline, but we will never harm you.”

  Marx took over, drawing her attention to him as his deep voice began. “We expect the same obedience in the bedroom or during sexual play, but we don’t expect it any other time. If we are sitting here watching TV or in the kitchen cooking and ask you to strip, it is our way of telling you we want to fuck you.”

  “Do you understand so far, Kelly?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes.” She wasn’t sure if she needed to say anything else.

  “We want you to feel comfortable around us and enjoy our company as we want to enjoy yours. Neither one of us expects you to change anything about yourself to accommodate us. You’re a unique and beautiful woman who we want to get to know.” Jackson continued rubbing her arm.

  “Do you want to say anything or ask any questions, Kelly?” Marx asked.

  She nibbled on her bottom lip, trying to figure out what to say. She still didn’t think it would work. They were demanding and had strong personalities that she found difficult to handle.

  “Talk to us, kitten. I can see thoughts going through your mind, but you’re not saying anything. We need to know what you are thinking.”

  “You say that you don’t want to control everything about me, but you
did that in forcing me to go out with you last night and with bringing me here afterwards. I don’t want to be at your beck and call. I want to live my life the way I want to live it.”

  “We tried to get you to give us a chance, Kelly, but you were too worried to do that. We admit that we coerced you into doing what we wanted this time, but that is not how a relationship with us will go. All we’re asking is that you honestly give us a chance without us begging you and you pulling away from us.” Jackson tugged gently on her hair.

  Marx sighed and shook his head. “You’re not even thinking about it. You’ve made up your mind already.”

  She grimaced. He was right. She wasn’t giving them a chance. Did she want to? Did she honestly want to see if they could make it work between them? She couldn’t ignore the way they affected her. She got wet anytime she was around them, and she’d never had two orgasms in a row before. She missed the release she got from giving up control of her sexual needs, but was that enough of a reason to chance a relationship with two men?

  She tried to leave her heart out of it, but there was no way to do it. She was already attached to them. It wouldn’t take much to fall in love, and then where would she be but at their mercy. It was then that they could begin to take away her control in other aspects of her life. She would be helpless to stop them once she loved them.

  “I want to try, but I’m scared.” It came out as a whisper, and she wasn’t sure Marx even heard her.

  Jackson wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. “Baby, you have nothing to be afraid of. We are going to do everything in our power to make you happy if you will just give us the chance.”

  She looked across at Marx again. His face showed nothing of what he was feeling. She might not ever know where she stood with him. Could she handle that? The sex had been amazing between them, and she had to admit that his demand for obedience turned her on when it was in the context of sex. She continued to watch his face as she made her decision.

  “Okay. I’ll give this a chance.”

  She almost missed the swift look of relief that flashed across Marx’s face when Jackson crushed her against him. But it was there. It gave her hope and a little bit of determination to see more of his feelings in the future. Maybe he wasn’t as tough as he pretended to be.

  “Can I get dressed now?”

  Jackson laughed and righted the chair. “How about wearing one of our T-shirts around the house until we take you home? I thought we might watch TV for a little while before we take you back.”

  She shrugged. She could do that. “Okay.”

  Marx had gotten up and was standing by the recliner. “Come on. I’ll take you to get one of mine while Jackson finds something to watch.”

  She scooted out of Jackson’s lap and followed Marx around to the other side of the house. He showed her the other three bedrooms. When she entered his bedroom, it was to find that he kept it military clean and orderly. His clothes were all neatly stored and precisely folded. He pulled out a T-shirt that had a Dallas Cowboys insignia on it and handed it to her.

  “How about that one? It will probably come down to your knees.”

  She grinned and pulled it over her head. He pulled her hair free of the neck and nodded his head.

  “Are your feet cold? Want a pair of socks?”

  “No thanks. I’m fine. Thanks for the shirt.” She started to leave, but he pulled her back into his arms and took her mouth with his.

  His lips pressed insistently against hers until she opened for him. The minute his tongue slid along hers, he moaned and tightened his hold on her. She wound her hands around his neck. The ripple of muscles against her sides as he all but crushed her in his arms sent chills down her spine. It felt so good to be surrounded by so much strength.

  His teeth nipped at her lower lip before his tongue licked around the roof of her mouth and returned to tease hers. The taste of him was addicting as it flowed over her tongue. She wanted to swallow him down and always remember the spicy flavor in her mouth. He pulled back and nipped all along her chin and jaw before sucking on her earlobe. When he finally released her, she swayed, and only his steady hand on her shoulder kept her from falling over.

  “We better get back to the living room or Jackson is going to think I tied you to my bed.”

  She smiled to herself at the husky timbre of his voice. She realized that getting him to lose some small bit of his control would be top of her list of things she wanted to do. It gave her a small thrill each time he seemed a little off balance. The feminine side of her enjoyed the power, while the sub side of her still appreciated his control. It reminded her that he was still human and fallible.

  They walked into the living room to find Jackson sitting on the sofa part of the sectional with his feet propped on the coffee table in front of him. He looked up and grinned at them.

  “Come sit next to me, kitten. You’re in for a treat. There’s a marathon of John Wayne war movies on today.”

  She made a show of rolling her eyes and groaning, though she knew she would enjoy them as much as they would. She situated herself on the couch, and Marx sat down next to her. Jackson rested a hand on her bare thigh while his brother stretched his arm around her shoulders. Right then, she felt good, relaxed, and happy. She could handle this.

  They watched TV for the next three and a half hours, talking about the scenes and joking about some of the special effects. At the end of the second movie, Marx made sandwiches and brought a plate of them along with drinks into the living room. She offered to help, but he assured her that he could handle a few sandwiches by himself.

  After the next two movies, she insisted that she needed to return home to get ready for work the next day.

  “It’s nearly four thirty, guys. I’ve had a great time, but I’ve got to go home.”

  Jackson nodded while Marx scowled, but they helped her redress in her outfit from the night before and settled her in the truck between them. She really hated that she was wearing the revealing outfit in broad daylight, but there was nothing she could do about it. She would know better next time and be better prepared.

  When they arrived at her apartment, both men got out of the truck and escorted her up to her door. Marx took the key from her hand and unlocked the door. Then both he and Jackson walked inside and looked around before agreeing to leave her alone. She thought it was a little over the top, but she appreciated that they felt the need to check for her.

  Before they left, each of them kissed her as if they wouldn’t see her again anytime soon. Since they hadn’t talked about a next time, she guessed it might be awhile. After all, they had a ranch to run.

  “We’ll call you soon, kitten. Lock up behind us.” Jackson released her and followed his brother out of the apartment.

  As soon as they closed the door, Kelly locked up and peeked out the window until they were gone. She immediately felt their loss. She’d gotten used to their massive presence, and now that they weren’t around, she missed it.

  Shaking off the mild depression, she quickly changed clothes to a pair of shorts and a tank top to finish her chores. Then she fixed a light dinner and got ready for bed. She had forgotten what it was like to sleep in a regular bed and when she lay down on her tiny mattress, she missed being surrounded by her men on a real bed. Her men. When had she begun to think of them like that? Somehow it didn’t bother her though. She planned to take it one day at a time and see if they would stick to their promises. Her head said they wouldn’t be able to, but her heart wished they would.

  Chapter Eleven

  The week flew by as she worked more and more on her designs and less in the store. Steve was looking for someone else to hire to work in her place out front. He wanted her focused on her jewelry. She didn’t see Jackson or Marx all week, but they called her almost every night to ask about her day and wish her a good night. Somehow she hadn’t expected that. They were constantly surprising her, shaking up her preconceived notions about Doms.

Friday, she was working in the back when Steve called out to her that she had visitors in the store. It didn’t occur to her that the men would come see her, so when she stepped out and saw them standing by the counter, she just stared at first.

  Jackson grinned at her. “Hey, kitten. Got a minute to talk?”

  “Um.” She looked over toward Steve. He nodded and winked. “Sure.”

  She followed them to the front of the store where there was no one around. Marx quickly pulled her back against his front and settled his chin on top of her head. She was sure she appeared startled by the smirk on Jackson’s face. She frowned at him.

  “We had to come to town for some supplies and wanted to see you. Busy?” Jackson asked.

  “Yeah, I’m working on some special orders from last weekend.”

  “Good. Should keep you out of trouble.”

  For some reason that struck her as funny. Kelly laughed. Marx’s chin on her head bumped her head as she did. What sort of trouble was she supposed to be able to get in while working at the store?

  “We want to take you to the club tomorrow night. What time can you be ready?” Marx’s voice startled her.

  “The club?” It came out in a squeak. She wasn’t sure she was ready for that.

  “Right, Golden Shackles. The same place you were last weekend.” There was amusement in Jackson’s voice.

  “Do I wear street clothes and change there or dress for the club?”

  “Dress for the club. Can you be ready by eight?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes.” The thought of going there with them as their submissive scared her just a little bit.

  “Great. We’ll pick you up then.” He bent over and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  Before she could process anything, Marx turned her around and kissed her as well, but he took more time and left her aching for more. By the knowing look in his eyes and the slight curl of his lips, he knew what he’d done. Kelly couldn’t help glaring at him. It didn’t change his expression one bit.

  The two men escorted her back to the counter and said good-bye. She quickly escaped to the back, leaving them talking with Steve. It took her several minutes to calm down enough to get back to work. She needed steady hands and solid concentration to make the intricate pieces she was working on today. The nipple clamps and matching clit clamp were connected by a thin chain with flowers interspersed throughout the links. She couldn’t afford to mess up even one of the flowers.


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