Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  “I do miss it. That’s why I agreed to try it with them. I don’t want a twenty-four-hour relationship though.”

  “Oh, me either. I wouldn’t mind extended scenes now and then, but not to the extent that it interferes with my regular life.” Dixie looked over at the men. “Anyway, I haven’t found any one right for me yet, so it’s a moot point.”

  “Kelly. Time to go, kitten.” Jackson held out his hand.

  She smiled at Dixie and waved before going to Jackson and taking his hand. Marx had already walked up on the platform and was setting out his bag on the small table. She refused to look at what he was laying out to use. Anticipation would make it that much harder for her to deal with. She chose to wait and see how he worked.

  Jackson led her over to the cross and kissed her on the nose. “Strip, sub.”

  Even though she was used to being nude in clubs and around others, each time she removed her clothes in front of other people, she felt as if it were the first time. Nerves jumped in her tummy like tiny bullfrogs while a thin bead of sweat slowly slid down her spine. She took slow, deep breaths as she removed each article of clothing and folded it. Jackson took them from her and stacked them on a shelf against the wall. Then he helped her step up to the cross.

  The club was well equipped, and she was relieved to see that there were several places to secure her at different levels. With her short stature, it could have been a problem to make it work and would have been uncomfortable to begin with.

  Jackson wrapped wide leather cuffs around her wrists made especially for being secured on a cross. They had fasteners that would secure her to the cross but were easy to remove should there be an emergency. The lining was soft and would keep her wrists from chafing. After checking her circulation, he applied the ankle cuffs and fastened them to the cross as well. A wide strap wrapped around her torso to keep her from moving around on the cross. If she moved too much at the wrong time, it could lead to them placing a blow in the wrong spot. That could be dangerous.

  She was facing the cross and the back wall, but she had her face turned outward toward the club. She could see a small crowd gathered there, but she focused her eyes above them to keep from letting any of their anxiety bleed over into her.

  Marx walked over into her line of vision. “How are you doing, Kelly?”

  “Green, sir. I’m fine.”

  “Good. Sir Jackson is going to warm you up with a soft flogger. You don’t have to count for this.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She waited for the first blow, and when it came, she remembered why she loved being in the life. The soft tassels of the flogger caressed her skin like a lover. They brushed along, leaving a warm feeling behind them. As Jackson increased the strength of the blows, it turned into something like a massage. Soon she was lifting to meet the blows as he rained them down across her back, ass, and across her breasts. Clamps. She missed not having on nipple clamps for this.

  The flogging stopped. “How are you doing, Kelly?” Jackson asked.

  “Green, sir. I’m fine.”

  The next blows were different, and she realized he’d moved to a different type of flogger. This one had small knots at the end of each tassel. It delivered a much deeper massage that could hurt if the Dom intended for it to. Jackson was obviously using it more as a warm-up, so she knew this wasn’t the main event.

  Marx moved into her line of sight. He was watching her closely, as if making sure she really was okay and perhaps to gauge her level of readiness for the next level. Having two Doms really did seem to have merit. He nodded toward Jackson after a few seconds, and the blows stopped. Marx stepped up and checked her circulation and looked into her eyes.

  “How are you doing, kitten?”

  “I’m fine sir.”

  “No tingling in your hands or feet?”

  “No sir.”

  He walked off, and Jackson appeared with a water bottle. He opened it and gave her a few sips. She knew it was important for her to keep hydrated, and good Doms always checked with their subs to see if they needed something to drink.

  “You’re beautiful, Kelly. Your back and breasts are all a pretty pink.” He continued to whisper sweet words of praise.

  The next sensation took her by surprise. The handle end of a crop striped her left ass cheek. It was softer than a cane, and not as sharp as the other end of the crop. She couldn’t help the yelp that emerged from her mouth at the pain that spread out across her ass. Then a second blow landed across it making an X there. Marx moved on to the other cheek, and she drew in deep breaths to pace herself. The pain blossomed after each blow into a pleasant warmth that built inside of her.

  She realized Marx had stopped when Jackson stepped in and ran a finger through her pussy lips. She had no doubt she was nice and wet by now. He lifted his finger and stuck it in his mouth to lick clean while he looked at her. She moaned at the sight of him sucking her juices from his finger.

  “How are you doing, kitten?” he asked.

  “Green, sir.” Her voice came out in a whispery rush.

  He stared into her eyes for a second then backed away after nodding toward Marx. She wondered if there would be more of the crop’s handle or if he would move on to something else. She didn’t have long to wait. He returned with something that felt much like a belt across her ass. It slapped both cheeks across the middle then popped the left one where her ass met her thigh. She yelped again even as he meted out another blow on the opposite cheek at the same spot.

  When he laid a stripe across the back of each thigh, she felt the first tears form. When he returned to her ass with two more strikes, they rolled down her cheeks. The pain was exquisite. It burned and sent little shocks straight to her pussy. Would he hit her there? She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to or not. A part of her wanted it, wanted the hot burn it would give her, but another part of her was scared it would be more than she could handle.

  Kelly flexed her hands in the cuffs and worked at controlling her breathing though it had long since gotten out of hand. She could feel the pressure of an orgasm beginning to build and knew she couldn’t let it happen until they gave her permission. She whimpered with the next two pops as the burning in her clit turned to a soft throb. Her thighs were wet between her legs from her juices, and without being able to rub her legs together, she couldn’t do anything about the growing need between her legs.

  She could no longer see anyone in the audience. Her entire focus was on the burn of the next blow and the growing ache that centered around her clit. White noise filled her head, and she recognized the beginnings of subspace as it curled in around her. She was arching out toward each blow now, willing it to hurry when it seemed that too much time was passing between them. Intellectually, Kelly knew the pauses were to give her body time to process each lick and adjust as necessary. In her need, though, the waiting was the real torture of the scene.

  Then Jackson was standing close to her, talking. She focused on his words so she could answer him. If she couldn’t answer him, they would stop. She didn’t want them to stop yet.

  “Kelly? Can you hear me?”

  “Green. sir,” she finally managed to get out.

  He smiled but shook his head. She knew what that meant. She pleaded with him with her eyes. She needed more. It wasn’t fair. She was almost there.

  Then Marx appeared beside Jackson and together they impaled her with a finger each. She hissed out a yes! and struggled to move against their pumping fingers, but it wasn’t enough. Before she could beg them for more, one of them added a vibrator to her clit and she jerked hard against her bindings. She was suddenly on the edge of a massive orgasm. She whimpered, trying to form the words to beg them to let her come. When she thought she would explode before she could get them out, Marx growled in one ear as Jackson spoke in the other.

  “Come for us, now.”

  She screamed out her climax as her body bucked between them. It seemed to go on and on until she thought she would pass out. Finally
she heard herself begging for mercy, and the buzzing vibrations stopped. They pulled their fingers from her drenched cunt. She wanted to see if they would lick their fingers, but she was too tired to open her eyes now.

  They removed the restraints from her arms and legs, massaging them as they removed the cuffs. The strap around her waist was removed, and she felt her body being carried away and down off the platform. She knew by the scent that it was Jackson who had her in his arms. Marx would be gathering up his things.

  Jackson sat down with her and curled her against his chest. A bottle of water was pressed to her lips, and she opened them to drink. After several long pulls of the water, the bottle was removed.

  “Kelly, open your eyes, kitten. Tell me how you’re doing.” She opened her eyes to find Marx kneeling on the floor in front of the chair Jackson was sitting in holding her.

  She blinked a few times and smiled. “I’m fine, sir.”

  He let out a breath and nodded. “Roll her over so I can apply the cream.”

  Jackson rolled her across his thighs so that she was positioned much like she would have been for an old-fashioned over-the-knee spanking. It made her giggle. She knew she was a little wasted from the endorphins but couldn’t help it.

  “Someone’s drunk.” Jackson’s teasing voice had her giggling again.

  The soothing cream soon dulled the ache in her buttocks and upper thighs. After a few minutes, they rolled her back over and wrapped her in a blanket. Jackson stood up, and Marx took his place on the chair. He held up his hands for his brother to transfer her into his arms.

  “Where is Sir Jackson going?”

  “To get your clothes and make sure we didn’t leave anything over there so that they can clean for whoever is next.” He rubbed light circles on her covered arms. “Was I too hard on you, Kelly?”

  “No, sir. That was wonderful.”

  Jackson returned and knelt by her head. “How are you feeling?”

  “I can get dressed now.”

  He frowned and looked up at Marx. She watched them seem to exchange words without saying anything. Then Jackson looked back down at her.

  “How bad is your sub drop when you get it?”

  “I don’t normally have sub drop. I just need a few minutes to get my bearings, and then I’m fine.”

  “How bad has it been in the past when you’ve gotten it?” Marx asked.

  “I’d get shaky and nervous feeling. I wanted to be left alone and would curl up by myself for a while.”

  “Let’s give you a few more minutes to relax and then we’ll get you dressed.”

  Kelly sighed. It felt good to be cuddled by them, especially by Marx because he was so stoic and hard to read. Having him hold her was tantamount to feeling like she was important to him. She liked that feeling. As she drifted in and out of a light sleep, it hit her out of the blue and she all but jumped out of his lap.

  She had completely fallen in love with them.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jackson carried Kelly inside the house when they arrived despite her repeated assurances that she could walk. He didn’t put her down until they were in the master bedroom. Then he carefully sat her on the bed so as not to aggravate her sore ass. She was frowning at him. He just smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  Marx had a head start on undressing, and before he had even managed to pull off his boots, his brother was stripping Kelly of her clothes. She seemed to have caught his desperation because she climbed on top of him as soon as she was naked and mated their mouths in a kissing frenzy. He stood back and watched them for a few minutes as they ate at each other’s mouths before exploring other areas to kiss and bite.

  To see someone who could handle his brother was like a miracle to him. Most women found Marx too intense. Those who could get past that didn’t like a lot of impact play, which Marx enjoyed. To say that Kelly was perfect for them was an understatement. They had to figure out how to make her happy if it was the last thing they did. His one fear was that she would mistake Marx’s intenseness for aggressive ownership, the one thing he was sure she didn’t want. Somehow they needed to talk about that before there were any misunderstandings.

  “Oh, shit!” He realized Marx was out of control when he started to enter her without a condom.

  “Marx! Stop. Condom, man.” He handed his brother the little packet and grinned down at the shock in Marx’s face.

  When he looked at Kelly, he realized she was too far gone to even think about it. Even as Marx struggled to roll on the condom, she was trying to mount him. He waited until they finally had a handle on things before joining them. He pulled her hair to one side and kissed her shoulder before nipping at it. She leaned back, turning her head so that they could briefly kiss before Marx began to fuck her in earnest.

  “Bend over, baby. I’m going to get your ass ready so I can shove my cock up that tight ass.”

  When she only moaned in response, he took it as an okay to proceed. He dribbled lube down her butt crack before rubbing it around her back hole. Then he pressed his thumb gently against the sweet pucker. He was careful not to do anything that would stir up the tenderness of her skin from earlier. He didn’t want to cause her any pain, only pleasure. He added a little more lube and pressed inward with his thumb until it popped through the tight ring. Then he pushed a little more and it moved past the inner ring of muscle. He pumped it in and out of her back hole until there was no resistance.

  “Hurry the fuck up, Jackson. She’s squeezing my dick like a vise.” Marx sounded strained to say the least.

  “I don’t want to hurt her. I’m hurrying.”

  He pulled out his thumb and added more lube. This time he inserted two fingers. She pressed out as he pressed in, and his fingers slowly made it inside her tight sheath. He thrust them in and out, widening them to stretch her dark hole for his cock. He couldn’t wait to feel her surround his cock and squeeze like she was squeezing his fingers. When she started to push back and forth on his fingers, Jackson decided she was ready and removed them from her ass. He slipped on a condom and covered his throbbing cock with the slippery stuff before positioning his shaft at her dark passage.

  “Easy, baby. Push back for me and let me in.”

  He pressed against the tiny rosette until it began to blossom around his stiff dick. He didn’t let up on the pressure until the spongy head of his cock slipped inside her back hole. He stilled and waited for her to relax around him. The pressure was heaven and hell. So far she hadn’t screamed stop, so he figured he was good to go. Slowly, he delved deeper into her hot ass until her whimpers caused him to stop once again.

  “Kelly? Are you okay? Do I need to stop?” He could hear the strain in his voice as he fought to remain still.

  “Oh, God. Don’t stop. Please, Jackson. I need you inside me.”

  He sighed and pulled back some before tunneling his way deeper into her ass. When he was all the way in up to his balls, Jackson leaned forward and kissed her spine before beginning to move again.

  Marx pulled out when he moved back in. Then he drew out as his brother pressed back in. They rocked her between them in a slow, torturous rhythm that was driving him crazy with the need to pound into her. The fear that he would hurt her kept him in control, but they slowly began to increase their speed so that they were seesawing along at a decent rate.

  Kelly growled beneath him. He grinned. He was used to hearing Marx growl like a wild animal, but to hear it from her, it was all he could do to keep from telling her that he loved her right then and there. She was making his brother happy, and that alone was a miracle in his book. She would be treated like the princess she was for as long as he could lift a hand to care for her.

  “Dammit! Move, you two! I need more, faster, harder.” Her voice broke as they picked up the speed and began to pound in and out of her cunt and ass.

  The slap of skin against skin echoed around the bedroom as they gave her what she asked for. When a roaring filled his head, he thought at f
irst it was Marx growling his release, but soon realized it was in his head. His climax rushed toward him like a freight train. He fought to control the monster orgasm before it hit.

  “Marx! I’m going to come. I can’t hold off any longer.”

  “I’ve got her.”

  He trusted his brother to make sure that Kelly was taken care of and let go. A mini-explosion hit him at the base of his spine as his balls drew up, and burning heat boiled from them up the shaft of his cock until he was shooting his cum into the condom buried deep in her ass. She tightened down on his dick until he swore he saw stars. It was the only hint that she was coming along with him. He couldn’t hear a damn thing with the roar in his head.

  He ground against her ass even knowing that it had to be uncomfortable by the heat that still burned there. He couldn’t help himself. It seemed to go on and on forever before it finally released him. He collapsed against Kelly’s back as Marx yelled out below them, calling out her name. Then the room seemed to be dead quiet until the sounds of heavy breathing finally registered with him.

  “Um, Jackson? Can you move? I can’t feel my legs.”

  * * * *

  Kelly breathed a sigh of relief when Jackson cursed and slowly pulled out of her. She groaned at the sudden loss. Without his weight on her back, she was able to take a deep breath and pushed up from Marx’s chest. Then Jackson was pulling her off of his brother, and again she felt the brief emptiness before her legs began waking up and pain took over. She gasped and tried to get out of Jackson’s arms so she could walk around on them.

  “Let me go, Jackson. I need to walk.”

  He let her go but hovered until he was sure she wasn’t going to collapse or something. If she hadn’t been in such pain, she might have appreciated it more. Right then, it was aggravating. She walked around the room for several minutes while the men cleaned up. Then when she was satisfied that she could stand the tingles again, Kelly sat back on the bed and sighed.

  “Better?” Jackson stood in front of her with a concerned expression plastered across his face.


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