Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 18

by Marla Monroe

“Yep. Good news travels fast,” Jackson said with a grin.

  Marx saw Tessa hovering at the counter. He nodded at her, and she nodded back. Her friendship with Kelly was not surprising. He had a feeling that Kelly was a life preserver to her drowning friend. It made him proud all over again that Kelly was theirs.

  “Is there anything I can do for her?” Steve asked.

  “Actually, we’re here to get her a couple of books to read. I figured you might know what she’s already read.”

  Steve smiled and turned back to Tessa. “Hey, Tess, can you come here a minute?”

  The young woman walked up to them, but kept her distance at the same time. She looked up at Steve and lifted her eyebrows in question. Marx almost snorted. She didn’t talk much. Then neither did he, as a rule.

  “You and Kelly discussed what you liked to read not too long ago. Would you know what’s on the shelves that she hasn’t read yet? They want to get her a couple of books so she has something to do while she’s getting well.”

  Tessa smiled a shy sort of smile and walked over to where the books were shelved. Jackson started to follow her, but he stopped him.

  “Let her have some room. I think we’re a little overwhelming between the three of us.”

  Jackson stared at him. “Man, you’ve gotten to be downright sensitive.”

  “Fuck you, Jackson.”

  “There’s my brother back.” Jackson chuckled despite Marx hitting him on the back of the head.

  A few seconds later, Tessa returned with three books. She refused to look at them when she handed them over. No doubt their subject matter was a little sensitive for her. Jackson read over the titles and grinned.

  “Um, she talked about getting them on her Kindle when she got paid again, so I know she didn’t have them yet.”

  “Thanks, Tessa. We really appreciate it. We’ll take them.” Marx handed them back to her and asked her to wrap them up.

  He and Jackson followed her and Steve back to the counter. While Jackson paid for their purchases, he pulled Steve aside to discuss Kelly’s jewelry business.

  “What do you think about moving some of her things out to our house since she’s going to be staying there? I figure she’s going to be antsy while she’s still recovering and not able to come back to work. She’s going to want to do something, and there’s probably only so much reading she’ll be able to stand.”

  “That’s an excellent idea. I’ll go through her orders and organize them according to what she needs to finish first. I’ll box up everything she’ll need and bring it out to the house tomorrow. Let me know when you’re going to be there.” Steve smiled.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ll call you and let you know what our plans are.” Jackson moved back toward where Jackson was waiting for Tessa to finish wrapping their purchase.

  “I can’t wait to see her face when she unwraps the books.” Jackson drummed his fingers on the counter.

  “More than likely she’ll get all embarrassed by them.”

  “We’ll just have to show her that she has nothing to get embarrassed about.” Jackson accepted the wrapped gift and thanked Tessa.

  They waved at Steve and headed back outside. The slightly cooler air reminded him that it wouldn’t be long till winter made its appearance. He wanted Kelly well by then so they could cuddle with her and show her around their ranch. The idea of wrapping her in a fur coat and taking her riding over the snow in the sleigh they owned made his mouth turn up into a smile.

  They often gave sleigh rides to the kids and teenagers around town when it snowed. It was fun, and they liked seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter. Now they would be able to do it for their woman and, eventually, their children. He guessed he was getting ahead of himself, but he couldn’t help it.

  When they pulled up into the hospital parking lot, Marx struggled to contain his impatience and walk normally as they crossed the parking lot and walked through the front door. Jackson fairly vibrated with excitement. They walked into the ICU waiting room, and he immediately crossed to the phone that connected to the nursing station in the back.

  “This Marx Callahan. My brother and I are in the waiting room whenever it’s convenient to come back and see Kelly.”

  “Mr. Callahan. It will be about thirty minutes or so. We got another admission, so we’ve got to follow protocol. I’ll come get you as soon as I can.”

  His good mood faltered, but it wasn’t her fault. “Thanks. I understand.”

  “What is it?” Jackson picked up on his dejected mood.

  “They got another admission, so it’s going to be at least thirty minutes before we can go back to see Kelly.”

  “Damn. Oh well. We can wait.” Jackson walked over and plopped down in one of the recliners.

  Marx sighed and resigned himself to having to wait. He settled his big frame into the one next to his brother and prepared to wait.

  After about thirty minutes, a tone sounded over the intercom followed by the operator calling a code blue in the ICU three times in a row. Marx’s heart started pounding in his chest. Surely Kelly was past that danger now. It had to be the new admission back there. But he couldn’t help the fear that crept into his chest. When he glanced over at his brother, it was to see the same look on Jackson’s face. They could do nothing but wait. It was going to drive them crazy.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Kelly struggled to catch her breath after yet another coughing fit. The noise and activity from outside her room didn’t help. She knew the poor older man in the next room wasn’t doing well when they brought him in earlier that afternoon, but she hadn’t realized it was that serious.

  Of course it’s serious if he’s in the ICU, Kelly. What were you thinking?

  It finally hit her then that she was back there as well, which meant she had nearly died from the fire. For some reason, it hadn’t sunk in how bad it had been until just then. The resulting shakes had triggered a coughing fit. A nurse from somewhere else peeked in at her. No doubt she was helping with the poor man. Kelly waved her off that she was okay and prayed the new patient would be okay.

  She couldn’t tell what was going on, but there was a lot of talking and activity. There were a lot of strange noises that scared her. Without realizing what she was thinking, Kelly wished the guys where there with her. She didn’t like being alone like this. That thought stopped her. Why did she instantly want Marx and Jackson there with her? Was it already too late and she had developed a need for them?

  Unlike before, that need didn’t feel all consuming. It merely felt comfortable. She realized that it was their comfort and strength she longed for. She wasn’t expecting them to take over for her and direct her feelings and thoughts. She didn’t need them to tell her what to do next. But was it the next step? That thought worried her. She was still thinking about it when the same nurse who had stuck her head in the door earlier returned.

  “Hey, do you need anything? Your heart rate went up. I know what’s going on next to you is frightening when you’re back here alone.”

  “Thanks, but I’m okay. I just had a coughing spell a few minutes ago, and it always makes me antsy.”

  The nurse smiled and nodded. “Okay. I’ll be right outside at the desk if you need me.”

  Kelly watched as she checked a few things then left again. The sounds from next door had softened some, and there didn’t seem to be as much activity as before. She hoped and prayed the patient had made it.

  Thirty minutes later, the door opened again, but this time, it was Marx and Jackson who stepped inside the room. She was so happy to see them that she started crying. It embarrassed her that she was acting so emotional and worried her that she was too attached to them at the same time. Before she could say anything, both men had crossed the room and were kissing her cheeks while patting her head and hands.

  “Shh, baby. It’s all right,” Jackson whispered in her ear.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying.”

  “The n
urse said that she thought you were upset over what had happened with your neighbor over there. He’s okay right now.” Marx seemed to be trying to reassure her.

  She gulped and nodded her head. Maybe he was right and that was what was wrong. She gave both men a tremulous smile.

  “Thanks. You’re probably right. I felt so bad for him. Did he have any family out in the waiting room?”

  Jackson shook his head. “We were the only ones out there.”

  “That’s so sad. I wonder if he has any family close-by.”

  The idea that the poor old man was alone made her sad. She sighed and closed her eyes. Then Jackson was laying something carefully in her lap. She looked down and saw the pretty wrapped gift. Her eyes flew to him then Marx.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s a get-well gift.” Jackson laughed.

  Kelly couldn’t help but smile at them and immediately ripped into the paper. She had recognized it as coming from Heavy Trinkets. She couldn’t imagine what they might have gotten her that was something that size. When she opened the box and found the books, she stopped and looked up again. Her face heated at the fact that they had gotten her erotic romance books.

  “Have you already read them? Tessa didn’t think you had, but if you have, we can take them back and exchange them.” Marx seemed even more nervous than she was about the gift.

  “No! I mean, I haven’t read them yet. Thank you so much.” She turned the books over facedown so the sensual covers wouldn’t be staring them all in the face.

  Jackson chuckled and pulled the box and shredded wrapping paper off the bed. She licked her lips and noticed Marx following her tongue with his eyes. It had her body heating up all over, once again.

  “How was everything at the store? Are they busy? Did Steve say anything about my coming back?”

  Marx shook his head and frowned at her. “You’ll go back when the doctor lets you go back. Don’t worry about it. Your job won’t be going anywhere.”

  “They seem to be doing fine. Marx asked about getting some of your jewelry together to take out to the house so when you felt like it you could work on it,” Jackson said.

  That made her smile. She would have something to do and still be working. She would need the money to pay off the hospital bills for one thing. Not to mention she would need to save up her money to be able to get another apartment. Kelly didn’t realize she was frowning until she noticed Marx and Jackson scowling at her.


  “Why are you frowning? You look like you’re thinking about something you have no business worrying about.” Marx settled his hands on his hips.

  “I can’t help it. I need to be working. I have bills to pay, and now I have a hospital bill on top of everything else.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about the hospital bill, baby. The owner of the apartment complex is responsible for it as well as your deposit and two months’ rent. It was his fault the apartment building caught fire in the first place. He’s lucky he isn’t in jail.” Marx’s small smile looked more like a sneer than an actual smile.

  Kelly could tell he didn’t like her landlord one bit. Of course, if it was true and the fire had been his fault, she didn’t much like him either. Not only had she nearly died, but she had lost everything she owned as well.

  “Enough about that. How are you feeling? Looking forward to moving to your own room?” Jackson sat on the edge of the hospital bed and took her hand between his.

  “I’m doing fine. I’m coughing a lot, but other than that I feel pretty good. I wish my voice would get back to normal though.”

  “Don’t worry about that. It’ll be good as new in no time.” Jackson ran a finger down her cheek.

  She hoped Jackson was right. It really bothered her. Although the doctor had reassured her she wouldn’t have any scars from the burns, Kelly couldn’t help but worry that her raspy voice would be off-putting to the guys. Another episode of coughing grabbed her, and Jackson and Marx were instantly standing next to her telling her she was okay and holding the pillow to her side where her cracked ribs hurt.

  When she had recovered again, Marx handed her the water. His expression was hard to read. She worried that he was already tired of dealing with her. She’d been nothing but trouble since they had taken her on as a sub. When she handed it back to him, she was surprised when he leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “The nurse is going to come chase us out any moment now. Get some rest, kitten. We want you ready to move to your room tomorrow. No running a fever tonight. Understand?” He winked at her, and some of Kelly’s anxiety bled away.

  “Thanks for the books. I really appreciate it.”

  Jackson tapped the books in her lap and smiled. “Just make sure you think of us when you’re reading them, babe.”

  Kelly’s face grew warm at his words. She had no doubt he was thinking that she would get all hot and horny reading them. He was right, too. She always needed a session with her vibrator after reading one of the erotic romances. What was she going to do now that she didn’t have her trusty B.O.B. now? Looking up at Jackson and Marx, she could tell they had some ideas on the subject. She didn’t think her face could get any hotter, but their smoldering looks turned up her thermostat in an instant.

  * * * *

  Jackson grinned at Kelly’s obvious discomfort. Not because he wanted to embarrass her, but because he knew what she was thinking, and it was obvious that she liked what they were thinking about. He and Marx both took a step toward the bed as the nurse walked in to send them out.

  “She needs her rest if she’s going to get to move tomorrow. You guys go home and come back tomorrow around nine.”

  “Oh, we’ll be back before then,” Marx assured Kelly before they walked out. “Take care, sweetheart.”

  Jackson wanted to go back and hug her one more time, but they’d already stayed longer than was normally allowed. The nurses had been more than accommodating when they were able. He couldn’t wait for her to have her own room so he and Marx could stay with her round the clock. They would take turns, but someone would be with her all the time. He didn’t want her to be lonely for even one more minute than was necessary.

  “She seemed to like the books.” Marx started the truck, and they pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

  “Yeah. It will keep her thinking about us, too. I want her to keep us in the back of her mind all the time. The more she thinks about us the better our chances of convincing her to stay with us.”

  Marx nodded. “I don’t want to play around anymore. I want to claim her and make her ours.”

  “Marx, we can’t hurry her. She needs to trust us enough to tell us about her past before we broach a permanent relationship with her. We stand the chance of losing her if we push her too fast.”

  He watched his brother’s face as he fought his impatience. He felt the same way, but knew they were already walking a fine line with Kelly. He wouldn’t risk the fragile bond they were forging. In the meantime, they would shore up their link to her by showing her patience and how much they cared about her.

  Jackson had already come to terms with the fact that he was head over heels in love with her, but he wasn’t sure Marx had allowed himself that pleasure yet. His brother was so much more cautious and reserved. All the time they had been growing up, Marx had been the quiet one who rarely talked or expressed himself, but he could always count on him to be by his side.

  When they pulled up outside the ranch, Jackson climbed out of the truck and headed for the house. Fully expecting his brother to head out to check in with the foreman, he was surprised when Marx followed him into the house. His brother disappeared around the corner of the living room as he headed toward the office. There was no telling what Marx was up to. He would find out sooner or later. For now, Jackson had work to finish so he could spend more time with Kelly.

  While he sorted through invoices and bills, his mind kept returning to some of the things he and Marx had picked
out for Kelly. Seeing her in some of the sexy outfits would no doubt drive him and his brother wild with want. The question was would she accept them and wear the clothes for them?

  “Jackson, I’m going to head out and make sure everything is going okay with getting the cattle moved to the south pasture. I have my phone if you need me.” Marx’s head was poking in the doorway when Jackson looked up.

  “Sure. Be careful. I’ll have dinner ready about six.”

  With a nod, Marx pulled back, and a few seconds later he heard the door close, indicating his brother had left through the back door. Jackson sat back in his chair and thought about the need to make some changes around the ranch to free up more time to spend with Kelly. He needed to hire an office manager to handle the paperwork, and they needed more hands so Marx wouldn’t feel the need to help out as much.

  Jackson knew good and well that his brother would still spend time out on the ranch because it was in his blood, but with added help, he wouldn’t have to spend as much time away from the house. He would talk to the other man about it later. The sooner they got the extra employees settled, the sooner they could spend the time with Kelly instead.

  He settled down to work, and when he next noticed the time, it was close to five. He needed to get to work on dinner. He was starved and knew that Marx would be even worse when he got home.

  By six, dinner was ready and Jackson had just finished setting the table when Marx walked in the back door. The other man pulled off his hat and washed his hands before grabbing a seat at the table. They quickly served their plates and began eating. Jackson eased into the conversation about hiring help to free up more of their time.

  “Sounds like a good idea to me, but I’m not sure where we’re going to find help. Most everyone in town has a job that I know about. I won’t let just anyone work on the ranch, Jackson.”

  “Neither will I. I’m thinking about putting an ad in one of the trade magazines. That will keep the riffraff from showing up. Not sure about how to advertise for an office manager though. I’ve got to think about that. I don’t know of anyone in town that might be interested in that job either.”


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