Hybrid (Brier Hospital Series Book 7)

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Hybrid (Brier Hospital Series Book 7) Page 21

by Lawrence Gold

  “You mean,” the General hesitated, “Antonio Marin Vega?”

  Jorge was stunned. He felt as if he was going to vomit.

  “Are you okay, Professor,” the General asked. “You look sick.”

  “How did you get that name?” Jorge asked.

  “We are the NSA, after all. Moreover, we understand your problem with the FBI…I’m sure we can help there, too.”

  “Sorry, but you’ll have to to do much better.”

  “Name it,” the General said.

  “Can you affect US foreign policy?”

  “Not directly, but as you see already, I can be quite persuasive.”

  “We have many years invested in Zack Berg. At the very best, we can share him, but you must depend on me to control…persuade him. This would be an extremely sensitive undertaking.”

  “Make your wish list,” the General said, “We’ll meet again soon.”

  Chapter Sixty

  Saturday morning the phone rang. Denise picked it up.

  “Mrs. Berg?” Olsen asked.

  “Yes. May I help you?”

  “Yes, although I’m calling to help you.”

  Denise tightened her grip on the phone. “Who is this, and what do you want?”

  “My name is Inspector James Olsen. I’m with the FBI.”

  Denise gasped.

  “I see that you recognize my name. I assume Lenny mentioned me?”

  “Yes. What’s going on?”

  “If Mr. Berg is available, I’d like to meet you both as soon as possible. I’m in the area and can be there in thirty minutes.”

  “Yes. Gabe is here. What’s this all about?”

  “Zack is in school this morning?”

  “Yes. Please tell me why you want to meet with us so urgently.”

  “See you in thirty minutes.”

  Gabe was reading the newest edition of the Journal of Molecular Biology when Denise entered the den. “What’s up?”

  Denise repeated her conversation with Olsen.

  “This is the same Olsen that provided information about Jorge?”

  “The very same one.”

  “What does he want?” Gabe asked.

  Denise looked at her watch. “We’ll find out in about twenty minutes.”

  Denise startled when the doorbell rang.

  Gabe rushed to the door. Olsen had his arm extended with his FBI credentials facing toward Gabe. “May I come in?”

  Gabe said nothing, but stepped back. “My wife is in the kitchen. Follow me.”

  Denise sat upright at the table with her arms across her chest.

  “I see you’re upset,” Olsen said. “I’m sorry, but this couldn’t wait.”

  Gabe pulled out the chair beside Denise, and sat. “What couldn’t wait?”

  “May I have a glass of water or something,” Olsen said. “I missed breakfast this morning.”

  Denise stared at Gabe and then stood. “I’ll make a fresh pot of coffee.”

  As Denise prepared the coffee, Gabe asked, “Are you based here in Northern California?”

  “Yes. My office is in San Francisco, but my job leads me to many other places. Certain crimes know no boundaries.”

  The coffee maker vibrated as it ground the beans in preparation for the drip brewing. “It’ll be a few minutes, Inspector.”

  “Lenny said that the FBI has been targeting Jorge Moneo for some time,” Gabe said.

  “Yes. I was there to meet him when he flew in from Spain and stepped off the plane in San Francisco.”

  “All that attention for all those years,” Gabe said, “yet Jorge remains a free man.”

  Olsen made a mirthless smile. “It’s not for lack of effort. Jorge Moneo is brilliant, devious, and dangerous.”

  Denise’s voice boomed from the kitchen. “Dangerous? What are you talking about?”

  “Come back here, and I’ll spell it out for you,” Olsen said.

  Denise brought the carafe over to the table. It shook as she poured the coffee into three mugs. “Sugar, cream…anything?”

  “Black’s fine for me,” Olsen said.

  “Please,” Gabe asked, “tell us what this is all about.”

  “What did Lenny tell you about Moneo?” Olsen asked.

  “That he had ties to the ETA,” Gabe said. “And it’s likely that he remains involved with them to this day.”

  The mug trembled when Denise lowered it to the table. “What has this to do with Zack?”

  “Let me tell you what I can at my own pace.” Olsen paused. “Despite Jorge’s assurances that his involvement with the ETA was peripheral at most, we now know for a fact that he was an active participant in their terrorist activities.”

  “He promised,” Denise said, “that he and the ETA are through with terrorism—he assured us.”

  “Yes,” Olsen said, “he’s an accomplished liar.”

  “I still don’t understand how this involves Zack?” Denise asked.

  “You know about Jorge’s family? How they were slaughtered by the Spanish Security Forces?”

  Denise’s eyes widened. “Yes, but…”

  “Let me make something perfectly clear to you both. I’ve been in this business for many years. Of all the motivations for criminal acts, revenge is the most intractable. When I was young, I believed that Latin passion and aggression was merely a caricature, but today, I know that it’s a driving, uncontrollable force that only ends badly. Either the aggrieved party or the perpetrator dies.”

  “I still don’t see…” Gabe said.

  “Antonio Marin Vega, the mastermind in the assassination of Jorge’s family is here in San Francisco at the Spanish Consulate.”

  Denise paled and placed her hand over her mouth. She swayed and nearly fell from her chair. Gabe caught her at the last moment.

  “There’s more,” Olsen said.

  “My God,” Gabe said. “Jorge wouldn’t…”

  “Wouldn’t what?” Olsen said. He looked at Denise and Gabe. “Jorge is using Zack and Adam to monitor Vega’s activities. I can only guess what he has in mind for them, and for Vega.”

  “You don’t understand,” Denise said. “Zack is constitutionally incapable of an evil act.”

  “My experience,” Olsen said, “is that people, even good people, don’t understand their children as well as they think.” He paused and studied Denise. “As a psychiatrist you must understand that good people, especially teens with immature brains, can be influenced and manipulated by a charismatic leader.”

  “Can’t you do something?” Denise asked.

  “No. Not until someone commits a crime. You think Moneo would still be free if I had a choice?”

  “There must be something you can do,” Gabe said.

  “Don’t be upset by what I’m about to tell you,” Olsen said. “I’m trying to help your son.”

  Denise and Gabe stared at him.

  “My partner and I brought Zack and Adam in for interrogation today.”

  Gabe stood. “You what?”

  “We found them at the Spanish Embassy. We cuffed them and took them to our office for a little show. It was my intention to deliver a message to these boys before they got into real trouble.”

  “You cuffed Zack?” Denise shouted. “You cuffed him and took him away for an interrogation? I don’t believe it. How could you do such a thing?”

  Olsen reddened with anger. “Would you prefer that I placed them under arrest? How would you have reacted to that, and how would that look on an application to a prestigious university?”

  “But…,” Gabe said.

  “No goddam buts. You’d best get him under control before he does something irrevocable—something that could ruin his life.”

  Gabe stared at Denise and then back to Olsen. “We’re not doing so well with Zack these days.”

  “What can we do?” Denise asked.

  “Talk with him. Find out what’s going on. Make him understand about Jorge.”

  Denise grasped Gabe’
s hand. “What if he won’t listen?”

  Olsen stood. “Take this to the bank: if you don’t stop them, I will! Let’s hope it won’t be too late.”

  Chapter Sixty-One

  Zack and Ella came into the Berg home after being out all afternoon. They were laughing and pushing each other as they entered the great room where Denise and Gabe were sitting side by side on the couch.

  Ella waived at them, and said, “Hi.”

  When neither responded, Zack knew that something was wrong. “What is it?”

  “We had a visit from the FBI…Inspector James Olsen,” Gabe said. “You know him, I’m sure.”

  “The FBI?” Ella said, turning to Zack. “What do you have to do with the FBI?”

  Zack responded to Ella. “Maybe you should leave now. This is between me and them.”

  “Like hell I will,” Ella said. “What’s going on?”

  Denise turned to Zack. “Ella stays. She has a right to know.”

  Gabe pointed to the easy chairs across from the couch. “Take a seat.”

  “I’m not all right with this,” Zack said.

  “Tough,” Gabe said.

  “I don’t know what you think you know,” Zack said, “but I’m guessing you’re wrong.”

  “So,” Denise said, “you enjoyed being handcuffed and interrogated by the FBI?”

  Ella’s eyes widened. “What are you saying…?”

  “Tell her,” Gabe said.

  Zack faced Ella. “It was just a misunderstanding. Adam and I were doing nothing wrong.”

  Denise wiped a tear away. “Don’t you understand that Inspector Olsen was trying to help you…just as we are trying to help?”

  “What’s happened to both of you?” Zack asked. “At one time you had a social conscience. Now, I’m not sure who you are.”

  Ella stared at Denise and Gabe. “This is about Jorge Moneo, isn’t it? What’s he done now?”

  “Yes,” Zack said smugly. “Tell us what Jorge did?”

  “He’s lied to you…to us at every opportunity,” Gabe said. “Doesn’t that bother you?”

  Denise faced Ella. “He wasn’t a peripheral participant with the ETA, he was one of their most ardent terrorists. Do you know the atrocities committed by the ETA?”

  “That’s a lie,” Zack said.

  Gabe faced Zack. “You really think that Jorge’s interest in Antonio Marin Vega, the man responsible for the death of his family, is benign? I can’t believe that you could be so smart on one hand, and naïve on the other.” Gabe paused. “Jorge tried to assassinate Francisco Salazar while in Spain. Now he has Vega, Salazar’s superior in his sights.”

  “I assume that an attempted assassination isn’t legal in Spain,” Zack said. “Why then isn’t Jorge in a Spanish jail?”

  “What is Jorge asking you to do, Zack,” Gabe asked.

  “It’s none of your business,” Zack shouted. “Just keep out of this. Leave me alone.”

  Ella covered he mouth and cried. “Zack…what’s wrong with you? You’ve never talked to your parents this way—what’s happened to you?”

  Zack turned to Ella. “You, of all people, should trust me. I’m asking what’s happened to you?”

  “That’s it,” Gabe snapped. “You’re through with the Denisovan School, Adam, Jorge, and anyone else involved. Get it! We’ve had it!”

  “Better buy a strong padlock for my door. That’s the only way that you can control me.” He paused. “I think I’ll talk with my lawyer again. This time, he’ll have enough justification to support my emancipation.”

  “Please, Zack,” Denise cried. “Don’t do this. We love you.”

  “You sure have a funny way of showing it,” Zack paused. “And, even if you do love me, the price is too high.” Zack stood and walked out the front door.

  Ella was sitting with her head down, sobbing.

  Denise moved to her side and they embraced.

  Denise turned to Gabe. “You must do something.”

  Gabe thought for a long moment, then said, “I’m going to visit with Jorge.”

  An hour later, Jorge’s door burst open. Gabe entered as Jorge’s secretary shouted, “I couldn’t stop him…he barged right through. Do you want me to call the police?”

  Jorge stared at Gabe. “Will we need the authorities, Mr. Berg?”

  When Gabe said nothing, Jorge waived his hand dismissively to his secretary.

  “Buzz me, if you need me,” she said. “I’ll be right outside.”

  After she left, Gabe stared at Jorge. “You’re some piece of work. You must be proud of yourself.”

  Jorge leaned back in his desk chair. He raised his arms and clasped his hands behind his head. “Is it remotely possible that you’ve been misinformed?”

  “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…”

  “It’s sad,” Jorge said, “that an educated man should resort to such a simple-minded simile.”

  “It makes the point, doesn’t it?”

  Jorge took a deep breath. “I should be angry, but instead, I’m merely sad. I wasn’t the one who decided what was in Zack’s best interested. If you recall, I suggested…no that’s not strong enough, I demanded that you think things through before having Zack join with us. It was you, and your wife, who insisted. “He paused. “No good deed goes unpunished.”

  “You’re unbelievable,” Gabe said. “The ultimate con man…narcissist…sociopath. How can you live with yourself?”

  “Think what you wish, but I’m doing just fine. I sleep like a baby.”

  “Keep away from Zack,” Gabe said. “You’ll be sorry if you don’t.”

  Jorge laughed. “You think you can frighten me? I’ve been a guest of the Spanish Security Forces. I’ve been under the thumb of the FBI. If they couldn’t persuade me, I don’t think you have a chance in hell.”

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  “It’s time,” Jorge said as he sat with Zack and Adam in his office.

  “You’re kidding,” Zack said. “With the FBI all over Vega, this is exactly the wrong time.”

  “Perhaps,” Jorge said, “but he’s going to be recalled back to Spain next week. It’s either now or never.”

  Adam stared at Jorge, and nodded. “I think we should go for it. After all, it’s just a meeting to put Vega on notice. Once we’ve done that, I say, let the chips fall where they may.”

  Zack stood and paced the room. “Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that I agree. How, with the FBI, and increased security, can we get to him?”

  Jorge smiled. “I have a plan.”

  Jorge sat in the rear of the Toyota Celica. Adam was at the wheel while Zack sat shotgun.

  Adam turned back to Jorge. “The car is clean?”

  “Of course. It was in long-term parking at Oakland International Airport for a single day. My associates got it out and changed the license plate. We have days before anyone knows that it’s missing.”

  “I have your word, Jorge,” Zack said, “that nobody will be hurt?”

  “His security team’s discomfort will be transient; although, if we succeed, they may lose their jobs.”

  Jorge checked his watch. “What time will Vega leave the embassy?”

  “Five thirty exactly,” Adam said. “You can set your clock by the man. He’s that compulsive.”

  At 5:30 p.m., the Celica had just turned onto Sutter Street. The embassy door opened, and Vega, with two husky security guards, stepped onto the sidewalk. The guards looked both ways, placed Vega between them, and walked east. As the Celica approached them, Jorge grasped his iPhone and pressed send. Suddenly, just west of Vega and his men, a window exploded with a deafening boom. Both security guards turned, and in an instant, Zack and Adam had Tasered them, placed a black hood over Vega’s head, and had him in the Celica’s back seat. When he fought to get the hood off, Adam punched him in the face and he remained still. They covered Vega with a blanket and drove back across the Bay Bridge to the Emeryville industrial area. They turned in
to the parking garage of a small commercial building on Yerba Buena Avenue.

  Zack and Adam dragged Vega to a small windowless room, handcuffed his wrist to a metal table leg, and left.

  Outside, Jorge, Adam, and Zack looked through a one-way mirror studying Vega, who struggled a moment against his cuffed hands and then sat still.

  “Who are you?” Vega asked. “And what do you want? Whoever you are, I assure you that you’re making a big mistake.”

  Jorge looked away from the mirror and then nodded at Adam and Zack.

  As Adam was about to open the door, Zack turned to Adam. “We can’t let him see us. Put on your mask.”

  “Okay, Adam said, “but let me do the talking.”

  Both donned Richard Nixon masks and entered the room. Adam walked over to Vega and removed the black hood.

  Vega covered his eyes from the bright fluorescent glare and then stared at Zack and Adam. “Fucking cowards—show your faces.”

  Adam moved forward, and before Zack could say a word, he smacked Vega across the face, sending him backwards against the cement wall. Blood dripped from Vega’s nose. He wiped it away with his sleeve.

  “Do we have your attention, Señor Vega?” Adam asked.

  Vega nodded.

  “We represent the Basque People,” Adam said, “and we’re here to call you to account for your misdeeds.”

  “What a fucking joke,” Vega said.

  “Kidnapping, murder, rape, and sodomy do not sound like jokes to me,” Zack said.

  Adam placed a thick folder on the desk. “Here it is, outlined in every detail. By next week, it will be in the hands of the press and the Spanish authorities. In addition, it will outline how you managed to bilk your own government out of millions of dollars. I suspect that you’ll be persona non grata.”

  Vega stared at them, and then managed a thin smile. “My God! How naïve can you be? You have no idea how much power I and my supporters have.”

  The door burst open and Jorge entered. He sauntered up to Vega and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and then pulled him close. “Ah, my old friend. How nice to see you again.”


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