Go Big

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Go Big Page 48

by Joanna Blake

  Oh no.

  We really, really should not have posted that photo online. Everyone knew I was here. It would be only minutes before the paparazzi showed up.

  I followed Shast into the park and looked for a place to lay low. She pulled me behind a concession stand. We leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.

  “How the hell are we going to get out here?”

  “I’m thinking girl. This was not a great idea.”

  “I know. I’m sorry I dragged you into this.”

  “Don’t worry about me honey. I’m worried about you! I remember Beatle Mania. Someone pulled out a hunk of Paul’s hair once.”

  I swallowed nervously, tugging my wig on tighter.

  We could hear the crowd getting louder. My heart was thudding as they got closer. They turned the corner and a girl squealed.

  I cringed as they descended on us. I was surrounded instantly. Shast tried to stay with me but I was pushed into the crowd, swallowed up by it.

  People were talking to me excitedly, touching me, grabbing me.

  I asked them to stop, to please let me go but the frenzy was too much. I saw some cops running toward us trying to break it up. I felt hands on me, sliding over my ass. I felt sick, realizing I was being groped.

  I closed my eyes and tried to stop the panic.

  That’s when I heard it. A rumbling engine. I looked up.

  A motorcycle was headed right for me.

  I stared in relief at Joss as he parted the crowd. He lifted me onto his lap without stopping and rode straight through the amusement park and down the boardwalk. People stepped out of his way as he slowly rode through the crowd and onto a sidewalk.

  Before I knew it I was far from the crowd.

  He stopped the bike and set me on my feet. I was shaking as he fit a helmet over my head. His hands were warm as he yanked the wig off, tossing it onto the ground.

  “Thank you I-“

  I stopped short at the rage in his eyes. He was furious. I stepped backwards. Every fiber in my being told me to run. Joss grabbed my arm and shook his head.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  I was wooden as he put me back on the bike. He climbed on and reached back, pulling my arms around his waist. Tears stung my eyes as he took off, driving me through the streets of LA.

  Chapter Eleven


  I rode and rode, not thinking about where I was going. I didn’t go back to the hotel. I was afraid of what I would do if we went back there right now.

  Her arms felt so good around me. Too good. I was so angry right now that I might be too rough with her when I told her what I thought of her little escapade. Right before I ripped her clothes off.

  I found myself on the coast highway, riding straight out of town. I needed to cool down. I also needed to be alone with her. I realized I’d been unconsciously riding this way all along.

  Why was something I didn’t want to examine too closely.

  I pulled up the driveway to my house. It was a long winding road in the middle of nowhere. I realized I might be scaring her as I pulled the bike to a stop and dismounted.

  I took one look at her pale, beautiful face and realized I didn’t care if she was scared.

  She’d scared me.

  And that was not allowed to happen. It never had before. Not even on missions where lives were at stake. I stayed frosty. But this one girl had rattled me.


  I lifted her off the bike unceremoniously. She was shivering in her skimpy tank top. Of course she was cold. She was half-naked and had barely an inch of fat on her. Other than those luscious mounds that quivered as she wrapped her arms around herself.

  I cursed, pulling her behind me to the front door.

  I punched in the security code and walked inside, yanking her through the door behind me. I took off my helmet and then unbuckled hers. Even standing this close to her was dangerous the way I was feeling.

  I wanted to throttle her. And kiss her. And fuck her brains out.

  I stared at her beautiful, frightened face as her tousled hair settled back over her bare shoulders. I almost jumped away from her, walking into the living room. I heard her soft footsteps as she followed me.

  If she was smart, she would run.

  “Where are we?”

  I didn’t say anything at first. I was struggling to get control of myself. It wasn’t easy. Finally I spoke. My voice was low and angry.

  Nothing I could do about that.

  “This is where I live.”

  Her voice was quiet and uncertain. She sounded so young. Afraid. But not of me.

  “Why are we here?”

  I laughed bitterly.

  “I didn’t want witnesses to the… conversation we are about to have.”


  I nodded slowly. Then I walked over to the sofa and sat down.

  “Come here.”

  She smiled at me tentatively and walked over. “I’m sorry I scared you. That was stupid. I’m so grateful that you- eeeek!”

  She squealed as I pulled her down across my lap so that she rested on my thighs. Her breasts pressed against my leg, making me instantly hard. The sight of her perfect ass inches from my face didn’t hurt either.

  But I wasn’t thinking about sex right now.

  “What are you-“


  Well, that shut her up. I let my hand rest on her bottom where I’d smacked it. I didn’t move it, or caress her. But I let it lay there, giving her a chance to tell me to stop.

  She didn’t.


  She jumped a little and let out a small squeak. I was going to tell her she was getting spanked because she’d acted like a child. I was going to tell her she’d scared me half to death. I was going to tell her that I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to her.

  But I didn’t.

  I was breathing heavily as I sat there, staring at her slender frame where it lay over my thighs. My cock was full of blood, painfully hard, just from being near her. I could smell her hair, the cream on her skin, everything about her was inflaming me.

  With a growl I lifted her to face me. Then I did the only thing I could think of doing at that moment.

  I kissed her.

  Her mouth opened under mine as I took advantage, pressing my tongue deep inside her. I took what I wanted, arranging her body to suit me. I wanted her chest against mine. I wanted her legs around me. I wanted her beneath me.

  I wanted everything.

  And I took it.


  I stared up at Joss’s face above me. We were spread out on his couch, horizontal. He’d finally stopped kissing me after what felt like hours. Hours of the most exquisite sensations I’d ever felt in my life.

  Everything about him was perfect. The way he looked, felt, smelled. The way he was touching me. He was braced above me on those thick arms of his while his center was pressed against mine. I could feel his hardness there. He wanted me. I felt so many things at once.

  Relief. Desire. Regret.

  Relief that he wanted me. Desire for him. Regret that I’d made him worry. I’d been stupid. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  His eyes were dark as he stared down at me.



  “Did I hurt you?”

  My voice was breathy as I shook my head.


  He meant earlier. When he spanked me. He hadn’t hurt me though, not really.

  I arched against him, impatient for him to kiss me again. I wiggled a bit, hoping his hands would stroke me like he’d been doing before. He did nothing, just stared at me.

  He looked like he was made of stone. But I knew better. I could feel the pulse of blood from his body.

  Down there.


  His eyes were all over my face. He seemed to be deciding something. I could tell the instant he had made up his mind because he lifted his head and pulle
d away from me.

  “Damn it.”

  For a moment, I thought he’d decided this was stupid. Crazy even. He’d decided he didn’t want me.

  I was wrong.

  I found myself lifted and carried swiftly through his house. Where he was taking me I had no idea. I had no idea until I landed on it.

  His bed.

  He stared at me as he started pulling his clothes off. My mouth felt dry as I watched him bare his beautiful body to me. He certainly wasn’t wasting any time.

  With his jeans unbuttoned and his chest bare, he crawled on top of me. He kissed me deeply as he peeled the clothes off my body, kissing and stroking as he went.

  My breasts were first.

  I moaned as he ran the sharp point of his tongue over my bare nipples, pulling them into his hot wet mouth one at a time. He was busy with my jeans, opening them and sliding a hand inside.

  Joss’s calloused hand slid into my panties, seeking and stroking me there. I gasped at the sensation. I’d never been touched like this. Never felt anything like it.

  It was exciting, scary, overwhelming.

  I wanted more.

  But he stopped. He was breathing heavily as he stared down at me. I licked my lips, trying to pull him against me.


  He cursed and his mouth came crashing down onto mine. Both hands were on my jeans now, yanking them off me. His lips disappeared long enough to pull them off me and throw them across the room. Then his mouth was between my thighs, kissing me, stroking me, filling me with his tongue.

  I almost flew off the bed from the sudden onslaught of sensations. His hands and lips were everywhere, his tongue insistent as it plunged inside me. He stopped long enough to kick off his jeans and then he was back between my legs, using his fingers this time. He groaned.

  “You’re so tight…”

  I whimpered as his tongue flicked against my clit. I was so close- then I felt cool air as he moved up my body to stare down at me.

  “I can’t wait.”


  I had no idea what I was agreeing to other than I didn’t want to wait either.

  “Trista- are you on the pill?”

  I shook my head. He grimaced, rolling to the side. I lay there wanting him back. I felt so alone in that moment, I almost cried.

  Then I heard the rustle of a plastic wrapper as he slid a condom on.

  This was it. It was finally happening. And with Joss.

  I couldn’t think of a better way to lose my virginity.

  He positioned himself above me, guiding the heat of his cock to my pussy. It felt enormous as it pressed inside me. But so, so good.

  I saw the look of surprised pleasure in his eyes as he pushed into me.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Trista… Christ- are you a virgin?”

  The naked, willing and unspeakably beautiful woman beneath me nodded. Then her arms slid around my neck. I watched those beautiful lips of hers form the only two words I wanted to hear at that moment.

  “Don’t stop.”

  With a groan I pressed forward, sliding into the tightest passage I’d ever encountered. And then some. It wasn’t just the tightness that made my whole body sing.

  It was everything about her.

  The sweet way she welcomed me into her body. The feel of her silky skin against me. The way she looked laying on the bed, like a woman who wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  Though I doubted that was possible.

  All these weeks, since the moment I met her, had been leading to this. It was inevitable. It was fate.

  I was doomed.

  But what a sweet, heavenly way to go.

  I flexed my hips, sliding in further. I felt her hymen. I slid back and forth against it, making us both groan in pleasure. Then I pressed forward, trying to edge my way around it without tearing her.

  It worked.

  She gasped as I filled her completely, driving all the way home. It was the best thing I’d ever felt, this beautiful girl wrapped around me, holding me inside her body.

  Then she squeezed me with her sweetness and all hell broke loose.

  I wanted to go slow. To let her adjust. To be a Goddamn gentleman about it.

  Fuck that.

  I pulled out and drove in again. Over and over. I tried not to rush but I could not have stopped if there was a gun at my back.

  I knew, because I’d had a few of those experiences.

  To think of that, of the worst parts of my tour, should have made me shut down. It didn’t. Instead I poured it all into her.

  And she took it. She was open and loving and so damn desirable it was driving me out of my mind.

  It wasn’t long before I started to lose my last shred of control. I needed to make her come first. I reached down, stroking her clit and pulling a nipple into my mouth. I worked her, pumping my cock into her the whole time.

  With a soft cry she arched against me and I felt the wonderful, incredible feeling of Trista Davis coming around me. That was it. The world exploded.

  I came.

  Sharp white light filled my head as my seed jetted up and out of my balls with the force of a freight train. I heard myself grunting like a wild animal while Trista thrashed beneath me. Electric currents were running up and down my spine to the soles of my feet and back again.

  Everywhere we touched, I felt sparks.

  It went on forever, both of us vibrating on our own private frequency. Finally I stilled, holding her against me. She was an angel.

  My angel.

  I curved my body around her, kissing her beautiful face. She smiled up at me, all the trust in the world shining in her eyes. I felt my cock lurch at the butterfly light tremors still pulsing around me from her skin.

  I reached down and felt an unfamiliar wetness as I tugged my cock gently from her body.

  I stared down at it, realization dawning. I had done something very stupid. But a small part of me couldn’t help it.

  A small part of me was glad.

  “Joss? What is it?”

  I forced myself to look at her. I knew she would be upset. I knew it would change the way she was looking at me. She would stop looking at me like I was a hero. She would look at me like I had just taken her innocence and royally fucked up in the process.

  I almost didn’t tell her. But I had to.

  “The condom broke.”



  Joss’s face was tight as he looked at me. It was a very different look than he’d had a minute ago. He’d been looking at me with tenderness and awe.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He stood up without letting me answer. I watched his back as he walked to the bathroom. He was all muscle. Broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist and hips. His butt was perfect, round and squeezable.

  If I hadn’t been so turned inside out I would have appreciated his backside even more. But I was still digesting everything that had just happened. I’d lost my virginity. The condom had broke. Joss was everything I could have wished for and more.

  Everything except the way he was looking at me now…

  My body felt incredible. I was glowing from the inside out. He’d shown me things I never knew were possible. I hoped it was just the beginning.

  The fact that Joss wanted me to begin with was enough to make my heart sing. But he was being so cold now. Not the same man who’d held me so tenderly only minutes before.

  When he came back he was dressed. He stared at the ground with a hooded look in his eyes. I felt dread start to pump through my veins.

  “We should get back. Jenna will be freaking out.”

  I reached for my phone.

  “I can text her.”

  I didn’t want to go back yet. I wanted him to do that to me again. Twice. Three times. All blessed night.

  I leaned back and started picking out a text. I texted Shasta too. She was freaking out from what I could tell. My phone was blowing
up with texts and missed calls.

  My little escapade had caused a mini media explosion.

  Joss just stood there, staring at me. He ran his hand through his hair in that adorable way. I was starting to notice everything about him. He was cold on the surface but deep inside he was blazing hot. Distant but devoted. I liked him best when he was kissing me, even though he didn’t want to.

  I really liked that he couldn’t help himself.

  “Fine. We should talk first anyway.”

  I nodded and got dressed. I didn’t really want to talk. But if I could set his mind at ease than maybe we could come back here later.

  To the bed.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I led Trista down the path to the beach. I knew she’d be safe here so I left my gun at the house. No one knew she was here. And no one ever came this way. With high rock cliffs on either side, it was basically a private beach. Besides, I’d checked my security cameras before heading out.

  Plus the walk down to the water bought me some time. I was not looking forward to this conversation. I had just taken the girl’s virginity. I knew I was a heel for ending things like this.

  But I had to. What had happened was a mistake. A fucking amazing mistake. It wasn’t right though. I’d taken advantage of her.

  And I didn’t want a relationship anyway.

  Being around her would be even more torturous now but that was the price I would have to pay. I would never stop protecting her. I couldn’t. Not now.

  And if there was a child… well, maybe things could be different. I would take care of her of course. The deepest, most twisted part of me almost hoped I had gotten her pregnant.

  Even though it would tank her career.

  Maybe because it would tank it. As far as I could see, all she was doing was making money for other people. She was rich enough already. She was also deeply unhappy.

  I shook my head to clear it. I had to stay focused. I was on the job.


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