Never Been Kissed

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Never Been Kissed Page 5

by Darling, Lucy

  “Bow.” My hips try to lift off the bed. One hand tangles in his hair as the other grips the sheet to prepare myself for what’s about to come. My orgasm is already pushing down on me. He lets go of my thighs, grabbing my hips and pinning me down. Letting me know that he’ll decide when I get it.

  His mouth never leaves me as he licks and sucks at me. For someone who’s never done this, he sure as hell knows what he’s doing. I cry out his name as the first orgasm hits me. He doesn't stop. His hunger for me only grows. One hand leaves my hip, sliding down the outside of my thigh. A moment later I feel him push a finger deep inside of me.

  “So fucking sweet. So fucking tight,” he growls. I whimper as his tongue circles my clit, his finger pumping in and out of me. He adds another. My hand tightens in his short hair, letting him know that I can’t take much more. Trying to make him give me what I need.

  “Bow.” His eyes meet mine. “I don’t know if I can take anymore.”

  His fingers don’t stop. “You’ll give it to me. All of it. Everything.”

  I try to agree with him that I will. I want to give Bow everything I have. This man has already slipped so deep inside of me that I’d do anything for him. But I’m already coming again, the orgasm taking me. This one is harder than the last, shaking my whole world.

  Nothing will ever be the same.



  Her body shakes under my hold. I feel like a fucking king that I’ve given her this pleasure. When she cried out my name, I knew I’d never hear a sweeter sound than that in all my life. I vow now to live to make her do it over and over for me. The fact that I’ll be the only one to ever hear it feeds the possessive beast inside of me. She’s given me a gift and I will spend my life proving to her I’m worthy of it.

  “Bow. I want more.” She reaches her hands out for me, trying to pull me up her body. I don’t think I could ever tell her no. I crawl up her body, kicking my pants away. She was right. She’s so fucking tiny compared to me and it scares the hell out of me. I don’t want to hurt her.

  She smiles up at me, her cheeks rosy with pleasure. She is so beautiful it almost hurts to look at her. I have no idea what I’ve done in my life to deserve this. This perfect woman below me is asking for more of me. For me to accept the special gift she’s offering me and to share with her a connection that I’ve never had with anyone else.

  I lean down, kissing her and savoring the feel of her naked body against mine. I have to go slow, I remind myself. I might only be able to get a few inches inside of her but I don’t give a fuck. I’ll be happy with that. I don’t care. Whatever she can take of me will be more than I’ll ever need. Just having her is more than enough.

  Her hands drift down my back as she wraps her legs around me again. She wiggles under me, her nipples tight and hard against my chest. I drop my forehead to hers.

  “You’re not going to hurt me.” I open my eyes to meet hers. I’m a man of few words. I know this. I’m trying to be better with her. It’s hard when I like to listen to the sound of her voice. Then I realized the more I talked the more I could get her to. But already she can read me so well without me saying anything.

  One of her hands slips between us. When her warm hand wraps around my cock, I grit my teeth, trying to stop myself from coming. Her soft palm continues to work me until I can no longer maintain my self-control.

  “Need to be inside of you, kitten. Need to have you come on my cock.” I line myself up at her entrance. Cum drips from the head of my cock. She lifts her hips just enough for me to slip inside of her. I groan as her warmth surrounds me for the first time. I close my eyes for a moment to get myself together.

  “More,” she says after a few moments, causing me to open my eyes and look up at her. There is nothing I will deny her in this life, but I will not hurt her either.

  “You’ll wait.”

  Her cunt grips me tighter, letting me know that she enjoys when I’m in control. I lean down, sucking one of her nipples into my mouth, licking and sucking her until I feel her open for me a little more. Her body begs for me to take it fully. To claim it and mark it with my seed. I let go of her breast and go for her mouth, kissing her long and hard. Her little moans threaten to send me over the edge. She forces my hand when I feel her grab my ass. I decide I’m going to give her what she wants then. All of me. Every inch. And she’ll take me.

  “Bow,” she gasps as her sweet cunt squeezes me. It takes everything I have not to begin rutting inside of her like a wild animal. I tamp down my natural instinct to take her hard, knowing that I need to make this good for her. For both of us. “You’re not going to hurt me. You’d never do that.” Her eyes shine with trust. No, I’d never want to hurt her. It doesn't mean that the life I live couldn't hurt her though. “More.” She begins moving underneath me.

  I slip another inch inside of her, making shallow thrusts. Her tight pussy is locked around me, begging for more. It feels so good black spots dance in my eyes for a moment. I can feel her virginity on the tip of my cock.

  “Precious.” I breathe her name. This is going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Worse, it’s going to be the most pleasurable for me. This world can be fucked up sometimes. I wish I could take the pain for her, but it feels damn good that she's trusting me to do it. That she’s never given anyone else the privilege of knowing her like this.

  “Take it, Bow. Make me yours.” Her words spur me on. I push inside of her, my mouth dropping down onto her, trying to kiss the pain away. Her nails dig into me. I keep kissing her until she’s kissing me back. Her hips try to rise under me, wanting me to move. I pull out and thrust back in.

  My balls are already drawing up tight, wanting to release inside of her. I can’t and I won’t let that happen. I will make this good for her. The only way for this to end is with her in pleasure. That’s all that matters.

  “Bow. It feels so good.” She moans, her legs coming up to lock around me as she clings to me. Her hard nipples press into me.

  “You feel so fucking good.” I keep thrusting in and out of her. I press my knees into the mattress to get a better angle to hit her where she needs it most. Sweet moans pour from her as she starts to say my name over and over again. I don’t think I can hold back anymore. It’s all too much.

  “Come, kitten,” I order her. My tone comes out harder than I mean it to, but she does, crying out as her pussy locks around me like a vise. I come with her, seeing stars. I spill deep inside of her, marking her. She is mine now. I’ve laid my claim and I’ll kill anyone that tries to take this from me.

  I roll over with her in my arms. She rests her head on my chest. I suddenly feel as though I have purpose in life. It is her. She has given me something that I never knew was missing and now can’t live without. She’s all that matters now.



  I straddle Bow, looking down at him. Sleep is still in his eyes. We were at it all night. I don’t even remember coming upstairs, but we’re now in his bed. The morning sun shines in the windows. For once I wish it was still storming. I was enjoying being locked away with Bow. These last two days have been some of the best in my life. I can’t remember the last time I felt this happy. I’m smiling so much my face is going to start to hurt.

  “You sore, kitten?” His rough hands slip up my hips. God, that always feels so good. Everything he does. I thought losing my virginity would hurt more, but it didn’t. All I could think was I’m falling in love with this man and now we’re forever connected.

  “Not too bad.” I thought I’d be walking funny this morning, but I am only a little tender.

  “I still can’t believe you’re here. Scared I might be dreaming.”

  I lean down to kiss my gentle giant. It’s hard for me to believe it too. I didn't think men like Bow were real. I know one thing, though. I have no plans on letting him go. He breaks our kiss a few moments later. Just when it’s starting to get good.

  “Someone is here.” I sit up, my head tu
rning toward the window, but I can’t see anything out of it.

  “How do you know that?” He holds up his arm with the watch on it. “And Duke heard something.” I peek over at Duke, who is standing in the doorway to the bedroom. I sigh, rolling off Bow onto the bed. “Who is it?”

  Bow stands, pulling on clothes. “Not sure. They’re coming up the drive so I’m guessing it’s a friendly visit.” That’s the second time he’s specifically mentioned that he thought it was a friendly visit. Causing me to wonder why the visits wouldn’t be.

  “Do non-friendly people live around here or something?” I scoot up onto my knees. Bow’s eyes go to my boobs, making me laugh. “Clothes,” I remind him.

  “Right.” He pulls his shirt over his head. “I’ll be right back.”

  I throw my legs over the bed. “I’m super nosy. It’s best you know that about me now.” I start pulling on clothes of my own. Bow stares at me for a moment, his brows pulling together. “What? It comes with my line of work and having so many older brothers.”

  A knock sounds from the front door. “PJ.” I hear Bunny’s voice ring out. Oh shit.

  “I think Bunny might be nosy too.” I laugh. Bow grabs me around the waist, pulling me tight against his body.

  “You can be nosy all you want.” He drops a kiss on my mouth before letting me go. I search his eyes for a moment, thinking there is more to what he’s saying, but I’m not sure what it is. Could he be hiding something? I shake the thought away.

  Bow has been so honest with me that I can’t imagine him deliberately hiding something. What would there be to hide? He said this was his first time, making me think there are no crazy exes in his past. Before I can delve any deeper into it, Bunny knocks on the door again.

  “I best go see what’s up.” I have a feeling it's about more than her wanting to know what’s going on with Bow and me. I pull open the door to see her standing there with a giant smile on her face. Her dark hair is pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head. Her cheeks are extra rosy and I know Jameson gave her this look. Those two can’t go more than a few hours without being all over one another. I wonder if I have the same look.

  “Sorry to bother you,” she says, peeking over my shoulder. Jameson stands back just watching from the porch. I’m thinking Bow is behind me doing the same exact thing.

  “You’re not bothering me.” I’m not shy about anyone knowing I’m with Bow. It’s how things are going to be. I want everyone to know he’s mine. I’ll stamp it on his forehead. That might be a bit much. Maybe that’s why married people wear rings. I’m seeing the appeal now.

  “I never thought I’d see this day.” Bunny's smile stretches wide across her face. “I guess this means I’m not going to have to talk you into staying here.” She pulls me into a giant hug, squeezing me tight. I hug her back just as hard because I don't want to go anywhere.

  Bunny and I have gotten so close. She’s the sister I never had and more often than not, she can slip into the nurturing mom role when I need it. There is a softness to her I don't get from anyone else. Especially since I spent my childhood surrounded by men. Even though I was more than loved, I missed out on all the girly stuff. Bunny fills that void in my life. It is nice to have someone to talk about things with. To be able to relate to on a deeper level. I’m sure we’ll be jumping in about her new man soon enough.

  “Did you come over for my cooking?” I tease her.

  “My man can cook, I'll have you know.” She points her thumb over her shoulder to Jameson, who has his eyes on her ass. “Actually I’m here because your brother is blowing up my phone.” She pulls her cell phone out of her pocket. I should’ve seen this coming. I haven’t reached out to him in days. In all honesty, I’m surprised he hasn’t shown up here yet or sent one of my other brothers out to check things out for themselves.

  “Shit.” I don’t even know where mine is. “My phone?” I look to Bow.

  “It’s at your place.”

  “I’ll call him. If he calls again tell him I’m fine.” Bunny laughs, knowing that’s not going to cut it. She knows how Mason can be. She’s gotten her fair share of his bossiness when it comes to security.

  “Yeah, because that will go over so well. He’s not going to calm down until he hears from you.” She hands me her phone. I let out a groan, taking it from her. I don't want to do this with an audience. I punch in his number. He answers after one ring. I brace myself for the hell he’s going to give me. To be honest, I kind of deserve it. Even though I’m a grown woman, I’ll always be his little sister. He had been a father figure to me and I know he worries.

  “Where the hell are you?”

  I look at Bow. His jaw flexes. I fight a smirk. He doesn't like my brother cursing at me. That’s kinda adorable, but we do this a lot. He’ll get used to it.

  “Mason, I’m a grown woman,” I remind my brother.

  “You can give me the respect of checking in,” he raises his voice.

  “You’re right.” It’s not like me to go without checking in. Now I’ve done it a couple times in the past week. I have to keep in mind that I’m almost a daughter to him in a lot of ways. It doesn't hurt for me to take a second and check in. Though in all fairness I haven't thought about anything outside of Bow. We got lost in our own little world.

  “I’m fine. There was a storm and I came to stay with Davis. He has a basement,” I add in, hoping he doesn't push. I’m going to tell him about Bow, but not when everyone is watching me. This having a man thing isn’t only new to me, it will be new to my brothers too. They always sent anyone that showed interest in me running. I don’t think that will work on Bow. “I’m sorry.”

  “I love you and worry about you.” My eyes meet Bow’s.

  “I love you too.” Bow sucks in a breath. My heart flutters in my chest. I know I’m saying it to my brother, but it feels so right looking at Bow and saying it too.

  “I got the information you wanted.” He doesn't say Bow’s name but we both know who he’s talking about. “I know him.”

  “You do?”

  “Yep. Call me when you’re alone.”

  “Will do.” I want to demand he tell me now, but I can’t. I am going to have to get away for a moment later. Whatever he knows about Bow can’t be too bad, or he’d tell me to get the hell away from him. Still, I’m nosy as shit and love to know the details.


  “Bye,” I say, hanging up and handing Bunny the phone back.

  “Come over later.” She takes the phone from my hand. She winks at me before heading out the door. She doesn't want to interrupt what Bow and I have going on, but she wants to talk about it. I have to admit that I’m looking forward to doing the girl talk thing. I’m going to have to carve some time out or she’ll be right back over. We’ve been glued to each other for the last couple years. It’s weird not being together all the time now.

  “I should probably go get my phone.” I let the door fall closed behind me.

  “You want to go home?” Bow shifts on his feet.

  “I can’t keep wearing your clothes.” I look down at myself. His shirt is bigger than a dress would be on me. Not that I’ve ever worn one.

  “I have your bag.” He points over to the bag sitting on the sofa. How the hell did I miss that? “I like you in my clothes.” He clears the space between us. I drop my head back to look up at him.

  “See, you make me forget about everything.” I smile up at him. It’s nice. When I’m with him I don’t worry about anything. I know Bow will take care of me. Handle what needs to be handled. And more than anything I don’t feel the need to prove myself. To be strong. I can just be.

  “I’m going to make my man breakfast and then we’ll get my phone.” I stand on my tiptoes for a kiss. Bow gives it to me. “That way those brothers of mine don't show up here,” I say as I head into the kitchen. “I don’t feel like cleaning up blood today,” I say jokingly. But knowing how my brothers are and seeing how Bow is makes me think it’s a real

  Bow shrugs, not fazed in the least. No, nothing would send Bow running from me. He is staking his claim and I am going to let him.



  I run my hand down my face. If this isn’t the worst fucking timing I don't know what is. I can hear Precious in the kitchen humming away as she makes us breakfast. When my alert went off I was sure it was Precious’s brother calling me. I have no clue if he put together who I am. Oftentimes you never know how far up someone’s reach can be. He’s technically retired but that doesn’t mean shit in our line of work.

  That’s what most of our records say. Usually guys like us don’t get out of this life until we’re too old to do it anymore or stop breathing. As for me I’m not supposed to exist. I’m only called in on special missions. That’s what today’s alert had been. I only have a few hours to report in. I have always gone without question when they’ve called before, but today is different. Before I had nothing to lose when I put myself at risk. Now I have everything to lose.

  I fire a response. I want to ask how bad they really need me. It would be a stupid question because I know they only call on me if things are bad. What the hell am I going to tell Precious? I know I can’t tell her the truth about what I’m going to do. Not yet, anyway. The less she knows about what I do the better. It's safer for her that way.

  What I do know is this has to be my last job. I don't want my girl living in fear each time I walk out the door. I know the risk I’m going to take when I do it. Before I only had to worry about myself. No one would miss me if I never came back. That has changed in the past few days because of her. Yet, duty calls.


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