[2015] Dance of the Minotaur

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[2015] Dance of the Minotaur Page 10

by TC Calligari

  Skye slowly eased her bow over her shoulder, securing it behind her back with the quiver. She took a deep breath and prepared for her sprint. She had not intended to have a run in with the beasts on this morning. She had hoped only to track them, possibly locate their den, but not engage with them directly. She wondered where Aiden was and if he was a safe distance away.

  Three steps into her sprint she heard the distinct call of the wolf. One short howl and the entire pack was alerted to her presence. Skye ran as if her life depended on it. It did. When she flung her arms up at the limb above her, her fingers barely grasped the bark. Without a second’s hesitation, she swung her legs around the limb and hugged her body to the wood. Skye shifted her weight, rolling to pull herself on top of the thick branch. One leg flailed dramatically in the air as she tried to hook her heel against the trunk for leverage.

  She mounted the branch just in time to see five massive wolves moving in on the tree. She carefully stepped backward, her hand on a branch at her side, and pressed herself against the trunk. Five, she thought. Catríona had said that there were three. One bold beast made a lunge at the branch, coming close enough to startle Skye, but not quite reaching her feet. With limber movements, Skye scaled the branches to a safer vantage point. Below her, the wolves were snarling and snapping. It was clear that they had no intention of abandoning their prey.

  Skye seated herself on one massive limb, allowing one leg to dangle on either side for stability. She scooted a few inches away from the trunk and pulled her bow from over her shoulder. With a flick of her wrist she released the thin fabric covering on her quiver. Her fingers behind her head counted the arrows. Twelve.

  She nocked an arrow and watched the furry backs circling below her. With a patient eye and smooth release, her first arrow plunged itself directly into the neck of the beast standing beneath her. In an instant the animal slumped to the ground while the remaining four beasts erupted in fits of rage. Their howling was savage; Skye felt the tree sway as one great beast threw himself against it, but they did not run off. It took two arrows to bring the next one down. When the wolf lay panting in agony on the ground, Skye nocked another and shot it through the eye. The three wolves were now leaping and barking with distress. Skye prayed for them to leave. She could only hope that Aiden did not hear and try to come to her aid. Greum may have run off three wolves, but he was a larger and fiercer bear than his brother.

  When the largest male reared up against the tree, Skye’s arrow slid easily through his neck and buried itself in the soft tissues inside the ribs. A clean death, she sighed with relief.

  Two remained, the most voracious and active of the wolves. She was just beginning to sight her next victim when the heads of both wolves turned simultaneously to look into the forest to her left. There, Aiden had reared on his hind legs before releasing a terrifying roar. With a massive thud, he brought his paws back to the ground and charged the wolves. They did not run. Aiden grabbed the nearest wolf in his great jaws just as the other leapt on his back. Skye released an arrow just before the wolf had a chance to sink its teeth into Aiden’s back. Her aim had been rushed and she had merely caught the meat of his thigh. It would not be a fatal would. The wolf, however, scurried away with a yelp, its hind leg raised in the air as it ran.

  By the time that she had leapt down from the tree, Aiden had made quick work of the final wolf. Its head was severed from its body and there were bite marks along the entire length of its back.

  Skye ran over to where the great bear stood panting.

  They stood facing each other as Aiden licked the last of the blood from his paw. He was likely furious, she thought. She watched his big, burly head turn to see the three arrow-filled bodies that lay at the base of the tree. Then his gaze turned back toward her.

  Skye stood still, not knowing what to say. When he slowly lumbered his way toward her, she stood her ground. She knew that either of them could have been fatally injured due to her foolhardy excitement. With slow movements Aiden came to stand in front of her. His large, green eyes roamed her body, checking for injuries. He circled around her, continuing his inspection. When he was directly behind her Aiden pushed his snout in the center of her back, causing Skye to stumble forward. A low grumble came from behind her and she realized that it must be laughter.

  Skye sighed with intense relief. He was not angry with her, he was toying with her.

  “You brute.” She muttered.

  Again the bear rumbled.

  Skye slid her bow back over her shoulder, feeling awkward with it in her hand as the bear bumped and prodded her.

  “Quit it!” she slapped at his snout when he had pushed her over to her knees. Skye scrambled to her feet and rounded on him. “It’s not funny.” She laughed, negating her statement.

  Aiden sat down on the ground in front of her. He released a large rush of air.

  “What?” she asked.

  Again he chuffed.

  Skye stood facing him, waiting, not knowing what it was that he was trying to say.

  With aching slowness, Aiden leaned forward and placed his cold nose under her hand. He lifted his head so that her hand slid along his snout and rested on the soft fur of his head.

  Skye’s mind flashed back to their childhood, when her hand had brushed the same path. Her heart felt as if it were about to explode in her chest. She had never been more nervous in her life, though she could not say exactly why. She allowed her fingers to fan over his head, tentatively waiting for his reaction. His great bear eyes drifted closed and he leaned into her hand.

  Skye took a deep, steadying breath. She smoothed her hand over his head, brushing back his ear, and allowing her fingers to sink into the deep fur of his neck. For a few moments they stood like that, Skye simply running her fingers through Aiden’s coat while he sat still as a rock.

  Eventually, he opened his eyes and nudged her other hand with his nose.

  “Aye, aren’t you demanding.” She scolded with a smile but complied. Both hands stroked his face. At one point she flattened both of his rounded ears to his head. “You look ridiculous like this.” She laughed.

  Aiden shook his head, freeing his ears, and snorted at her in annoyance. This made her laugh even harder. As ferocious as the bearmen of Clan MacConaill were, there was something endearing about the animal side of them. Though they hated to be called it, they were like great pets to the women of the clan.

  Before she had considered what she was doing, Skye had flung her arms around the great furry neck of the bear and hugged him with all of her strength. One great paw wrapped around her waist and Aiden tumbled onto his back, pulling her with him. Skye giggled at the great mass of fur that surrounded her; she had never witnessed one of the men behave so playfully, though she knew it was common. She climbed awkwardly away from the rolling mound that was Aiden and ordered him to get up.

  “Go make yourself decent.” She instructed between laughs. “Then bring the horses back and help me collect these pelts. There is no sense in letting them go to waste.” Aiden walked very close as he passed her, allowing Skye to run her hand over the smooth fur the entire length of his spine. It was not until he disappeared into the woods that she truly began to realize how rare and strange a moment that had been.

  Skye refused to allow herself to dwell on it. She pulled her dagger from her belt and began to skin the wolves. She needed to keep busy until Aiden returned, and she refused to allow her mind to recreate the images of that most recent memory.

  It was not long after that Aiden, once again dressed in his kilt, led the horses through the forest to join her in the task. Skye was pleased to see that the seasoned hunting horses did not balk at the scent or sight of blood. Together they made quick work of the wolves. Three large pelts and two smaller, from the wolf that Aiden had mangled, were rolled and tied to the back of their saddles.

  Skye glanced down at her blood-streaked body.

  “I think my brother will know what we’ve been up to.” She spread her
hands to her sides so that Aiden could take in the gory mess that she had become. “Do you regret the pants now?” she teased.

  “I must say, you look a sight better covered in a gown than blood. But,” Aiden kicked his horse forward and waved for her to follow. “Your brother will not know where you’ve been.”

  Aiden refused to answer Skye’s requests for information as to where he was leading her. Instead, he led them deeper and deeper into the forest. Skye looked up at the bright sun. Not much of the day had passed, and yet so much had happened. She guessed that those in the castle were only now finishing their morning meal.

  When Aiden finally stopped his horse, Skye could hear the tinkling of rushing water ahead. She dismounted and followed him through the thick brush to reveal a small spring that was steaming among the rocks.

  “A hot spring.” Skye gasped. “I’ve heard tales that they bring bad omens.” She glanced at Aiden to see if he had heard the same.

  “Nonsense.” He laughed. “My brothers and I have been swimming here for ages, and our father before that. Go ahead and rinse your clothes out, hand them to me and I will hang them to dry. It doesn’t take long with the strong breezes that blow this time of year.”

  “Absolutely not.” Skye stared at Aiden in shock. “I’m not taking my clothes off with you standing here watching.”

  “I won’t watch then.” He laughed at her discomfort. “If you don’t want.”

  “Go stand over there.” She pointed to the other side of the clearing.

  “Then how will your clothes get dry?”

  “I’ll hang them.” She pushed against his back. “Now go over there and don’t turn around until I say.”

  “Alright.” He crossed to the far side of the spring. “But just so you know, I’ll need to wash as well.” Aiden shot a devilish look over his shoulder that had Skye blushing to her toes. “Don’t worry, the water’s not all that clear. If you stay below the surface I will not see a thing.”

  “We can take turns.” Skye cried in panic.

  “Not if you want to be back to the castle before sundown, we can’t.” He had a point. If they waited for her clothes to dry, before rinsing his, that process would take all day. With a resigned sigh she began unlacing her vest. At least the leather would rinse clean and dry quickly.

  She shuffled back and forth from the spring to a nearby tree. Every few steps she checked to see if Aiden was peeking. True to his word, his gaze remained firmly in the opposite direction. When she finally scuttled back to the spring, her body bare as the day she was born, Skye slipped into the water with a sigh of relief.

  Aiden waited a few moments before turning around. Skye crouched a little lower, sinking her shoulders below the milky surface. Aiden smiled and made a motion with his hand that instructed her to turn around and she spun in the water to face the high stone wall from which the water trickled into the pool.

  Skye tried to distract herself by scrubbing her face and arms, but every time she heard Aiden at the water’s edge she had to fight the urge to turn and watch him. She untied her hair and released the long braid into the water. She dipped her head beneath the surface and smoothed her hair back from her face. The action had turned her face slightly away from the wall. She caught a glimpse of Aiden, in her peripheral vision, walking away to hang up his kilt. She snuck a quick look at his backside before turning resolutely to face the wall once more.

  It was as if the image had been branded in her mind. Aiden’s back was carved with strong muscles that flexed as he moved. A smile crept across her face at the glaring paleness of his buttocks. While much of the rest of him was tanned from the summer sun, that was one place that was not. She heard him slip into the spring behind her and turned to face him, a hint of the smile still on her face.

  “You looked.” Aiden accused with a laugh.

  “I did not!” She denied. Skye knew that she would deny that glance to her grave if she must. She would not give Aiden the satisfaction of knowing that she had glanced when he had not.

  “It’s alright. I don’t mind.” He smiled knowingly.

  Skye pushed a spray of water toward him but it fell short. “I did not.” She repeated with less conviction this time.

  They sat in silence for a few moments, enjoying the soothing tendrils of the hot water.

  “I wanted to thank you for coming to my rescue.” Skye finally spoke.

  Aiden shrugged and turned to cross his arms along the ledge at his chest. He rested his chin on his arms before responding. “You didn’t look like you needed much saving.”

  Skye’s heart dropped to her stomach. This was exactly the issue her father said men would have with her hunting skills. A man doesn’t want a woman who can save herself and him alongside her. A husband needs to feel needed not inferior to the skills of his wife.

  “I’m sorry.” Skye did not know what to say. Should she have waited, helplessly, in that tree until he had come to rescue her? She did not want to image Aiden against five angry wolves. She did not know what was worse, letting him risk his life to save her, or disappointing his opinion of her as a woman.

  “You’re sorry?” Aiden stared at her with furrowed eyebrows.

  Skye crept through the water to stand beside Aiden at the edge of the pool. She mirrored his position, crossing her arms along the ledge and facing out into the clearing. It was a surprisingly modest way to stand. Her breasts were entirely covered beneath the surface, against the ledge, and the only part of her body that he had direct view of were her arms and shoulders.

  She shrugged. “I’m sorry for…” She could not find the words. She was not sorry that she had killed the wolves. She was not sorry for being in the woods. She was only sorry for… being herself. The sentence that she had left hanging told him everything that he needed to know.

  Aiden turned toward her with a shocked expression.

  “Skye, you can’t be serious,” He brushed her wet hair from her face. “I couldn’t be more happy that you are able to take care of yourself. If anything, I’ve realized how frightening it would have been if you couldn’t. All these thoughts keep running through my mind… What if you couldn’t climb that tree because you were wearing a gown? What if you were stuck up there for days because you did not have your bow, or if your quiver had emptied?” He ran a hand over his face. “If you were any other woman, you’d be dead. If…”

  “If I were any other woman I would not have been out there.” She cut him off, her head hung low with shame.

  Aiden grasped her by the shoulders and turned him toward her. Instinctively her arms moved to cover her breasts beneath the water.

  “A lot of women venture into the forest, most of them, at some point. Look at Cat, she would have died from those very same wolves if Greum hadn’t been there, and there aren’t many of us that can take three grown wolves alone.” His hand beneath her chin forced Skye to look at him. “I’m glad that you are safe in the forest. It’s only that I’ve realized how much it would matter to me if something had happened to you.”

  Never before would Skye have thought that she would hear such words. Never, would she have expected such a level of understanding and care. Skye moved her hands from where they covered her body and placed them on Aiden’s chest. She stepped forward in the warm water until her body pressed against his. Not once did either of them look away. It was as if neither could move, or blink, their gazed locked on one another for fear that this might be a hoax.

  Skye felt the soft tissue of her breasts come to rest against the firm muscles of Aiden’s chest. She could tell that he was waiting, in shock, to see what she intended by this move. Skye had never been more certain of anything in her life. She wanted Aiden, all of Aiden. For the first time she realized that there did exist a man who could make her a happy wife, a man who could appreciate her wild nature, while enjoying her moments of feminine beauty as well. Skye was his. She knew this deep in her soul. She would belong to him until her dying day, and she wanted to start now.

nbsp; Skye slid her hands around his shoulders, using the leverage to pull herself against him. She could hear the shallow breaths that he was trying to control as her pelvis came into contact with his manhood. Skye felt the pulse of his reaction against her.

  She brought her lips to the hollow of his neck. Aiden remained still, the effort of restraint taking all of his focus.

  She trailed her kisses up his neck, over the sharp ridge of his chin, and across his cheek.

  “Aiden, I want you to make love to me.” She whispered into his ear.

  Aiden arms straightened and he held her away from him. “Skye…”He looked at her with a warning glance. Despite his protest she could see the desire burning in his eyes, especially since the movement had raised her body slightly higher in the water. She grinned with satisfaction when his gaze flickered momentarily to her exposed breasts.

  “Aiden,” she repeated, “Are you going to make me ask again?”

  His muffled, No was swallowed by the force of their kiss. Aiden’s arms wrapped around her waist and he lifted her against him with one swift motion. The water suddenly felt cold compared to the heat of their skin against each other. Skye gasped as she felt the full effect of his hardness against her. She reveled in the sensation of his hands brushing over her bare skin. Her own hands wandered their own paths along his body, exploring every inch within reach as if they had a mind of their own.

  When her hand closed around him, Aiden’s groan of pleasure gave Skye a confidence that she had not known existed. She allowed her fingers to play along the length of him until he pulled her hand away, and lifted her against him, wrapping her legs in a firm grasp around his waist.


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