Claimed As His (Mail Order Brides, 2)

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Claimed As His (Mail Order Brides, 2) Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  He moved within her, and she mewled for more. In and out he thrust, going as far as he could until the heavy weight of his balls pressed along the crease of her ass every time he pushed back inside of her. They were covered in sweat, their skin slapping together every single time he sank into her.

  Not able to help himself, he let his tongue follow a bead of perspiration that had started making its way down her body. He tracked it, following it and sucking that droplet into his mouth.

  “Christ, baby, I’m going to come. Please tell me you’re close.” Over and over he plunged into her.

  “I’m so close,” she moaned.

  “You feel so damn good.” He slammed into her fiercely on the last word, and she cried out in climax.

  “God, yes, Ian.”

  Harder and faster he sank into her, needing her to get off like he needed his next breath of air. It was right there. He would never let her go. He couldn’t.

  When both of their bodies stopped shaking, he collapsed on top of her, trying to catch his breath. He rolled off of Lucy, but immediately pulled her close to him, cradling her back to his chest. She was breathing evenly now, but they had a lot to talk about, to figure each other out, learn more about each other.

  But right now he just wanted to hold her and bask in the fact he had her in his arms. Staring at the wall, he listened to his heart slow its pace and thought about all of the things he’d been missing in life by blocking himself from feeling and wanting a woman of his own. What he did know was that he didn’t want to let Lucy go.

  She was his.


  Staring in the mirror, Lucy wondered if she looked different. She felt it but did it show? She couldn’t see a difference. Her body showed the marks of Ian’s lovemaking, and as she ran a finger across the bruises on her hips, she felt an answering heat build within her.

  Ian was back in the bedroom but she’d left the bed to use the bathroom. Not only did she need the toilet but she also needed a couple of moments just to get her bearings. Right now, she felt open, exposed.

  She could still feel the length of his cock as he pressed inside her, taking her as only he could. There was something highly sexual about her husband.

  Just thinking about him as her husband seemed surreal to her.

  Tucking her hair up, she stared at the red marks on her neck from his kisses.

  Ian didn’t have a problem marking her up, and he knew she liked having them. He could see it in her face, in her expression.

  Titling her head this way and that, she turned, seeing more marks on her body.

  “You like what you see?” Ian asked, making her jump.

  Letting her hair down, she turned toward him. Her first instinct was to cover her body, but she decided against that. Gripping the edge of the counter, she gritted her teeth.

  “You don’t have to stop for me. I like seeing you.” He stepped into the room, and the tension seemed to rise. He didn’t wear anything and his cock was hard once again, which surprised her.

  Returning her gaze to him, she bit her lip. “You’re … erm.”

  “Yeah, I like to fuck, baby. I need it more than once a night.” He cupped her hips, pulling her close. His lips were on hers, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Closing her eyes, she released a little moan as her nipples stroked against his chest. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  He suddenly spun her around so that he stood behind her, and she looked in the mirror.

  Ian was so much bigger than her, he made her feel small and delicate.

  “You like my marks on your flesh?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Let me hear it.”


  His fingers stroked over where she had. “Yes. I like it. This shows me that you’re mine, that you belong to me.” He took his time going over each mark. He rested his chin on her shoulder as both his hands cupped her tits, lifting them up. He ran his thumb across the buds and she moaned.

  Intense pleasure rushed through her body, and she closed her eyes.

  “No, open them. I want you to see.”

  Forcing herself to open her eyes, she watched as he teased her tits, pressing them together. “I want to fuck these, baby. I’m going to want you to hold them close as I slide my dick between them. So fucking beautiful. I want to cover you in my cum.”

  He spun her around again, lifting her up onto the counter near the sink. Within seconds he had her legs open, and he slid in deep.

  They both cried out as he filled her.

  “You know what? I think I could spend all my time being deep inside your pussy. You’re so fucking tight. I’m going to need to get you used to me. Would you like that, Lucy? Like to be mine so I can fuck you? I’ll make every single day filled with pleasure. You’ll love every single second.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  The way he described it sounded like a dream and it held so much promise. She wanted it.

  She didn’t want him to stop this pleasure ever.

  This was her first night and already she was addicted to his touch. He pulled out of her, and she couldn’t help but watch as his cock, slick with her cream, appeared. She cried out as he gripped her hips, and pulled her back onto his dick.

  “I can’t get enough of you, baby,” he said. “Fuck, I need you hard.”

  He pulled out of her, turning her so that she stared in the mirror. He pushed her feet apart, and slid inside her from behind.

  One of his hands cupped her tits while the other delved between her thighs. He stroked her clit, sliding his fingers back and forth. At the same time, he teased her tits. “Look at us. You look so beautiful, and all mine. You’re my wife in every single sense of the word and I’m going to claim every single part of you. Your mouth, your pussy, your ass, it’s all going to belong to me.” He nibbled her neck, and she gasped. “You want that? You want to belong to me?”

  She nodded, whimpering as he fucked her harshly, but she loved every second of his claiming. This was better than she could have ever imagined.

  Sex hadn’t been something that she was searching for, but in Ian’s arms, she was pleased that she’d waited for him.

  This marriage hadn’t been something that she’d wanted. There were times she regretted saying yes to him, but in this instant with his cock deeply inside her, she had no regrets, none whatsoever.

  She didn’t know if this would last or if they were doomed from the start.

  “I want you to come for me,” he said, growling the words against her neck.

  The fire once again built inside her, and the first stirrings of her orgasm struck her. She screamed his name as he scraped his teeth against the tender flesh of her neck.

  He fucked her hard and she relished the burn, the dominance that he took with her. She was his woman in that moment, and she didn’t want to be anything else.

  “I never knew it could be like this,” he said.

  He tensed around her, and she felt the answering pulse of his cock along with the deep guttural grown that signaled he’d found his release. He held her close throughout his orgasm. When she stared at the woman in the mirror, she didn’t know who she saw.

  She wasn’t like this, not normally.

  Ian had completely melted away all of her defenses, and she only hoped he didn’t give her a reason to build them back up again.


  Lucy’s heart was thundering, her palms were sweaty, and she was so nervous she didn’t doubt that if she weren’t already sitting down she would have passed out. Several weeks had passed since she’d been married to Ian, and the time had just flown by.

  She glanced over to Ian, who sat in the driver’s seat of his Mercedes Benz. He was already looking at her, a smile on his face.

  “Hey,” he said and reached out to take her hand, curling his fingers around hers and giving a light squeeze. “It’ll be okay.”

  It was so crazy to think that in just in a few weeks so much had changed between them. They had spent th
eir honeymoon in Spain, and during that time she’d learned a lot about Ian. Although he had a crude, arrogant demeanor, underneath all of that he was starting to show her that he was genuine, did have a heart, and could be gentle. Or maybe he was just pretending?

  And then when they’d gotten back, they’d spent another week just getting used to married life. She couldn’t lie and say he didn’t get under her skin more times than not, that he’d always be the cocky business man who’d built his empire because he’d been cold and ruthless. But when he realized that he needed to change if he saw them working out, he apologized and tried harder. It was crazy to think he was doing all of this for her.

  They were small steps, and ones she was taking as well.

  Lucy glanced back at the house, or more so the mansion where Ian’s family was currently living. They were meeting his family today, and she was scared shitless. She had nobody of importance in her life, or at least she hadn’t until she’d met Ian.

  And to think I hated him in the beginning, and questioned my sanity for even marrying him.

  In just this short time she’d realized that he did make her happy, and that had nothing to do with the amount of money he had, or the exotic places he took her. He made her see that with him she could be a better person, too. That being with him made her happy. She wasn’t lonely, didn’t have that ache in her chest because something was missing.

  Lucy still didn’t know what the future held, but she was excited to see how it all played out.

  Expect for right now. Right now she was still scared shitless.

  Thinking about her relationship with Ian, a semblance of calm settled over her. She was starting to fall for the man she was married to, the one who was melting the wall that he erected around himself for so long.

  He shifted in the driver’s side seat to stare at her. “Listen,” he said and glanced down at their hands, which were interconnected.

  For long seconds he didn’t say anything, and she started feeling a little nervous, wondering what was on his mind. When he lifted his head and looked back at her she felt the air leave her lungs, not realizing she’d been holding her breath.

  His expression was … raw, bared.

  “I know this marriage started out as me getting back at my family, proving something to them, but things have changed.” He gave her hand another squeeze. “I felt myself changing because of you. I want to try and make this work, not because I want to rub anything in my mother’s face, but because I like being around you. I love it, in fact. You make me feel like a better man, like I can be a better person.”

  Her breath caught, her throat tightening. She could hear the sincerity in his words, could feel how genuine he was being.

  “I’m scared,” she finally whispered, glancing at the front doors again. “I’m scared of how this will all play out. I’m nervous about what your family will think, what they will say.” She looked at him again. “But what I’m most afraid of is what will happen between you and me.” And she was frightened. She’d grown to care for him, saw the changes in him. It hadn’t taken long, but there definitely was a shift in the way he held himself, and the way he acted. Would that change once he was with his family? Would he treat her with the respect that she deserved, that he’d been giving her since they’d been on their own?

  She swallowed a thick lump in her throat and gave his hand a squeeze this time. “But there’s no point in worrying about what may or may not happen, right?”

  He gave her smile and leaned in to kiss her softly. “Right,” he said against her lips. He gave her one more kiss, sweet and gentle. When he pulled back he cupped her cheek and stroked his thumb along her skin. “I can admit I’ve been a shitty person for the majority of my life, taking things for granted, wanting everything handed to me.” He stared into her eyes. “But these few short weeks with you have made me see things differently, have made me feel differently.” He smiled again softly. “I will fuck up more times than not, I can admit that, but I’m trying.” He kissed her again. “I’m not going to let them make you feel less than what you are. I know your worth, you know your worth, and no one’s going to put you down, least of all my family.”

  God, in this moment she could have fallen in love with Ian.


  For most of his adult life, all Ian had wanted to do was throw it in his parents’ fucking faces, every single thing that he’d accomplished. They couldn’t take anything away, and there had been many times that he’d seen the annoyance and anger they felt for him because he refused to conform to their way of life. He’d not done what they wanted or married who they’d picked out.

  When he’d married Lucy, he’d done so to spite them, and now he felt a little sick to his stomach as that final reveal was about to happen.

  Lucy wasn’t the kind of woman his parents would be happy for him to marry. She didn’t have connections, or a family, or anything that set her apart from anyone else.

  Her entire life was meaningless and useless to them.

  They wouldn’t see the kindness inside her or the love, or anything else. They only saw a waste of space. She couldn’t bring them anything.

  Even knowing that he was happy wouldn’t be enough to draw them to her.

  They found fault with absolutely everything, no matter what he tried to do.

  “You’re nervous,” Lucy said.

  “I’m not nervous.” When I arranged this marriage I didn’t give a fucking shit about you. Now I’m about to take you into the lion’s den, and I don’t want to hurt you. “We’ll go in and have some dinner, but I want you to promise me something.”

  He felt her hands tighten around his. Damn, that guilt was a whole new feeling for him, and he didn’t like it.


  “I don’t want you to take anything they say seriously, okay? Imagine they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about. They say shit about everyone, look down on everyone.”

  He watched her take a deep breath and nod.

  There was no point sitting in the car, waiting. Climbing out, he rounded the vehicle to her side and offered his hand.

  Hers shook just a little as she placed it within his. Giving her a squeeze, he tried to offer her comfort through his touch.

  She linked her arm through his as they made their way up the steps of the lavish house. Like always, the butler stood outside, looking regal and a little worried.

  Ian nodded at the man, and entered the home that really shouldn’t be called that. It was more of a museum. A statement that his parents liked to make of how much wealth they possessed.

  He’d hated this home growing up. There were no good memories, just cold ones. Nights filled with anger and rage.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, he made his way toward the main sitting room. That’s where all his family would be. They loved to show off, and only the best furniture and who they considered the best people were allowed to grace their home.

  He heard his name being announced even before he stepped into the room.

  All eyes were on the two of them. He found his mother and father instantly. They were standing close together, and both of them turned their attention to Lucy. She wore a designer sundress that he’d made her buy. It wasn’t overly fashionable or showy. The name was designer, as he didn’t want to completely ruin their Sunday lunch. Lucy didn’t need anything more, and he’d found since being married to her, he didn’t either.

  “Who is this?” his mother asked. “Are you bringing your work staff to dinner now, Ian? Please,” she scoffed, as if that was beneath her.

  “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Lucy. She’s my wife,” he said.

  The shock went around the room as he stared at his family, waiting for the drama to unfold. He didn’t have to wait long at all.

  His mother threw her head back. With no cameras or outside world seeing, she didn’t have to pretend. She was surrounded by family and friends with like minded attitudes. To the people in the room, there was a social and cult
ural divide. They had money, and that made them better people. Those that didn’t were scum.

  He’d always felt the complete opposite. He’d never felt at home here, or part of their world. When he was in the kitchen with the family cook, and the people they paid to clean, he felt at home. They had more love inside them than any of these people.

  They were what was wrong with the world today, no one else.

  “Please, Ian. We don’t have time for your ridiculous games. I mean, seriously. She’s your wife? No, that’s not happening,” his mother said.

  Lucy tensed up by his side.

  “This is my wife. We’re together. She holds my name.” He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in close. “You see, Lucy, this is my family. I can’t guarantee this is going to be a pleasing experience. They can’t stand that you don’t come from their circle of wealthy assholes.” He looked at all of them.

  Some of them couldn’t meet his gaze, and he didn’t mind. It was why he never did business with any of them.

  “This is ridiculous,” his father said. “You want to make a mockery of our name, is that it?”

  “It was already a mockery long before I married her. Lucy is my wife. You’re going to have to get used to it.”

  “You’re nothing,” his mother said to Lucy. “She’s not worthy to stand by your side, to bear our name. How dare you do this to your own family?”

  He held Lucy’s hand tighter, and refused to let her go. Lucy visibly looked uncomfortable, but he couldn’t blame her. Ian couldn’t handle it anymore.

  This was what he’d wanted when he first decided to get a mail order bride. Not now, not like this. Lucy didn’t deserve this kind of treatment.

  She was all things good and kind. Nothing like the people he grew up with.

  They didn’t deserve to know her.

  Staring at his family, he realized that they weren’t that. They were never a family.


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