Truth of Touch (Templer Series)

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Truth of Touch (Templer Series) Page 2

by Duka Dakarai

  Fisting his hands in my hair, he holds my head tightly in place as his mouth begins to gnaw at my lips, roughly, eagerly seeking satisfaction. I gasp out a moan, my hands pulling his back tighter into me, aching for the warmth of his tongue upon mine. Instead, he flicks his tongue to lick the length of my neck in one slow, firm movement sending a chill down the length of my spine, initiating my thighs to spread wider and my groin to arch into his cock.

  I grab the flesh of his buttocks and force him harder against my sex, trying to ease his cock inside me. He is rubbing his shaft up and down my clit building the ache but not entering me, holding back, suckling on my neck, gentle bites across my jawbone.

  “Jake, I need you inside me!” I grind frantically against the hardness of his erection, feeling the edge of orgasm approaching.

  “Not yet, lady….” He growls against my neck. “I want to…..”

  Before he can blow the last words out of his mouth, I wrestle myself from underneath his body, grappling his hips around, straddling him, hovering above his cock. His stunned expression leaves him momentarily frozen, just long enough for me to slide myself onto his cock in one hard downward thrust. I jerk at the fullness of him this man is big….very big….clenching my muscles and adjusting myself around him. I pin him down hard using both hands and all of my strength, start to ride his cock with paced solid, thrusts.

  His eyes are round and wide, mouth open pushing out each breath. “Oh, Yes! Ride my cock…..ride it hard… are so wet, so fucking tight!” He is arching his hips into me, matching me thrust for thrust, growling out each groan…. beads of sweat trickling down his forehead.

  With each pounding thrust, I’m grinding my clit across his pubic area, sending me further towards release. The intensity of the build is pushing me harder and harder, grinding into him with hunger…..the tightening muscles pulling down toward my sex. My juices are flooding his cock as I ride nearer and nearer to the brink of orgasm. I lunge forward taking his right nipple hard between my teeth….biting, now sucking, biting, and again sucking. He yells out a long groan.

  “Jesus Christ! Mia, don’t stop!” He’s panting so hard each word spits itself out through his clenched jaw. “Come on my cock!”

  With one last downward slam, I convulse through my orgasm over him, still riding him hard until I’m emptied.

  I quickly slide off him, ripping the condom off, ignoring his stunned gasps before taking his cock swiftly in my mouth, sucking in the taste of my own cum, drawing in my cheeks, mouth-fucking him hard. His hips and back are jerking and thrusting up into my mouth, his hands fisting tighter in my hair. He’s grunting out each groan as each deep suck takes him nearer to his own release.

  His thighs are tensing, his stomach muscles rigid, his cock swells to shoot out his release, flooding my mouth. I suck through every spasm draining the last drops of cum.

  We collapse side by side against the mattress, our breathing hitched in deep pants, each body slick with sweat.

  “Unbelievable! Mia…wow!” He pulls himself up onto one elbow, grinning down at me. I push myself off his bed and make for the door. “Hey, what the fuck! Where are you going?” He beckons, confused.

  With my hand already turning the door handle, I turn back my head to speak.

  “This doesn’t happen again, Jake. It was a one – off” And I head back to my own bed.

  Chapter Four

  I am so chuffed for Tilly. She finally got her man. And he is delighted to be got. However, as much as I want to hang around this morning to bask in her happiness, I need to get out of here and back to London. Jake and I sat alone eating breakfast waiting for them to emerge and the atmosphere is tense….and that is an understatement. Despite being a player, he seems wounded that I returned to my own bed last night. And it is taking all my effort not to reach out to him and that is definitely not me

  Last night affected me and I don’t like it. And it obviously affected him. Talk about a curve ball…..


  Jake watches her leave, her incredible body swaying with each purposeful stride. His cock wants to follow her out of the door. And make a permanent camp in her pussy. He knows he has just been played, and rather than be pissed off, he finds himself smiling the widest smile he has had for a very long time. Last night affected him…..and that’s a first. This is most definitely not a one – off, Miss Mia Fox………


  So Tilly and Drew are an item. Drew is new to relationships, well actually Tilly is his first relationship. Apparently, he decided a long time ago that he would not risk the pain and hurt he witnessed his father suffer when their mother deserted them while the children were very young. Their father drove himself hard to provide a loving family unit but it resulted in the man dropping dead before his sixty first birthday. But Tilly has changed Drew. He really wants to try and make this work. He is besotted with her.

  As Tilly is relaying the whole sorry tale to me, I find my mind wondering to thoughts of Jake. Is that why he is a player? He doesn’t want to risk getting hurt? I shake my head in frustration. The damn man keeps getting in my head. And then I am snapped back to reality, thinking of my own reasons for avoiding relationships. Feisty, strong Mia Fox doesn’t want to get hurt either…..she is scared. But that’s just between you and me, ok?


  Tilly is excitedly telling me about an upcoming new Hotel opening. Templer Industries, of which Drew is the CEO and Jake is the Head of Design Engineering, is a family owned multi million pound organisation who win bids to design and create exclusive hotel complexes. Their latest project has its grand opening this weekend in Shoreditch, attended by the Mayor of London. All the Templer siblings will be there, including Amber the youngest sibling and adored sister of Jake and Drew. Tilly is nervous about meeting her for the first time.

  “I’m really not sure, honey” I’m trying to make excuses. Tilly wants me to attend the opening with her. The fact is I don’t want to see Jake again.

  “But you have to come! Please! It will be fun….and Drew asked me to invite you!”

  “You will have fun. And be with Drew all night. I’ll be left like a spare prick at a wedding!” I mock scowl in response.

  “No you won’t! Drew and Jake will be busy a lot of the time with the media, press and everything. Besides, having Miss Mia Fox attend the event will really help the publicity. Please, for me?”

  I sigh in resignation. The rest of the call is spent on girly essentials….what to wear….you know the drill.



  I’m regretting this dress. Jonathon the stylist from my last photo shoot assured me that it was so me. And despite the tit tape, my breasts are still threatening to run for freedom from the plunging neckline. I have spent the last hour at this event having men struggle to talk to my face. But at least Tilly was right. The Press have fallen over themselves to shoot me at every angle in every room, and this publicity for Templer Industries and Drew can only be a good thing. You owe me, Tilly Teague….

  Amber is a delight. And the three of us have bonded almost instantly, much to the relief of Tilly. Amber is as striking as her brothers, with a fiercely independent streak which attracts me to her even more. I know I have found a new friend, and as we both live in London, will help ease the loss I feel at Tilly now living in Cornwall.

  I have managed to avoid talking to Jake all evening. I have felt his presence and caught him watching me occasionally…..or my breasts in this dress…..but we have circled around deliberating moving in opposite directions. The event is heading toward its natural close with only the speech from Drew, and the cutting of the ribbon by the Mayor, remaining before I can disappear to my ‘Honoured Guest’ suite and breath out the tension which has been plaguing me since I arrived.


  I decide to leave Tilly and Amber chatting and head to the bar for a quiet ‘real’ drink away from the throng of people in the main event rooms. The bar is gloriously empty with the barman leaning on h
is worktop pursing his lips in boredom. He looks relieved to have a customer as I enter.

  “Good evening ma’am…..what can I…?” He beams at me but is interrupted by a deep voice from behind me.

  “The lady will have an ice cold bottled beer, no glass. Make that two.”

  I spin around at the sound of Jake’s voice. I had not been aware of him anywhere in my vicinity, and certainly not heading to the bar! He smiles the broadest grin at me and moves his body too close into my personal space.

  “I might have wanted something else to drink!” I retort, stepping backwards into a stool, widening my comfort zone.

  He smirks at me. ”No, you didn’t, Mia. You need a beer, same as me” He moves in even closer, before raising his hand, running a singular finger from my neck down between the exposed skin of my breasts in this damn dress. “Are you trying to kill me with this dress?” He groans roughly in my ear.

  His words shoot straight to my sex causing a breath to trap in my throat. I glare at him, hating the way he affects me…..angry at myself. I turn away, avoiding further eye contact, and take a long slug of the cold beer. Suddenly, there is a commotion behind us. Shit! Photographers!

  “Mia! Mia! A picture with Mr Templer? Just one for us!” Flash bulbs thrusting and blinding in our direction. Jake slides his body up tight with mine, smiling for the cameras.

  “Put your arm around Miss Fox! That’s it, closer still….” They beckon.

  “How about a kiss, eh, guys?” Jake laughs raising an eyebrow at them in return. They clamber towards us, frantic and eager to get ‘the shot’.

  Before I can pull myself away from his grasp around my waist, he pulls my chin up, his mouth gently brushing mine….the bulbs flash in frenzy. Satisfied, the paparazzi nod and wave their thanks before heading back into the main rooms.


  Jake is still holding me tightly. His face and breath inches from my face…his scent, his touch sending chills through to my core….I hate this feeling of weakness……He leans in, his mouth hungrily finding mine, pulling me hard against his chest. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip, gently nipping and sucking drawing my mouth open. A frustrated moan escapes from my lips, angry as my body melts against him. He grasps the opportunity of my parted lips, plunging his tongue deep into my mouth. His taste is exquisite and I want more, my tongue finding his, circling and dancing in tune.

  I feel his cock, pressed hard against my thigh, twitch and harden. Instinctively, my hand has a mind of its own, and reaches down to touch the hardness, stroking its length, feeling the delicious heat. He groans, pressing himself harder into my hand. I massage and squeeze his shaft as it strains against the material of his dinner suit, feeling my own sex pulse and moisten with aching need. I suck at the tip of his tongue simulating my thoughts of his cock in my mouth…..


  We snap apart as we jointly hear the announcement of Drew’s speech, hearing the polite clapping of the guests. Jake stares at me, panting, with hooded lustful eyes. “I want to be in your bed tonight” He groans at me, before striding out towards the main room.

  “No, Jake…..” I call after him, fully aware I don’t believe my own words.


  Drew and Jake are swelled with pride up on the platform. Drew has given a wonderful, heart - felt speech thanking the hard work from his teams, and closing by asking Jake to join him while the ribbon is cut by the Mayor. Amber and Tilly are bursting with joy, their hands sore from clapping, smiles stretched across their faces.

  Jake is not watching the ceremony of the ribbon instead his eyes are fixated on me. I am aware I can’t seem to pull my eyes away from him either. This stunningly beautiful man is slowly getting under my skin and this acknowledgement is making me uncomfortable……I don’t recognise these feelings…..this intense pull towards him……

  Jake can feel the tightness in his chest, his mind awash with lust What is she doing to me? I can’t seem to……seem to pull my eyes away from her…..the taste….the smell of her…… I almost hate her because I want her so badly…..


  Finally, the evening is over and I can retire to the safety of my guest suite. I sink my head onto the pillow, puffing out a huge breath of relief. I’m ignoring the still tingling sensations coursing through my body. I know these will pass as soon as sleep begins to take over. I’m telling myself that although no man has ever affected me this way, the feelings will pass. I’m Mia Fox, for fuck’s sake! Fuck them and dump them….that’s how I roll. I stretch out a giggle and feel the heaviness of sleep fall over me.

  Chapter Five

  The thump in the darkness jolts me from a wonderful dream. I was carefree, and innocent, laughing running through a wooded area with my old dog, Bear. He is barking excitedly while I chase him, playing hide and seek. I seem about fourteen, all long limbs and slightly awkward. Just before I got ‘discovered’ by a model scout….and just before my trust in men disappeared……

  Another loud thump! I sit bolt upright trying to focus my senses on the noise. Realisation hits me. It is someone banging on the door of my suite. Instantly, my heart leaps into my mouth. Jake. I know who it is and I don’t want to open the door……so why am I walking towards it? Why am I turning the handle? I open the door a few inches, peeking my eyes out through sleepy lids.

  “What do you want Jake? Go away.” I try to make the words sound sincere, annoyed.

  “You know what I want” He is stood, wide and broad, hands on hips. He pushes a foot in the gap of the door. And I find myself letting the door swing open.

  We stare at each other for what seems like minutes, neither of us moving, no words spoken. My heart begins to pound against my chest wall. I am anticipating that any second, he will make a grab for me. I feel a shiver. Still he doesn’t move, still just staring at me. Suddenly, he shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. He drops his head, looking up at me through thick black lashes.

  “I tried to not come” He mumbles, angry words.

  “Then go, Jake. I don’t want you here.” I make my concrete legs move to re-open the door. Yes, I do……the words fighting inside my mind.

  “Yes, you do” He takes a slow walk towards me, enveloping me in his arms. He slowly strokes his hands up towards the nape of my neck, tilting my chin up to face him.

  His mouth plants feathery kisses across my cheek, on the tip of my nose, before moving to gently and tenderly brush across my lips. This tenderness feels alien to me yet my body is melting deliciously against him, craving more.

  I wrap my arms around his waist, holding him to me tighter. He moans softly against my neck, sliding soft kisses down my throat, and down my collar bone. And as I feel my legs start to weaken, I am lifted and carried to my bed, where he lays me down still kissing me lovingly, not breaking contact.

  I watch as he removes each item of his clothing, the anticipation of his body on mine, building deeper and deeper within me. When I try to hurry him, reaching out to pull at his clothes, he clasps my hand stopping me, making me wait, making me watch as he peels each garment slowly from his body. Finally, he is naked before me…..large and powerfully built, sculpted with muscle. His eyes are full of desire as he looks over me… a lion ready for the kill…..yet again he moves so slowly, I can’t bear it. He slowly fists his cock teasing me as he places a condom down his shaft. I grab for him however he holds me tight pinning me to the bed, stroking long slow licks down my neck, and onto my breasts.

  I can feel each pant of air as it leaves my mouth, my chest rising and falling sharply. I am aching for more touch, my sex sodden with need. His mouth takes a nipple, suckling softly, pulling the teat causing pain and pleasure at the same time. I gasp out a moan. My hand reaches down between my thighs trying to release some of this unbearable ache, my body arching as I finger my clit. He pulls my hand away, holding both above my head, making me wait prolonging the ache.

  “Jake…..please……” I moan, arching my body up at him. He ignores my p
leas little by little moving his tongue down my body, circling long licks and kisses across my stomach towards my sex. He releases my hands, grabbing both thighs and spreading me wide apart. Plunging his tongue deep into the folds of my sex, he groans as my hips arch against him, seeking him deeper inside me.

  “Jake…..please….make me come…..” I fist my hands into his silken hair, drawing him in, relishing him flick the tip of his tongue across my clit. Drawing my clit into his mouth, sucking hard, still flicking with his tongue, my moans rising to panting squeaks….I’m nearing the edge…..he plunges two fingers deep inside me……still suckling on my clit……thrusting his fingers in and out, pulsing my pussy……pushing me faster and the tightening builds.

  “Jake!” I convulse and thrust against his mouth as my orgasm erupts explosively through me, spasms of release coursing across my body. Sliding up my body, still holding my thighs stretched wide, he enters me with one slow plunge of his cock, filling me. He arches his head back, letting out a deep, raw groan.

  “Fuck, you feel good!” He bends searching for my mouth, letting me taste myself on his tongue. He places a hand under each buttock cheek pulling me tighter into his groin, holding my firmly in place while he paces his thrusts. Long, deep thrusts of his cock pounding into my pussy, holding my ass higher now so I can feel his balls bounce of me. I reach down sinking my fingers into the flesh of his ass, drawing him deeper, matching his thrusts. I bite at his jaw, nibbling and licking, devouring his taste.

  “Fuck, Mia!” He groans out between growly breathes. I pull his head back by his hair allowing me access to bite and suckle at his neck, causing him to shudder and moan.

  I stretch around him, stroking his balls, gently massaging them as they pound against my ass. “Yes!” His chest is heaving out groan after groan…..the erotic sound sending me over the edge again into another blistering orgasm. He is panting wildly “I don’t want to stop… your body…..your pussy” His thrusts and hips are pounding faster and faster, the beads of sweat dripping onto my breasts…..


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