She nodded. “Understood. I’m still going with cool.”
“You do that.” Damn, she really liked that teasing note in his voice. It was rusty, hesitant, and she held close the thought that it might be because he used it with no one else but her. He continued, “I have a gift for you.”
“A gift?” Her inner seven-year-old was jumping up and down with excitement. “What did you get me? It wasn’t necessary.”
“This gift is practical, not celebratory, but as you requested it, I wished you to get it as soon as it was ready.”
Into her hand he placed a small silver ball with an unknown script etched into the casing. “What’s this?”
“A way to contact me. Hold it in your hands and think my name, and I will answer you.”
“We’ll be able to talk telepathically?” Wow, this was… this was… Yes, everything ran on magic these days – from cars to telephones – but in the city, people tried to minimize that as much as possible. They used magic only for the necessities, and they never used it in such a way that it was obvious magic was responsible for what was going on.
This was something she’d never had before. Pure magic, and a being who encouraged her to use it.
“Yes. No matter where I am in this world, I will hear your call, and I will answer.”
Her fingers curled around the silver ball, so tight the mysterious script might have imprinted itself into her skin. “Thank you so much.”
“Do not thank me. It is a selfish gift.”
His midnight gaze locked with hers. “Now I will always be able to talk with you.”
Didn’t gargoyle men know you couldn’t say that to a human woman? Not if you didn’t want her to lose her ability to think and definitely not if you wanted to keep any kind of emotional distance.
Human men needed to explain the basics to him. A How to Deal with Women summit. Nothing would bond the races faster.
But this gift also meant another obligation on him, on top of the thousands of obligations he was answerable to every day of his life. And as amazing as this feeling was, she didn’t want to experience it if all he received on his side was the look of burden he had arrived with tonight. Pulling herself away from his gaze, she motioned to the empty expanse of horizon before them. “It’s a gorgeous night. Don’t you get tired of watching over me? There must be other things you could be doing.”
“Would you wish another to watch over you?”
Maybe it was her wishful thinking, but she could swear she heard the barest trace of hurt underlining the words. She put her hand over his forearm, an echo of what had happened with Olivia earlier tonight. “No, I’m glad it’s you, I really am. I worry that if you keep up watching me, your people will suffer.”
He didn’t cover her hand with his, but he did lean close enough to her that they could share a breath. “I am gratified that you worry over my people, but they are able to function without my presence for this period of time.”
“But not for long, not if you are a good leader. And I know you are a good leader.”
He stepped even closer, and his wings half-closed around her, blocking her peripheral vision. “You do?”
“You have this way about you. I’ve seen it before.” She bit her tongue to stop any more words from flowing out with what else she thought – that he was good and honorable and walked the edge of humorlessness in his determination to make every right decision. “Anyway, all I meant is that I know you make your people proud. You can’t waste all your time watching over me.”
“It is not a waste, little human. It could never be a waste. We have shed blood together, have shared secrets and held them honorably. You are my comrade in arms, and my friend. I would not have anything harm you.”
Yes, she should request that summit immediately, because this night was turning her into a puddle of emotional goo.
His wings flared, and she held onto that to pull herself out of this emotional morass she was falling into. “Do you like flying?”
It took him a moment to orient himself to the new thread of conversation. “Like it? How do you mean?”
“Well, I guess flying for you is like running for humans, right?” After his nod, she continued. “Some humans hate running and will never do it. Some force themselves to do it, but there is no joy in the act. And some humans love to run. Which is it with you and flying?”
“I have never thought on it.” His eyelids lowered, bringing his eyelashes into relief against his skin. No eyebrows, but yes to eyelashes. Hair on his head but none on his chest or arms. In this form, did he still have hair in his private regions?
The split second after that thought crossed her brain – Damn you, Id! – the most intense heat in the history of the blush raced over her skin, from her cheeks to her forehead and down her neck to the top of her chest.
His eyelids raised and his brows furrowed the moment he saw her face. “Are you well? You appear overheated.”
“I’m fine, really hot all of a sudden.” One hand pulled her hair away from her face while the other fanned away. “No worries. You were saying about flying?”
He glanced around to see if he could ascertain the cause of her reaction. Thank gods there was no way that could happen. Not finding anything, he turned back to her, answering her question. “There is a freedom in flying that I can find nowhere else. I am away from my obligations and only answerable to the elements.”
“Sounds like you fall into the love category, then.”
He considered some more before giving a final, decisive nod. “That is a fair way to put it. I cannot disagree.”
She was going to ask. Worst that could happen, he would say no.
Best that could happen, he would say yes and she would be cradled against the large expanse of chest, breathing in the smell of newly cracked stone as she saw the world as he experienced it every day, his deep voice low, intimate breaths against her ear as he kept her close so his words weren’t lost on the wind.
On second thought, maybe that was the worst that could happen.
She was going to ask anyway.
It would take mere moments to reach over and cradle her heated cheek in his palm. His claws curled, eager to experience the feel of her warm flesh. A deeper blush than he had ever seen on her, apparent even in the dark of the moonlit night.
So appealing, his little human. She spoke words of duty to him, her certainty of his leadership flinging open passageways to deep caverns, shining light on hidden doubts and tenacious worries.
And after the comfort brought by her declaration, she immediately caused discomfort to throb through his body by the lift of her hair and the curve of her neck.
To follow that blush as far down as it goes, and then to go further…
Her eyes were luminous in the moonlight, a warmth even in the midst of the coldest night.
“I-” She broke off, letting her arms down so her hair fell around her face. She licked her full lips, a nervous gesture he was growing familiar with, coming to loathe as he could not follow where that pink little tongue led. “Remember that first night?”
The first night? “Impossible to forget.”
“True.” Her smile held for long moments, not a product of nervousness but of fondness. While he thought on it with a certain amount of pleasure as well, he never dared hope she shared the sentiment. “That was the first time I ever flew.”
“Not even in one of the human machines?” He could see no pleasure in flying if it was in one of those contraptions. Where was the pleasure without the wind on a face or the force of wings slicing through air? No, it would only be good as a means of transportation.
She shook her head. “No. My only family lives here, and my father said there was no reason to go elsewhere.”
He had never thought to ask her, afterwards. Understandable. While at the end of that first night a cautious truce had been declared, she had been a far way f
rom trusting him and he wished to make no mistakes that would change that. “Did you enjoy it?”
“That’s the thing. There was so much going on, and I couldn’t see beyond my own fear and then later my exhaustion. But I think I might under other circumstances.” She reached out to touch his wing but caught herself, bringing her arm back with a jerk. “Would it be possible for us to go flying another time?”
To have her in his arms. To cuddle her generous body against his and have her arms wrapped around his neck, her warm breath rhythmic against his neck. “I would enjoy that very much.”
“You would?” She let out a small, audible breath, and it was only now when she let it go he saw the nervousness interwoven throughout this entire conversation. “So would I.”
So appealing… “Why not now?”
“Really?” She looked around, though what she thought she would see he did not know. “Are you sure it would be okay?”
He held out his hand. “Come, little human. Let me show you your city from above.”
She stared at it for long moments, and as she looked, he began to see the appendage as it looked from her point of view. Did the sharp claws frighten her? Did the grey skin bring her distress?
She laid her small, soft hand in his and her gaze showed no distress when it met his, only excitement at this new adventure.
He came to stand in front of her, taking in those miraculous blue eyes. He bent to accommodate her smaller frame. “Wrap your arms around my neck,” and the words were a rumble, coming out from part of him he dare not explore.
She was hesitant, her fingers first resting on his collarbone before moving over the planes of his shoulders to twine around the curve of his neck.
His arms snaked around her, one over the long curve of her torso to rest at the small of her back, the other curling under her lush thighs.
With a sharp exhale that had nothing to do with physical exertion, he brought her fully against him.
The movement brought their faces within a beat of space. Larissa’s gaze darted to his mouth.
Terak flung himself from the building. He heard Larissa’s sharp inhale as they plummeted and then her small, relieved gasp as the wind caught under his wings ringing in his ears.
He went as low as he dared over the city, but after a few moments she shook her head. “I have no desire to see the city, so don’t tempt fate over being caught. I want to fly.”
As though to emphasize her words she nestled her head into the valley between his neck and shoulder, a placement that would give her limited visibility but allowed him the full experience of her body against his.
He took her outside of the city. He flew high, the chill in the air biting into even his skin. He went low, where there was the chance of feeling the scrape of foliage.
She egged him on with her sounds and her sighs. She laughed and she screeched, and at one point she stretched her neck out and tilted her head, her hair a banner behind them.
“I can see why you love this. I do, too.”
The pleasure from those words was out of proportion to their importance.
She leaned up, her eyes on the sky. “Gods, look at that sky. It’s amazing. You can’t see a sky like that in the city.”
“Why have you never traveled outside?”
She was quiet, her exhale forceful. Finally, she said, “Dad never had much use for the New Realms, but I could never blame him for that. My mom died in the Great Collision.”
“I am sorry.”
“I…” she exhaled, and from her weighted pause he knew this was the part that was hardest for her to share. “She died giving birth to me. There were complications during the birth, and in the chaos after the collision the hospital was overwhelmed. Probably any other day she would have survived, but I chose to make my appearance in the world right then.”
She looked up at the sky again, and her eyes held a sheen that told of tears. The burden she carried was palpable, the blame she accepted immutable and undeserved. There would be future days to tell her this guilt was misplaced, but now was the time to be quiet and listen to her story.
“Dad never blamed me,” she said, looking up at him with the defense of her father. “He never spoke about it much, except to say how much Mom loved me, and he knew she was happy, because she finally got her little girl. When I turned twelve I tried to combine my birthday with a memorial for her. Dad wouldn’t have it. He said there were other days and other ways to show we loved and honored Mom. My birthday was a celebration that I’d been brought into this world.”
“Your father is a good man.”
“My dad’s the best.” Her eyes shone with pride. “My whole family is. I couldn’t have had better if I had been able to order them to my specifications. Well, except for the over-protectiveness.”
“Overprotective? Your father makes my Clan look permissive by comparison.”
She laughed. “You got that right. It’s probably one of the reasons I came to enjoy history so much – I got to investigate actions and ask questions and actually have them answered.” She took another deep breath, her mouth turning inward. “I can’t blame my dad too much, though. He was a cop during the Great Collision. Now that I’m older and realize how horrible the first few months were, and then the uncertainty the following couple years… I can’t blame him. He did his best to care for and protect us while the world was going crazy and had taken his wife away from him.”
“That is all any of us can do, they best we can under the circumstances we are given.”
She nodded. Her fingers were curling themselves in his hair. The unconscious stroking soothed him, the intimacy of the act yet another chain binding him to her. “What about your parents? What were they like?”
The air shifted around him, its currents disturbed. He tightened his grip on her, pulling her close, so close her face smashed into his neck. “Terak, what’s wrong?”
From the left it whizzed by them, clipping his wing enough to throw him to the side until he righted himself.
“Terak?” and all pleasure was gone from her tone.
It came down from above several yards in front of him, far enough away that he could pull himself short and hover there, his wings flapping to keep them steady in the air.
A small human woman, with Asian features and hair such a blinding color of blue it hurt his eyes. “Boo.”
Chapter Eighteen
“Like I said, romantic. Can I call them or what?”
They landed some twenty feet away from the waiting group in a cleared section of woodland, far outside the city limits. It was Fallon who had called out to them, that giant sword strapped to her back, with the same combo of black leather-ish clothes, though this time she wore a coat that fell to the ground. Laire was standing to the right of the swordswoman, her outfit tonight a neon-blue ode-to-naughty Alice in Wonderland ensemble, full of lace and Victorian trappings, but if she bent over, Larissa was sure any underwear would be exposed to the world.
If she wore underwear.
Shaking off that thought, Larissa turned her attention to the third and final member of the gang. Her breath hitched as she beheld the newest woman, the same wonderment she experienced moments ago as she flew in Terak’s arms spreading through her now.
This woman’s height was average, but nothing else about her could be described that way. Her pale blue eyes glowed against the light tan of her skin and her long silky hair was so black it had a blue sheen in the moonlight. Her face had an appealing pixie-ish quality, but Larissa could tell nothing about her body, which was hidden underneath a long brown cloak.
A gust of wind ruffled her hair, giving a glimpse of a long neck, delicate jaw, and pointed ears.
Pointed ears. “You’re an elf, aren’t you?”
The woman inclined her head. “I am Aislynn.” Her voice held the clear luster of ringing bells.
Being in front of an elf must not have had the same sense of awe for Terak, if his clenched jaw and the tigh
t lines of his body were anything to go by. He said, “What is it you wish, Dragon Slayer?”
Dragon Slayer. In reaction to his words Fallon held herself even straighter. Why would he call her Dragon Slayer?
Fallon said, “I make no move against you or yours, Clan Leader of the Gargoyles, but I wish to talk to this woman. She is a human who lives in the city, and thus is under my protection.”
“I saved her. Therefore, she is mine.” Terak’s voice pitched low while his clawed hands flexed, and while it held warning for the women in front of them, for Larissa it sparked a heat that spiraled through her torso and down the length of her body.
“Is that so? Shall we take it before the Seven Houses to hear their verdict?”
Terak held himself still, but his anger was palpable. “Beware casting your fate in that direction. Do not think my Clan powerless.”
Enough of this. Whether this was jockeying for some kind of position or they really thought they could argue about her as if she was a lost pet, it was over now. “Don’t talk about me as if I’m not even here,” Larissa said, meeting the eyes of each of the women before turning a quick glance toward Terak. “I’ll decide who I’m going to talk with and when, and flying out of nowhere and then hitting us with these intimidation tactics isn’t going to endear you to me.”
Aislynn came forward, bowing slightly. “Forgive Fallon. She is so single-minded she forgets to show any manners.”
Aislynn continued, not sparing the swordswoman as much as a glance. “We have not detained you for any fight-”
“Speak for yourself, Ais.”
Aislynn rolled her eyes heavenward but showed no other sign that she heard Fallon behind her. “-But we must ask you questions. The appearance of the orcs signals an escalation. We must discover the reason behind this.”
How had they connected her? Was this a shot in the dark? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Fallon started looking around her, quick movements of her head in all directions. Laire was watching her teammate with a puzzled expression on her face. “What are you doing?”
Entwined Realms Volume One Page 14