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What He Bargains (What He Wants, Book Nineteen)

Page 56

by Hannah Ford

Raven wiped at her eyes, staring up at Jake with wonder. “But I thought you’d be so angry with me. I mean, you wanted to put all those songs away, close the book on your music career. And then I went and just put that video online without even mentioning it to you.”

  Jake just chuckled. “You’re kind of nuts, that’s true. But I love that about you.”

  “So you’re not mad?”

  He shook his head. “Not even a little bit.”

  Raven couldn’t believe it. She was stunned and overwhelmed with love for Jake. More than that, she’d gained a tremendous amount of respect for his ability to forgive, to understand, to be compassionate.

  “I want to make it up to you,” she told him, sniffling.

  “You don’t have to make it up to me,” he said. “It’s fine. Whatever people think about that song or whatever they say about it, why should I care? My career is over and I’m okay with it.”

  “Still…” she said, eyeing him with steadily growing lust. She’d never felt such devotion and attraction to another person.

  Jake was standing in front of her in long shorts and a tight t-shirt that showed off almost every definition of his sculpted chest, shoulders and stomach. Standing in front of her, he looked sexier than he’d ever looked—including on screen. The quizzical half-smile on his face only added to her desire.

  “We should be celebrating together,” Jake said. “Not crying over YouTube.”

  “I’m not crying anymore.”

  “Good. So let’s move on. You hungry?”

  She nodded her head, staring at his crotch. “I’m hungry and I want to put something in my mouth,” she said pursing her lips.

  Jake caught on to her mood and the grin faded, and it was replaced by his own hunger, as his eyes focused onto her. “I can arrange something if you’re in an all-you-can-eat sort of mood.”

  “I am,” she admitted, sliding onto her knees in front of him.

  “Pull down my fucking shorts,” he commanded her.

  She did so, sliding them down over his muscular, thick thighs and letting them drop to his ankles. Beneath his shorts he was nude, his pulsating cock was released now, and it throbbed in front of her, completely hard and engorged.

  “It looks so good,” she whispered, and she meant it. His dick was big, and getting bigger, if such a thing was even possible. The shaft was thick and the head was bulging towards her. Raven wanted to slide it into her mouth and hear Jake moan with pleasure.

  “Wait,” Jake told her, stopping her from sucking on it. He grabbed her hand and placed it around his shaft. “I want you to stroke it,” he said, his jaw tensing, his eyelids heavy with excitement.

  Raven did as she was told, gently taking him in her hand. He was warm, his skin hot to her touch, and a she slowly slid her hand up and down the length of his shaft, he thrust himself toward her.

  “I want it in my mouth,” she pouted. His cock was so close to her face and she really did want to suck it. She loved having him inside her mouth, so intimate, knowing she was driving him crazy with desire.

  “You’ll put it in your mouth when I tell you it’s time,” he said. He was already enjoying her ministrations, and she began stroking him faster.

  “Jake, you’re so big,” she smiled.

  “Spit on my cock,” he told her.

  She looked up at him uncertainly. “Spit on it?”

  “Yes.” He stared down at her, and his tone wasn’t playful.

  Raven did as she was told, getting closer to his erect penis, spitting onto it. Her saliva hung off the edge of his hard-on, dripping down to his balls. “Now what?”

  “Keep doing what you were doing,” he replied huskily.

  Raven started stroking again and instantly understood why he’d wanted her to spit on him. It was making her hand slide over him so much more easily now. Of course, the same thing would’ve happened if he’d just let her start giving him a blowjob.

  As her hand cupped his massive erection, Raven’s own juices were starting to flow, making her wet between her legs. She was imagining Jake throwing her down, pulling off her clothes and fucking her on the floor. She was so ready that even as big as Jake was, he’d slide right into her like a hand fitting into a cozy glove.

  But that was all just fantasy, because right now, she was still stroking him, faster and faster.

  “Stop,” he said.

  “What?” she took her hand away as if she’d just touched a hot stove.

  “I want you to get undressed,” he said, taking a step back.

  “You want me to—“

  “Take your clothes off,” he growled. “Right now. No more questions, just do as I say.”

  Raven didn’t hesitate. She trusted him utterly. So she quickly disrobed, pulling off her shirt, then the rest of her clothes, leaving them in a scattered heap on the floor.

  She stood in front of Jake, completely nude. “What should I do now?”

  “I said, no more questions,” Jake replied. His eyes scanned her body up and down. “Get on the couch.”

  Raven glanced furtively at him, trying to register what he was thinking from his facial expression. Was he mad at her for putting his music online? Deep down, did he want to punish her for it?

  Is that what this was all about?

  She didn’t know and she couldn’t hesitate much longer. Instead, she did as Jake commanded, sliding onto the couch in a sitting position, all too aware of how naked she was and how Jake was watching her every movement.

  “Don’t sit. I want you to lie down on your back with your legs spread open.”

  She swallowed, her heart pounding in her chest. “Okay.”

  “Then do it.”

  She did it. Lying back so that her head was supported by one of the throw pillows, she opened her legs. The sun streaming through the window was capturing everything, showing every freckle, every scar, every flaw. This wasn’t exactly the most flattering lighting she could imagine for such a spectacle.

  But this was what Jake wanted her to do. She owed it to him to honor his request, even though it made her uneasy and self-conscious. She didn’t think her body and skin was nearly perfect enough to look good in this circumstance.

  “Now,” Jake said, “I want you to touch your pussy. And I’m going to watch you do it.”

  She turned her head to look at him, embarrassed. “I don’t know if I can.”

  “You can. And you will.” He folded his arms and waited.

  She noticed that his cock was still standing at attention, hard and swollen with blood. He was excited.

  That was something, at least.

  Raven realized that despite her anxiety, she was excited too. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then let it out. Instantly, her muscles relaxed a fraction, and her heart rate came down.

  It’s okay. He wants this. He wants you. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

  Even though he can see every flaw?

  Jake loves you, Raven. Have you forgotten that?

  She smiled a little to herself, remembering that, yes—Jake Novak did love her. He’d proven that over and over again in recent days. She was the one who kept doubting him, doubting what they had.

  As she reminded herself of their connection, her hand began drifting down, gliding past her breasts, her stomach, and then she was touching the beginning of her private place with the tips of her fingers.

  She was soaked down there.

  And as her fingers touched her own skin, she also felt sweat beading over her upper lip and prickling her forehead.

  “That’s perfect,” Jake said, his voice lower and deeper than ever before, as if he was a hypnotist, and his voice was transfixing her. “I want you to pretend that I control your hand, Raven. Because I do control it. Don’t I?”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “Now, I want you to find your clit. I know it’s already gotten very big because you’re wet and you want me to fuck you. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yeah,” she admitted, spreadin
g herself open and instantly contacting her clitoris with her fingertips. It sent a shockwave of excitement through her lower body.

  “Start rubbing that clit,” Jake said.

  She did as he told her, slowly rubbing her clit in a circular motion, and her legs spread wider as he continued with his instructions.

  “Good,” Jake told her. “Now, I want you to start fucking yourself with one of your fingers. Just one finger.”

  Raven slid her middle finger down and inside, and she contracted around herself. She was imagining Jake’s cock inside her, pushing his way in. “Oh God,” she moaned.

  Her hips began rising and falling. More and more, she was losing herself in the act.

  “That’s right,” he encouraged her.

  Raven turned her head, opened her eyes and looked at Jake. He was stroking his shaft and watching her intently.

  As their gazes connected, she felt an intense energy flowing through her entire body. She wasn’t looking away and neither was he. They were both masturbating, staring at one another, completely turned on and completely unashamed.

  Fuck me, she thought, but didn’t say. She showed him with her eyes as she continued to use her finger on herself. Raven couldn’t believe how wet she was getting.

  “I’m going to come,” she told him.

  “Not yet,” he said, and she knew he meant it.

  “I don’t know if I can stop—“

  That’s when Jake approached her, stepping close to her, looking down at her.

  His cock hung over her as he stood there. It looked even bigger from this angle.

  “You’re going to take me in your mouth now,” he said. “I’m going to fuck that pretty mouth of yours, but you better not come.”

  And before she could argue, Jake was bending down, using his arms to support his body weight by holding onto the couch while he slid his cock into her mouth from above.

  Raven was still shocked by how big he was. From this position, Jake had the control, he was pushing it into her mouth while she lay on her back.

  Even though it was a little scary, she found that she loved it. She loved that she was finally tasting him, sucking him.

  “Keep fingering your pussy,” he told her, his voice tight with excitement.

  One of his hands clutched the back of the couch while the other was holding onto an armrest above her head, as she’d slid further down to make room. Meanwhile, Raven’s free hand pressed against Jake’s rock hard stomach, trying to control his thrusts the best she could.

  His body was like a coiled spring, all power and muscle and energy building to a crescendo.

  She continued fingering herself, and each time her finger buried itself into her wet slit, she felt herself nearing a powerful orgasm. But Jake had told her not to come, and she was doing her best not to, even though this was as exciting as any sexual encounter yet.

  “Fuck,” Jake groaned as he slid his shaft even deeper into her mouth. “Take me all the way in,” he hissed.

  And so saying, he slid himself all the way, as far as he could go, and Raven swore she could feel the head of him tickling the back of her throat.

  When he withdrew, she took a deep, gasping breath.

  “Now I’m going to fuck that tight little pussy of yours,” he said, moving away just far enough so that he could reach down and grab her hips. Spinning her so that her butt was hanging off the couch, he pressed her legs upwards and entered her pussy with one quick thrust.

  Raven cried out in pleasure and surprise.

  Jake began pumping his hips, fucking her hard, his shaft sliding in and out as the energy continued to culminate in her center.

  His hands were pressing into her thighs, forcing them back as he drilled into her wet hole.

  “Jake,” she cried.

  And then they were both climaxing at once.

  “Oh my God,” she said, and she meant it. “Oh my God.” She’d never felt anything remotely like this energy that was burning up her entire body, making her muscles stiffen and contort and her eyes roll back.

  She nearly lost consciousness.

  Maybe she did.

  I’m out of my head.

  I’m out of my mind.

  But when she came back to planet Earth again, the pleasure was just as great, and it rolled through her in waves of ecstasy, as Jake collapsed down onto her, spending himself inside her, thrusting again and again, and then his lips were on her breasts and then her mouth.

  They were inhaling one another, kissing, laughing, their hands groping one another’s sweaty bodies, enjoying the feel of each other, the taste.

  They fell off the couch and rolled onto the floor, laughing.

  “Holy shit,” Jake said, as he rolled into his back, still laughing.

  “Oh God,” she said again, completely spent, her breath coming in gasps, her heart racing but slowly beginning to come down as she caught her breath once more. “I feel like I just sprinted a mile.”

  Jake shook his head. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Whatever it was, I want more of that. It felt amazing.”

  “You’re amazing,” Jake said, moving himself closer to her again, kissing her earlobe. “What a woman.”

  “Are you sure you aren’t mad at me?”

  He laughed. “You think I’m mad at you? Were you not there for what we just did?”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I feel guilty about putting your music online, Jake.”

  “Forget it. Seriously.”

  But she couldn’t. Her phone was on the floor nearby and Raven’s hand reached out and took her cell.

  “I should at least pull the video down, like you said, even if other people are going to post it.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Jake told her. “In a day or two, nobody will even care. Believe me, it’s not as important to everyone else as it is to you and me.”

  Raven opened up the webpage that had the YouTube video on it, and she was shocked at what she was seeing. Her eyes got wider and wider, and her mouth dropped open.

  “What is it?” Jake asked. “Hey—what’s wrong?”

  “It’s…it’s not possible…”

  “What’s not possible? Raven, give me that.” He grabbed the phone out of her hands and stared at it. His expression went from annoyed to puzzled to shocked in a matter of seconds.

  She knew what he was seeing, which was exactly what she’d already seen. In the short amount of time since she’d posted the video, it already had nearly a hundred thousand views.

  A hundred thousand views meant it had gone viral.

  But what had shocked her even more had been the likes. The people who’d watched the video had overwhelmingly liked it. There were already more than five thousand likes and only a handful of dislikes.

  Jake was scanning the comments. “Wow,” he said. His shook his head. “Just…wow.”

  “What are people saying, Jake?”

  He rubbed his chin as his eyes continued to scan the page. “Well, this one says, “I’m crying right now. Most beautiful song ever made.” If you can believe that.” Jake laughed, shaking his head. “Let’s see. Another person wrote, “If you’d told me I would become a Jake Novak fan today I’d have said you were either insane or an idiot. But surprisingly, even though I came here thinking I’d hate his new song and shit all over it, I really enjoyed this piece. It’s different than anything he’s ever done. Unless this is some sort of hoax, Jake Novak has just become truly awesome.””

  Raven was smiling from ear to ear as Jake continued to read comments.

  And then there was a buzzing from nearby as Jake’s phone started to ring. “Here,” Jake said, tossing her cell phone back to her. “I should probably take that.”

  He went and dug his phone out of his shorts and answered it. “Yeah,” he said into the phone, standing there naked, the sunlight capturing every beautiful curve, every muscle, every vein in his forearm. Raven thought she’d never seen him so handsome as he was right then, like
an angel made real.

  Jake laughed into the phone and then he listened for a long time to the person on the other end. Finally, he said, “Wow, I’m completely blown away to hear you say that...” he paused, listening. “Well thanks for letting me know. I’ll call you in the next day or two, okay? Tell everyone I said hi. Talk soon. Love you.” He hung up, staring at his phone, bemused, maybe even a little nostalgic.

  “Who was that?” Raven asked him.

  “That was my Dad,” Jake said. “He never in my whole career ever said a word about my music. I mean, he would congratulate me on stuff and say he was proud, but he never actually said he liked anything I did.”

  “What did he say just now?”

  “He said that a friend of his told him to check it out and emailed him a link, so Dad went online and had a listen.” Jake swallowed and his eyes moistened. “He told me that my new song was something he never could have expected or imagined. He told me it was better than Paul McCartney’s Yesterday, which is my Dad’s all-time favorite song.”

  “Oh, Jake. That’s so amazing, and so sweet of him to tell you that.”

  Jake cleared his throat. His eyes met hers. “That’s because of you, too. I don’t care what else happens, Raven. For my Dad to call me and tell me that…it means more to me than a five-star review in Rolling Stone or hitting The Billboard Top Ten or whatever else people get excited about.”

  “You deserve it,” she told him. “The song is that good. I knew people would agree with me when they saw you playing it.”

  “I can’t believe I’m about to say this,” Jake said. “But I think it’s a hit.”

  Raven smiled. “I think you’re right.”

  * * *

  Over the remainder of the evening, the song’s popularity continued to increase. Raven had never seen anything like it, and from Jake’s reaction, neither had he.

  By the time they went to sleep that night, the video had received over a million views and 25,000 likes, with only a few hundred dislikes. The comments were overwhelmingly positive too.

  But there was much more happening then just views and comments on the one video she’d posted. There had also been other videos posted, some from the bloggers and various insiders she’d emailed earlier.


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