Saved Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 2)

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Saved Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 2) Page 1

by Tamara White

  Saved Elemental

  Evelyn Storm Series Book 2

  Tamara white

  © 2016 Tamara White

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  I want to dedicate this book to my best friend Nyasa for encouraging me to keep going in my writing. I may have had a few bumps with the first book but without her there wouldn’t be a second book.

  Also to all my fans of the first book that loved the story so much it made me want to share more with you. Thank you. You guys make it worth it to keep writing and I hope this book is just as enjoyable as the first.

  Table of contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 1


  I wake up with a jolt. What happened? Ow. Why does my head hurt? I reach up and feel the back of my head. It’s all sticky so I must have hit my head somewhere.

  When I stand up, I hear a rattling noise and look around. I turn around and look behind me and feel the tugging on my wrists. Looking down, I try not to panic. My wrists are in chains. When did that happen? And why can’t I remember how I got here? I sit back down on the ground and try to remember what happened. I remember us talking at breakfast and finding out about Ky and Teddy’s fathers, but that’s it.

  Teddy’s father killed my mother. I want to be angry at him and ask him how he could not know his father was a murderer, but that would be like them asking me how come I didn’t know my adoptive parents were elementals. We don’t always know the lives of our parents.

  Oh, wait, I remember I went outside to get some air to deal with all of it. For just a moment, I worried they would betray me to their parents, but once I had calmed down enough I realized they would never do that. Closing my eyes and focusing on their feelings, I could feel their disgust at what their parents had done.

  Hearing something, I assumed one of the guys came out to make sure I was ok, but when I turned around, it was my parents. They were standing on the edge of the forest just watching me. My dad smiled before someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed but something hit me on the head and then I woke up here.

  It feels like I’ve been waiting for hours when I hear footsteps above me. I listen and wait. It doesn’t take long before someone’s coming down the stairs.

  My mother is carrying a plate and cup that she places at my side.

  “Why am I here?” I ask.

  She ignores me and turns to walk back up the stairs.

  “Why did you take me? I deserve to know!” I shout after her.

  My mother stops and walks back. She crouches down in front of me. “You deserve nothing, Evelyn. You are nothing, and I can’t wait for them to break you,” She’s smiling so evilly that I’m taken aback. She may not have nurtured me, but she was never so cruel. It was always my father.

  When she reaches the top of the stairs, she speaks again “Your father will be here soon, Evelyn. I’ll be back to watch.” With that, she shuts the door.

  I look down at the plate and pick up the sandwich. It’s just meat and cheese, but it’s better than nothing. A minute after I finish I feel drowsy. She must have drugged it.


  It’s been almost a week since Evie disappeared and we’re all on edge. We’ve tried contacting a few elementals we trust, but no one has heard anything. Max has also tried contacting Evie’s grandfather, but he hasn’t answered yet and I can tell it’s getting to him. His energy keeps spiking when he doesn’t get an answer.

  We’re all in the kitchen having coffee, while Ky tries to call his dad. We all agreed last night he would call and pretend that the elemental we’re watching was showing powers. Maybe we can trick him into thinking Evie is the wrong elemental and buy us some time while we find her grandfather.

  Ky walks back into the kitchen from the patio “Well my dad said he’ll come and help us but he’s attending to ‘council matters’ so he doesn’t know when he’ll get here.”

  That doesn’t sound good for Evie.

  “How will get her back if we don’t where they are?!” Dane is the calmest of us, but Evie being gone has taken all his patience.

  “Max, could I speak to you? In private,” I look around at the other guys hoping they won’t get upset, but I need to talk to him about my visions.

  “It’s ok, Mike, I know what you want to talk about and you should tell them too,” Max says to me.

  I sigh and look at the guys. I really didn’t want to make things worse.

  “What do we need to know?” Teddy’s asking, but they’re all looking at me.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I’ve been having visions since Evie was taken. It’s not good guys. I wanted to ask Max if he’s been having any visions too.”

  Dane looks furious “What?! And you didn’t think we should know? She isn’t just bonded to you Mike! I can’t believe you would do this to us! Even if the visions are bad, we deserve to know.”

  “You’re right, I didn’t think. I didn’t want to hurt you guys with what I saw. It’s bad guys. If you want me to, I’ll project them to you and I hope that after you see you won’t hate me.” I control the urge to vomit. I’ve already seen these and replay them often in my head and it never gets easier.

  I project my visions into their heads, and they all go pale. Ky runs outside and throws up in the grass. He’s on his knees retching, and Dane is there next to him looking just as ill.

  Max is watching them with sympathy, and I feel the same. This is why I didn’t want to show them. I wanted them to have hope Evie would be safe.


  Oh my god. I’m so close to losing my breakfast.

  The first vision Mike showed us was Evie chained to a wall. It was the same image as the one she drew on Friday.

  The second vision is of Evie fighting off her father while he hits her. She’s chained to a wall and covered in bruises. She tries defending herself, but it’s impossible while she’s chained to the wall.

  The third vision is of Evie still chained up wearing nothing but her bra and panties while being force fed food and water by her mother. Her mother’s gripping her by the hair and pouring it down her throat telling her to swallow it. The scary thing about that vision though is that you can see how haggard she looks. She looks like she’s been captive for weeks rather than days, and that terrifies me.

  What if we can’t find her in time?

  The last vision made Ky lose his stomach. Evie’s hanging limp from chains when her mother comes in and cuts her. She’s cutting along her breasts and stomach before turning her around and slicing across her back, butt cheeks, and legs. Her mother says in the vision, “If you won’t tell us who you’re bonded to, we’ll make sure no one will ever touch you again.”

  That her mother could do that to someone she raised is terrifying. Ky has never handled the sight of blood well. But I think it’s that they’re hurting Evie, and we can’t stop it, that really upsets


  I’m watching the guys out in the yard, Dane has his arm wrapped around Ky to comfort him, and I’m glad that one of us is comforting him. Ky is already worried about Evie hating him for what our parents have done. Seeing Mike’s visions probably sent him over the edge.

  We’re all dealing with Mikes’ visions differently, but all I want is Evie back before any of that happens. She shouldn’t have to go through all that pain and suffering to protect us.

  “Have you felt anything through the bond?” Max is talking to both of us, I assume.

  “No, I haven’t felt it at all. I keep trying to concentrate on it, but it’s like it’s buried too deep and every time it almost comes to the surface, it sinks back deeper,” I respond.

  “Yeah, same for me. I know it’s still there, but it won’t let me hold onto it,” Mike says, looking just as frustrated.

  “It’s ok. We’ll get her back. I’ll call her grandfather again and, if he doesn’t answer, we might have to go on a trip,” Max says with determination.

  Since Evie vanished, we did everything we could to try find out where she was, but Max has contacts none of us can dream of. He knows other fallen angels willing to help us retrieve her when we find out her location.

  “I’m sorry I said nothing about the visions, but I didn’t want any of you to worry more than you already were,” Mike is looking out at Dane and Ky too.

  I sigh and face him “I know you think you were doing the right thing, but we all care for Evie. Knowing something, is better than nothing and your visions could give us a clue where Evie is. You need to tell us if you have any more visions so we can try to find her. Max, you call her grandfather. If you can’t contact him, we’ll go find him.”


  I don’t think I’ve ever felt so defeated. Seeing Evie chained against that wall, made me feel so weak and hopeless. She being beaten and starved, for what? She couldn’t even defend herself! And her mother cutting her?! What kind of sick person does that? I hope Evie knows we would still want her no matter what. We need to find her!

  I turn to Dane “We need to find her. I can’t feel her, and its killing me. How long is she going to be there? She looked like she had been there for weeks. How can we find her before that last vision happens?” I’m so frustrated and I feel a tear drag down my cheek before wiping it away.

  Most visions come true, but I really hate the thought of any of those visions coming true.

  “I know. Sometimes I swear I can feel her, but when I focus on the bond it’s gone again,” Dane is looking at the ground, and I feel his hopelessness.

  Since we bonded with Evie, we’ve been able to feel each other’s emotions and sometimes hear random thoughts, which was unusual at first. Bonded can usually feel the girl’s emotions, but not the other guys’ feeling and thoughts. I guess we’re all an exception to the normal way of things. Maybe we need to forget trying to lure my father back and hunt him.

  We’d all come to the conclusion that the mysterious ‘R’ that had signed the letters to her parents was my father, and it almost drove me to madness. I’ve wanted to make him pay, knowing what he did to Evie’s mother, and making her live with those parent’s.

  What’s wrong with him? And how did I never know he was like that?

  Screw it, let’s hunt our fathers down and get Evie back!

  “Come on, let’s make a plan to get our girl back.”

  Chapter 2


  I don’t know how long I’ve been here, but it feels like a lifetime. Every day I get drugged and wake up covered in bruises. At least I don’t have to be awake for the beatings.

  Every day they come in and ask me who I bonded with and I say nothing. I’m scared of what would happen if they knew I bonded to all of them.

  I hear the basement door open and my parents both come down the steps. A couple of days ago I would have gotten up and prepared myself for whatever they were planning, but I don’t care anymore. All I care about is protecting my bonded.

  “Hello, Evelyn. How are you doing today? Are you ready to tell us who you bonded with yet?” Marcia is looking around the room in disgust, while Charles stalks towards me.

  I refuse to refer to them as my parents any longer. No parent would do this to their child and enjoy it. They don’t deserve the title.

  “I haven’t bonded to anyone. I keep telling you I didn’t understand what that was until the day you took me!” I shout in frustration.

  The first day I woke up here, they asked me who I had bonded with, I pretended to not have any idea what they meant. I told them I had just found out about bonding and it was the reason I was outside by myself. Besides, if I admitted it now they’d know I was lying and would probably punish me worse. At least for now, all they do is beat me and that I’ve dealt with before so I know I can handle it.

  Charles looks happy to hear my answer and throws the first punch at my face. I turn my body as close to the wall as I can to protect the more tender body parts.

  I’m used to the routine of what happens now. They come in and question me about my bonded, I don’t give them an answer, Charles beats me and then they leave. There are guards outside the door that come in when they leave and unchain me so I can relieve myself in a toilet on the other side of the room. There’s a shower too, but I haven’t showered since I’ve been here.

  After Charles finishes his beating, Marcia tries to get me to eat the stew she brought down, but I resist because I know it’s most likely drugged. Not that my refusing helps, because she grips my hair and pulls my head back. I cry out from the pain and she uses the opening to pour it down my throat. I have no choice but to swallow or choke. When she finishes, she throws the bowl in the corner where it breaks and stomps up the stairs with my father following. My stomach is complaining and the taste of the stew makes me gag before retching all the stew back up.

  I’m on my knees dry heaving when the guards come get me and drag me to the toilet. I huddle over the bowl and try to stop gagging. The drugs were most likely in the stew, which means I’ll be awake for the beating later. But maybe without the drugs, I can try reach the bond?

  I close my eyes and concentrate on reaching them, the bond flares to life “Dane-” I don’t realize I spoke out loud until I’m yanked up by the guard, losing my focus on the bond causing it to disappear again.

  “Did you say Dane? How do you know him?” I look closely at the guard.

  I haven’t paid too much attention to the guards being here, but this one has been here with me every time I’m taken to the bathroom.

  “Yes, I said Dane. Tell me how you know him first, and then I’ll answer you.” I don’t know whether to tell him or not but my instincts tell me he can help me.

  “We go way back. I went to school with Dane, Ky, Ted, and Mike. We were all friends until their parents moved them away, but Dane and I kept in touch until a year ago,” he says before putting me back on the floor by the toilet.

  “Relieve yourself so I can put you back in the chains.” He turns his back on me to give me the illusion of privacy. The other guard has disappeared somewhere, and I have an idea.

  He lifts me up when I finish and carries me back to the chains. As he locks them back on my wrist I take a chance, “Can you do something for me? I don’t know how much longer I’ll last down here, and I need you to get a message to Dane. Tell him that Evie’s sorry. He’ll know what for, but promise me you’ll tell him?” I figure if he has a conscience and tells Dane, then Dane will figure out this guy knows where I am.

  I look up at the guard to see him studying me. He would be cute if I wasn’t missing my guys. He stands up stepping away from me, and I notice he’s gone pale. “You’re his bonded, aren’t you?”


  I’m getting so sick and tired of this travelling. It’s been 18 days since they took Evie, and we’re no closer to finding her. We checked each of our parents’ houses, but they were dead ends. Mike hasn’t had any visio
ns. We still haven’t decided if that’s a good thing or bad thing. It could mean that nothing bad is happening to Evie, or it could mean something terrible happened and there’s no longer a reason to get visions.

  Max was given three possible addresses of where Evie’s grandfather might be, so we’ve been going to each address in the hopes of finding him and getting his help. We’ve been to the first two with no luck, and are on our way to the third now.

  We’re pulling into the third place when Dane gasps, and the rest of us feel it. I brake the car and try to reach for the bond, but it’s gone again.

  Dane is looking at us “Did you feel her too? She tried to contact us, but something’s stopping her.”

  For a brief moment, I felt hope that she would be ok, but they must be doing something terrible to stop her from reaching out to us.

  “What do we do? Do we try to track her? She felt far away,” Teddy asks with his worry adding to everyone else’s, but it’s Max that speaks “We go in and see if her grandfather is here, then if he’s not we go to every elemental until we find her,” and with that he steps out and walks up to the house.


  We’re all waiting in the driveway for Max to come back outside. While we wait, I pace back and forth and think over everything. I felt Evie reach out, but something was wrong. I don’t know what to make of it, but I felt someone else with Evie and that shouldn’t be possible unless they’re bonded to us too.

  My phone ringing startles the guys. I walk away towards the end of the drive to answer the call. “Hello?”

  “Hey Dane, its Zach,” he responds.

  Wow, I haven’t heard from Zach in forever. Things didn’t exactly end great between us.

  “Hey man. How are you? Sorry It’s been a while, but the council has had us moving around a lot.” It’s true. We haven’t been back to New York for three years because we were sent to different schools to help elementals, and the last I saw Zach was about a year ago.


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