King Asshole

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King Asshole Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  She took him to the back of her throat, and he couldn’t help it. He came, and did so hard. Each pulse shooting into her mouth she swallowed him down and he felt her do that. He found that fucking hot.

  Not one to be outdone, the moment his release subsided, he picked her up and placed her on the couch.

  “Watch the screen. Watch how he fucks her and takes her. I want you to imagine me fucking your sweet pussy. I’m going to pound it, baby, make you so wet you can’t imagine being with anyone else but me. Then I’m going to take your ass. Fuck you so hard and drive in so deep that my cum’s going to be leaking out for days.”

  With her panties out of the way, he licked her cunt, stroking her clit, plunging down to enter her. Her cream tasted so sweet. He was already addicted to her taste. He loved licking her pussy, feeling her come, taking her to the next level of pleasure. Using his fingers inside her pussy, to stretch her. She was going to be so incredibly tight when he finally got the chance to fuck her.

  He couldn’t wait.

  Actually, he could.

  As much as he wanted to fuck her, he loved just spending time with her.

  He was turning into one of those fucking pussies that liked to hold hands and shit.

  With three fingers inside her, he sucked on her clit, and she came, screaming his name, the sound echoing off the walls and filling him with pride that he’d been the one to do it.

  Afterward, he licked her essence from his fingers and sat beside her, wrapping his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder.

  “Lily wants me to be a godparent to her child,” she said, surprising him.

  “She told you?”

  “Yeah, she told me. A few days ago. I was going to tell you, but it did kind of slip my mind.”

  “Ryan asked me the other day as well. I didn’t know if they were ready for people to know.”

  “I’d like to be a godparent if that’s okay with you. I don’t want you to think I’m pushing my luck or anything.”

  “I’d love for you to be a godparent as well. I’m not about to hog all of our friends’ attention. We can do that together.” He cupped her cheek and took possession of her lips.

  Kissing was becoming one of his favorite parts of foreplay.


  “Does it not worry you that all those women are hanging around him?” Lily asked.

  Dani glanced over at the bar. She and Jax were into two weeks of dating right now. She’d spent more time with him in the past two weeks than she could ever recall anyone else in her life.

  “No. I don’t have a problem with it.”

  “I would if it was me,” Rachel said.

  “But I’m not you.” She stared at Rachel.

  Lily had asked her out with a small girls’ party. Next time Dani was going to find out exactly how many were going. The girls’ party included Lily, Rachel, Anna, Bethany, and Charlotte. They were also here with Ryan, Wes, Sean, and Carl. It seemed that the girls’ party was in fact friends’ night.

  Jax was at the bar working, and they wanted to come here so he could join them all after his shift.

  She’d never been to his workplace before. The bar in question was a lot different from Arnold’s place. For one, there was a huge screen playing the latest football game. For another, there wasn’t a lot of food on the menu. Arnold liked to offer food.

  She was starving, so she only drank a couple of beers while waiting for her man to be finished for the day.

  A couple of the girls that came with Lily were constantly looking toward the bar, watching Jax. They’d look at her and quickly avert their gazes. She could only imagine that a couple of them were girls he’d fucked then kicked out of the apartment.

  Pushing some of her hair off her face, she wished she hadn’t dressed in this light summer pink dress and instead opted for jeans and a shirt. She felt somewhat overdressed. Finishing off her beer, she shook her head when Wes went to get more orders.

  Watching the bar, she saw Jax push back a card and shake his head.

  He moved toward Wes, who gave him the order before returning. “Where’s our drinks?”

  “Jax said he’d bring it over.”

  She didn’t have to wait long before Jax was there. He put the tray down in the center of the table, and she figured he was heading back to the bar.

  He didn’t.

  He walked up behind her, cupped the back of her head as he turned her, and his lips were on hers.

  She gripped his shirt as he plunged his tongue into her mouth.

  The bar. The music. The noise. Lily’s annoying bitch friends all faded away as he kissed her like he never wanted her to forget.

  “I’m missing you,” he said, breaking the kiss and whispering in her ear.

  “You seem to have a lot of admirers here.”

  “Just know the only woman I’m interested in is wearing something that keeps drawing my eye.”

  “I dressed wrong.”

  “No, you dressed totally right because when this night is over I’m taking you back to our place and stripping you naked for our next foreplay.” He kissed her lips again. She watched him go, her lips tingling.

  “See, girls, that’s never happened before, has it?” Lily asked.

  Her cheeks heated now as Lily clapped.

  “He’s totally smitten with you,” Ryan said.

  “How did you do it?” Anna asked. “We’ve all been saying that no woman can tame that … beast.”

  Lily spat her water out, laughing. “Beast? Are you serious right now?”

  “You have to admit he’s fucking hot,” Bethany said. “Every girl wants a piece of that action.”

  “Jax is not all that,” Wes said.

  “Please, you couldn’t even touch him, he’s that dreamy.” Rachel sighed. “What did you do to tame him?”

  “I’ve not got a clue.”

  “You know what, it doesn’t matter what she did,” Ryan said. “That’s his girlfriend, and you’re grown-ass women. What she does or doesn’t do is none of your business.”

  She offered Ryan a smile.

  The truth was, she didn’t have the first clue what had drawn Jax’s attention to her. They’d been roommates, but she’d not been annoyed with him either when she saw the way he treated women. He didn’t make apologies for who he was, nor did he seem to encourage them.

  Watching him at the bar, she saw the women that came up to him. There were quite a few, which did surprise her as she didn’t expect women to be that open and forward.

  “Dani, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  Drawing her attention away from Jax, she saw Fred was there. He had a beer in his hand.

  “Fred, hi, how are you?” she asked. “Guys, this is a friend of mine, Fred. Fred, these are my friends.” She still found that a little hard to believe, but she wasn’t going to get into a big, long explanation about how they weren’t really her friends.

  Fred nodded at her friends, and she didn’t know what else to say.

  “It’s been a long time. I expected you to call me.”

  “I’ve been busy, and you weren’t exactly in the best mood last time we spoke.”

  “Do you want to dance?” he asked, completely ignoring her.

  “Erm, I’m here with someone.”

  She felt everyone at the table watching her.

  “You are?”


  “She’s with me,” Jax said, stepping toward her.

  She’d not even seen him leave the bar.

  With her cheeks on fire, she saw Fred’s surprise. “I thought you were just her roommate.”

  “You thought wrong.”

  “Wow, my bad. I guess I expected more from you.” As Fred walked away she knew she heard him call her a whore.

  She’d never been called such a thing.

  “What the fuck—”

  “What did you just call me?” Dani asked, getting to her feet. She wasn’t about to have anyone call her a name, pastel pink dress
be damned.

  “Look, if it looks like a whore, sounds like a whore, then guess what? It is one.”

  “You son of a bitch!”

  She put her hands on Jax’s chest, stopping him from breaking this guy’s face.

  Once she was sure Jax was under control, she turned to look at Fred. “You think you have a right to call me a whore? A man who was fucking everything that walked? A guy who thinks I’m just some damn booty call? You think I don’t know about you fucking everything you see? You think I wasn’t just using you for fun? No one, and I mean no one, calls me a whore.” She drew her arm back and slammed it against Fred’s nose. “No one, do you hear me? No one.” She went to hit him again, but someone grabbed her, Jax she imagined, and all of a sudden, she was being led out of the bar.

  Jax had her pressed up against the side of the building. The brick dug into her back, the dress she wore not providing any protection.

  “I just punched a guy.”

  “It was fucking ace. Are you okay? I can go in there and finish the job,” Jax said.

  “I don’t like being called a whore. I’m not a whore. I enjoy sex, Jax, but I’m not a whore.”

  “I know that.” Jax held her face in both of his hands. “Hey, look at me. You don’t have to defend your actions to me. I know you’re not a whore. I know who you are, Dani. You’re not a whore.”

  She held onto his arms, staring into his blue eyes. “I’m not a whore. I’m just a girl that likes sex.”

  He chuckled. “I’m a guy that loves sex.”

  “We’re two people who love sex and are denying ourselves the pleasure.”

  “We’re a little fucked in the head, but there’s not a whole lot we can do.” He pressed another kiss to her lips. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “That was fucking epic,” Ryan said. He was holding her jacket and her bag.

  Jax let her go but took her hand.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I’ve finished my shift for the night. It’s time to get some food.”

  “Are you sure? You’re not going to get into trouble?”

  “No, I won’t get into trouble, certainly not for dickface. Don’t stress about it. We’re good.” He kissed her head. “Now, let’s go and have a good time.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jax served up their meal, watching the rapture that came over her face as she took a bite of his food.

  “This is so good. I mean, amazingly good.”

  “Thanks. I’ve, erm, I’ve been thinking about something.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Don’t laugh.”

  “I’m not going to. Why would I laugh?”

  “I’m thinking about going back to culinary school. I know I’m thirty-five years old, and I’ve got no chance.”

  “What does your age have to do with anything?” She took another bite. “You’re talented, Jax. I’m surprised you didn’t pursue this sooner.”

  “Yeah, well, I wanted to ask your thoughts on it. It won’t affect my hours at the bar or anything. I’ll still be making the same money.”

  “Will your experiments be coming home for me to try?”

  He loved the way she called their apartment home.

  What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m not some kind of fucking pussy.

  “Yeah, I’ll be bringing them home.”

  “Then I say go for it. I’ll be here, and I can’t wait. You need to follow your dreams, Jax, no matter what.” She reached over the table and held his arm. “You have got so much talent. I can’t believe you were surviving on takeout for so long.”

  He took her hand, locking their fingers together. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll always support you, Jax. You only need to ask.”

  He brought her hand to his lips, kissing her wrist. “You’re wonderful.”

  They finished their meal, and Dani complimented his food. When it was finished, she was the one who took care of the dishes, but he always loved to stand and watch her, or touch her, or to feel her pussy as he played with her. Teasing her, bringing her to just the peak of nearing her orgasm and then waiting, made her even more horny.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he kissed her neck.

  Since they’d been together with their agreement, he’d not looked at another woman. He’d not wanted to either.

  “I’m doing the dishes,” she said.

  “That’s good. I’m happy and content to do what I want.” He cupped both of her tits and heard her moan. “I love these babies.”

  She chuckled.

  Flicking the pulse at the side of her neck, he nibbled on her flesh. Her ass thrust back against his dick, trying to rub him. He moved one hand to her hip, guiding her close to his cock so she could rub that sweet ass against him. He was nowhere near done with her.

  She smelled fucking amazing, and his cock ached to be inside her.


  So very fucking soon.

  “Jax.” She moaned his name.

  He loved the sound echoing around the room. It made him ache to take more of her. To fuck her harder, to claim more of her. She was on fire, and he was putty in her hands. She just didn’t seem to realize how much.

  “Is your pussy wet for me, baby? You want me to touch you?”


  “Make sure those dishes are all clean.”

  She laughed. “You like bossing me around.”

  She gasped as he cupped her pussy through her jeans. He wasn’t touching her directly, but he rubbed her a few times as he thrust against her ass.

  When that wasn’t enough, he slid a hand inside her jeans and past her panties. This time he moaned at the feel of her pretty cunt on his fingers. So wet. So perfect. Everything he wanted. Plunging two fingers inside her, he pulled them out, stroking over her clit, rubbing back and forth, taking her pleasure higher as he kissed her neck. With his other hand, he wrapped her hair around his fist, moving it off her neck so he could kiss her neck without anything getting in the way. He was so hard.

  All he wanted to do was bend her over the counter and fuck her senseless. To feel this tight little cunt wrapped around his dick as he drove into her again and again. Instead, he teased her, kissed her. He didn’t realize how much he loved kissing until he was with her. She was an amazing kisser.

  She finished the dishes and twirled in his arms, stopping him from playing with her.

  “You’ve got to dry them.”

  “I’ll do them later.” She cupped his face, kissing his lips. “I think it’s time I give you some attention.”

  She ran her hand down his chest until she cupped his cock. He released a hiss as she stroked him through his jeans. “You want inside my pussy?” she asked.

  “Don’t tease.”

  “You and I both know that’s off the table for now, but come on, it’s fun. It’s kinky. Especially if I say I want your cock so bad even though we know it’s not going to happen.” She gripped the back of his neck, drawing his lips down. “We can still do a lot of fun things.”

  He put his hand back between her legs, not one to be outdone.

  Moving her backward toward their bedroom, he continued to kiss her. She didn’t let up in her strokes, and he didn’t want her to. The moment they got to the bedroom, he started to pull off her clothes.

  They were both laughing as they tore at their shirts. Her nails scored down his chest, and he pushed her down on the bed, unbuttoning her jeans, and sliding them right off. She attacked his belt, and he took over, shoving his jeans down to his ankles, not wanting them on him anymore.

  The moment they were off, he cupped her face, kissing her sweet lips and tasting her. She held onto his hips, and he moved her up the bed. She spread her legs, and he moved between them.

  “I’m not going to fuck you,” he said.

  “I know.” The arousal was clear in her eyes.

  He placed his cock between the lips of her wet pussy and with every thrust of h
is hips, he began to bump her clit. They both cried out. It felt so fucking good to just explore her, to feel her wrapped around him. Taking possession of her lips once again, he started to move slowly, bumping her clit with each thrust. She started to arch up, to meet him halfway, neither of them breaking from the kiss as he moved against her.

  Her tits bounced, and even though it was so tempting to just put his cock inside her and take what he wanted, he didn’t.

  One month, they’d agreed.

  Jax finally understood what Ryan meant when he spoke about finding the right woman. He’d found her in Dani. She was perfect as far as he was concerned. She didn’t make any demands of him. They had fun together. They matched in so many ways it was uncanny. He couldn’t even believe that right now he was making love to a woman without being inside her. Not only that, he wanted to kiss her. That he wanted to hear her screaming his name as she came, or that she was going to be staying in his bed. He wouldn’t be kicking her out of it.

  Whatever Dani had done to him, he didn’t want it to stop.

  She was so fucking precious to him.

  Seeing that loser Fred with her, he’d wanted to commit murder. She deserved so much better, and yet, she’d taken care of herself. To him, as far as he was concerned, he’d found her. She didn’t put up with his bullshit or his asshole ways.

  She’d brushed them off, and now he couldn’t be without her. He didn’t want to be without her.

  “I’m so close, Jax.”

  He pushed against her clit, repeating the action, seeing her go toward the peak of her orgasm, and she was so close. He pushed her over the edge, and held her as she cried out his name, her release taking over. He didn’t stop as he neared his orgasm as well.

  Kissing her harder, he pushed himself over the edge, his cock pulsing waves of cum onto her stomach as he did so.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands on his face as she kissed him back. Running his hands up and down her body, he teased her, stroked her, held her, and felt completely consumed by her.

  He’d never felt this way about anyone, and as he stared into her brown eyes, he realized that answering an early morning phone call was probably the best decision he ever made.


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