Finding Absolution

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Finding Absolution Page 3

by Carol Lynne

  “Van,” Kai called, jogging across the expansive lawn. “I think we’re going to head into town for Taco Tuesday at O’Brien’s.”

  Van nodded, fingering the business card in the front pocket of his cargo shorts. “Can we swing by the rodeo after we eat?”

  Kai grinned. “Anyone in particular you want to see at the rodeo?”

  “No,” Van replied. He released the business card and headed towards the large house. “Tomorrow, I’d like someone to take me into Sheridan. I think this vacation would go better if I had a car.”

  “Hey, it’s no problem. We can go by the rodeo. I was just yanking your chain,” Kai said, catching up.

  Van stopped walking. Hands shoved deep into his pockets, he turned to face Kai. “Quade’s friends seem real nice, but to be honest, there’re other things I’d rather explore than the front porch of someone’s house.”

  Kai bit his bottom lip. “Are you sorry you came?”

  “No, not at all, but I’m not much of a follower.” Van softened the statement with an easy smile. “The landscape around here is surprisingly beautiful. I’d like to strike out on my own and get a better look.”

  Kai seemed to study Van for several moments before nodding. “I’ll drive you into Sheridan tomorrow morning.”

  “Thanks.” Van walked to the deep porch with Kai at his side.

  Before they reached the porch, Kai elbowed Van. “Does your need for a car have anything to do with Guy? Are you attracted to him?”

  Van shook his head. “I still need to have a word or two with Guy, but he’s not my type.”

  “What about the other guy? What’d you say his name was?” Kai continued to probe.

  “Jon,” Van mumbled. He refused to lie to Kai about his attraction to the farmer, but he’d always been intensely private about his personal life.

  Kai smiled. “Is he as cute as his name?”

  “Drop it,” Van warned as they neared the others. “All I need is for you to take me into Sheridan for a rental car.”

  “You need a car?” Trick Allen asked. He was one of Carol’s husbands and the lead singer of a popular country band that would be performing the last night of the holiday weekend.

  “Yeah,” Van answered.

  George Manning, the local fire chief, chuckled. “You’ve come to the right place. Trick can fix you right up.”

  Trick stood, beer in hand, and gestured to a long metal building. “Step into my showroom.”

  Van followed Trick across the yard. He imagined the large garage held expensive sports and luxury cars, neither of which were his style. “You don’t have to do this. I’m more than willing to rent something to run around in.”

  Trick pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the large sliding door. “To be honest, you’d be doing me a favour. These run best if they’re used on occasion, and I’m on tour too much to do them justice.” The lights turned on automatically as the door slid open.

  “Damn.” Van was immediately drawn to a fire-engine-red Jeep. He wasn’t an expert, but he guessed it was from the fifties. “What year?”

  “Fifty-two,” Trick answered, crossing his arms over his chest. “I found it about three years ago in a little town in Kansas. It was beat to hell and sitting in a field along the highway. I made the bus driver get off the highway so I could track down the owner.”

  Van knew it was bad etiquette, but he couldn’t help but run his palm over the glossy paint. “Have you ever thought of selling it?”

  Trick shook his head. “No, but I’ll loan it to you for the week.” He went on to show Van how to raise and lower the windshield. “I don’t have a top for it, but it won’t be the end of the world if it gets rained on.”

  Van gestured to the driver’s seat. “May I?”

  “Absolutely.” Trick went over to a locked cabinet and retrieved a key.

  Van caught the tossed key ring. His arms broke out in gooseflesh as he started the engine. “Perfect.” He could tell how proud Trick was of the vehicle, and he almost felt guilty for borrowing it, but not enough to turn down the offer.

  “You’ll enjoy her,” Trick said.

  A thought struck Van. He pulled the business card out of his pocket. “Do you know where this is? I’d like to check it out, but I’m sure you don’t want me to drive on gravel roads.”

  Trick took the card for Jon’s produce stand. He studied for a few moments before shaking his head. “George or Carol might know, but I’m the new kid on the block.”

  “Oh.” Van took the card back. “Never mind then.”

  Trick put his hand on his hips. “It’s a Jeep, not a Cadillac. If you can’t take it off a paved road, what’s the point?”

  “Thanks.” Suddenly going with the others to eat tacos was the last thing Van wanted to do. “Would you be offended if I skipped Taco Tuesday?”

  Trick gestured to the business card still clutched in Van’s hand. “Sounds like you’ve got something more important on your mind. Go for it. I’ll handle everyone else.”

  Van held out his empty hand. “I can’t thank you enough for this.”

  “If you find that stand, bring me back some ears of Peaches ’n’’n’ Cream and we’ll be even.”

  “Absolutely,” Van agreed. “I have no idea what that is, but I’ll ask Jon.”

  “It’s a type of corn on the cob, sweet as sugar,” Trick replied, smacking his lips. “Pick up some extras, and I’ll have Carol cook some up for ya.”

  “Will do.” Van put the Jeep into gear. “Do me a favour. Don’t tell Kai or Quade about this.” He held up the card.

  Trick made a show of zipping his lips.

  Van pulled carefully out of the building before lifting his hand in a wave as he passed the group on the porch. He waited until he was out of eyesight to pull to the side of the road. After retrieving his cellphone from his pocket, he punched in the number on the business card. After five rings, he was ready to hang up.


  Van knew immediately that he’d reached Jon’s grandfather. “Hello, sir, is Jon available?”

  “He’s gone to the rodeo. Can I take a message?”

  Thinking fast, Van remembered Trick’s request. “I was just wondering if the Peaches ’n’ Cream was ready?” He crossed his fingers, praying he didn’t sound like a total idiot.

  “I know he picked some yesterday, but I don’t keep up on what’s selling these days. I can have Jon call you.”

  Van couldn’t give the older man his cell number or it would be obvious he wasn’t from the area. “Thank you for your time. I think I’ll stop by the stand tomorrow and see what I can find.”

  “Have a nice evening, young man.”

  It was the first time in years that anyone had referred to Van as young, which made him smile. “You, too, sir.”

  * * * *

  Unlike the previous evening, Jon bought a beer and a hot dog and went immediately to the grandstand. With his cowboy hat pulled low on his forehead, he hoped to hide the bruise under the brim’s shadow. It wasn’t hard to find a seat at the top because the crowd-drawing events wouldn’t begin for another ninety minutes.

  Jon settled back against the security fencing and enjoyed his dinner as he watched the team calf-roping event. When he spotted a handsome man with long, silky black hair coming up the bleachers, he smiled and secretly hoped Van was headed towards him. He held his breath until Van stood over him. “Hey.”

  “Mind if I join you?” Van asked.

  Jon shook his head. “Not at all.” He scooted over even though there was plenty of space beside him.

  Van sat down and lifted the brim of Jon’s hat. “It looks better than I thought it would. How’s it feel?”

  “Like a constant reminder of my stupidity,” Jon answered honestly. “I lied to my grandpa and told him I got drunk and fell down.” He swallowed around the lump in his throat. “It wasn’t right or easy, but I believe it was necessary.”

  “Because you don’t want him to find out you’re gay?
” Van questioned.

  “Because I don’t want him to look at me as weak,” Jon confessed. “It was bad enough that I couldn’t live up to my dad’s legacy in football and baseball, but to let my grandpa know I’d allowed someone to hit me while having my pants around my ankles is unthinkable.” He quickly looked around, afraid others had heard. When no one seemed to be paying them any mind, he finished his thought. “My grandpa looks at me with respect and that means absolutely everything to me.”

  Van seemed to consider Jon’s statement. “And that’s why you don’t want to fill out a complaint against Guy?”

  “Partially.” With thoughts of Van running through his head all day, Jon hadn’t given Guy much of his time. “I don’t dislike Guy, and I’m not sure I even blame him for what happened.”

  “Well, I do,” Van replied. “People who can’t hold their liquor shouldn’t drink, and from the sound of it, Guy’s drinking has been out of control for too long.”

  Jon decided to voice his own shame regarding the situation with Guy. “I shouldn’t have led him on then backed out at the last minute.”

  Van brushed Jon’s bruised cheek with his fingertips. “A person should be allowed to change their mind without getting something like this in return.”

  “I can’t talk about this here,” Jon said when he noticed someone two rows in front of them turn around.

  “Feel like going for a drive?” Van asked.

  “Sure.” Jon stood. “I’d like to get my hand stamped, though, because I want to see the broncos and bulls later.”

  “Sounds good.” Van led the way down the bleachers to the parking lot. “A friend loaned this to me while I’m here. Isn’t she a beauty?”

  Jon nodded. He’d seen the Jeep in the Cattle Valley parade a year earlier, so he knew exactly who owned it. “I didn’t know you were friends with Trick Allen.” He slid into the vehicle and reached for a seatbelt only to come up empty.

  “Yeah, it took me a while to find them, too. They’re not original to the car, but Trick obviously had them installed.” Van lifted a flap on the black vinyl seat and pulled out half of a lap belt. “There’s one on each side.”

  Once Jon was buckled in, Van pulled out of the parking lot. “East or west?” Van asked.

  “North, towards the mountain. There’s a road that leads to a gorgeous lookout point.” Jon took off his hat and held it in his lap. As the wind lifted and tousled his hair, he tipped his head back and closed his eyes. It had been a long time since he’d truly enjoyed a warm summer evening. He loved working the farm, but the stress of being responsible for its success or failure combined with his worry and love for his grandpa was a lot for a man in his mid-twenties.

  “Are we heading anywhere in particular?” Van asked.

  With his eyes closed, Jon let the deep timbre of Van’s voice soak into his pores. “Just keep going on this road and it’ll start winding up the mountain. Halfway up, there’s a scenic pull-off.”

  “Are you falling asleep on me?” Van asked.

  Jon opened his eyes and grinned at Van. “I’m enjoying your company too much to fall asleep.”

  Van nodded as he shifted gears. “The feeling’s mutual.” He cleared his throat. “I called your house and spoke to your grandfather.”

  Jon sat straight up in his seat at the announcement.

  “Don’t worry, after he told me where you were, I covered by asking if you had any Peaches ’n’’n’ Cream for sale,” Van explained. “I promised Trick I’d pick him up some in exchange for the use of the Jeep.”

  “Well, then, I guess you’ll have to come by the stand tomorrow.” Jon liked the thought of Van shopping at his small store. He saw the outlook and pointed to the left. “Pull in there.”

  Van crossed the oncoming lane and parked in front of the heavy wood fence. “Can’t see much,” he noted.

  “With everything going on in town, we shouldn’t be bothered up here at this time of night,” Jon said as he released his seatbelt. Pointing towards the sky, he sighed. “Besides, my favourite view is up.”

  Van tilted his head back. “Yep. When I was a teenager, a big storm knocked out power on the entire island. Once the rain moved through, my dad took me outside and the two of us stared at the stars for hours.”

  “Sounds nice.” Jon didn’t have many memories of his mom or dad. His grandparents blamed his age at the time of their death, but Jon knew the truth. It was easier to forget them than to miss them. “It’s still a little early. By midnight, the sky’ll be even darker and you’ll be able to see thousands of them.”

  “We’ll be back at the rodeo by then.” Van reached over and rested his hand on Jon’s shoulder. He brushed his thumb across Jon’s jaw. “Unless you’d rather stick around for the light show?”

  “Yeah.” Jon wanted nothing more than to get to know Van. Hell, the chance of seeing Van again was the only reason he’d worked his ass off to finish his chores in time to make it to the rodeo. “How long are you here for?”

  “A week.” Van leaned over and brushed his lips against Jon’s. “But I can extend it for a few days.”

  One week. Jon groaned. It was more time than he’d had with a single partner since he’d returned to the farm. “And would you be interested in spending it with me?”

  Chapter Three

  Van assessed the risks involved in spending an entire week with Jon. The way his body responded each time he glanced at Jon said it all. He wanted the farmer like no one else in a long time, but his desire would no doubt come with a price if he let it. “I really do need to go back home in ten days tops. Kai has another competition coming up that he needs to train for.”

  “Okay,” Jon replied, moving to straddle Van’s lap. “Between taking care of the farm and Grandpa, that’s all I have time for anyway.”

  Van tilted his head back as his hands landed on Jon’s ass. “What about the rodeo?”

  Jon peppered several kisses down Van’s face before zeroing in on his lips. “What rodeo?” He sealed his mouth over Van’s and thrust his tongue inside.

  With a deep moan, Van sank into Jon’s kiss. He gave a sharp tug to Jon’s hips until the small, tight ass rested right where Van needed it the most.

  It was Jon’s turn to moan as he set his ass in motion, grinding himself against Van’s cock. Breaking the kiss, Jon reached down and pulled Van’s T-shirt over his head and off. “I’ve wondered all day whether or not you had chest hair.”

  Van glanced down at the short, dark pelt that covered his chest. “I keep it trimmed.” He shrugged, unsure of Jon’s preferences. “I spend ninety per cent of my time wearing nothing but board shorts.”

  Jon unsnapped his western-style plaid shirt. He had a light dusting of short brown hair on his pecs and a nice treasure trail that led from his belly button down. “I don’t grow much, but what I do I keep short because of the heat out in the fields.” He pressed his chest against Van’s and moved from side to side. “I like the way you feel.”

  Van rubbed his palms against Jon’s ass. “I could say the same.” Jon’s tiny red boy shorts came to mind. He didn’t dare admit to jacking off thinking about the feminine underwear, but he couldn’t help but wonder what Jon had on under his tight jeans. His hands shook with the need to peel the faded denim from Jon’s narrow hips. “I know this is technically our first date, but would you be willing to go back to my room with me?”

  Jon reached between them and placed his hand on Van’s erection. “I can’t stay the night in Cattle Valley, but if you’re up for an adventure…”

  “Yes,” Van quickly answered. As hard as he was, he’d go anywhere as long as it ended with his cock buried inside Jon.

  Jon grinned and moved back to the passenger seat. “Have you ever had sex in a hayloft?”

  “Can’t say that I have.” Van started the engine. “What about your grandpa?” he asked, pulling out onto the road.

  “Grandpa hears me come in, but I’ve learned how to get back out without him knowing.” Jon
winked. “I was a typical teenager despite the fact that I was a virgin until my freshman year in college.”

  Van chuckled. He didn’t dare tell Jon that he’d lost his virginity at the tender age of fifteen to a surfer who’d competed against his father. Even as a grown-up, he didn’t blame the older man. After all, it wasn’t like he’d been taken advantage of. At fifteen, he’d known exactly what he’d wanted, and he’d set his sights on the biggest, hottest surfer on the island. It had taken some convincing, but after a couple of weeks, the hunk had no longer been able to deny him.

  “What’re you thinking about?” Jon asked.

  “Nothing.” Van knew better than to talk about past lovers. He slowed at the bottom of the mountain. “Which way?”

  “We’ll have to go back to the rodeo for my truck,” Jon instructed.

  “Tell me about college. Did you graduate?” Van had never regretted his decision to further his education in the ocean instead of the classroom, but he’d often wondered what road he would’ve taken had he stayed with his mom in New York.

  “Yep. I received a Master’s of Business Administration with a concentration in marketing from the University of Washington. Go Huskies.” Jon pumped his fist in the air in a half-hearted cheer. “After I graduated, I landed a dream job and bought a little condo in downtown Seattle.”

  “Sounds nice.” Van knew Jon took care of the farm and his grandfather, but he’d had no idea what he’d given up.

  “It was.” Jon’s voice sounded thick with emotion.

  Van reached over and squeezed Jon’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  Jon shook his head. “Don’t be. My grandparents gave up their lives and most of their savings to raise me after my folks died. I’m still young. There’ll be plenty of time for me to be selfish, but for now, it’s payback time.”

  Van thought of his own dad and the lengths he would have gone to for the man who’d been his world. “Yeah, I get it. I’d do the same thing.”


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