by Lucy Worsley
depiction of in detective fiction 270–1
Sharp, Alan 192
Shaw, Joseph T. 280
Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein 46
Showalter, Elaine 177
Sickert, Walter 193
skin book 100
Smethurst, Thomas 137
Smith, Madeleine 140–6, 143, 149, 150
Society of Connoisseurs in Murder 16
Somerville, Alexander
Eliza Grimwood 83–4
stage, recreating murders on 103–11
Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 188–90
Strachey, Lytton
Eminent Victorians 76
Strand Magazine 225, 227
Stratton, Alfred 207
strychnine 133, 135
Summerscale, Kate 155, 159
The Suspicions of Mr Whicher 157
Sûreté (French Security Brigade) 207, 208
Sutherland, John 169, 171
Sweeney Todd 74–5
Symons, Julian 254n 267–8, 271
Tabram, Martha 189
Taylor, Alfred Swaine 134–5, 136–7, 201, 202
Taylor, John Russell 287
Thames Police 20, 25, 31–2, 36
Thames Police Museum 32
theatre, Victorian 107–11
Theatres Act (1843) 107
Theatres Royal 107
thief-taker 33–4
Thompson, Edith 283–5
Thompson, Frederick 291
Thompson-Bywaters case 283, 284–5
thriller genre 273, 289, 292
Thurtell, John 46–9, 50
Tichborne Claimant 170
Tiller-Clowes Company 104, 105
Times Literary Supplement 76
Times, The 43, 47, 117, 129
Titterton, W.R. 61
toxicologists 135–6
Turner, John 26
Tussaud, John Theodore 61
Tussaud, Marie (née Grosholtz) 51, 53, 56–62, see also Madame Tussauds
Unwin, John 36
Vance, Philo (fictional detective) 269–70
Vane, Harriet (fictional character) 253
Victoria & Albert Museum 104
Victoria Theatre 108
Vidocq, Eugène François 207, 208–9
Wagner, E.J. 203
Wallace, Edgar 223–4, 273
Wallace, Julia 261–3
Wallace, William Herbert 261–3
Wapping 20–1
watchmen 33, 35–6
Waters, Sarah
Fingersmith 177
Watson, Colin 268
Snobbery With Violence 268
Watson, Dr (fictional character) 199–200, 201, 204, 260
anatomical 55
exhibitions of 55–6
and French Revolution 56–7
of kings and queen 54–5
see also Madame Tussauds
Weare, William 47
Westminster Abbey 53–4
Whicher, Jack 154–5, 157, 158–9, 160, 161, 292
White, Bill 252
Whorton, James 128
Wild, Jonathan 34–5
Wilde, Oscar
The Picture of Dorian Grey 189
Williams, John 22–3, 25, 27–9, 27, 32, 90, 127, 291
Williams, Ralph Vaughan 96
Williamson, John and Elizabeth 25–6
Wilson, Edmund 224, 268, 274–5
Wimsey, Lord Peter (fictional character) 253, 271, 272, 349, 349–51, 349
women 230
as poisoners 140–50
as police officers/detectives 218–19
Wood, Ellen
East Lynne 177
Wordsworth, Catherine 13
Wordsworth, William 10, 13
Wright, Willard Huntington Wright (S.S. Van Dine) 269–70
Wyles, Lillian 219
yellowback 215–16
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Judith Flanders, whose The Invention of Murder greatly influenced my own, and the BBC’s, approach to the subject. She was the consultant for the TV series and provided us with a key interview. I would also like to thank everyone on the ‘Murder team’ at BBC Bristol: Michael Poole, Alastair Laurence, Gerry Dawson, Rachel Jardine, Matthew Thomas, Chloe Penman, Jo Verity, Michelle Soldani, Fred Fabre, Kinita Echeverria, Michael Robinson, Paul Nathan, Simon Pinkerton, James Harrison, Glenn Rainton, Natasha Martin and Deborah Williams, and to our commissioner, Mark Bell. Likewise, at BBC Books, I’m awfully grateful to Albert De Petrillo, Kate Fox, Claire Scott, Richard Collins, Sarah Chatwin and all their colleagues. I have been a happy client at Felicity Bryan Associates for nearly a decade now, and am indebted especially Felicity herself and to Michele Topham. I dedicate this book with love to Mark Hines, who will be glad when we no longer need share our house with a horde of murderers.
Thanks, finally, to the readers and other history-lovers who constantly contact me through my website. You’re almost always a source of good cheer and encouragement. In the words of the oath of the Detection Club: ‘May your only problems be fictional and of your own devising, and may many years pass before you write, for the last time, The End.’
Picture Credits
The page references in this section correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created.
Alamy: Plate 12 (top); BBC Bristol: /Chloe Penman Plate 7 (bottom), Plate 14 (bottom), Plate 15 (all), /Matt Thomas Plate 14 (top); Bettmann/Corbis: 237, Plate 5 (bottom); Bodleian Library, University of Oxford: 247, Plate 5 (top), Plate 13; Bonhams: Plate 7 (top); Bridgeman Art Library: Plate 8 (bottom); British Library: Plate 9 (top), Plate 11 (bottom right); City of London Police Museum: Plate 1 (bottom); Getty Images: /Hulton Archive 59, 147, 154, Plate 2 (top); /Time Life Pictures/Mansell 165, Plate 12 (bottom), /Kurt Hutton/Picture Post 8 (top); Jennifer Carnell: 183; The Kobal Collection: /ITV Global Plate 16 (top), /Bip Plate 16 (bottom); ©IPC+ Syndication: 249; Library of Congress: Plate 11 (top); Lucy Worsley: 12, Plate 10 (top); Madame Tussauds London: 121, Plate 4; Mary Evans Picture Library: 180, Plate 2 (bottom), Plate 3 (top); Peter Harris: Plate 10 (bottom); Royal Pavilion and Museums, Brighton & Hove: Plate 3 (bottom); St Edmundsbury Borough Council: 95, 100, Plate 6; Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives: 27, Plate 1 (top); Topfoto: 239, /Museum of London/HIP 81; Trustees of the William Salt Library, Stafford (reproduced by permission): 131, plate 8 (bottom); Wellcome Library: 133; Wikicommons: 143; Yale Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library: Plate 11 (bottom left).
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Version 1.0
Epub ISBN 9781448142002
This book is published to accompany the television series entitled A Very British Murder, first broadcast on BBC4 in 2013.
Executive Producer: Michael Poole
Series Producer: Alastair Laurence
Directors: Gerry Dawson (Ep. 1); Rachel Jardine (Ep. 2); Matt Thomas (Ep. 3)
Researcher: Chloe Penman
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
Published in 2013 by BBC Books, an imprint of Ebury Publishing.
A Random House Group Company.
Text © Lucy Worsley 2013
Lucy Worsley has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Hardback ISBN: 9781849906340
Commissioning editor: Albert DePetrillo
Project editor: Kate Fox
Copy editor: Richard Collins
Designer: Seagull Design
Production: Phil Spencer
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