Protecting Braden (Custos Securities Series Book 2)

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Protecting Braden (Custos Securities Series Book 2) Page 9

by Luna, David

  “You… What?”

  Just then there was a commotion from the back of the house and they all turned. Braden heard some shouted cussing. “Buckley, get back here!”

  All of a sudden, the biggest dog Braden had ever seen came running from the back of the house, nails clicking on the hardwoods. He showed no signs of stopping and Braden braced himself, sure that he’d be flat on his back with a canine atop him in seconds, but at the last moment, he veered off and Braden turned in time to see Cade on his knees being hugged—seriously, hugged—by the dog. He made the cutest happy whiney noises and his tail wagged a mile a minute. He hopped down and ran in circles in front of Cade and then jumped up on him again. Braden watched the whole scene with shocked amusement and then laughed when Cade’s voice took on a baby-talk pitch. “Who’s my big boy? That’s right, you are. You’re my big boy.”

  Braden chuckled in surprise and then his attention was turned when he heard a deep, guttural voice, rather like Cade’s, but harsher, “Christ, Zavier. He never misbehaves, and then you show up and he’s a little puppy again, knocking shit over to get to you.”

  Cade smirked, continued to pet the huge dog and rubbed his belly when he flipped over. “I can’t help it if he loves me most.”

  The man looked remarkably like Cade, they could possibly pass for twins, but he seemed more intense; perhaps more self-contained and serious. He was an inch or so shorter, which still put him at a ridiculous 6’5” or so, and had the same scruffy beard and dark hair as Cade did, though his was a bit longer. He was just as muscular, perhaps even more so. He approached, hand outstretched. “Braden, it’s nice to meet you, man. I’m Gideon, the older brother. We’re glad to have you back with Zavier. He was a bear to deal with when you were in danger. I think he needs you to keep him human.”

  Braden released Gideon’s hand. He felt at once at ease and tense in Cade’s brother’s presence and the combination of the two felt disarming. He had no earthly idea why, but he felt that somehow Gideon was genuine with his words, but that they didn’t come easily to him. Like just the act of having a conversation was forced.

  Braden was about to respond when another man came from the back of the house, wearing an apron that read, ‘I turn grills on.’ He was the same height as Gideon, but not nearly as bulky. His hair was longer than Cade’s and a bit on the tousled side, perhaps from product, but probably more likely fingers running through it. His face was leaner and his eyes a bit grayer than the blue of Cade’s. “The steaks are ready. They’re on the serving platter on the island.”

  He stepped forward and shook Braden’s hand. “Braden, glad you’re up and about. I’m Finn, one of Zavier’s younger brothers. I know he’s so glad to have you home in one piece. Hopefully, Dr. Himmel treated you well, after we got you processed into the ICU. How is your wrist doing, any trouble with it? Anything else bothering you since you were released?”

  Braden blushed at the attention; everyone seemed very interested in his answer. He decided to be honest—glossing over his pain wouldn’t be believed here, he knew that much. “My wrist aches and I’m pretty much sore from head to toe and find that I get tired easily, but basically I’m doing pretty well.”

  Braden calmed when Finn smiled sympathetically. “Good to hear. Ma, anything else you need help with?”

  With that, almost everyone filtered into the back of the house and chatted about dinner preparation. Duncan lingered, hands in his pockets. “Come on back when you boys are ready. If you’d like to show Braden around the house first, you’ve got time.”

  Cade shook his dad’s hand, pulled him into a one-armed hug, and thanked him. He also passed the pastry box to him and told him Braden had baked for them. A huge smile lit up Duncan’s face. “Can’t wait for dessert. Take your time.”

  Braden felt like Duncan must know something was amiss, and blushed that he was so transparent. He was confused by the comments Cade’s family had made. Most of them had talked about the time that Braden had been gone and he felt like he was missing something completely.

  Once they were alone, Cade turned toward him and pulled him close. “Are you feeling overwhelmed? Everything alright?”

  “I don’t know, I…. Your mother mentioned working with Nana and Maya. Gideon mentioned you were a bear to deal with when I was missing, and Finn mentioned getting processed into the ICU, like he was involved. You didn’t mention any of this. I’m just… I’m confused as to what happened.”

  Cade clasped his hand and walked toward the beautiful sitting room to the right of the foyer. “Here, come sit with me.”

  Braden glanced back toward where the others had gone. “We shouldn’t. You can tell me later. We should probably go in there. I don’t want to keep them waiting.”

  “Bray, you heard my dad. They’re fine. They’re putting the finishing touches on dinner. We have time. Right now, you’re feeling anxious and confused, so that’s what I need to take care of right now and if dinner needs to wait, it will wait.”

  Cade looked at him sternly, and Braden nodded. “OK, then, can you tell me what I’m missing?”

  Cade sighed, as if annoyed with himself. “I’m sorry, baby, I guess I didn’t make it clear how much my family was involved in helping while you were in trouble. I called Finn immediately after I realized you’d left without your testing kit. He’s a doctor and I needed to understand the implications and know what we were up against. He asked what was going on and if I needed help. They dropped everything and were there in an hour.”

  Braden nodded. He knew Nana and Maya would do the same for him and that he’d do the same for them. He was just surprised to hear that they’d all been at the café the whole time.

  While he was contemplating that reality, Cade continued. “They stayed until you were safely admitted to the hospital. When we located you, Finn and Cooper were with me in the ER when you were admitted. Finn was part of the medical team that treated you when you got to the ER. Everyone did everything they could do to help get you back to me.”

  Cade went on to explain more of what happened while he was gone. He talked about the voicemail he left Eric and the texts. He told him about the text he received the morning they found him, where they’d found him, and who came to visit him in the hospital while he was in a coma. The picture Cade painted shocked him and he found himself more grateful than he could ever express. Cade just reiterated how much he was loved and how many people were worried about him and involved in bringing him home.

  He found himself getting mad all over again for putting everyone through that, but even angrier with Eric for manipulating the whole scenario. Cade could see his thoughts churning and brought him back to the present. He reassured Braden and had him visit the bathroom to have a moment to himself. He tested his blood and calmed himself down. He felt much better and so happy to be here, so that he could thank his new family face to face for all that they’d done for him and for Cade while he’d been missing. Cade was waiting for him in the entryway when he came out of the powder room. The dog was leaning against his leg like he might fall over if Cade moved.

  Braden put out his hand and the dog looked up at Cade. Cade rubbed his head. “Go on.”

  The dog ambled over and sniffed Braden’s hand. Braden bent over a little, though it wasn’t much, as the dog was massive, and scratched behind his ears. Cade smiled. “Buckley’s a Bullmastiff and a sucker for anyone who does exactly what you’re doing.”

  He petted Buckley for another minute or so to ensure he had a new friend for life, and then Cade took him on a tour of the gorgeous house. He thought he would be intimidated and feel out of his element, but the house was a home and every room was inviting and comfortable. He felt even more at ease after the tour and Cade ushered him toward the back of the house where they heard the noise of the family as they got dinner ready. The kitchen was probably the most gorgeous one Braden had ever seen and he said as much to Siobhan, who responded that he could come over and use it whenever he wished, as long as he left
some baked goods. The room was massive, and it seemed they’d forgone a formal dining room to instead combine the dining room and kitchen into an enormous space that included a fireplace and a wall of folding glass doors that opened out onto the patio that had the most beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance.

  Rowan pulled out the counter stool beside her and patted it, so he sat by her and was immediately drawn into a conversation she was having with Finn. It was chaotic and everyone talked over each other and laughed, a lot. Cade stayed by his side, always touching him in some way. Several times he caught one of Cade’s family members glancing their way, seeing their closeness and Cade’s possessiveness, his proprietary touches and the frequent kisses he placed on Braden’s head. He waited for any type of judgement, anything that would let Braden know that they weren’t happy for Cade, but all he saw was genuine smiles and some lighthearted ribbing, making Braden blush.

  When they all sat down for dinner, Duncan proposed a toast and eloquently expressed how happy they all were to meet Braden and accept him into their family. Everyone raised their glasses in heartfelt cheers, and Braden felt this was the perfect moment for him to thank them all.

  He cleared his throat, looked around at the faces of Cade’s family and then up at Cade. “I was scared to come here tonight. I didn’t know what to expect, and I was sure you’d all feel angry that I put him through what I did, mostly because I’m angry at myself. I didn’t know that you’d all been a part of bringing me home safely. I’ll be forever grateful for that. For helping me, of course, but mostly for being there to help him, when I couldn’t be. He has a wonderful family in you all, and I’m so grateful to be so warmly welcomed into it.”

  Braden glanced over at Cade and rubbed his hand up and down Cade’s thigh. He was captivated by Cade’s intense gaze, unable to look away. Cade reached over and slid his hand into Braden’s hair at the nape of his neck, his thumb rubbing his cheek. They looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before Cade leaned down and kissed him and then whispered in his ear. “You’re amazing. I love you so much, baby.”

  Braden looked around the table when Cade released him and blushed when he realized they were still the center of attention. Gideon raised his glass. “To Zavier and Braden.” Everyone raised their glasses again and drank and then started passing around the food and Braden’s discomfort ended. They enjoyed a wonderful meal and Braden ate entirely too much, but wouldn’t change that for anything. He’d taken part in the dinner conversations and truly felt included. At the end of the meal, he smiled at his new family. “I made some cream puffs for dessert, but if you already have something else, you can easily freeze them for some other time. Please don’t feel obligated to have them tonight.”

  Braden laughed when Finn spoke up. “I want cream puffs.” Siobhan stood and gathered a few plates and Braden stood as well, to do the same. She tried to shoo him away and Cade clasped his hand. “You’re our guest, please, you don’t have to clean up.”

  Braden frowned. “Did they mean it, when they said I was welcomed to the family?”

  Cade looked taken aback. “Of course, Bray.”

  Braden smiled wide and kissed Cade on the forehead as he stood again. “Good, then I’m not a guest at all, am I?”

  He grinned when Cade narrowed his eyes. Braden asked Siobhan if she was sure he wasn’t ruining her dessert plans. She laughed and told him she’d just made a little fruit salad and that it could wait. He told her that was nonsense, opened the fridge and pulled out the fruit salad and what appeared to be a creamy sauce to go with it. She began to wash dishes at the main sink as everyone made quick work of cleaning off the table.

  He washed his hands as best he could with his cast at the small prep sink on the island and searched around for dessert plates. He pulled them out and began to load each one with a chocolate cream puff and some fruit salad. When that was complete, he stuck a finger into the sauce and tasted. He realized it was a very nice vanilla cream sauce and proceeded to drizzle each helping of fruit with the sauce.

  After he plated the dessert, he turned and saw a French press coffee maker and an electric kettle. He filled it up, ground some beans and started a fresh pot for anyone who wanted some. While he was doing that, Duncan helped with the dishes and their kids wrapped up the leftover food and wiped down the kitchen counters and tables. He loved that everyone pitched in and he could tell by how natural it was that it was a common occurrence and not put on for his benefit. Finn pulled down some mugs for the coffee and Gideon got the cream and sugar. Everyone started to take dessert and coffee fixings to the table.

  Before everyone dove into their desserts, Duncan spoke to Braden. “Braden, we wanted to make sure that you had a leather band for your new watch, as the old band you had wouldn’t fit the Imperator. We actually have your old band and watch that we’ll return to you, as well. We had them copy the same style and even the same markings, so that it was as close as possible to your other watch band. We hope you enjoy it.”

  Braden didn’t know what you say. They’d gone above and beyond tonight, accepting him, making him feel at home with all of them, and here they were giving him another gift. He watched as Duncan passed it to Gideon and Gideon reached across the table and gave Braden the box with an almost imperceptible nod.

  When he opened it, he found his old watch and band, and beside that, the new band. Cade reached over and took off the Imperator on his wrist, took the new leather band out of the box and set about putting the watch face on the new band. Once he had it back on his wrist, he grinned and looked at Duncan and then the rest of the family and said a heartfelt thank you.

  When everyone had gotten themselves their coffee, they all began to dig into the dessert and there were some happy murmurs and some outright groans when they tried the cream puffs. Braden laughed and ate a tiny portion of his dessert, more intent on savoring the coffee and the company. Cade slid his arm behind Braden’s back and pulled him in closer to lean back against him. He switched their plates and began to eat the remainder of his uneaten dessert while Braden sipped his coffee and snuggled into Cade’s side.

  Rowan admonished her brother. “Hey, don’t eat his dessert!”

  Cade smirked. “He’s done. You’re just jealous cause you want seconds!”

  Rowan looked at Braden to see if Cade was telling the truth and he nodded. “I only filled up my plate because, inevitably, he eats what I don’t want. I don’t eat much of what I bake. Strangely enough, even before the diabetes, I wasn’t a huge fan of sweets; or at least, sweets in abundance. A little goes a long way for me, so I tend to taste everything in small amounts, but never finish anything. There’s more though. I brought enough for everyone to have a couple, so you can have another or you can put them in the fridge for tomorrow or the freezer for later.”

  Cade looked down at Braden, seeing his eyes drooping a bit. Cade glanced up at Gideon, who was watching him with interest, perhaps curiosity or maybe even amusement. It was always hard, sometimes nearly impossible, to read Gideon; he hated playing poker with the guy because he had no tells. Finally, his oldest brother asked about the case against Eric. He answered several questions from Gideon and his dad, and then Finn asked how Braden was really doing.

  Confused why his brother would ask that, Cade looked down at Braden and saw he’d fallen asleep. Cade answered truthfully, knowing everyone in his family was concerned. “He’s struggling a bit, having nightmares and not sleeping well, which is probably a big reason why he’s asleep right now. He’d never fall asleep like this if he wasn’t going through so much. I know you don’t care and aren’t bothered by it, but when he wakes, he’ll feel bad that he fell asleep.”

  His dad shook his head. “Zavier, your boy needs his rest and if he feels safe enough sitting here by you and with all of us at the table, then that says something about his comfort level here, I’d say.”

  Cade smiled and nodded. “He told me today that he never spoke a word to Eric. He got in Eric’s
car and let the asshole take him—in his mind, to save us—but he said he knew he’d made a mistake and wasn’t going to give the asshole the satisfaction of reacting to him in any way. So, he ignored him, even while Eric terrorized him and beat the shit out of him.”

  His mom looked close to tears. “He’s so brave and strong, handling this as well as he is. He’s also gentle and kind, funny and smart. I couldn’t ask for a better man for you. I see a happiness in you that I’ve never seen before. He softens your hard edges. I’m starting to see parts of that carefree young man you used to be, and I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”

  His sister, on the other side of Braden, spoke softly so as not to wake him. “He’s such a great fit not just for you, but here, with us. I can’t wait to get to know him better.”

  Cade looked at his sister and then down at Braden who slept soundly. “I’m so glad you guys have taken to him, because whether you had or not, he’s it for me. It means a lot that you all have been so accepting of him so quickly.”

  Duncan smiled. “I’m happy to have another son in the family, and I think you’re good for each other.”

  Cade nodded and thanked his dad and was surprised when Gideon spoke up. “I always thought I’d have to make sure the one you chose was worthy of you. With Braden, I find myself hoping that you’re worthy of him. I look forward to getting to know him better.”

  Cade smiled at that, not in the least insulted, as he wondered the same thing. Frankly, his brother had spoken more tonight than Cade had heard from him in forever. If Braden brought that side out of Gideon, Cade was grateful for it.

  Finn finally joined in. “He’s what you need, and you’re what he needs. It’s as simple as that.”

  Cade nodded, knowing it was true. He had known that his family would accept Braden with open arms, but hearing it from each of them and knowing that their words were truly heartfelt, meant a great deal to him and he said as much. They chatted for several more minutes and then his family cleared the table, making as little noise as possible. When they were done, Cade rubbed Braden’s arm to wake him.


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