The Last Check (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 2)

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The Last Check (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 2) Page 5

by Kristine Dugger

Then, it hits me. Logan had me take a self-defense class. I have heels on, so this will hurt like a bitch. I kick back my foot to hit his shin and scrape my heel down to his ankle. He groans, “Fucking bitch.”

  His hold loosens up on me. I am free. I start to run for the restroom door. Running on pure adrenaline, I try to unlock the door. Click. The door is now unlocked. But I am too slow to escape. Samson grabs me again and groans, “You like it rough, don’t you?”

  “Stop. Let me go, asshole.”

  Samson slams me up against the dirty, pavement block wall. I cry, “No!”

  He tears open my shirt, exposing my purple lace bra. I scream again, “No!”

  I am not giving up without a fight. I try to kick him again with my heel, but he learned his lesson the first time. Samson pushes more force on me. My face planted against the wall. My eyes start to water. What the hell did I get myself into? The music is loud. No one is going to hear my screams. God, help me now. Please!

  Samson unhooks my jeans and starts to push them down with my matching lacey bikini panties. I can’t believe this is about to happen. Oh my God. I wish I was stronger to push away. His belt whips open and then the zipper zips. This is happening.

  I close my eyes.

  The door slams open and in comes Avery and a few other guys. Becks runs to me. Avery grabs a hold of Samson and fists start flying. My body is completely numb. My chest caving in with each hyperventilated breath. My vision becomes blurred watching Avery’s punches in slow motion. The world around me starts to spin.

  Fuzzy spots blind my vision.

  Then, BLACK!

  Chapter 8


  Once again, Samson laid his hands on another woman who didn’t want him. I wish Presley would have listened to me and stayed away from him. We kicked the fucker out of the bar and his crew followed. There was concern a fight was going to break out between his club and my club. I was close to beating that asshole to a bloody pulp.

  I look over to see Presley sound asleep on my bed at my actual home. I normally do not bring girls to my home. Women can be crazy sometimes. Just a rule of thumb, we don’t bring them to the house unless she becomes more than just another lay. For her safety, I just felt it would be better to bring her here. Samson is a fucking lunatic and once he realizes what happened, he will be looking for her and me. I am not afraid of the fucker, though. He can come at me all he wants, but her, not on my watch.

  I don’t know what it is about this woman that she keeps popping up in my life. She is a fun fuck and all, but I can sense we live two different lifestyles. When her friends grabbed me and told me that Samson followed her to the restroom, I was engulfed in rage. Animal instinct kicked in and I had to protect what I thought was mine. All I wanted to do was bust down that damn door to get to her. The boys would not allow me to break the door. I heard her screaming and I lost it. When the door finally became unlocked and I saw him pushing her up against the wall ready to do the unthinkable, I was ready to kill. His crew came flying in while my brothers were pulling me off of him. James had to talk with their president about what was going on. The boy can talk sense into anybody. He let me do my thing until he felt it was going overboard, which I tend to do. I know I fucked Samson up.

  Presley starts to stir. The light from the sun gleams on her angelic, make-up smeared face. She muffles, “Where am I?”

  I grunt, “My place.”



  She sits up and looks at me. “I don’t recall coming here.” She examines herself. “Well, I’m dressed. Which means, we didn’t fuck.”

  “Are you serious? Did you block out last night?”

  She looks down and inhales. “I was hoping it was a dream.”

  I get up from the recliner chair and walk over to the bed. Her raccoon make-up caused her crystal blue eyes to pop as she looks at me. I comment, “I told you to stay away from him.”

  “I know.”

  “He is fucking trouble.”

  “I know.”

  “Why are you so defiant?”

  “I’m not defiant. I’m stubborn.”

  “Well, your stubborn ass almost got you in a lot of trouble. Do you understand what he almost did to you?”


  “Woman. You are something else.”

  “I know.”

  “What’s your deal?”

  She rolls her eyes and sighs, “Avery, thank you for being there for me. I really should get going home. My nephew’s in town and I have to be up early to take him to church.”

  “Your nephew.”

  She sighs again. “My brother is deployed, and Max is with my parents.”

  “What service?”

  “Navy, special ops. Bomb expert.”

  It hits me that she is like this because her family focus is on her brother being overseas. Which is to be expected. A girl like her does not just fuck around with guys like me or Samson. She is starving for attention. Dallas acted the same way when I was on missions. Both of my parents were always on edge, which made Dallas not only act out, but she dated a lot and got herself into situations just because of attention.

  We did not tell a lot of people what I did for the Army. My own MC brothers did not know. I hate talking about it. Now, part of me feels I need to talk about it with her. Which is not me. That part of my life I want to keep deep inside me.

  Presley continues to stare at me. “You ask and now are speechless?”

  I smirk, “It explains a lot about you.”

  “Ugh. What do you mean by that?”

  “Big brother, I am assuming. Family is focused on him being overseas, watching his child. You acting like a princess and wanting attention.”

  “Fuck you! If you really want to know the truth. My father is a workaholic; my mother is an alcoholic because of Logan doing everything they didn’t want him to do, which leaves Max with both of them when the Navy decides they want to blow something up or diffuse something. The only reason I went out last night is because the nanny had nothing going on.” She pauses, “You know what? I will Uber it home. I don’t need this condescending bullshit.”

  She kicks the covers off of her and quickly gets out of bed. Presley was really bothered by this whole situation. Me, on the hand, I am trying to wrap my head around it. I grab her wrist. She forcefully pulls away. “Fuck you, Avery.”

  And here we go.

  “Damn it, princess.”

  After grabbing her purse off the floor, she turns and stares at me. “Stop calling me princess. You have no idea who I am. Yes, I can see how I portray that. You know, I work hard for what I have. My father didn’t give me everything. Yes, it was easier for me than others, but that does not make me a damn princess. I don’t appreciate you judging me.”

  I start to laugh. “You’re kidding me, right? You wanted to fuck a biker. Didn’t matter who it was, you had some bucket list to fuck a biker.”

  Her expression went blank.

  I smirk, “I’m fucking right.”

  “So what if you are. I need to go.”

  Presley stomps her heels out of my bedroom, slamming the door behind her. I need to let this one just walk away. Fuck it. I get up off the bed and went after her. I have no clue what this woman is doing to me. I do not chase after women and here I am chasing this one. She will not be able to go far. No ride. But knowing her, she will figure it out.

  Presley was standing by the curb, holding her phone up against her hear. Her tight jeans emphasizing her voluptuous curves. Damn it. This woman. I yell, “Where the hell do you think you are going?”

  She turns around and rolls her eyes at me. Her rolling her eyes at me all the time drives me nuts. This beautiful woman full of sass and spice.

  I comment, “I asked you a question. You better answer me.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  Standing in front of her, coming face to face, I say, “This!” I grab her and wrap her in my arms and slam my lips
to hers. It was all impulsive and I do not give a fucking shit. Her anxious hands drop her cell and dig into my long hair. Our tongues twirl and swirl. My cock hardens just thinking of fucking her outside for the world to see. I know she would do it because she is a fucking freak. But the only person who will see her naked from here on out, is me.

  She pulls away. Both of us breathing heavy. Presley comments, “I need to get home.”

  “Babe, let me take you.”

  I grab her hand, leading her to my bike. Before she saddles up, she states, “Not my home but my parents’ home.”

  Oh shit!

  Chapter 9


  This should be interesting. We pull into another fucking gated community. What the hell is up with this family? I just do not get it. But it is what it is. While we wait for the gait to open, she purrs, “My parents’ home is 4572 Orchard Lane. All the way down the street and take a left. You can’t miss it.”

  The gate opens, and we ride. Her grip around my waist becomes tighter. I feel her breathing heavy against my back. It is as if she is nervous. This woman confuses the shit out of me. All confident yet insecure. I take a left at the end of the road and see a brick lane surrounded by trees for days leading up to a fucking Whitehouse look alike. Pillars and all. This is where she grew up? Fuck me.

  I park my bike in the half-circle driveway and turn the bike off. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I ask, “You fucking grew up here?”

  She blushes, “Yep.”

  “This place is ridiculous.”

  “You should see the inside,” she pauses, “Well, I better get inside. Thanks for the ride. And last night.”

  My left hand cups her face, getting ready to lean in and kiss her. We both inhale. I lean toward her. Our lips ready to lock. The front door opens and out walks a broad shouldered, tall man with silver hair. He comments, “Presley.”

  She pulls away from me and says, “Hi, daddy.”

  He walks toward us. His expression is grim. He looks at me and asks, “And who are you?”

  Presley rolls her eyes and says, “Dad.”

  My stomach is a ball of knots. This is definitely a first for me. I reach out my hand and introduce myself, “Hello, Mr. Cooper. I’m Avery Jacksen.”

  He continues to examine me, not acknowledging my hand. Which is fucking bullshit. Her dad looks back at Presley. “You need to get inside.” Then, back to me. “You can leave now.”

  Presley complains, “Jesus, dad.”

  He insists, “Get inside. Now.”

  She sighs, “Fine.”

  I watch as Presley walks her sexy ass into her house. Her father looks at me once more, he repeats, “You can leave now.”

  Her father is being a complete asshole. He does not even know who I am. I nod, “Yes, sir.”

  Before revving up my motorcycle, her father comments once more, “And don’t come back.”

  What the fuck!

  Instead of having a confrontation, I ride off, ignoring his last set of words. Her fucking father judged me. He could not even introduce himself to me. Fury enrages deep within me. Then, to treat Presley like she is a small child. Biker Ajax would not give a shit. But Avery does. God damn it, what is wrong with me? I do not have feelings for any woman. Yet, this is bothering the fuck out of me. What the fuck is going on with me? I need a beer.


  First things first, I need coffee. I walk into the oversized kitchen and right to the coffee pot station. I pour myself a cup and take a sip of this dark goodness. Mmmm, hazelnut. My favorite. Next step, going into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were blackened from last night’s smeared make-up. A day’s old red ting on my lips. I look wretched. Back to my coffee. Maybe that will bring back some color to the horror in front of me.

  My father stomps into the kitchen, ready to yell. Judgment time. I walk back into the kitchen. My father looks at me, “Who the hell is that?”

  Trying my best to be calm, I mention, “That was Avery.”

  My father is pissed off at the world, he continues, “I cannot believe you brought that hooligan to our home. Now, I have to up the security.”

  “For what?” My voice rises.

  “He is a delinquent biker. We don’t need that kind roaming around this area.”

  “Are you for real? Not every biker is an outlaw, dad.”

  “I forbid you to see him.”

  “You forbid me? Last I checked, I’m an adult and I can date whomever I want. Avery is just a friend.”

  “A friend who is trying to take advantage of you.”

  A groggy voice says, “Hello.” Both my father and I look at my more than hung over mother walking into the kitchen. Fucking great. She inquires, “What is going on?”

  My father comments, “Mary Ann, your daughter thought it was a good idea to bring a biker to our house.”

  She perks up. “You what?”

  I remark, “You don’t know him. Stop being so judgmental.”

  My father glares at me. “Presley, I wish you would use your head sometimes.”

  “Are you for real? I had to be here promptly first thing in the morning.”

  My mother chimes in, “A biker, really?”

  I state, “You know what? I’m so done here. I’m not dealing with this.”

  I grab my purse off the marble kitchen island.

  My mom shouts, “What about Max?”

  I reply, “How about you sober up and take him to church? You are his grandparents.”

  Before I knew it, a hand slaps against my face, sending a sting throughout my entire body.

  Shocked and trying not to cry, I announce, “I’m out.”

  Arguing with my parents is nothing new. Yeah, my comment was uncalled for. But it is true, she needs to sober up and help with Max. Speaking of Max, I head upstairs to his room. He needs to know I am not going to church with them today. I need to get away.

  I walk into his room to see Max soundly sleeping. Guilt creeps back in. I should not leave him. He needs me, but I cannot with my parents today. I wish I could just take him away with me. But my parents will not have it. He looks so peaceful with his bright red hair matted against his train pillow case, hugging his military bear. I lean over and kiss him on the head. I whisper, “I promise to see you in a few days. I love you. Aunt Pressie needs some time to think. Be good and patient for grandma and grandpa.” I just could not wake him up.

  I Ubered my not so happy ass home.


  I know it’s fucking early in the morning, but I am heading to the bar. I know my pops is there getting ready for the bar to open in a few hours. My mother will more than likely be there cleaning. I walk into the back door of the bar.

  My mother was wiping down the counter of the bar. My father was stocking bottle beer in the glass door bar back refrigerator. The back door slams shuts behind me. My mother looks up and she greets, “Avery! What are you doing?”

  My pops is next. He says, “Well, this is a surprise. Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”

  I smirk, “I was up early.”

  My mother laughs, “You just woke up early?”

  Now, my dad. “I heard about the scuff last night. I don’t get you boys. Can’t shit be peaceful around this place?”

  My turn, I state, “Samson decided to get sleazy.”

  “Son, you just need to leave that boy alone. I know you hate him, but it is time to move on from what he did to Dallas.”

  “What about me?” a sassy female voice comments in the background.

  Oh, here we go. Dallas is going to give her two cents. She wasn’t working last night but she knows about everything that goes on in the bar.

  Dad looks at her and says, “Hey, baby girl. Your brother got in a fight last night.”

  She smirks, “Oh, I know,” she looks at me, “Little bro, he isn’t worth it.”

  Fumes of anger were blazing within me. They think I kicked Samson’s ass because of Dallas. Yes, there will always be a
part of me that will want to kill him for what he did to Dallas, but this isn’t the reason. “This has nothing to do with Dallas,” I say, defending myself.

  In her snotty little voice, “Then why? Frankie wouldn’t tell any more than you beating Samson’s ass.”

  Why the hell is Frankie talking to my sister? That is something I will address later. I glare at her and say, “If you really want to know what happened?”

  My sister standing there, with her hands on her hips. “Well?”

  I take a deep breath. “He tried to fuck Presley last night?”

  My mother looks at my father and then my sister. My mother asks, “Who is Presley?”

  Dallas’ face went pale and asks, “Shit. Is she okay?”

  My mother again, “Who is Presley?”

  Dallas’ Barbie doll complexion comes back. She looks at my mother and says, “Avery, how would explain Presley?”

  I shake my head and roll my eyes at her. I answer, “She is fine. And Presley is just another girl who frequents here.”

  Dallas laughs, “Bull shit.”

  Dad interrupts, “Samson tried forcing someone to have sex with him?”

  “Not just anybody, Presley,” says my lovely sister, not giving a shit anymore.

  My poor mother looks confused as can be. “Okay, who is this Presley? I’m not following here.”

  Dallas’ eyebrows raise. She wants me to admit to my parents that this woman makes me uneasy. I have never said it to Dallas. But she knows. She has been around when I spot Presley. She was there the first night we met. My sister and her fucking ways. I finally answer, “She is someone I’m sort of seeing.” I was not going to say, the girl I am fucking.

  Dallas smirks.

  My mother smiles, “You’re seeing someone?”

  Now, it was dad’s turn, but he wasn’t as enthusiastic. He questions, “Why did Samson have his hands on her?”

  I answer, “To fuck with me.”

  And that he did.

  Chapter 10


  Yeah, I am fucking pissed. Drawing on the computer is the only thing that is going to settle my anger. My dumb ass almost got raped last night. Thank God for the fast thinking of my friends and Avery being oh so protective. That is the part that confuses me a bit. It is just sex. Well, I think. But the way he kissed me this morning was more than sex. It was nothing but want and need. For the both of us. I enjoy the feel of his silky soft hair in my hands, which surprises me a little. I cannot get enough of tugging his hair. I would have let him undress me bringing public display of affection to a whole new level. But he held back. I held back. This was a first for me. I knew the moment he laid his lips on mine, I like him. I like him a lot. God, that sounds cheesy. But it is true.


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