Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions) Page 17

by Dermott, Shannon

  Chapter Fourteen


  Finally she’d gone to sleep, a really really deep sleep. Her boyfriend’s arms were warm and darn it to Lucifer if the angel wasn’t one sexy piece of male hotness. I wasn’t stupid enough to think he’d be happy to see me. He’d send me away and it had been far too long since I had a turn up at bat.

  Moving slowly, I made my way from his warm embrace without waking him. Twisting and rolling my neck, I checked that everything was working. I looked down at the ensemble she has us wearing and find it’s her signature look of a white tank and her sweat pants. Today she was wearing the light blue ones.

  Opening the door to her room, I closed it carefully to make as little noise as possible. Stopping, I listened and only heard television noises coming from down the hall. So maybe he wasn’t asleep. I didn’t bother to waste time, I sashayed my way down the hall.

  The knob turned easily. The room was dark but I had no trouble seeing him lying on the bed. His eyes are closed, but I knew he knew I was here.

  At his feet, I made my assent. Creeping up on all four, I crawled the entire length of his body. I reached my hand to caress his beautiful face. His hands captured mine and I found myself on the bottom beneath a pile of covers and sheets he’d been underneath moments before. He moved fast wearing nothing but loose fitting bottoms. His well toned chest hovered over me. Trapped, I longed to reach out and touch him.

  “Rat,” I purred.

  “Don’t call me that,” he said, sounding less than pleased that I’m here. My feelings were bruised because now I know what he gives her is not for me. What a fool I’d been. Not sure how long I had control, I should have taken my chances with Flynn.

  “Bastian,” I said, trying again using all the allure my demon possesses to let him know my intent. “I know you are a demon badass, but I see how you look at me.”

  Holding my breath, I waited for his response. If he rejects me, I’ll head across the hall.

  Inclining my head, he didn’t move away. Our mouths meet. This was where things could all go wrong. He held the power to steal my life away with his will alone. But believe me, it felt really good. His hand threaded through my hair to grip the base of my neck hard. Pulling me closer, I met his ferocity with my own.

  Something changed and he rolled away from me. Matching his move, I straddled his lap. With an unheard beat that chimed in only my head, I moved my hips. His hands gripped me, but only to hold me still. His eyes had long since gone to black to match my own.

  “What’s wrong?” I said matching the heat that crawled over my skin.

  His hands tightened as I wiggled as much as I possibly could in his steel grip. “What do you hope to accomplish McKayla?”

  At first I’m annoyed he didn’t use his pet name for her, but then I liked that he is distinguishing us. “You’re wasting time,” I said. Pulling the tank top off leaving me in a black bra, I leaned over to capture his mouth with mine again. “I tire of this virginal existence. I’m a succubus for Lucifer’s sake. And I choose you to liberate me from this godly state.”

  “How does Kayla feel about this?” he asked.

  “Kayla is out cold. Do you know how long I’ve waited for a moment when she finally let go? I mean I’m the demon but she’s the dominant in this situation. She’s a lot stronger than I thought she was. And she has her own power, but the stupid girl has no idea.”

  “Why don’t you help her?” he asked.

  Laughing out loud, “Yeah, and give her all the knowledge and power to rule me forever. I don’t think so.”

  Talking isn’t something I planned, so I move to kiss him again. He indulges me with another before a word spilled out of his mouth killing the mood. “Stop.”

  Sitting up, I looked at him with disgust. “You like her don’t you?” I challenge. When he doesn’t speak, I moved swiftly off him before my pride makes me do something to piss him off which won’t be good because I’m no match for his power.

  Once I was within a step of the door, speaking over my shoulder, I said, “I don’t know why I bothered. Mr. Hottie across the hall would have no scruples about coupling with me.”

  When I turn my head towards the door, my heart stopped. I’d forgotten he could move like that. His eyes were dark pools of nothingness that warmed the fire in me. Apparently, the way to his heart was jealousy.

  “He doesn’t deserve you,” he said, before he’d capture my face in my hands pressing a hot kiss to my lips. The only thing I missed from that was the rush of life force. But I’d known when I came in here, that wasn’t on the menu tonight. Once his kiss was like super glue to my mouth, his hand traveled south and wrapped around my hips lifting me from the floor. The falling sensation to the soft mattress below made my stomach sink sending a thrill through me. He had one of my legs still in his hand the other was on the bed as he lowered himself to my lips for another kiss.

  The knock barely preceded the door opening. “Hey,” the voice said. “What the fuck?”

  Bastian dropped my leg before turning giving me a clear view of Flynn. “Mercy!” Flynn exclaimed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  adumbrate (v.) to sketch out in a vague way

  Taking a moment, I tried to assess my current situation. Waking to consciousness in Sebastian’s room with him holding one of my legs and Flynn gawking over his shoulder at me was more than disconcerting. Shocking was a better word. I scrambled away to the far side of the bed.

  “What just happened?” I asked even those based on everything, I could adumbrate what it appeared to be going on. But I had to be mistaken.

  Flynn’s stare became confused and Sebastian turned to look at me with an expression that read he felt sorry for me.

  “What is going on?” I asked again sharply.

  Flynn completely entered the room and closed the door behind him. “Yeah, what the hell is going on?”

  Focusing on Sebastian, we glared at him. “McKayla came to my room and paid me a visit.”

  “I’m McKayla,” I said earnestly, until realization hit me like a speeding bullet. Understanding how I might have gotten into this situation made me ill. If my demon could take total control over me without me knowing, I was in deep trouble. “But I don’t remember any of it.” My voice had gone all soft and distant trying to remember any of it.

  Sebastian exhaled like his patience was gone with all of this. “She waited for your resistance to be low so she could take total control.”

  This news wasn’t good. My demon didn’t have my best interest at heart. I looked at Sebastian’s bare chest then finally I look down to realize I wasn’t wearing a shirt. Double crap. When my eyes met theirs again, they just sat there looking at me. If I expected them to have a chivalrous bone in either of their bodies, I was totally wrong. “My shirt?”

  Sebastian pointed to the bed, but they stood there gawking at me. My eyes narrowed. Sebastian said, “I’ve seen breast before. Yours aren’t that special.” His eyes however haven’t left my body.

  Flynn then said, “I have to disagree with you there bro.” With his tongue in his cheek and his arms folded over his chest, he didn’t have any shame.

  “I was trying to make her feel better,” Sebastian added.

  Flamingly furious, I reached for my shirt and turned my back to them. They’d seen the show, but I still had my pride.

  When I turned back around, Flynn was already at the door. “I think I need a drink.”

  Sebastian followed after him. “Me too.”

  Not ready to face Luke yet after this fiasco, I followed after them.

  “What I am I going to do?” I asked them while we stood in the kitchen.

  Watching Sebastian he shrugged. I rolled my eyes. Turning to Flynn, he conveniently ducked his head into the refrigerator before I could get his attention.

  Feeling much like a fire breathing dragon with steam about to spew from my mouth, I whirled on Sebastian. “Were you going to let her have her way?”

  Flynn a
ll of a sudden had something to say and peeked around the door he held open. “Yeah, it sure looked that way.”

  Sebastian focused on Flynn and said, “When I turned her down, McKayla was sure she would meet no resistance from you.” Flynn looked away. What the hell? Would he have taken advantage of me?

  “I wasn’t leaning over her with one of her legs in my hands,” Flynn protested.

  Guffawing, Sebastian said, “I was trying to keep her from heading to your room.”

  Matching Sebastian with snorts of his own, Flynn said, “Sure.”

  “Look McCallister, does your best friend know exactly what you and his girl were doing in the woods at the lake house?”

  Flynn was still rummaging in the refrigerator and said, “And what exactly was that?”

  The door to the refrigerator closed and Sebastian answered, “I caught the two of you red handed making out against a tree.”

  In the silence, I was about to protest his statement when I realized that all eyes were looking behind me. Closing my eyes, I didn’t want to face Luke and the hurt that would be on his face. So much for misunderstandings. There were so many reasons why that incident Sebastian mentioned happened. But the truth was, I hadn’t told Luke about it and neither did Flynn. So we were guilty at least for withholding the truth from him.

  Slowly, I began to turn. I caught Luke’s expression. Luke’s face lacked any emotion. He looked at me. Then he looked at Flynn and I saw years of friendship seeping away. He didn’t speak and neither did we. Apologies didn’t seem like enough. I could never blame Luke for what happened next.

  A glow began to emanate underneath Luke’s skin. Unable to move, Sebastian, not paralyzed by the truth, grabbed me pulling me down behind the counters. Flynn dove for cover next to us as well when a light brighter than the effects of the sun on earth filled the kitchen. When the light died, we all took a moment to wait before Flynn peaked out. When he did, the front door slammed.

  Scrambling to his feet, Flynn moved fast. I wanted to crumple to the floor, but I needed to go to Luke and explain. Moving to get to my own feet, Flynn was out the door before I could stumble forward. Just when I thought I regained my feet, Sebastian caught my arm.

  “Let him go,” he said. “If you truly cared about him, you never would have taken him back.”

  Ignoring certain wisdom in his words, I tore out of the kitchen hoping it wasn’t too late. I headed out the front door leaving it open as I ran through. Flynn’s hands were covering his face before he raked them back and through his hair. “Fuck,” he growled.

  I looked in his grief stricken eyes and knew I was too late. I fell to my knees in a heap feeling all the fight in me drain away. Flynn came to my side sitting next to me on the ground. He took me in his arms as nonexistent tears that would have fallen if I wasn’t too stunned to understand just what happened.

  He stroked my hair and choking sobs rocked my chest without spilling one drop of moisture. “He’ll be back,” he said. “He forgives, that's what’s so great about him.”

  Shaking my head, I said, “Not this time.” Closing my eyes, I wished I knew how to pray. I was sure the good one would have mercy on me even if I could find the words. How could this have happened? I’d just gotten him back. But maybe Sebastian was right. I was tempting fate no matter what Luke said. He was the light and I the dark. I should let him truly shine and be free of my corrupting darkness.

  Flynn’s phone buzzed. He fished it out of the pocket of the sweat pants he wore. His face frowned at the display. I didn’t see a name only a number but he seemed to recognize it. “Give me a minute,” he said and scooted to his feet. He stepped further into the driveway away from me. Dazed, I stood not knowing what to do. Then I saw the car that’d been gifted to me. I turned to the house, and dashed upstairs. I knew what action I could take. Surely, Luke was headed home. I would just drive over there and he’d have no choice but to deal with me, that or call the cops. Not caring, I would take my chances.

  Upstairs, I was reminded of Luke’s missing presence by the rumpled covers on my bed. Part of me wanted nothing more but to scream and yell in my pillows and the injustice of it all. I scooped up my new keys, wallet and phone. That is when I noticed a flash letting me know I had a missed call.

  Chapter Sixteen

  fortitude (n.) strength, guts

  Setting my wallet and keys down on my nightstand, I fiddled with the touch screen display of my phone. After a few swipes and presses, I realized I had a missed call from Tom about twenty minutes ago. Had the phone woken Luke or was it our loud conversation downstairs? I guess it didn’t matter because everything was now out in the open.

  Needing fortitude, I picked up my wallet and keys again and set off. When I reached the car, I noticed that Flynn’s beast of a car was gone. The only car left in the drive was the one I was currently using. I turned around in three hundred sixty degree circle not sure what I was looking for, but decided Sebastian was nowhere to be found.

  I’d only taken two steps forward when my phone buzzed. I shoved my wallet and keys in the pocket of my velour jacket that matched my favor sweat pants and looked at my phone display.

  “Tom, what’s up? It’s three in the morning,” I said.

  I heard a huge sigh of relief. “Mercy, I finally got you. I was about to come over,” he said.

  What would he need to call me for at this hour, I thought? “What’s up?”

  “Look, I need you at the hospital right now,” he said.

  Panic gripped me. “What?” I asked. My face contorted in confusion.

  “Maggie’s in the hospital,” he said solemnly.

  If not for the need for more information, I might have dropped the phone. But I sprung into action darting to my car. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Just get here. There is no way to explain over the phone,” he said.

  Now I felt the tears spilling onto my cheeks. “Is she ok?” I asked my voice hitching on a sob.

  “Yeah, for now. Just get here soon,” he said, his voice sounding shaky.

  “I’m on my way,” I replied and we hung up.

  My hands shook the entire time it took to drive over to the hospital. Tom had been cryptic at best and I couldn’t imagine what had happened to Maggie. She was more than a friend; in fact I would consider her my sister. I didn’t have siblings and she had older brothers. We had become what each other had dreamed of, sisters.

  My heart had yet to overcome the loss of Luke. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to Maggie. Maggster, Maggpie, was my heart. It would stop beating if I lost her forever.

  Pulling into the first parking spot I found, I didn’t bother to look for something closer. I could run and find out what the heck was going on sooner than searching for a closer spot. The air was brisk. My run to the front doors of the hospital causes the chill burnt off into a heat that nearly had me sweating.

  Tom was leaning against the walls nearest the automatic sliding glass doors. I barely pulled to a stop when I stepped in front of him.

  “Maggs,” I huffed out in a frosty breath that filled the space between us in that hazy smoke.

  “I need to explain first,” he said, his hands held up to stop any further conversation.

  Shaking my head, I said, “I need to know if she is ok.”

  He gave a barely perceptive nod before replying, “Maggie will be fine.”

  A long stream of vapor exhaled from my lungs as my posture drooped. “And,” I pressed trying to get him to divulge more information to me. Something in his eyes warned me the news he was about to deliver wasn’t good.

  He looked away. The movement suggested he was not particularly fond about revealing the information he was about to share. His eyes glanced my way again only to fall at his feet.

  “Look, spit it out. I need to go see Maggie,” I barked in frustration.

  Shifting his eye that held an undercurrent of anger I took a step back in fear. Something didn’t look quite right in his gaze any longer
and I didn’t feel particularly safe.

  He cleared his throat and looked away again. My own anger was building with his delay tactic but something inside me warned me to wait. “Maggie is going to need you more than ever now.”

  His words threw a bucket of ice down my already cooling back. I’d left without a jacket other than the light velour one that matched my pants. The heat from my quick run was evaporating fast. My overactive brain ran through a list of horrors that Maggie might need me from such as being paralyzed, loss of limb, blindness, and other crazy notions. None of these impairments were the end of life, but an adjustment period would be needed. What he said next however wasn’t in my vaguest imagination.


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