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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

Page 18

by Dermott, Shannon

  “Maggie was attacked by a warg,” Tom muttered.

  Eyes narrowed, I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly. “Warg?” I questioned.

  He nodded. “It’s kind of a long story,” he said.

  Not really feeling like listening to a story, I said. “Look, give me the condensed version. I really want to go check on her.”

  Catching my eye again, he focused on me. “You need to hear it all because you’re going to have to explain it to her.”

  My eyes went from slits to saucers. I think I had enough of being the bearer of bad news. I’d done my share with Paul. I didn’t want the responsibility of giving my best friend in the whole world information she didn’t want to learn. He hadn’t yet told me what a ‘warg’ was. But I knew it wasn’t good and somehow it meant bad things for Maggie.

  Tom finally opened up and began to tell me a tale that began with Brent. Once he did, I found it hard to believe that the story actually began where he started. But time was of the essence. I would grill him more, later. Apparently, Brent had been bitten by a warg in the Hamptons back long ago when I was at the lake house with Flynn last Thanksgiving. No one really knew what bit him, although Tom had suspected. With Brent’s injuries healing at an accelerated rate, he guessed what really happened. Brent’s show of aggression also led Tom in determining that Brent was no longer a part of the human population. This is where it dawned on me what Tom was about to reveal.

  “So Brent is a shifter,” I said, in a defeated tone. My mind was working back to Maggie and how I was now going to be able to tell her exactly what I was, because she too would no longer be human.

  “No,” Tom said. I turned back to him confused. I mean it all added up. “No, shifters are born. Weres are turned. Brent is a werewolf.”

  Okay, maybe now wasn’t the time but my brain was no longer operating rationally. Hysterically, I let loose a string of chuckles that turn into full blown laughter. When a tear began to stream down my face, Tom pulled me into a hug. The laughs started to die away as my hurt and pain took over. “Look, it’s not a done deal. Maggie’s family has to have the recessive genes of weres for her to be effected.”

  I pulled back to stare into his face. “What do you mean?” I asked, still choking on sobs.

  “I mean, someone in their family history there has to be a shifter. That’s the only way for her to change,” he said, searching my face for understanding.

  Grabbing the cuff of my jacket, I pulled it over my hand to wipe the tears from my eyes. “When will we know? Can she be tested?” I spewed out.

  “Not to sound like a bad movie, but we will know when the full moon hits,” he said.

  Staring at him, I waited for the punch line to this bad joke. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  He shook his head no. “Unfortunately, we can’t ask the hospital to run a DNA test for a were gene.”

  My brain finally kicked into gear. “So how did this happen.”

  His hand which he’d been nervously moving about dropped to his sides. “That’s the thing.”

  Oh crap, was my first thought. Things were only going to get worse in the story. “When Maggie left the party, she left with Doug,” he began.

  Closing my eyes, I let loose a string of silence curses. Everything clicked into place like a puzzle. It hadn’t occurred to me Brent’s part in this whole story. “After the party was over, Brent took off.” He looked away again. I could see now Tom was feeling responsible for this whole event. Tom had to be a were or a shifter too, and how? I was sure that was the case, so I didn’t interrupt.

  “Once I realized he was gone, I knew where he’d gone,” he said. His eyes reached mine. His expression was one of pain. “I got there too late. But based on what I saw, Maggie and Doug had been outside talking. Brent must have gotten the wrong idea and went all ape on them.” I thought a rabid dog was a better choice of words, but thought better of correcting him.

  “Brent did this to her?” I asked.

  His eye flicked down but returned to meet mine again. “Yes and Doug too.”

  “Doug is here as well?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  “Brent,” I asked through clenched teeth.

  Looking away again, he said, “I made him stay home.”

  Giving him an approving nod, I knew there was a whole lot more to this story. But I’d heard enough for now. “Does Maggie even have a clue?” I asked. I needed to know what I was walking into.

  He nodded. “I tried to tell her but she wasn’t listening to me. That’s why I’m relying on you.”

  I nodded. He handed me a sticker that read visitor. I could have asked more, but I was anxious to check on Maggie and Doug’s status. “Are you going to be here?” I asked. He nodded again. “Okay, I’ll see you when I get back.”

  “Hey,” he said grabbing my arm. “She is on the fourth floor,” he says rattling off the room number. “Just head to the elevator like you know where you’re going. Normal visiting hours are over.”

  Now it was my turn to nod. I moved through the doors with no hesitation. My mom worked here, so I was very familiar with the place. I even knew a bunch of nurses, so if I was caught hopefully I would encounter someone who knew me or my mom.

  Luckily at this hour, the guards face was buried in a book. The administrator at the front desk appeared to be playing a computer game as her finger moved and clicked with a smile on her face. I made it inside an open elevator with no trouble. The ride to the fourth floor was wrought with what I was going to say to my best friend. I didn’t feel knowledgeable enough about weres to answer her questions. What I thought may help is for her to know she wouldn’t be alone in the non-human department. Then again, Maggie might decide to be pissed at me for withholding that information from her.

  Stepping off the elevator, the bell chimed announcing its stop in my ear. I moved down the hall watching the numbers fly by. By my estimation, her room was only two doors before the nurses’ station. If any of them looked up, they would notice my approach. But as luck was on my side for once, the station looked empty. I picked up the pace hoping to make it to Maggie’s room unscathed.

  Turning the handle, I walked in on Maggie’s mom with a nurse. Crap, I knew I was about to be sent home. Fate however had other intentions. This time they benefited me. I was enveloped into a warm hug that was Maggie’s mom. Her puffy eyes and red nose were hidden in the crook of my neck as we held on to each other.

  “Mercy,” she said in a tearful sob. “I’m so glad you came.”

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” I cried back into her mass of brown curls.

  “Excuse me,” the nurse said. “I’m sorry but normal visiting hours are over.”

  Maggie’s mom pulled back and gave the nurse that look all moms give their child when they’d said something bad. “Look, I know you can make an exception. Mercy is practically my daughter. She’s Maggie’s sister for god sake. If anyone can get her to open up about what has happened it would be her.”

  “I’m sorry, but rules are rules,” the nurse said like she’s seen and heard all the sob stories a hundred times. I was certain she had.

  “Look, I’m going to find my husband. Let her stay with Maggie until I get back. I won’t be able to leave unless I know someone is with her,” Maggie’s mom begged.

  The nurse flicked a glance at me and then back at the weeping mother. “Fine, but don’t be long.”

  The nurse left and Maggie’s mom looked at me. In a whisper she said. “Maggie won’t talk to me. She’s clammed up after that boy, Tom, left. Please talk to her.” She looked back at the bed and it appeared to me Maggie was sleeping. I’m sure that the nurse would have said something like she needs her rest. But I nodded. She gave me another tight hug before she left me alone with Maggie.

  Chapter Seventeen

  hapless (adj.) unlucky

  Maggie wasn’t asleep as she had appeared. No longer pretending with just the two of us, her eyes were wide open. Staring down at her face, I c
ould see the agony in them. Although I knew her secret, I didn’t want to push her to tell me.

  How do I begin? “Maggs, do you want to tell me what happened,” I asked gently.

  I watched her eyes close tight like she was ashamed. She shook her head in a frantic no. I stepped away from her bed to pull a chair over. I reached for her hand to give her some comfort. Somehow I knew it was time to reveal my secret. This was probably the only way to make her know that I would understand anything that she would think sounded incredibly crazy.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” she said feebly.

  “Maggs,” I said. She turned to face me while a single tear streaked down her face. “You can tell me anything.” Gosh, I felt like such a hypocrite. Will she forgive my silence for the past two years?

  Crystal clear sea green eyes stared at me for several long moments before she spoke. “How could you believe when I don’t even believe it myself?” she questioned.

  Truth time, I thought to myself. “Maggs, there is something I should tell you.” I began from that first kiss with Paul. Her eyes popped wide. It all seemed like so long ago. She made a small gasp when I get to the part of him nearly dying from my lethal kiss. I push forward onto his acceptance of me. I don’t bother with explaining the sting of rejection I still felt that he had only accepted me as a friend and nothing more. This wasn’t about me. Jumping ahead, I get to the senior party where everything will make sense to her. I saw realization cross her brow. She was putting everything together. I continue on giving the barest of highlights to what Flynn, Luke, and Sebastian are. There will be more time to spill all the details later. Again, this is about Maggie and not me. So, I ended the story glossing over that my dad was a psychopath killer in life and in death. And for the finale, I told her about Paul seeing something he shouldn’t have, Luke breaking up with me and Flynn’s confession. I don’t bother with telling her about the almost kiss with Sebastian. It’s pointless to what I’m trying to accomplish now. I want her to know what I am, so she will tell me the details about what happened with Brent.

  “So, you’ve only known the last two years you were part demon?” she asked.

  Doing the only thing I could, I nodded. “You, a virgin, are a sex demon who lures men to their death.”

  I wasn’t quite sure if she’s being serious because her tone is flat. “Not really a part of my mission statement,” I drawled.

  “But that’s what your kind does,” she retorted. I can feel my mood changing because I don’t like how she’s separated me from the human race. Trying to remember this is her time and trauma, I nodded again in assent.

  Taking a few shallow breaths, I said, “I’m only half succubus, and our only duty in life is to live and survive like the rest of the human race. We don’t have an evil purpose.” My tone is a bit sharp, so I close my eyes taking in more air to calm myself.

  Being as perceptive as she is, she says, “You don’t really know much about what you are, do you?”

  “It’s complicated,” I said, trying to move things back to being about her and not me.

  “Why is your mother being a bitch and not telling you?” she barks. Turning, I focused on the closed door hoping no one can hear our conversation. Honestly, I was hiding my reaction from her. I wondered how she had not known I’d been keeping things from her all along if she could put everything together so easily.

  Opening my mouth, I quickly shut it because she had more to say. “And knowing you, you didn’t fight to get answers. You sat back and didn’t date anyone for two years. I knew something was completely off. But I thought maybe Eme’s into girls. Heaven knows I would support you wholeheartedly, but I thought you’d tell me when you were ready.” She wasn’t really looking at me when she spoke. She was staring at the ceiling as if she was talking to herself.

  My head snaps to attention, my eyes narrow at her. I feel like breathing fire when my brain processes that the fact that in her shoes I may have thought the same. “I’m not into girls,” I said flatly.

  “Well, duh!” she said dramatically. And I get the feeling that she’s angry at me and I can’t blame her. “At least I understand the googley eyes you and Paul give each other when you think no one is looking. I mean I can’t blame the guy. He’s still into you. Amber is so going to freak over this.” She’s focused back on some spot on the ceiling. I find myself staring up to see what is so damn interesting.

  “You can’t tell her,” I said sharply, at the hint that she might spill to the girl.

  Her eyes come back to meet mine. She has words for me she isn’t quite sure she’s ready to say. I know her too well. “Like isn’t that obvious. I just mean the part about her being like a rebound girl.”

  Rebound girl, I think not. “Amber isn’t the first girl Paul’s dated since me,” I said.

  “No,” she quickly said. “She is the latest in a list of girls that will never measure up to you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I wonder how to get this conversation back on track but I find I have to rebuke what she’s just said. “Paul and I didn’t date that long,” I begin.

  “Whatever Eme, you guys have been the best of friends since then. How could you not fall for someone you get along with so well especially since you guys started off dating first?”

  Saying nothing, I look away because there is truth in her words I don’t want to admit. My life is far too complicated for that. Paul and I would only be friends. It’s way too late for anything more.

  “Maggs, let’s forget my hapless life and let’s talk about you,” I said, sounding a bit whiny.

  “Hapless?” she asked. “I can’t wait for you to take the damn SAT test.”

  “Unlucky,” I responded. “And you and me both.”

  She lets out a laugh that doesn’t mean that anything was the least bit funny. “Yes, hapless you, the sex goddess, with a harem of hot guys following you like puppy dogs. I, on the other hand have the great honor of looking forward to turning into a giant fur ball once a month.” Her words are sharp and definitely sarcastic.

  What do I say to that? I squeeze her hand in reassurance knowing it’s not enough. “There’s no guarantee that’s going to happen,” I said. My words are strong, but my heart grows weak. I hope against hope that she will not change.

  She’s back to focusing on a point on the ceiling. “I’m Irish. Why couldn’t I be a cute fairy like Tinker Bell? I look great in green,” she says. Tears stream from her eyes as she covers her mouth and I feel completely inadequate to help her through this.

  “Maggs, you won’t go through this alone. I’ll be there for you,” I said. Still she hasn’t yet told me the story. It’s a story I need to hear and tell Tom so he can better help her. I’m almost certain Maggie’s mom wants me to get the story from her as well. But it’s a given that I will have to heavily edit it for her.

  Turning again, she is facing me and I know she is about to tell me something that will unburden her. “You know what the worst part about this whole thing?” she asked. I shake my head no. I don’t want to say anything that might stop her from speaking. “I gave Brent my heart and my virginity,” she mocks. I am so stunned, my mouth is agape. “And he take’s my humanity.” Her sobs become nearly violent now. I stand to lean over the bed to give her a hug. Desperately, I want to ask about when the whole sex thing happened, but I know the time isn’t right for those details.

  I just hold her for a long while until her sobs finally subside. Rubbing my hands over my face, I frantically try to think of something to say. “What happened?” I finally settle on.

  Wiping at her eyes, she looks away and I’m thinking that I’m about to hear the story. “I’m not sure of everything. Things are a little fuzzy,” she said. “But I remember at the party going upstairs with Brent because something was happening. But then once we got outside, he’s like yelling at me to go back in the house. I’m pissed because I don’t like the way he’s talking to me. He goes from super sweet to angry man in a flash. But then
Sebastian comes over.” Her words drift off and I’m certain she’s trying hard to remember something Sebastian has made her forget. I wonder if I should tell her, but her story isn’t over yet.

  “Something he says calms me down and I just go in the house,” she said to the air. She is searching for the why’s of everything I’m sure, but I say nothing. “I’m downstairs playing hostess you know, keeping everyone in the house.” She stops again but I don’t interrupt. I plan to tell her the truth but first I want to hear what she has to say before she gets truly pissed off. “Then it’s time for everyone to leave because the party’s over,” she said absently. “I think I had too much to drink. And there’s Doug. He offers to drive Amber and me home. And I’m like why not. Brent’s being a jerk.”


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