Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions) Page 19

by Dermott, Shannon

  Covering my eyes, I thought, Maggie knew she’d played a dangerous game. She’d hoped for jealousy I’m sure, but she got more than she bargained for.

  When I release my hand from my face and look in her eye again, I see the sadness in them. Almost as if she was waiting for me to acknowledge her in some way, she continues. “Doug and I were just talking while sitting on his car in front of my house. Nothing was going on,” she said, like she was trying to convince me when I knew she was trying to convince herself. Again I keep silent. I don’t want to judge her. She has enough to deal with.

  “Then this truck with his bright lights on, pulls up behind Doug’s. I’m shielding my eyes because it’s bright you know, but they are higher than a car, so I know it’s a truck. I didn’t recognize the thing. I still don’t know whose car Brent was driving, but he was suddenly there in front of us. Doug stood and put himself in front of me, like he was protecting me from Brent. And I’m like trying to get in between them. Words were said and Doug’s like defending my honor. And you know what?” she asked.

  “No, what?” I said. My voice came out a little froggy because I’d hadn’t spoken in several minutes and I’d been holding my breath almost since she began speaking.

  “Doug is slightly taller than Brent,” she said. “I’m not sure when that happened.”

  I, on the other hand, wondered why that was an important detail. She sounded as if she were proud of Doug. This is the boy she dumped after he confessed his love for her. That was her usual M.O., but not with Brent. But then again, had he said those magic words? I make a mental note to ask along with a barrage of other questions I needed answers to.

  “He looked so fierce,” she said. “Anyway, Brent’s like ‘Stay away from my girlfriend’ all caveman like. Then Doug is like ‘Maybe she doesn’t want to be around you when you’re being an asshole’. Then Brent’s like ‘Fuck you man, get the hell out of here. And Doug is like ‘I’m not leaving her with you looking like you might hit her or something’. Then Brent’s like ‘The only person I’m going to hit is you’.”

  Maggie’s face is all screwy as she imitates Brent. She makes him sound all ‘I am man hear me roar,” while she make Doug sound completely sane and in control. I couldn’t help but think that Brent had already lost her to Doug. But I continue to say nothing.

  Her face changes again and I’m alerted that we’ve come to the part of the story that will explain why she is here in the hospital.

  Steadying myself, I don’t look away from the sudden fear in her eyes as she relives her horror. “His eyes, his eyes, Eme, they changed. I knew something was wrong and I leaped in front of Doug. His hand was no longer human, Eme. It was longer, covered in hair with claws. He meant to swipe at Doug but I moved in the way. As I was pushed to the ground, he didn’t come to my aid. Not at first at least. I fell on my back, so I saw it all. His wolf hand or whatever gripped Doug’s shirt, lifted him off the ground as hair began to sprout all over his face. Car wheels squealed, I couldn’t see but Tom must have shown up too late. Brent bit into Doug’s shoulder. Then he tossed him to the ground. I shuffled over to Doug and he wasn’t moving.”

  She ended there and remained quiet. There was more to the story, but I’d gotten the gist of it.

  “It’s not your fault,” I said. A part of me believed that she had in fact started the events that unfolded. But I couldn’t blame her. This was all on Brent. He’s the one that let his anger get out of control and possibly ruined two lives.

  With a squeaky voice, one filled with heavy emotion, she asked, “Is Doug ok?”

  I didn’t have that answer. “I don’t know,” I said honestly. “But I’ll go find out.”

  Moving to leave, Maggie held onto my hand. I settled back in my seat understanding she wasn’t yet ready for me to go. Maybe she was afraid that the news about Doug wouldn’t be good, but I didn’t ask. Maggie was right about something. Sometimes maybe I kept my mouth closed when something important needed to be said or my point needed to be made. But was that really wrong? I wasn’t much for quarreling. We sat in silence. Time passed without meaning. The room was still dark and there was nothing to give meaning to the passage of time.

  When she spoke, I nearly jumped out of my skin. We’d been silent for so long, having it broken suddenly made my heart skip a beat. “I have to think there are more supernatural beings out there, even in our school,” she began. “I’m mean you and Flynn, cambions, Luke, a half angel for god sakes, Sebastian, Luke’s rival in every way being full demon. Gosh who else in are school do you think?” she asked.

  I took this time at a little humor hoping to lighten the mood. “Well, if you ask me, I think Nina is a she-devil” I said with a little chuckle.

  Maggie actually laughed. The sound was so nice to hear. “I wouldn’t doubt that,” she replied.

  Feeling like I may be on a roll after getting her to laugh once, I asked, “What about Mr. and Mrs. Perfect?”

  Not missing a beat, Maggie answered, “Who Jay and Kathy?”

  Nodding, I laughed and said. “It’s totally improbable for two of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen to date, never breaking up once, since middle school. It’s just not cosmically possible.”

  Giggling, Maggie added, “Yeah, isn’t it creepy how they are always together?”

  Nodding again, I laughed but truthfully, I had speculated that something was going on with the pair. It was way weird, but Flynn, Sebastian, and Flynn hadn’t let on once that something was inhuman about those two. I was sure they would know.

  Time stretched on before a nurse came in and made me leave. I had to wonder what Maggie’s mom said to them to have allowed me to stay for so long after hours. Following the instruction of that same nurse, I headed down the hall to the waiting room where I found Maggie’s parents speaking to Doug’s parents, about what, I could only guess. Doug’s parents had their backs to me, so I wasn’t sure. I saw Tom sitting in the corner with his eyes closed. I headed over and sat next to him.

  As soon as I hit the seat, Tom’s eyes popped open. “So,” he said. And I filled him in at least the parts about Maggie, Brent and Doug.

  “How is Doug by the way?” I asked.

  “He’ll survive,” Tom said. Pulling out my phone, I texted Maggie the good news. I pushed my phone back in my pocket. “You should go home,” Tom added.

  I was beat. So I didn’t put up a fight. They weren’t going to let me see Maggie anytime soon. So when I saw Maggie’s parents’ conversation break up with Doug’s parents, I said goodbye to Tom. He was planning to hang around. I could see guilt written all over his face. I wondered how he explained himself to Maggie’s and Doug’s parents. But since he was still here, I assumed they’d bought whatever story he’d told them. I could only imagine Doug and Maggie had back him up on whatever story he’d told their parents. But I’d sort that all up later in the morning. I wanted to head home and get a nap before I would return again later.

  Giving hugs and support, I was surprised Maggie’s parents didn’t ask what she and I spoke of. I was sure it was an oversight. They looked as ragged as I felt.

  “Liam is headed home. When Maggie gets out, you should come over. I’m sure Liam would be happy to see you.” Maggie’s mom says to me as I’m leaving. Liam is one of Maggie’s older brothers and I find the statement odd. It’s not like I hung out with her brothers whenever I was over there. I mean maybe when we were really little, but nothing in the last several years. We’d joked with one another, sure. But I was too tired. I’m sure I was reading more into the statement than necessary. I shook off the weirdness and headed home.

  Looking at my phone before I drove off, I noticed, I had no calls or text from anyone, most importantly nothing from Luke.

  Chapter Eighteen

  dilatory (adj.) tending to delay, causing delay

  The darkness abounded squashing all happiness from my heart. It seemed like gloom would be with me forever extending the night, never allowing a new day to dawn. Time
loomed over me like a lead weight. Too much of it had passed with no communication from Luke. I was beginning to believe Flynn was wrong. Luke wasn’t going to forgive me this time. My heart sank when I didn’t see his familiar car in the driveway. He hadn’t returned any of my calls. So, before I made my way home, I’d driven by his house. His car hadn’t been there either. I’d made the wrong assumption that I would find his car at my house. Weirdly, Flynn’s car was also gone. Where was everybody?

  My keys jangled in my hands as I turned the locks on the door. I walked in, closing the door behind me only to be assaulted by an unhappy Sebastian the moment I turned from locking the door.

  “Sheeze,” I said. “What are you trying to do? Kill me, death by fright?”

  I started to push past him not in the mood for a lecture based on his facial expression. Hell, he and Flynn needed to stop acting like they were my father. I didn’t get far before he stopped me. He didn’t lay a hand on me. Rather he materialized in front of me, blocking my path.

  His face was raw with anger. I’d never seen him truly angry before. So, I was stunned by the unfamiliar scowl on his face.

  “What’s your problem?” I asked, not wanting to play games. I was drained and in a need of a shower.

  “Where were you tonight?” he said, sounding like he was close to a boiling point.

  “Oh God,” I said, rolling my eyes. I side stepped him making my way up to my bedroom.

  He started to speak. But when the sound began from his voice, I countered. “Look, I’m exhausted and not in the mood to argue with you. I’m going to take a shower. You can talk to me when I get out.” My voice was weary with the weight of the guilt I felt. Maggie might just be a werewolf. How the hell was I suppose to handle that.

  Pushing open my bedroom door, I kicked it closed with my foot. No need to bother with the locks. Sebastian could get in either way. I stripped leaving a trail of clothes to my bathroom door. I just didn’t care.

  I was fed up with my life and needed to make changes. I just wasn’t yet sure of the best course of action. But this little harem of guys, Maggie dubbed them, that clustered around me couldn’t continue. It was too much trouble.

  The feeling of the warm water only made me want to sleep and forget everything that had gone wrong in the past twelve hours. I would face things head on. But I needed a clear head. I needed to rest so I could think straight. Maggie was my priority, but there was nothing more I could do for her until the next full moon. If she needed to talk, I would be there for her.

  My next priority was to find Luke. I needed to explain. He needed to understand that I’d tried to tell him about Paul. That everything that happened between Flynn and I was just a response to him teaching me what no one else could. I needed to tell him that I loved him. How could I not love him? He wasn’t perfect. But he had been the one to be there for me every time, never pushing me into anything I wasn’t ready for including our first kiss.

  Stepping out of the shower careful not to slip because I wasn’t feeling one hundred percent, I pulled the towel off the rack. It hung in my hands in front of me when Sebastian appeared before me.

  I let out a yelp. I couldn’t help it. Pressing the towel to my naked front, I felt ever so exposed. Water dripped down my wet back side. I’d washed my hair which lay in a wet tangled heap on my head.

  Not looking to the right, where a mirror would give him a profile of my exposed backside, I said, “Get the F out of here.”

  I wasn’t sure why I edited myself but I was tired, not really thinking clearly without getting much sleep in the last twenty four hours.

  “Flynn’s in trouble,” Sebastian said. His stare and facial expression were void of any emotion. But it was those words that made me forget just how naked I was. “I gave you time to shower.”

  Stammering, I said, “This is a bad dream right?”

  My mind was suddenly on alert waiting for his response. “No, he’s gone and done something unwise,” he said. His tone masked any feelings. Everything about him was cold.

  “Where is he?” I demanded. He hadn’t said he didn’t know where Flynn was. This couldn’t be happening. Luke was pissed. Maggie’s hurt. Now Flynn was missing.

  He bit his lip and let his gaze fall over me in his first show of any emotion. Too bad that emotion wasn’t what I needed right now.

  “Dammit, Rat,” I said, furious that he was holding back. His eyes narrowed at my use of his nickname. I didn’t care, that had been the first name he’d given me when we met. He’d acted like he was proud of it. “Tell me where Flynn is,” I postulated.

  His eyes devoid of any humanity darkened. “Paimon,” he stated like it was a death sentence.

  “What the hell is that?” I cried in growing frustration.

  He chuckled without smiling. “If you only knew,” he said.

  I wanted to push my hair from my face, but I needed a hand for that. If I tried to adjust the towel, I might flash more than I wanted. My arms were growing heavy and I needed him to get on with it, so he could get out. “I’m getting cold,” I finally said letting my exhaustion seep into my tone.

  “Paimon is a school for delinquents,” he said, not betraying any feelings on the matter.

  Now it was my turn to laugh. “Okay, are you joking? Flynn’s a lot of things but he’s no delinquent.”

  Sebastian no longer amused said, “That’s a cover for humans. It’s really a school for demons.”

  Still chuckling but it was slowly dying in my throat, I asked, “Seriously, you’re kidding, right?”

  He just stared at me as the last chuckle caught in my throat. “What are they teaching there? Teaching demons on the best way to gather human souls?” I said, sure he would dispute my statement.

  He didn’t answer. Goose bumps erupted over my body and I shivered. “What the hell is he doing there?” I spit out.

  “He went because Bernadette asked him to come.”

  “Why would he do that?” I asked, my frustration no longer aimed at him. “She’s crazy.” She helped me once before but she’d also tried to kill me over Sebastian.

  “I know,” he said. “I tried to warn him. But the flesh can make you weak,” he added taking another lingering gaze over the towel I pressed closer to my front.

  “When are we leaving?” I asked because that was the only response. We had to go get him. If Flynn was safe there, Sebastian wouldn’t have come into my bathroom. Whatever was going on, it wasn’t good.

  “As soon as you get dressed,” he said appraising me yet again.

  His eyes grew heavy with a need that was stirring the demon inside me. His roving eyes burned heat into my system. Somehow, I prayed he didn’t have x-ray vision. The hunger of the thing that shared my existence was growing closer to the surface.

  “Leave,” I said firmly. I needed him to go now. “I’ll be ready in a few minutes.

  “Fine,” he said. “Nice ass by the way.” He glanced at the mirror before dissipating in front of my eyes. Great he’s seen my bare bottom and my breast in nothing but a bra.

  Turning my head, I appraised the room to make sure he wasn’t behind me before I began to dry off to get ready to go to this Paimon place.

  Trudging down the stairs, Sebastian’s back was to me. His hands were clasped there as if he were deep in thought. As soon as my foot hit the bottom, he turned in a smooth motion and appraised me. “Give me your keys,” he commanded.

  I stopped not expecting those words. “For what?” I asked. “I can lock up.”

  He pursed his lips like I should understand his unspoken words. “I’ll drive us,” he said.

  I’d imagined this trip a little differently. I gestured with my hand, pointing then spreading them wide when I said, “Aren’t you just going to blink us there?” I questioned, not sure of the appropriate term.

  “Normally, yes,” he began. “But I don’t know what were walking into. I might not have the enough power to get all of us back.”

  I remembered his word
s from his first rescue attempt of me a few months ago. He’d said that he would need to charge up when he moved people through time. Like us, he needed life force but unlike us, other demons were his prey. I still didn’t understand him. He was capable of ending the life of a demon. Bernadette had called him out from killing a demon friend of hers. So why did it matter to him now?

  However, there were more important things to ask at this moment. “Will we get there in time by car?”

  Sebastian nodded before he spoke. “It’s only a couple of hours drive from here. I don’t think they will harm him right away.”

  Something inside twisted into a ball. The thought of something happening to Flynn tore at my heart. “How can you be sure?” I asked.

  “You’re wasting time. We should go,” he said flatly with his hand outstretched.


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