Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions) Page 22

by Dermott, Shannon

  “But,” I said, feeling like nothing more than boulders of my life’s wall crashing around me. “He said that he was already damned because he drinks and has sex and stuff.” Then it hit me. I was almost going to ask her if she and Luke slept together when I caught myself. Maybe realization dawned on my face because she smiled at me in smug satisfaction. “I don’t want to know,” I stated.

  Something else crossed my mind though. If he wasn’t supposed to sleep with anyone, she wasn’t either. I looked back up into her eyes from the spot on the floor I’d been staring. But she beat me to it again like she could read my mind. “Sex is frowned upon, but we’re still part human. What’s damning is sleeping with the other team,” she said, with utter coolness.

  “I didn’t ask to be part demon,” I said, taking a stand. “It’s not fair that you condemn me for a choice I didn’t have.”

  Her face shifted letting me know that she didn’t believe one word I said. “You walk around school with the boys circling you like vultures. You used that demon inside you to lure them and Luke to you.”

  “That’s not true,” I complained.

  “Let’s count them off. You managed to get Luke to step away from his duties. You’ve broken up Paul and Amber,” she said. My eyes widened. Is that what everyone was saying? “And him, he’s changed the rules of the game. You got him to fight against a tracker and a hell hound. The shit is going to hit the fan. And you don’t need to be anywhere near Poison.”

  “Paimon,” Sebastian said.

  I turned to him. My terror from looking into those empty eyes melted away. “You protected me from your kind. What kind of trouble will you be in?” I asked softly.

  He just shrugged. “Yeah, see what I’m talking about,” Nina crooned from the back seat. “They’re all going gaga over you. You aren’t that pretty.” I should have been upset by her words. But I was grateful she hadn’t mentioned Flynn. So maybe no one had noticed his interest in me. I was probably right. It was just his ego that had him saying those things to me.

  I was shocked when Sebastian chimed in. He seemed comfortable with Nina and me hashing this out on our own. “Mercy isn’t just pretty. She’s beautiful and by far outshines your angel light. You ought to wake up and realize why Luke left you for her. She’s more of an angel than you are. Your envious heart and jealous nature conflict with what you call yourself.”

  Nina looked ill with his words. I was embarrassed for her so I turned to face forward again. I may not have liked her, but I didn’t want her to feel bad, for what reason I didn’t know.

  It was darker here where we pulled over on the side of the steep road. We were on the mountain somewhere near the top. The trees were choking out the light.

  Needing to ask again, I said, “Nina, if I can help Luke out of this trouble I’ve caused him, I need you to help me.”

  She looked at me with her arms folded, “Don’t you think you’ve done enough.”

  “I won’t let them destroy him because of me,” I say.

  “Look, he should be fine.” I wasn’t mollified by her words. She hadn’t said his life was in danger, so I had to assume damnation would be his worst fate. “If you are going to do this,” she said pointing into the woods, “I can’t go with you, Mercy,” Nina said. She almost sounded unhappy about that. “They have wards that will alert them to my presence. But I can still sense you”

  Nodding, I wasn’t sure about any of this. I really didn’t understand what she meant. And I didn’t want to ask any more questions. It felt like nothing was going right. I would go get Flynn out of this demon school and find my way to Luke. He couldn’t be damned, he just couldn’t, I tried to tell myself.

  Nina still looked a little defeated. I knew that Sebastian’s words had stung and maybe she’d known that I wasn’t to blame for her failed relationship with Luke. Somehow hearing it said from some else no matter how skewed, made her face the truth.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t there sooner. I just assumed Luke would answer the call. But when he didn’t I got word of what happened and hustled to you as fast as I could.”

  I nodded again. I wanted to say that despite it all she’d gotten to me rather quickly. But I kept my mouth shut. Sebastian pocketed my car keys and took my hand. He didn’t say anything to her and neither did I. We left her leaning on the car as we walked off into the dense mass of trees.

  My thoughts were a jumbled mess and I didn’t pull away from Sebastian holding my hand. I assumed he had to have physical contact with me in order to do that thing he did. I was only trying to piece everything together.

  He stopped, bringing my thoughts back to the present. I looked ahead where the trees parted to a clearing. Ahead was a sprawling building that reminded me of a college campus.

  The expanse of the sprawling lawn was a wonder in the mountain. The building had at least four stories above ground. Yet despite how tall it was, the trees hid this place well. The building was all brick and appeared reddish in the dim light. Few windows were lit, and all seemed relatively quiet. But it didn’t feel so.

  Sebastian tugged me closer. “I’m going to take us in now. Just go along with whatever I say and try not to speak. I’m not sure what we are going to encounter, so just go with the flow.”

  His close proximity now brought the stirring of my beast within. I rolled my eyes in disgust that I couldn’t control my stupid demon.

  He wrapped his arms around me and gazed into my eyes. I didn’t think any of this was necessary but I ignored it hoping not to encourage him or the succubus. Maybe it was nervousness, but my brain popped a SAT word in my mind. Surreptitious. And crap if that wasn’t our mission. I kept the word in my head this time. Maybe it was normalcy I craved. SAT words kept me grounded in the human world as I stepped into a demonic one.

  When he rolled in his lower lip and leaned into to me, all SAT words were forgotten. I stood mesmerized by his attention. Captivated was the expression on my face when he parted space to step us into this place Nina called Poison.

  Still in his arms, I turned my head trying to get my bearings. The place where we stood was immense. The ceiling was far above and I assumed it was at least a couple stories high. There were clusters of leather chairs grouped together. The dark paneling of the wall spoke of history. Sebastian just released his hands from my waist in favor of taking my hand when three figures appeared before us.

  They didn’t pop into existence like Sebastian. Rather it was like their movements were so fast, my eyes weren’t able to see.

  The three stunning figures gave me a once over before returning their focus back to Sebastian. There were two guys and one girl. The guy in the middle was a little too good looking. His hair was a muddy brown but it was the kind of mud that made you want to jump in with both feet. It had no style but the every which way it stood out worked for him. He wore all black. A tee-shirt that was a bit tighter than I was used to seeing on a guy, but his muscle definition was clear despite the color absorbing shirt he wore. His black jeans just added to the look.

  The girl draped on his arm had a possessive look in her eye that gave no other interpretation. The other guy was leaning into the middle guy as well. He was pretty and that was the best way to describe him because his features were quite delicate. I couldn’t be sure which the lucky guy in the middle was with.

  I turned to look up at Sebastian. He released my hands and turned to face the three. Moving his arm once again around me, mimicked that possession thing that I felt. We were the only five in the place. No one else was here.

  Shifting my view back to the only other girl, I felt her eyes on me. She looked like a warrior princess in what looked like black leather shorts and a red top that dipped way too low. Her long black hair flowed over her shoulders in sleek black waves. Her ruby red lips quirked in a smile when she saw me checking her out.

  But it was the leader in the middle my eyes were drawn back to. It wasn’t just his good looks. It was the expression on his face. Love or maybe longing and it wasn
’t directed at me.

  “Rat,” he said. That one word was enough and somehow I knew.

  “Rune,” Sebastian replied with a coldness I felt. This Rune guy was in love or even lust with Sebastian. I didn’t know what to do with that information.

  Chapter Twenty

  mendacious (adj.) having a lying, false character

  The pretty guy on Rune’s side finally spoke. “So you’re back,” he said in a very evident not so nice tone.

  “Colby,” Sebastian said, in the same cold way not responding to his comment.

  “You haven’t changed, I see,” Colby said. His voice was slightly higher pitched than I would have expected. It wasn’t quite girly though. But his physical features looked as though they were sculpted from the finest china yet he was still masculine. It was disconcerting because with his added prettiness everything about him was at odds. He looked at Sebastian with a predatory gaze and I wasn’t sure if he thought Sebastian was competition or a prize.

  Sebastian eyed the guy and said, “You either.”

  Colby turned his attention to me. “I see you have another tasty treat. Did you bring her to share?” Colby asked, as if I was nothing and had no say in the matter. I stiffened and Sebastian held my hand tight reminding me he wanted me to remain quiet.

  “I don’t share,” Sebastian said in warning.

  The girl on Rune’s right just smiled. She still held on to him for dear life. The air surrounding us felt off. On the surface it appeared like the girl was Rune’s girlfriend. I mean he hadn’t pushed her away. But he looked at Sebastian like there was unfinished business between the two of them. Colby on the other hand, I just wasn’t sure. He looked like he just liked to play games. I thought it best for me to steer clear of him.

  “Long time,” the girl rasped, finally speaking up. Her voice was sensual full of open invitations when she spoke. Even I noticed just how alluring those words sounded coming from her mouth.

  Now I was really confused. It was obvious that although they appeared human, they weren’t. For a frightening moment, I had to wonder how many demons walked among us. Funny, I honestly didn’t feel a part of this group. Maybe I was a demon, but I was human too.

  Sebastian actually managed a wicked half grin. “Too long,” he stated. I could sense history between the two.

  Rune turned to each of his two companions. Without speaking they seemed to understand his meaning. They nodded to him and then at us and like that, they sped away as if they were on fast forward. It was down to the three of us.

  “Sebastian,” Rune said using his name.

  It wasn’t until this moment that I notice Sebastian had reverted to his native lilt. “Stop. I dunnot want you. I told you before. Nothing’s changed.” Longing, that’s what I’d heard in Rune’s tone. Sebastian just confirmed it.

  “But,” Rune said. He too had an accent. I couldn’t place it because he hadn’t yet spoken enough me to figure out.

  “Your feelings are misplaced,” Sebastian said.

  “They haven’t gone away,” Rune said. My head began to bounce back in forth between the two. I felt like the sunshine yellow ball against the forest green court because I sure in heck on God’s green earth wasn’t sure what was going on.

  “You’re confusing love with friendship,” Sebastian retorted.

  “No, I haven’t,” Rune responded. “Is that why you went away?” Rune shifted on his feet. It looked like he wanted to come closer but was warring with himself about his decision. I started to place Rune’s accent. It was subtle and kind of English sounding but not.

  “You know why I left,” Sebastian said.

  “Because of her,” Rune said. I thought he was talking about me, so my head snapped up to look at Sebastian.

  “I had to complete my task,” Sebastian said.

  Rune’s attention returned to me. I expected jealousy in his eyes. But instead I just saw wonder. It was clear then he was trying to determine who I was to Sebastian.

  “And her?” Rune asked, eyes sharp.

  “She’s with me,” Sebastian said answering quickly and without thought.

  “Ah,” a resounding voice that came from above. We all looked up to the balcony above. A woman dressed conservatively looking much like she was in charge stood with two people flanking either side of her. What was it with these demons and congregating in threes? The other two looked a lot younger and I had to wonder if they were students. They were dressed all in black letting her tan colored shirt paired with a wine color jacket stand out where the normally muted colors wouldn’t have. Her light brown hair was partially pulled up leaving the rest to hang loose around her shoulders. She didn’t look young, but old wasn’t what I thought either. “So he returns. Is this the prize we’ve all so longed for?”

  Now it was my turn to squeeze Sebastian’s hand. I was connecting the dots between what this woman said and what Rune mentioned. Sebastian had a task to get a girl and possibly bring her here. Oh, what a fool I felt. I’d walked right into a trap. I had no idea why I would be so special but it fit. I bet Flynn wasn’t even here.

  “No Mistress,” Sebastian replied with a slight bow of his head as if to acknowledge her dominance.

  There really wasn’t a good way to describe what happened next. The woman was suddenly in front of us. It wasn’t like how Sebastian popped in and out. Except, this woman seemed to project herself in front of us leaving a trail of her silhouette in her wake. It was as if a snapshot of her every movement lit up along her path. At the same time, Sebastian’s hand moved to gasp my elbow and I felt myself hurled backwards as my demon half was pulled forth.

  “Ah, her eyes,” the Mistress said. “What is she?”

  It seemed strange to me that this woman or whatever she was wouldn’t know exactly what I was. But then again, I wasn’t at all sure how demons recognized each other. I, certainly, only saw human type beings standing before me. If we’d been in any other place, I would have never guessed they were anything else than the flesh I saw.

  Sebastian was smooth with his reply. “She’s a witch, Mistress. I came across the lass and thought she’d be a perfect candidate for your pilot program into the dark arts.”

  Delight brightened the eyes of demon in front of me. She was slightly taller than me but shorter than Sebastian. Up close I could see her skin was flawless. “Interesting,” she crooned and the word sounded more wicked than I thought possible. “Aren’t you a bit off task?” she asked.

  “The family has gone on vacation and it would seem odd if I showed up,” Sebastian said, never once wavering, showing me just how skilled he was in the art of lying.

  Her eyes finally left my face giving me the relief to breathe. She’d been studying me like she was waiting for me to do something that would give me away. But my demon was smooth and rock steady. I felt a glimmer of a grin curved my lips.

  “I have never claimed to understand the tasks that are given to you as I’m kept out of the loop. But hear me when I say, I will not be summoned by your failure. I’m still ultimately responsible for you while you are topside,” she said, with a venomous purr.

  She took a step back from us which gave her the opportunity to look at Sebastian without craning her neck. It was a power play for sure. But for me, I wasn’t quite sure of what to make of everything. Sebastian hadn’t given me up and although it could be another girl he was after, I highly doubted it.

  With a flick of her wrist, Rune stepped over to her. He had moved slightly to the side when she’d made her appearance next to us. “Rune, take her around,” she began. “And what is your name?” she asked me.

  “Kayla,” Sebastian answered for me. I was grateful because I was more certain than ever I would have stammered a response. And I didn’t know what if anything my demon might have said. She didn’t often speak through me. “Her name is Kayla.”

  She gave him a look that chided him for overstepping his bounds but Sebastian didn’t give in. He looked at her with a stare that said she was in c
harge, but only kind of. So many questions swirled around me. “Yes, Rune, show Kayla the place while classes are still going on.”

  “Yes, Mistress Talya,” Rune said. The boy reached for me but Sebastian pulled me closer. I felt the demon stir inside of me relishing being close to him.

  With a pointed finger Mistress Talya commanded. “Sebastian, I expect you in my office,” she said. I got the feeling she meant now. She left in the same fashion to which she came. A trail of light flashing in her wake disappearing as fast as it flashed.

  This Talya hadn’t gone back to the spot she came from. She disappeared down a corridor off to the right. I looked up to see if the two guards or whatever they were, were still around. But they were gone too. It was back to the three of us.

  Sebastian twisted me in his hold so I was facing him. He released my elbow and I hadn’t realized until then he’d still held it. He stared deeply into the portholes of my eyes and I felt sucked right back into myself. It was disconcerting to know what control he had over me. Slamming back into the driver’s seat of my own body, I was confused as to whether or not I could trust him despite appearing to be a mendacious being. But at the same time, I was sure he hadn’t planned to show me this little demonstration on how he could control me if he wanted to. So what was he up to?


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