Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions) Page 24

by Dermott, Shannon

  “Flynn’s his name. You two don’t look alike,” he said.

  I nodded. “I did say he was my step-brother.”

  “You did indeed.” His eyes formed slits while he contemplated. I grew overly concerned that the danger that lurked around me was growing. “What I don’t understand is why Sebastian would bring you here only to lie about who you were. Why would he risk being re-trained for you? He knew I would find out that you weren’t what he claimed you to be. Vampires and Shifters have sensitive noses. Yet here you are?”

  I may have had a death wish because I made my way to the edge of the bed. My fight or flight response kicked in. Self preservation wasn’t a concern when I opened my mouth. “Why does it concern you what Sebastian and I are doing?”

  He stood and met me at the edge of the bed. My neck craned up to stare at his intense eyes. “Because I love him.”

  His words were strong. He didn’t seem to care if anyone around heard. “And?” I said matching his tone.

  “He’s risking a lot by bringing you here and I want to know why?” he growled.

  The sight of his elongated fangs had me faltering back on the bed cowering to the wall. A hiss escaped his mouth as he stalked me. Fear flooded every cell of my body. I hadn’t thought he would react in such a way. Sebastian said I was safe with him.

  Swiftly, he was off the bed and against the wall. It took me a moment to process that he hadn’t gotten there by his own will. Sebastian had the taller guy pressed flat by his grip on the guy's neck. I had the strangest thought on whether or not Rune need to breath. But we hadn’t gotten to that in our conversation.

  “If I ever catch you with even the slightest finger on her, I will rip your fangs out and use them to sever you from your balls. Got it?” Sebastian promised.

  That was a visual I didn’t need. Rune nodded and Sebastian released him. Sebastian never took his eyes from the guy until he was firmly pressed in the desk chair he’d only moments before occupied.

  Then casually, as if nothing had occurred Sebastian tilted his head in my direction. “Are you okay, Kayla?”

  I nodded but said “Yes” ever so faintly.

  “Why did you bring her here?” Rune said, speaking up almost defiantly. The frost that came from Sebastian’s icy stare before it focused on Rune chilled even my bones.

  “It is of none of your concern,” Sebastian said. “The lass belongs to me and that is all you need to know.”

  The glacier that formed between them certainly confirmed that Rune’s love was unrequited. I almost felt sorry for the guy.

  “I know she’s not who you claim her to be and I know about Flynn,” Rune confessed.

  Sebastian’s glare came around my way again. “I” was all I managed to regurgitate before Sebastian spoke again.

  “Where is he?” Sebastian barked.

  “First tell me what’s going on. Is she really worth it?” Rune asked.

  Okay, I was offended but at the same time I heard the love that surrounded his words. Rune was desperately in love with Sebastian.

  “Don’t you get it? We can only be friends. There is nothing more I can offer you. You are mistaking our friendship for more. You’ve never even dated a guy before, you’ve told me this yourself. In fact, your words were that you were somewhat of a homophobe in your human life.”

  I followed the conversation with my line of sight. “Things change,” Rune said sheepishly.

  “Nothing has changed. Your vampire instincts are confusing you.”

  Rune stared up with determination and certainty. “That was two years ago and nothing has changed for me.”

  My head snapped up to see just how Sebastian was going to do to respond. This was better than reality television. “Nothing has changed for me either. So you should move on,” Sebastian said. “Give Colby or Anna a try, if you haven’t already. Both would kill for some of your attention.”

  Ignoring his comment, Rune stood and the tension level in the room hit a fever pitch. “I wouldn’t have hurt her. I just wanted to know why you were risking everything for her,” Rune said, then looked at me. “I’m sorry.” Then he walked out the room.

  Chapter Twenty One


  Sebastian left her without any answers. He claimed he had to go find Rune and make sure the guy didn’t break our cover. He also needed to get Flynn’s location out of him. He told her to lock the door behind his departure and get some rest.

  But her body defied her mind. She’d been up for over twenty four hours. Laying on Rune’s bed to process all that had happened was all it had taken. Only for a minute, I heard her inner musing. She promised herself she wouldn’t completely nod off.

  Too bad for her. It took a little while, but it felt good to be in control again. Her recurring wet dream of her boyfriend entertained me while I waited. I had to admit the girl had imagination in full color. Warring with her dream was her total lack of faith in him, thinking he was probably regretting the day he met her.

  Her dream was so familiar I could act out the part myself beginning with his touch. Now that the dream had faded and she sank into that deep sleep, I flooded her body with my essence before opening my eyes.

  Lifting to my elbows, I was shocked to see that tasty morsel was back in his room. I flash him a smile.

  “Hey, you’re up. Look, I’m really sorry about earlier,” Rune said.

  Sitting all the way up, I give him my come hither eyes. “It’s fine. I understand what you’re going through.”

  He stares at me and I think I might have hooked him with my bait. His hand reluctantly comes up as if he might point to something, then he stops. “Your eyes.”

  My grin widens. “You like. It does that when I get really pissed.”

  Confused he said, “Why are you upset?”

  “Because that bastard doesn’t deserve you or me?” I said. “And you know why?” He shakes his head. “Because he told me to come here and seduce you.”

  Ah, yes. As his brows furrow, I watched as anger crept up into his very pores. “But you know what?” I asked.

  Shaking his head again, I know I have him. “We can get him back by doing the very thing he wants us to do.”

  Finding his voice he said, “Kayla, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  “Were you always only attracted to boys?” I asked him.

  That boyish charm of his had him hesitantly looking down before meeting my eyes. “No, he was the first.” Then he added, “And the only.”

  Sliding my legs to the side of the bed, I stood and made my way over to him. His legs are slightly apart, and I used the space to make my way closer to him. Holding back a little to make him think I’m a bit nervous, I hesitantly sit in his lap to meet his stare head on.

  “Kayla, I don’t think…” he began.

  “Don’t think, do,” I said before I place my mouth on his. His lips are innocent and needy. Apparently he was desperate for a little affection. Adding hurt to his personal torment made him respond so easily to me. And it felt good to use my charms. I too felt repressed and locked away. He opened his mouth to speak I think because his hand had gone to my shoulders. I think he might have pushed me away. But he was open now and I took advantage.

  Mercy had no idea what we could do. She thought that power had to be given to us. But she was more different from her mother than she thought. We could take. With a little tug, I couldn’t help but feast on the vampire. We couldn’t kill, but we could take. It was like a cannon explosion igniting all my synapses.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  propensity (n.) an inclination, preference

  My mind was edging on consciousness when the rush of power exploded inside me. I knew this feeling. The synapses in my brain were firing warnings. I was draining someone of power. But this didn’t have that human life force feel, not that I had a lot of experience to tell the difference. This was more like the push of power Sebastian had given me that time to save my life against my father.

p; My eyes opened but not of my volition. I wasn’t in control. I fought against the incoming power to slip into my demon skin when my succubus spoke. With the blinding light and a rush of power, I didn’t know what she said. I tried to focus on my task when I felt a breath on my neck lifting me back to a familiar point in my recurring dream. The warm kiss of his mouth mingled with my desire. I wasn’t prepared for the sharp stinging pain.

  I was hurled back in control. But I wasn’t alone. Somehow, my demon and I were one and I although I didn’t remember completing the merging. Realizing what was happening, I pushed Rune off me and his fangs ripped at my skin. He hit the floor and jumped to his feet like nothing happened. He moved too darn fast. He bit his thumb and moved to me in a flash of light. He pressed his bleeding finger to my bleeding neck and it felt better just like that.

  I moved to sit on the bed putting distance between us.

  “Your eyes,” he said. And I knew just what he was talking about. My eyes had changed from the large pools of black back to my normal human eyes.

  “Yeah, they have a propensity to change to black at the dandiest times,” I said with a fake laugh.

  He turned and walked at a human pace towards the small window looking out like a lost puppy. I found myself saying, “Sorry.” When he didn’t turn back or acknowledge my asking for forgiveness, I continued on. “I’m so sorry. I had no right to try to…” I struggled for the right words. Somehow my succubus had followed through on Sebastian request. “I mean, I just want you to know I respect your decision to be who you are. I would never intentionally try to persuade you otherwise.” What was I saying? He kissed me in my sleep. But then again with my demon in control, I had no idea what else I’d done without my knowledge and it scared me more than I cared to admit.

  He looked like he hadn’t heard a word I said and it made me feel ten times worse. “I would never try to invalidate or disrespect who you are. Everyone has a right to their choice and their feelings. I hope you will forgive me,” I said softly. Still he looked out at the drapes like he had x-ray vision or something. I folded my legs to my chest, hugging myself. I felt the demon inside me recede. Coward, I thought inwardly at her departure.

  When his words came out like a mutter, I lifted my head from my knees ensuring I heard him right. “I’m the one’s that’s sorry,” he’d said. “I shouldn’t have bitten you,” he said absently. It would have been comical coming from a boy no less, but the hurt and anguish on his face kept the laugh stifled in my chest.

  “I’m sure it was because…” I started to say, but stopped before the word succubus left my lips.

  He turned from the window and stared at me. In his eyes, I saw regret. “I never thought I would be attracted to anyone else. He was the only one I wanted. Then you came on to me and I lost control,” he said.

  What the hell had the demon done this time? I surveyed myself. Thankfully, I was still dressed. “Like I said, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “No, it’s good. You opened my eyes. I feel like maybe you set me free from the prison I’ve kept myself in.”

  Maybe it wasn’t the best choice of words, but sometimes I spoke before thinking. “There weren’t any other guys you were interested in?” I questioned.

  He shook his head no. “Colby?” I asked, because he was pretty spectacular to look at.

  “He wanted to, but,” he started to say.

  I didn’t wait for him to finish. “Anna?” I had to know how he felt about girls. This because separating the dream from reality, he had been into the kiss with me.

  He shook his head again. “I haven’t been attracted to anyone since I turned…” his words died off as he stared at me. I’d felt just how happy he was to kiss me and I wanted to groan. He was not attracted to me I tried to tell myself. It was the succubus who wheedled her charms and roped him in.

  “You,” he said. This word was said stronger than the others that preceded it in the sentence. I had a feeling this isn’t exactly where he had been headed before with his words. “What are you?”

  “A witch,” I said, but even I didn’t believe the lie that left my tongue.

  It only took a moment until understanding dawned on his face. He pointed at me in an accusatory manner. I wasn’t sure what to do and scooted back on his bed until I felt the wall behind me. My heart stopped. I didn’t breathe. I didn’t move. I just stared at him waiting for him to finish. I needed to understand just what he meant by his words. “I need to get you out of here. I truly didn’t believe it. But you’re the one Sebastian was hunting.” he said.

  Of course, the door opened and in walked the devil himself. Rune froze mirroring my confusion as to what to do next. Sebastian was taking in Rune’s deer in the headlights look and turned towards me. His eyes followed the line of my neck to what must be blood on my shirt. I didn’t see the movement until Sebastian stood still. It was a repeat from earlier. His hand was gripping Rune’s neck and had the guy pinned to the wall with dangling feet.

  “What did you do to her?” Sebastian bellowed in an inhuman voice. “I told you not to lay a finger on her. What didn’t you understand?”

  I jumped off the high bed and moved towards them. “Sebastian wait, don’t. I asked him to,” I lie but tried to beg. The succubus had lured him into whatever happened between us. Parts of me were truly grateful I had no clue what happened.

  He let Rune go and the other guy slumped to the floor clawing at his neck. I didn’t know if vampires had a need to breathe. But my eyes trailed down to the fallen guys, and I could see a nasty red hand print around his throat. Whatever Sebastian had done, it had obviously hurt.

  Sebastian stepped towards me and I found myself stepping back in retreat. When he noticed my obvious fear, his vacant eyes narrowed. He came to a halt one foot in front of me when my back met the door. With my hands pressed behind me, I found the doorknob. I didn’t bother to turn it to make a run for it. Sebastian could simply materialize wherever I went.

  “What were you thinking?” he chided.

  With no other defense, I said. “I was doing what you asked.”

  Rune still looked pained. I wasn’t sure he’d heard that part. I could see the mark on his neck beginning to fade.

  Tongue in cheek, he nodded at me and turned back to Rune. He went over and helped the other guy to his feet. He turned to me leaving his back to Rune with no fear of retaliation. “Flynn is moving about and I don’t have a clear lead on where he is.” He turned back to Rune. “What do you know?”

  Rune looked at me and when I didn’t say or do anything, he nodded at Sebastian. I wasn’t sure he could speak yet based on the way Sebastian had crushed his neck. “Fine, you and I will go hunting for him.” That word hunt sent chills through me. “I go up and you take the floors down,” Sebastian finished.

  “You stay here,” Sebastian ordered. Fearing how my voice may sound if I spoke, I offered him an affirmative nod as well.

  Sebastian actually opened the door when I moved over to the side of the wall to give him room to exit. With the door blocking Sebastian from seeing me, Rune turned and gave me a look. Without really knowing him, I couldn’t really interpret the look. I only had his last words which had been ‘I need to get you out of here.’

  Chapter Twenty Three

  quixotic (adj.) idealistic, impractical, impulsive and often rashly unpredictable

  The door closed and I was alone again. There was no way I was sleeping this time, so I stood leaning on the wall trying to figure out how I could have been so wrong about Sebastian. Had this been a ploy all along? And why was he hunting me? I was no one. No one important that was.

  Despite it all, my bladder made its importance to known to me. Slowly, I opened the door to Rune’s room. I peeked out like a thief in the night. Looking both ways like I was about to cross a busy street, I stepped into the hall leaving a book propped to keep the door open. I’d checked to make sure it was unlocked, but with my luck there might be some sort of auto-locking mechan
ism. It was so eerie how quiet everything was. It was almost unnatural. But then again, I was in a demon school. There was nothing natural about that.


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