Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions) Page 37

by Dermott, Shannon

  We knew nothing about the demons that had been chasing us. Was it Sebastian or me they were after? Things certainly had been quiet since he hadn’t been around. Luke, Flynn and our parents all knew about the battles we’d faced. They were supposed to be looking into it. However I was sure Sebastian had all the answers we sought. And of course he’d been conveniently gone since the night with the elves except for the night with his dad.

  Flynn turned back to me and nodded like he understood why I had yet to exit the vehicle. But he went inside to entertain Kristin, I guess. The rational side of my brain kicked in. Sebastian could pop in anywhere and take me at any point. He needed to explain himself. Anger boiled in me now. I hopped out of the car and charged at Sebastian. With my hand in movement to slap him, he caught it. Luke took my other arm and gently pulled forcing Sebastian to let go or play tug of war.

  Pleadingly, I looked at Luke. “Let me talk to her,” Luke said.

  Not turning to look, somehow, I felt Sebastian had dematerialized away.

  “What the hell?” I begged.

  Luke’s stern stare preceded his words. “We need him,” he said defiantly.

  “What?” I asked, again confused that he was consorting with the enemy.

  Somehow reading my mind, he said, “He’s not the enemy and I trust him.” His words sounded just as final as his father’s had the other day. Where was my calm boyfriend? The guy that invaded his body was my creation showing his face at odd times like my demon.

  Still, my ever trusting and forgiving Luke was not right on this one. I could feel it. “Luke, I can’t.”

  His hand came up to stroke at the side of my face. “Then trust in me,” he said rationally.

  Biting my lip, I did trust him. But how could I tell him he had a habit of forgiving everyone without bringing up my own transgressions. “I trust you,” I whispered.

  Pulling me into him, he gave me a mind blowing kiss that had me seeing not just stars but the planets revolve around the sun. Star bursts of supernovas filled the back of my closed eyelids. Something in his kiss sent warning bells through me.

  “I have to leave for a while,” he said, once we disengaged from each other. His face was soft and kind again back to himself.

  Stepping back from him I eyed him warily. “Why?” It seemed my eloquence was overflowing with all the SAT words I had on tap, I thought sarcastically. I mentally chided myself for my one word side of the conversation. There was so much I needed to say to him and it felt like my time was up.

  Shifting his gaze and not looking at me, he said, “He thinks he knows who’s been after you. And he knows someone who may be able to help me.” Guilt made the bile in my stomach churn.

  “Of course,” I said. There really wasn’t another good response. I owed him my trust. He deserved to have the stain on his soul that I put there removed. What could I say about him knowing who was after me? He had to know because he himself was after me. I kept that all to myself. If he could somehow help reverse what I’d done to Luke, that was most important.

  “And he thinks he knows a way to help Paul,” he added.

  Choking on my next word, I managed to say, “Paul.”

  Sadness filled his eyes like his next words were bound to cut me deep. “Paul is in some sort of trance or coma. Sebastian found him non-responsive but very much alive earlier.”

  “What,” the strangled word left my throat.

  When my knees went limp, Luke was there to catch me. “He’s alive Mercy. Sebastian seems to think he’s been bespelled.” The demon. My guilt at not going to check on him other than the phone call expanded.

  There it was. I had no doubt that Luke had more concern for me and maybe even Paul than for himself. That was just the kind of guy he was. But I’m sure that Sebastian had tipped the scales in convincing him to go along with whatever plan he had with that little nugget about helping him with his damnation.

  “Your dad?” I asked, wondering what his father thought about this field trip. I was still full of phrases of love and encouragement I couldn’t utter. Along with not telling him he shouldn’t do this. All of those words were stuck in my throat. What kind of person would I be if I told him to give up on correcting the little matter of damnation that I’d placed on him?

  Searching my eyes, he finally gave me the truth. “He doesn’t know.”

  Nodding, I turned because tears threatened to spill. Closing my eyes, I held back all I wanted to say. If I said more, he’d know I didn’t trust his judgment of Sebastian. Sebastian, the boy who saved my life. The guy that claimed he wanted to be with me. Was this his plan to take Luke out of the picture? If I mentioned this, would I bring up unspoken topics? Could we be sure he was the powerful Guardian he used to be all because I’d been in his life?

  He pulled me back to his chest and I listened to his heart beat. What would I do if I lost him? Would vengeance against Sebastian be mine? Before he got in his car to leave, he left me with swollen lips from his kiss and promises that he’d return soon. I waved as he drove away. I’d stopped myself from asking him why he was driving because I knew the answer. We had no idea the extent of his abilities anymore. He could levitate, but for all long? So I said nothing being taciturn. Instead with a heavy heart I walked inside the house.

  Chapter Forty One

  turpitude (n.) depravity, moral corruption

  Closing the door behind me when I entered the house seemed like the hardest thing I’d done yet. The look of loss on Luke’s face would haunt me evermore. Because I knew I was the one that had put that look there. For now, my plan was to grab a snack and head over to Paul’s house. I had to check on him myself.

  With my head hung low, I didn’t see what was unfolding in the foyer until it had already begun. Kristen was standing with her arm held up with what looked like a hatchet in her hand. In slow motion, I saw Flynn with his hands up. His lips were moving. But I couldn’t hear the words because my thudding heartbeat muted all sound.

  Unable to stop it, I couldn’t help the cry that escaped my lips. She was on the other side of the large black round table that was in the middle of the foyer. My feet began to move to get to her. “NO!” I screamed.

  “You stupid bitch,” Kristen said. “You poison everything you touch. Luke deserves so much better than a demon whore like you.” There was no more doubt she’d written the note.

  Although she hadn’t touched me, I felt slammed through my heart by her words because I agreed with her. The tears that had threatened to fall earlier spilled like fat drops of rain onto the marble floor. “You’re right. My turpitude will be his downfall.” I said very softly. I needed to defuse this situation. If her anger was directed at me, then maybe Flynn wouldn’t be her target anymore. I didn’t want him to be hurt because of me. There was already enough of that.

  She turned her total focus to me. I kept my eyes on her hoping Flynn could get out of the line of fire. “I came here hoping to team up with the chosen one, but there you were sucking all the goodness out of him. He is blinded by your demon beauty that is only skin deep. You and his traitorous best friend cheating behind his back the whole time. Everyone sees how you two look at each other. And now he’s paying the ultimate price. I’ve had enough. If Luke won’t save himself, I as a demon hunter will. It is my pleasure and job to kill you both.”

  Flynn had been edging up to her heroically, I saw all too late. It was all a really bad dream. One minute he was standing and the next he was on the floor with a hatchet in the middle of his chest. With grace from what I guessed to be years of training, she moved to finish the job.

  For the second time, I screamed a violent “NO,” while hurling myself across the polished black table sending a priceless vase crashing to the ground. I catapulted myself in her direction. But Sebastian materialized in front of her with his hand gripped around her neck. She gasped for breath, but I only spared a second to watch. Had I called out to Sebastian in my head? If so, he’d listen and come. In the next moment, I was on the f
loor next to Flynn whose wheezing breath escaped with bloody bubbles.

  He seemed to be saying something. Tears were pouring down my face. I heard a body hitting the floor and I didn’t bother turning to see what was sure to be that Kristen was no more. I couldn’t’ be bothered to care even though maybe I should.

  “Call 911… Luke,” I shouted. But the thought of Luke’s possible diminished power and abilities had me thinking he may not have enough power to save him. “Nina,” I added in choking sob. This wasn’t happening. Flynn’s breathing was labored at best and was slowing. He’d been leaning on his elbows. All strength leaving him, he crashed to the floor before I had time to reposition myself to cradle his head in my lap.

  The spring day with us tussling over the water hose crossed my vision for a second before my blurred vision clear enough to see. He was still trying to say something. Not sure if he had something to add that may help save his life, I moved closer. But his words were jumbled and incoherent.

  Leaning over him, I said, “Don’t speak,” I said. I looked at the deadly weapon that could end his precious life protruding perilously close to where his heart should be and knew better than to remove it. The blood that leaked through was coming but fast but not pouring out of him at this point. I knew that would all change if the hatchet was removed.

  He continued to try to say something. I leaned closer dragging my hair to the side so it wouldn’t spill in his face. Each beat of my heart was slow in coming as I processed every detail. Was I trying to remember everything that we’d said to each other? Was I wishing things were different? So many emotions were swirling in the oppressive moments, they clouded the room. I knew one thing. I didn’t know how I could live without him.

  I moved ever closer to him relying on Sebastian to get help. Flynn’s whispered words didn’t match the panic in his eyes. “I love you,” he managed to say.

  My tears, racing down my face, dripped onto his. I placed my hands on his cheeks and used my thumbs to wipe away the mess. I didn’t take any more time. Cupping his face in my hands, I pressed my lips to his. Startled, they weren’t as warm as I remembered. Although, it may have looked like a kiss for those who might have seen it, my reasons were far greater. Willing my succubus to the forefront, I tried to do something I hadn’t done before. I tried to pour power and my human life force into him. He just couldn’t die. Falling apart on the inside, murmuring in my head I said, ‘I will try to fix you.’




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