Enthralled: A Box Set

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Enthralled: A Box Set Page 72

by Pamela Ann

  Since they are busy talking about playing poker, they don’t mind us leaving.

  Drake quickly leads us upstairs and shoves me inside the bathroom where he locks us in. “I need to be inside you. Now!” He hisses against my ear as he positions me facing the mirror, against the sink. His hands take care of my jeans along with my underwear, pulling them down just past my knees.

  “Are you wet?” Drake urgently asks as his finger checks. “You are . . . dripping . . .” He groans against my neck. I hear his pants fall on the floor before he speaks again. “Bend over. Don’t part your legs. I want to take you like this. I know you’re tight as it is, but I want to feel you break open while I stretch you further. Hold tight because I’m not going to take you fast this time.”

  My eyes stay glued to the mirror as his hips thrust forward, the head of his cock parting my folds. “Do you feel the difference when you don’t part your legs? My dick can barely fit in there.”

  I’m panting so hard, I can barely think. Though he has a hard time sliding it in all the way in, he is persistent. He pulls out and puts it back in, inching deeper inside me with each thrust. It teases my hunger, sucking me into a sexual cloud that I can’t get enough of. The more he teases, the hungrier I become.

  “Do it, just fucking do it,” I dare him to just hit it all the way home. I anticipate the pain it will bring, but I know that Drake will make up for it.

  Drake grabs both of my ass cheeks while he bites my earlobe as he rams his cock into me hard until it hits the wall of my cervix. I grunt from the painful throb. “Keep your ass up as I instructed you earlier. Don’t you dare move. My cock’s going to love you until you can’t take it anymore. Is that what you want, Babe?” The head of his shaft teases the wall of my womb.

  “You’re all talk,” I moan against him.

  “Remember, you asked for this,” Drake informs me before he pulls out and drives in with precision.

  I’m shaking and sobbing his name in a minute as I come, my muscles contracting against his moving shaft. My hand pushes against the mirror as he annihilates my body, taking me to the next level. “Don’t move!” Drake hisses against my shoulder.

  “I can’t . . . too much.” Tears prickle in my eyes as my body starts to tighten again, readying for another wave of release.

  “Let go,” Drake commands as my body does just that, but he isn’t finished. Not by a long shot.

  My body is trembling more than I thought possible. My strength to keep the position he ordered is thinning. “One more?” he asks as he slows down, his dick still stroking me while his lips rain kisses on the back of my neck. “Tilt your head a bit. I want your lips.”

  Our lips touch, passion licks my soul as our tongues fight, fervently. Drake powers into my depths with titillating force as he impales me with his hard shaft. Striking me deeper, taking me to another dimension. His hands press against my stomach as he pierces me with his throbbing cock. “Come for me, Babe,” Drake instructs again before he bites into my shoulder. It makes me convulse around him. I cry out as an orgasm takes hold of my body.

  Drake rolls his hips a few more times before he hisses out a few angry curses. He comes beautifully as I watch him in the mirror. He is incredible to watch. My eyes find his in the mirror, his cock still pulsating inside me. “You love watching me go crazy, I see.” Drake smiles as he kisses my neck.

  “I can’t help it. You look too hot to resist.” Hopeless, that’s me, alright.

  Drake pulls out and spins me around, kissing me hard. “You’re amazing. Do you know that? I’m so crazy about you.”

  “I’m crazy about you, too.”

  “Good to know that the feeling is mutual. Let’s go join your friends, and then we can head home. I want you alone.” Drake kisses me one more time before he cleans me off with a wet paper towel.

  We’ve just finished our shower together and are in bed, ready to sleep, when Drake speaks into the dark.


  I perk up. “Hmmm?”

  “I was thinking; why don’t you start working on your business plan with Masie? I can hire another person. You guys were pretty excited discussing the possibility of it earlier, so why not do it? Go look for a place tomorrow to rent. Go over business details and open up in the next three months?”

  “Is this your subtle way of firing me? Will you be hiring a hot blonde as my replacement?”

  “No. If it will make you happy, I will hire an efficient gay man. I had one before named Kip, but Shannon fired him when I was out of the country. I could contact him again and offer an incentive, but my point is, I want you to work on something that you love to do. It’s time, Lil.”

  I know it’s time for me to really go out there and do my thing.

  I kiss his chest and whisper against it. “I know, thank you for bringing it up. I’ll speak to Masie first thing in the morning.” My hand touches his neck where it begins to curve to his shoulder.

  “Good. I think this will be a good step for you,” Drake murmurs against my forehead before he drifts off to sleep.


  For the next two weeks, Masie and I are busy with our plans. We’ve been baking non-stop in my kitchen as we try different recipes; marking which ones work and which ones don’t.

  It’s already six in the evening before Masie decides it’s time to leave. We’ve been up since nine and only took half an hour lunch break before we started baking again.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay? You look nervous all of a sudden.” Masie’s instincts are spot on, but I’m not about to spill my secret. Not yet, anyway.

  I merely nod. “Just tired. The last two weeks have been draining me.” They have and now I have another issue to top it all off.

  Masie gives me a cheerful smile. “Okay. Tell lover boy not to wear you out so much. You look like you need sleep.” She winks at me before she leaves the house.

  That, too. Drake has been insatiable on a daily basis. It’s hard to keep up with him.

  I’m sitting on the couch when I hear him enter the house. I left the door unlocked knowing he’d be over soon. “Hi.”

  Drake strolls in wearing an all-black Armani suit, looking like sex on legs. He bends over and kisses me on the lips. “How was your day, Pretty One?”

  I look Drake dead in the eye and blurt it out, “I’m pregnant.”

  Drake suddenly stills before he composes himself. He opens his mouth, then shuts it again before he starts to pace around my living room. Calmly, he asks, “Is it mine?”

  I feel like he just punched me in the gut while slapping me a few times before he stomps and spits on me. How dare he ask me that question? “On second thought, let me double check my calendar. It might not be yours after all.”

  I didn’t anticipate him asking if it was his. I feel side-tracked and insulted. So, this was how Shannon must’ve felt.

  Drake simmers in anger, but he asked for it. His question was beyond disrespectful.

  “Please, leave. You are not welcome here anymore.” I’m surprised that my voice is stern and it doesn’t waver. I’m a wreck inside, but I’d rather die than show him that.

  “Is it mine or not? Don’t be a smartass about it. Answer the question as I asked you to do.” His voice grates on me.

  “Not yours, Drake.”

  He doesn’t even dare look at me as he leaves my house, slamming the door shut on his way out.

  It hurt that he would even question me like that. I told him I hadn’t slept with anyone but him in over a year.

  He can go suck on it for all I care. I don’t need him to raise a child. I can take care of it on my own.

  I don’t need him.

  I don’t.

  I wake up the next day with a surprise. My mother is in my kitchen making me breakfast.

  “Mom? What are you doing here so early? It’s not even nine in the morning.” I yawn while I sit down at the breakfast nook.

  “Drake came by today. He told me that you’re pregnant. Is that
true?” Mom’s eagle-eyes don’t miss a beat. “And looking at your reaction, I’m assuming that it is Drake’s, too?”

  Fuck you, Drake Tatum, and your stupid tattle mouth. “He doesn’t want it.”

  “He tells me that you told him he isn’t the father.” Mom places the food on the table before she slides it across to me, eyeing me sternly. “What made you say that, if he is the father?”

  “The stupid man asked me if it was his. How dare he? I’m not some slut who’s been juggling different guys. That was uncalled for.” Okay, I need to calm down before I blow a fuse.

  “Okay, maybe he did deserve that. From what I saw earlier, I can tell you that he’s regretful, but doesn’t know how to approach you.”

  “He can go fuck himself,” I mutter.

  “Lily, behave.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom, but I’m not in the mood to talk about this right now.”

  “You are an adult, Dear; we have to talk about this. Patricia will want to know and frankly, Drake is waiting for my call. The man didn’t sleep a wink last night. He told me that’s he’s ready to marry you as well.”

  Fucking Drake.

  “I am not marrying anyone. Period. As far as I am concerned, Drake and I are done. He can help out with the baby later on, but that’s it.”

  “That’s up to you, but you have to talk it out with Drake. He needs to hear it from you.” My mom is always so reasonable. I know she wants what is best for me and Drake, but right now, I couldn’t care less. Drake royally pissed me off last night and that’s that. True, he can be sorry, but that won’t take back the words he spoke.

  He fucked up, big time.

  Mom gets up and hugs me. “I love you. You’re going to be a great mom. Don’t let hatred consume you, though. I think it’s high time you and Drake sort this out.” She kisses my forehead before walking toward the end of the room.

  I hear her talking on the phone. I can’t really blame her since this is such a big deal to us. We are a close unit. She and Pat are expecting their first grandchild and both have been dying for one.

  “We’re going over to the Tatums’ for lunch. Will that be good for you?” Mom asks kindly.

  It’s not like I have a choice. If I don’t agree to it, I full well know that the entire Tatum clan will be on my doorstep before sun down. “Yeah, sounds good to me.”


  “Lily doesn’t want me. Her lying about my child proves that,” Drake grates out as both of our mothers just look speechless.

  “What do you want, Lily?” Patricia looks at me kindly.

  What do I want? That’s a good question to ask. I do want Drake, but not like this. It feels wrong. I don’t want to be the next Shannon, robbing him of his life and livelihood. I am not that woman. Even if every fiber in me is screaming to just drop it and be with him.

  “The baby and I are going to be okay. I mean, I have all of you guys to help out, right? Let’s just take this one day at a time. Everything seems to be all new to me. So, please, calm down.” I give Mom and Patricia a forced smile. Both women get up and hug me, telling me how much they love me.

  “Thank you, Lil! Not only did you grant your mother’s wishes to have a child, but mine as well. If you and Drake don’t ever get married, though I think you two should, as the mother of my unborn grandchild, you are my unofficial daughter,” Patricia speaks through happy tears.

  Drake just mutters something unintelligible in the background. “Like you would accept any addition in this family, mother, if it wasn’t her; it was either Lily or no one.”

  I halt in the middle of wiping my tears away. “Patricia said that?” I look at my godmother, questioningly.

  Patricia gracefully shrugs. “Something was up with you two in Mexico, but when we came back, I was surprised that Drake had gone back home and left you all alone in the villa. For eight years, we all wondered and watched as you two played hide-and-seek to avoid seeing each other. Your mom and I always wanted you and Drake to end up together. You two are perfect for each other. I can’t understand for the life of me how you two don’t see that. Of course, my brilliant son must’ve done something so irreparable for Lily to have ignored all of us, though.”

  Oh, were we that obvious? I hadn’t realized.

  “Mom, seriously, do we have to discuss this right now?” Drake starts to pace around the living room looking more stressed out.

  My mom turns to me and uses that motherly tone, the one that says she won’t take ‘no comment’ as an answer. “What happened in Mexico, Dear?”

  Mom and Patricia look at me expectantly. I sigh and capitulate. “That night when you and Hugh left for Cozumel, I gave Drake my virginity. The next day, I woke up and he had left. When I tried to visit him in Columbia, he sent me an email stating that he was with someone, that it was serious and so forth. Of course, the rejection hurt me deeply because I had loved him for so long. I didn’t want to date anyone when a lot of guys wanted to go out with me because I was saving myself for Drake. I didn’t want anyone else. So when that happened, I realized that I was naïve and idiotic to believe that he would return my feelings. It obviously didn’t mean anything to him so it was time to let it go. And I did. I realized that life does have more to offer than pining for someone who doesn’t love you back. When Drake and I happened again, this time, it was all just sex. It was what we agreed upon and that’s what it really was.” Mom and Patricia’s expressions are really hilarious. I would’ve laughed if this conversation wasn’t as serious as it is.

  I don’t dare look in Drake’s direction. I can feel him burning holes in me, but I don’t have the capacity to look at the man who I once loved with all of my heart and my being.

  “Oh dear, that was something I didn’t expect, but I do understand why you don’t want to marry Drake now. You two were in lust and are not in love. Marriage is only for people that are in love and that doesn’t apply to you both. So, it’s best that we just make the best of it and still be a family.” My mom squeezes my hand in understanding.

  Patricia on the other hand looks aghast. “How could you treat her so crassly, Drake? I knew you were a playboy, but I never in my life expected my son to treat a woman like a piece of meat, let alone take her virginity and then reject her the next day. I don’t blame Lily at all for her decisions.”

  Drake swears and hastily leaves the room. We hear the front door slam one minute and his bike fires up the next. I sigh dejectedly. Had I known today was going to be a house of horrors, I would never have left the bed.

  After the disastrous and taxing afternoon talk with Mom and Patricia, I decide to leave ten minutes later. I want to be alone and soothe my nerves, my mind and my heart.

  When I get home, I immediately go out on my deck, trying to breathe and think rationally. I stay out and watch the sunset. I reject the idea of calling Masie. I don’t want to hear ‘I told you so’ or better yet, ‘give him another chance’. She will be as undecided as I am.

  I still when there is a man walking toward me from afar. As he nears, I realize that it’s Drake looking all rugged. The sunset hits the back of him and he looks too good to be true. When he reaches me, I see how his face is contorted, with what, I don’t know. Pain? Sadness? Rejection?

  “I figured you’d be out here, so I took a chance,” he murmurs and sits on the other lounge chair next to me. “So, we’re having a baby, huh? Do you want it? Our baby, I mean?” he rasps out, nervously.

  “Of course, I want it. Since Dad died, I always felt like there’s that big gaping hole in me that’s missing. When I found out that I was pregnant, for the first time in years, I felt like I was going to be okay.” I was a Daddy’s girl and when he died so suddenly, I had a hard time dealing with it.

  “I’m sorry about last night. You don’t know how many times that situation has been shoved at me—even if it wasn’t mine. It just came out of my mouth. I didn’t sleep much because of it. I really am sorry.” Drake does look remorseful, but too bad.

  The damage i
s done.

  “I meant what I said earlier, you don’t need to feel obligated about parenting and such. I know you have a hectic lifestyle and I won’t hold that against you. You have full visitation rights and we can work out something on weekends, if you choose to spend more time with the baby.”

  “Wow,” Drake breathes out. “You thought this through that quickly? Did I mean so little to you?” His wounded pride and ego are not mine to save.

  Life goes on. I had to realize that once when Drake broke me and I am determined to do it again. “The past doesn’t matter. I’m concentrating on my future now.”

  Drake looks at me with profound hurt in his eyes. “How long did it take you to practice saying all that, Lil?”

  Not long.

  “I am done talking to you, Drake. I’m tired. I will have an ultrasound coming up. I will text you when and where. If you decide to join me, great; if not, I’ll be fine on my own.”

  “Like hell I would miss seeing my child.” Drake harrumphs and leaves me alone on my deck.

  I feel bad that he’s pissed off, but at the same time, Drake has handled everything so badly since he learned I was pregnant.

  From asking me the paternity to blabbering it to my mother firsthand, he’s done everything wrong. Yet, he doesn’t seem to realize what he’s doing to me—hurting me in the process which only makes me more resolved to not forgive him. If he can’t even understand that he’s doing things wrong, how can I hope for him to make things right?


  We are in the hospital waiting area for our first ultrasound together and Drake looks anxious. He sighs for the umpteenth time and I grind my teeth together, irritated.

  “If you sigh one more time I will murder you. For the love of God calm the heck down, will you?” I glare at him. Drake looks offended from my mild outburst.


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