Enthralled: A Box Set

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Enthralled: A Box Set Page 78

by Pamela Ann

  We were served a bucket filled with a large selection of bottled alcoholic beverages. Trista opened the bottles and started to mix drinks for everyone. By the looks of things, we were all going to get hammered tonight. Trista handed us her concoction.

  Amber stood up. “I just want to make this toast to my newly, single friend, Emma. No guy is worth moping over, baby!” she screamed through the blaring music.

  Oh, dearest! Did we need to make everyone here aware of that?

  The rest of them hooted in agreement. “CHEERS!!!”

  I cringed when I tasted the concoction Trista made. Holy crap, this shit was deadly! I wasn’t planning on puking my way out of the club tonight, thank you. Placing the potent mix back on the table, I glanced at my selections. I chose a bottle of champagne and poured a glass for myself. I made a satisfying sigh when the bubbles worked their magic. Light, fizzy bubbles I could do, I thought contently.

  Trista and Amber went dancing and Cece left to go manhunt. It was a typical girls’ night out. Except Lindsey was stuck to her phone. Not typical.

  “Brody again?” I asked just loud enough for her to hear me.

  She nodded. “He’s pissed off at me. He’s drunk-texting.” She waved the screen at me. I mouthed an “Oh” and she merely shrugged. She looked a bit bothered. Maybe she felt something more than she let on? I wondered.

  I hate those. I used to do that a lot… with Carter. I would send hateful and spiteful messages and he would always end up at my doorstep. I would open the door and he would just barge in there and take me to my room. It was crazy, but at the same time, I lived for those exhilarating moments of madness.

  Amber came back with two cute guys. Trista, on the other hand, grabbed my hand and ushered me to the dance floor. I glanced back at Lindsey to invite her to come with us, but she was talking to one of the men.

  The club was playing some popular dance music and it didn’t take long for Trista and I to start swaying and dancing to the beat.

  Trista leaned over and yelled in my ear. “I’m glad you came out with us tonight. I’m sorry about what happened with Carter, but you know, it’s Carter.” She smiled.

  Yup, it was Carter. No need to emphasize what that meant.

  “Yeah, good riddance! It was starting to become mundane.” I fibbed with great confidence. Trista smiled; the lights making her red hair and green eyes light up. I didn’t think I had ever seen Trista sad or angry. She was always so damn cheery. How could anyone be so fucking cheery all the time? That must be exhausting, surely?

  When my favorite song came on, I let loose and danced my hips and ass off. Tonight was going to be my night! I thought ferociously.

  Fuck Carter Mason. Fuck his hot tight ass that made me drool. Fuck his stupid swagger and sexy smirk. No more! I screamed in my head as I danced with my eyes closed, feeling the beat vibrate through my body.

  My breath caught when I felt a big hand capture my side.

  I immediately tensed.


  “Can I dance with you?” a deep voice asked from behind me—a hot, masculine drawl that made my toes curl and my insides melt and quiver.


  My eyes snapped open.


  “Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.”

  ~Randall G. Leighton

  Chapter Ninety-Three

  I hastily turned around and found the one and only Bass Cole staring me down with his azure eyes. I stared back, star-struck and dumbfounded.

  With my mouth wide open, I thought wildly, Bass Cole is right in front of me!


  Wow, just wow! His sheer beauty totally caught me off guard. His movies didn’t do him justice. My heated gaze landed on his soft, full pink lips. Does he bite just as good as it looked in that movie? I wondered. His lips looked tempting.

  He was tall; about six foot three. His dirty blond, bed-head hair looked so deliciously sexy. Bass Cole was armed with the most sultry, lazy smile I had ever encountered, topped with some fucking adorable dimples. I was drooling on the spot.

  My, I’m tongue-tied. Can anyone be allowed to be this arrestingly beautiful?

  I stood frozen, not comprehending what the fuck Bass Cole just asked me. Holy shit! He was even more perfect up close. Get it together before you embarrass yourself! I chided my brain to fully function.

  I was still reeling, but recovered a bit from the initial shock. Not saying a word, I spun around and held his hand that was clutching my hip. My soft hand held his large, masculine one. The touch sent electric currents up my arm. God, I’m dying here! I thought as Bass firmly held me as we danced in synchronization, grinding and swaying erotically. His hand tightened on me as his free one started to caress my other side. Goodness, the man moves in quickly!

  And man, doesn’t he feel perfect. Argh!

  Fuck you, Carter! I thought as I danced with Bass.

  With his heated body grinding against mine, I got a whiff of his cologne and wanted to die on the spot. You see, I had a thing for a man’s scent. I hated how some men used crazy strong cologne or a strong repulsive deodorant—it was a total turnoff. Bass Cole smelled like… well… perfection?

  I knew you couldn’t smell perfection, but I knew if you could, it would smell just like him. It was pure masculine with a hint of… citrus? I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that it was an intoxicating blend of pure heady perfection.

  When the song ended, I hesitantly moved away. Time to let go of my erotic fantasy, I begrudgingly thought as I gave him a great big smile and a little wave. “It was great to meet you. Have a lovely night!” I called out to his taken aback expression.

  Bass immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me close. “Wait. Do you want to join me and my friends at my table?” he invited, gesturing where his friends—who had all witnessed our intimate impromptu dance—were located.

  Err, no. As hot as he was, flirting with Bass would not be the greatest idea. I knew I wanted to have fun tonight but Bass Cole… was, well… Bass Cole! It was rather overwhelming.

  “I’m good. Thank you though.” I tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “Okay, well can I invite myself to join you then?” Bass gave me another lazy smile.

  God, his smile was freaking blinding! It was simply melting my resolve. “If you want to, I guess,” I replied, unsure.

  What he did next seriously made me smile and tingle all over.

  “I’m Bass Cole.” He gave me his hand to shake. Really? I was sure he knew everyone in the club knew who he was. But still, he was being nice. Darn, this guy was a total charmer.

  “Emma Anderson.” When I gave him my hand, I had expected him to shake it, but instead, he took it to his lips and kissed it. I gasped at the mere brush of his soft lips.

  Easy there, Lucian the hot vampire! I swooned. No wonder this man was one of Hollywood’s finest! He went in for the kill without qualm.

  Bass Cole’s eyes looked entertained. I was sure this was quite the norm for him. Unexpectedly, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I want you, Emma Anderson.”

  I swallowed, hard.

  Wow. He was really, really forward! I supposed things were done fast-paced around this town. I wasn’t accustomed to it and I didn’t plan to start tonight.

  “I’m not going to have sex with you, you know. If that’s what you’re after, you’re going to have to look elsewhere,” I said with all seriousness and I meant it.

  His eyes gleamed with pure amusement. “As much as that thought appeals to me right now, Emma Anderson, I don’t have sex on first dates either.”

  His lazy smile got wider at my confused expression. Huh? A date?

  “What date? We just met. This is obviously not a first date!”

  “Oh, but it will be, Emma. It definitely will be,” Bass whispered in my ear. The thumping music immediately vanished around me, his touch and voice dominat
ed my senses. He softly chuckled at my frozen state. “So, want to introduce me to your friends?” He pointed a finger at my table and I saw that my friends were gaping at us with avid curiosity.

  He was coming on to me so hard I barely had time to think. Not a very good sign, if you asked me.

  “Sure. I know someone who will be very interested to meet you.” I thought of Cece and how badly she wanted to meet him. Maybe those two could get together. Bass certainly wanted to hook-up with someone tonight. Why not Cece?

  With my hand still intertwined with his, Bass guided us towards my table. When we got there, all the girls were giggly and excited to meet him.

  “Guys, this is Bass, as all of you know already.” My heart sped up when he squeezed my hand. “This is Cece, Trista, Amber and my good friend, Lindsey.”

  “Hello, ladies. Glad to make your acquaintance.” Bass gave them his mega-watt smile and Cece and Trista sighed. I looked at all of their faces, a little embarrassed and a little amused by them. Bass definitely had fans at this table.

  I slid inside the booth and Bass followed suit. Cece, who was sitting across from us, got out of her seat and sat next to Bass. Here goes Operation Shameless Cece, I thought amusingly. I thought these two would get on just fine. ‘Player meets player’ equaled perfect harmony.

  I tried to pull my hand away from his grasp, but he clutched it tighter. What was it with this man? I needed some sort of privacy—even if it was just for a second.

  Cece was talking animatedly about her plans of being a movie star to Bass and I caught Amber rolling her eyes; bored from listening to Cece’s blabbering. Amber immediately got up and took Trista with her; the guys they met earlier were outside smoking and they were heading out to find them. I wished I was that brazen when it came to men, but I was known to get shy at the most uncertain times. Maybe it was because I wasn’t really that experienced. I mean, apart from Lewis and Carter, I hadn’t dated or had sex with anyone else.

  Lindsey nudged my arm. “Total upgrade from my brother. I approve.” She winked.

  “You’re crazy. I’m not hooking up with an actor who has a playboy reputation. Don’t you think your brother traumatized me enough?” I quipped back, just loud enough for her to hear me.

  A cell phone flashed brightly on the damask couch and I saw Brody’s name on the screen. I glanced at Lindsey, who was nervously biting her lip. “Doll, Brody’s here. Outside. He wants to talk. He’s being very persistent and I just agreed to see him. The hotel room at the Chateau is under both our names so you can check in anytime; that is, if you get back before I do. Call me anytime, okay?” She leaned back and looked anxious.

  With my free arm, I gave her a quick hug and kiss. “Give him a chance. He’s a good guy, babe,” I urged. I wanted her to see reason, but something was holding her back.

  “It doesn’t matter.” She got up and gave Bass and Cece a quick goodbye and sauntered towards the exit.

  I glanced back at the two people who were left with me as they chatted animatedly. I almost choked on a laugh when I saw Cece push her fierce boobs forward, giving Bass a great view of her rack. The two seemed to be getting friendly. They even shared a laugh or two when I was talking to Lindsey. Maybe they are hitting it off.

  Time to move it, I supposed.

  I didn’t want to see them in action. Why’s that? I thought you didn’t want Bass? my fucking thoughts countered. Who knew really? What I did know, though, was that I didn’t want to watch it happen. Bass Cole was my wet dream come to life and I had gladly handed him to Cece—or she jumped on the opportunity more like it. Given my circumstances, I couldn’t just throw caution to the wind and sleep with Bass, as he had hinted at earlier. It felt too early for me; I needed a time-out.

  Imagine my frustration when he wouldn’t let go of my hand when I tried to pull away, yet again. “Bass, I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “Let me take you,” he suggested. I looked at him like he had grown horns.

  “No, thanks. I’m good.” He let go of my hand and I instantly scrambled to my feet.

  Since I really didn’t need to use the restroom, I opted to seek out Amber and Trista. Why did I feel the need to excuse myself from Bass’ presence? Well, it could possibly be that he was way too much of everything for my palette. Sure, he was drop dead gorgeous, but hadn’t I just gotten out of a hot mess?

  When I finally found the girls, they were already engrossed in conversation with their chosen men. I would have felt like an intruder if I had joined their cozy tête-à-tête. Without Lindsey as my side-kick, I felt like a fifth wheel.

  I sighed, feeling lost and defeated. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. Maybe it was a bad decision to come out tonight, I thought sullenly.

  “Hey, why are you all sad?” a man’s voice asked, a stranger.

  I counted a few times before I fluttered my eyes open. An attractive, dark male was smiling down at me. I lifted my brow. “What makes you think I’m sad, stranger?”

  He gestured his palm over his face. “You have this look about you. Guy problems, isn’t it?” HUH? Was I that obvious to onlookers? I really am officially PATHETIC, I thought with disgust.

  “Possibly,” I shot back. What was the point in lying? Didn’t they say it was easier to talk to strangers about your problems because you’d never see them again?

  “I think that you’re too caught up with your emotions and you can’t see the truth behind the façade. I think you should talk to him and clear the air, but once you do, a set of forbidding forces will be working against you. Another man or two will seek for your love and attention. Be prepared; I am warning you. Your heart’s pure, but know that this world sets out to taint the purest ones. Be strong and remember never to lose faith in yourself once it happens,” the dark stranger voiced out grimly.

  What in the world is he talking about? How the hell did he know these things? Did people randomly say these things to strangers? So freaky and odd. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I warily eyed the dark man who seemed to be full of knowledge.

  “Maybe I do. I’m a psychic. It’s what I do for a living and I can tell what’s bothering you. I advise that you talk to him and go prepared. Your life is about to change; it will knock you back a few times before you see the truth. The man who will wholeheartedly deserve your love is the man who will be there at your lowest, the one who loves you in all your shades—the light, the hued and the dark.” He gently squeezed my arm and left.

  What? After all that shit load of crap, he left? My mouth was gaping open as I watched him walk away and join the mass of the dancing crowd.

  What the hell just happened? Were psychics even real? Wasn’t Miss Cleo a big hoax? She was… but that didn’t mean they didn’t really exist…

  Weird, this entire evening was getting so freaking weird! It was like being in a low budget horror film, with me starring in the role of the unsuspecting victim about to be eaten by a zombie. That was it! Surely this weirdness was a tell-tale sign to ‘get the fuck out of here?’ I didn’t want to be eaten by zombies. Maybe it was time to get a move on and go back to the hotel. I could just nurse my broken heart for another night watching The Notebook. I felt totally drained and depleted.

  Resigned, I weaved my way towards the entrance of the building. There was a heavy crowd tonight and it was difficult to move past the throng of people without bumping into them. I almost sighed with relief when I saw the exit, but a strong arm gripped me and tugged me into a darkened corner.

  “What the fu—” I halted mid-sentence when Bass turned me around and placed a finger on my lips, hushing me. I swallowed. I bit back my tongue from snaking out and licking his finger.

  His close proximity wasn’t helping my jumbled brain. His eyes darkened as he studied my lips. Shit, he’s killing me here. His thumb grazed my bottom lip and I held back the urge to wet my suddenly dry puckers.

  His breathing hitched and when he did speak, it was raspy and seductive. “Call me crazy—call
me anything you like—but I want to get to know you, Emma. Give me the rest of the night to get to know you. The moment my eyes spied you tonight, I was mesmerized and I can’t let you walk away.” My eyes looked into his, seeking answers, seeking reason.

  “I don’t know about that, Bass.” Was this about sex again? Hadn’t I declined him?

  “Tonight, just tonight… that’s all I ask, Emma. I know you barely know me, but I give you my word, I will not do anything you don’t want me to do, I promise,” Bass assured me.

  He would be an honorable gentleman? Hmm.

  Was I crazy? This hot movie star wanted to get to know me and here I was contemplating whether I should agree or not. What was wrong with me?!

  “Why? What do you have in mind?” I asked, needing assurance. I was still mending my broken heart. I couldn’t possibly let loose and be with another man straight away, even if it was Bass Cole who wanted me to lose it with him.

  “All I want to do is talk and enjoy your company, nothing more.” The heartthrob even managed to look desperate. Damn, he was a good actor.

  “Fine, as long as you keep your promise, okay? No sex of any kind or shit will turn very ugly,” I warned him, but he just gave me his mega-watt smile.

  “Thank you, Emma Anderson. I promise you won’t regret this.” His finger traced my bottom lip again, ever so slowly.

  Shove me in the burning furnace, why don’t you?

  “You better,” I croaked back.

  His gentle brush made me a little breathless. Wasn’t I in love with Carter? Then, why did Bass make me feel like this and make me forget that Carter existed? Carter Mason. He was possibly somewhere in Santa Barbara… quite possibly nestled in between a woman’s legs.

  My thoughts were diffused as Bass held me tighter. He pressed his hard muscled body against mine. His delicious scent overpowered me, making me think of his skin, his taste and those unforgettable lips. My whole body shivered from being this close to him.


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