Enthralled: A Box Set

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Enthralled: A Box Set Page 93

by Pamela Ann


  Right whatever, Carter. You spout words that have a lot of hidden meanings and I should just shove them aside and ignore them.

  “Here’s my bedroom,” Carter murmured as he opened the dark oak door.

  The ‘bedroom’ was twice the size of our dorm room. It was themed in dark nautical colors against white walls. Carter’s trophies and achievements were lined up on top of a mirrored shelf. I walked towards it and scrutinized each trophy. I knew Carter was great, but I didn’t really know to what extent. His trophies started in little league and I smiled thinking about a little Carter in the field with mud smeared all over him.

  “What are you smiling about?” Carter asked against my ear as he pulled me against his chest.

  “A little league Carter Mason.”

  Carter sucked on my earlobe and I moaned against him. He hastily lifted my dress up, pulled my stockings down, reached inside my thong and started rubbing my core. “How about you think about the big league Carter Mason, hmm?” he whispered erotically in my ear.

  With my head on the right side of his chest, I reached around and pulled his lips toward mine. I shivered when he kissed me like it was the very first time while his fingers did their job, killing me softly.

  Carter started pulling us towards his bed as we fervently kissed, at the same time hastily taking our clothes off. He broke our kiss and pushed me down onto the bed, naked. My hair was all over the place, but I didn’t care because Carter was eyeing me with terrifying hunger. He stood tall and naked before me and I indulged my overeager eyes.

  “I just want to picture you like this forever in my mind… on my bed… looking more beautiful than the first time I saw you.” Carter moved silently towards me, eyes full of admiration and determination.

  “Stop,” I commanded and pushed him down on the bed. “Now, it’s my turn to have a good memory of you on your bed.” I gently stroked his pecs, my hands sliding down south. He gasped when my hand reached the base of his penis.

  My mouth hovered around the tip of his shaft while I gazed at him through my lashes. “Do you want a hard suctioned vacuum with a side of teabag action? Or, a wet, sloppy, nasty deep throat with a side of tongue action?” I batted my eyelashes, staring at him innocently.

  Carter gave me a wicked smile, “Thank you, God, for answering my prayers and granting me the perfect woman!” He reached down and stroked his hard cock a few times before speaking, “Give me the nasty works, Emma.”

  The nasty, you say? “Sure, but with one condition, do not ever, ever touch my head and push it down, comprende?” I raised my brow at the beaming man.

  “See this?” Carter held out his hands and placed them underneath his head and smiled. “I will never dare touch a strand of your beautiful blonde hair, my Emma.”

  “Good, then we have a deal.” I wetted my lips before lowering my mouth slowly on the head of his shaft. I stuck my tongue out and licked around it in slow, rhythmic circles to prepare it before I went down any further.

  “Fuck, baby!” Carter hissed with obvious ecstasy.

  If there was one thing Carter loved more than sex, it was getting a blowjob; soccer following as a close third.

  Once I finally managed to fill my mouth with half his length, I still had more to cover, so I had to concentrate. Closing my eyes, I evened my breathing and relaxed my throat muscles before I pushed down further until the throbbing head of his cock hit the back of my throat. Hollowing my cheeks, I suctioned his hard length until the pressure made him delirious. Carter bucked his hips when I shook my head and stuck my tongue out, swirling it around as I moved upwards until it hit the slit on the head of his drooling shaft.

  After six more times in quick succession, I grabbed his cock with my right hand to stroke him and lowered my mouth to lick his balls. The soft wrinkles felt smooth against my tongue. Using only my lips, I tugged it before I took his balls inside my wet mouth. Sucking them together, I used my tongue to flip the two, hard, rounded goodies inside, exchanging their positions, then back again while my strokes on his cock got fevered.

  “Emma!” Carter hissed, his neck veins popping, his body tensed and knotted.

  I released his well-exercised scrotum with a popping sound. “Not yet, Carter.”

  Swiftly, Carter had me on my back and jammed his cock inside me without warning. My insides clenched at his sudden invasion. “Emma, I want to feel your cunt flow like a damn fountain,” Carter demanded as he pressed his heavy hand on my abdomen, grinding his cock down, hitting my upper vaginal wall while his thumb rubbed and teased the essence of my core.

  I tried to bite back my screams, but it was pointless. His strong, determined thrusts became manically fast, making me tense and clench harder.

  “Squeeze around my cock tighter, baby. Fuck! You’re incredible!” Carter barked out as our bodies prepared for our release. “Let go, Emma!”

  I screamed when my orgasm rocked me. Carter muffled my cries, covering my lips with his as he, too, found his release. “Emma!” he shouted as I felt his semen spurt and his cock pulsated fluidly inside me. He pushed his hips against me a few more times, milking out his seed to the very last drop.

  We passionately kissed and then Carter broke it off, panting. Shifting his face away from me, he spoke. “I love you, Emma, with everything that I am.” Carter moved to my side and gathered me close.

  Kissing his chest, I murmured, exhausted, “I love you, too, Carter.”

  We held onto each other until we fell asleep.

  I remembered thinking how lucky I was to have the man I loved finally loving me back.


  Three weeks later…

  “What’s wrong? Why do you look all sad and depressed?” Carter nudged me and pinched my cheeks.

  Should I or should I not? Oh well! Best get a move on. “I’m a few days late, Carter.” He immediately tensed. His playful manner vanished in an instant.

  “You’re pregnant?” He said it in such a frightening whispered tone, as if I had planned it or something. Uh, hell to the mother fucking no!

  I shrugged. “I don’t know yet. I was hoping you could come with me to get a pregnancy kit at CVS or somewhere. Then we can head back here and do the test together.”

  “I’m not ready to be a father, Em. Hell, I’m not ready for any of that shit. What the fuck! I didn’t ask for this!”

  His stupid answer made me fume. “You think I want this? I have a future I was looking forward to and now that could be taken away from me.”

  I never failed to take my birth control. If there was something I was meticulous at, it was taking my pills religiously. I supposed it happened when I got sick and had to take antibiotics for a few days. When I felt the chills, I immediately bought medicine. I guessed that was the culprit that messed up my cycle.

  Carter held my face and spoke sincerely, “We could have it aborted. We can get rid of it.”

  Okay, I wasn’t going to deny that that thought hadn’t crossed my mind, but I didn’t consider ever going through with it. However, now that Carter was all for it, I started to see him in a different light. And boy, it didn’t look good on him.

  “We’re not even there yet. We have to see if I am before you start plotting the demise of your child.” I got up and strolled towards where my purse was located and grabbed it. “Are you coming with me to go get the test or what?”

  Carter looked more stressed out than I did. He simply nodded and followed me outside.

  Twenty minutes later, we were back at the dorms. Carter pulled the kit out of the plastic bag and stared at it. “Do you just pee on it? Just like that?”

  “Yes, that’s what the instructions say, right?” I asked him, annoyed. He was getting on my nerves. I walked towards him, grabbed the damn kit away from him and went to my bathroom. Next time, Emma, when you get sick, steer away from having sex. PERIOD. Abstinence is the key.

  After following the instructions, I carefully placed the test on the sink and stared at it
until the three minutes were up. If I was pregnant, did I want Carter to be the father of my child?

  After three minutes, words surfaced on the tiny oval screen. Not Pregnant. The relief I felt was astounding. Definitely no sexy time for me for a very, very long while!

  When I pulled the door open, Carter was standing against the wall with his eyes closed. “I’m not pregnant,” I told him.

  His eyes finally snapped open. “Fuck! Thank you, God!” he thundered, a tiny smile forming on his face. Then he became somber again. “Listen, Em, I have to go. I need to clear my head. I need to just drink a beer or two. I’ll call you.” Before I could even manage to respond, he left my room.

  I stared at the empty doorway. I was shocked and saddened by his abrupt departure. Okay, I expected him to be freaking out and stuff, but not leaving me here all alone after all that upheaval!

  Boyfriends were pointless!

  Since it was around four in the afternoon, Trista and Lindsey were still in school. Bored, I channel surfed. I stopped when I found Bass Cole’s picture on the E! News channel.

  “Bass Cole getting his dirty business done on a hotel balcony with Lydia Cornwell? Look at the image and see for yourself!” The male host went on while the images flashed on the screen.

  The picture showed him sitting on a hotel balcony, his head thrown back while a head bobbed in between his legs. It didn’t take a genius to figure that shit out. Bass was clearly in seventh heaven while the woman was sucking him dry. I pressed pause and stared at it for a long time, ingraining the image of him in my mind. I hadn’t heard from him, but I wasn’t going to lie and say that I hadn’t been tempted a few times to just pick up my phone and call him or send a text saying hello.

  My eyes glanced back at the photo and I suddenly felt sick. Bass Cole, I miss you. I wish you were here to soothe and calm me like you used to do.

  It didn’t take him long to find a girl after what happened with us on our last night together. Did he even remember me? I was sure after the endless list of women, things could get muddy. I mean, how many Brookes, Shannons and Emmas in the world had he hooked up with? Could he still remember? I was just one of many. The thought made me even more depressed.

  Feeling blue, I strode back to my room after I turned the damned television off. The thought of Bass on that hotel balcony made me want to hurl. Curled up and feeling lonelier than ever, I willed myself not to shed a tear. Surely this loneliness was the outcome of the pregnancy scare and Carter’s immediate take off?

  Would Bass have reacted like Carter did? I told myself that Bass would, but somewhere, deep down, I knew that Bass would’ve acted differently.

  Thinking about Bass wouldn’t help anything. It was best that I shove my thoughts of him somewhere in the back of my mind.

  I closed my eyes and kept them closed until I fell asleep.


  It was his voicemail again. “Stop bugging me. Thanks!”

  That was my fifteenth call to Carter that went straight to voicemail. I sent a few text messages and, they, too, went unanswered.

  Where was he? Was he mad at me? More than twenty-four hours had passed since the false alarm and I still hadn’t heard from him.

  A knock on the door made me look up and I found a smiling Lindsey. “Are you sure you don’t want to go and party with us on Main Street?”

  Positive. “No, I’m good.”

  Before she left I asked, “Do you know where your brother is? I can’t reach him.”

  “I think Brody mentioned that they’d be at Amanda’s house party. See you later, Emma!”

  “Laters, Linds,” I murmured once she closed the door.

  So, Carter was out and about, partying, while I stared at the ceiling. Well, that would have to change. He couldn’t just leave and not speak to me again after the pregnancy fiasco yesterday.

  In haste, I grabbed the first skinny jeans I saw and fetched my nude leather jacket. I checked Facebook because I was ninety-nine point nine percent sure that her party would be blasted all over our common friends’ pages and I was right; people from our campus were going to her shindig. After tying my lace booties on, I headed out the door. I’d been to Amanda’s house once or twice and I luckily remembered where it was.

  Amanda’s house was a massive sprawling mansion in Carpinteria. Her parents were apparently well connected to politicians and they held a lot of shares in one of the most popular hotel chains in the country. Once her palace came into view, I had to park a bit further down the road since it was jammed with cars. I got out of the car and walked towards the house. I wondered how she could pull off having a party this loud in this type of neighborhood. I shook my head when I saw a girl puking her guts out on the pavement with her friends trying to soothe her.

  As expected, the house was a tsunami of madness; people were making out everywhere, topless girls were making out with each other for some guys that were hollering on the sidelines, lit-up joints were being passed around a large group of people, a DJ was playing hip-hop and, of course, thong-clad women were dancing and singing their hearts out. Now, where the hell was Carter?

  Once I saw Cooper weeding through the crowd, I tugged at his shirt. His eyes bugged out when he saw me.

  “Hey, pretty little thing. What can I do for you?” Cooper slurred his words.

  “Where’s Carter? I can’t find him anywhere.”

  “Carter… right…” Cooper shook his head. “Oh, he’s around here… somewhere.” My heart started to palpitate. Why was Cooper being so cryptic?

  “Where is he specifically, Cooper? Don’t lie because I know you know where he is.”

  Cooper contemplated for a bit and finally shrugged. “Listen, Em, I like you, but don’t tell Carter that it was me who told you. He’ll chop my dick off if he found out. Got it?” WTF? How serious was this? Was Carter cheating on me?

  “I promise I won’t tell.” And I wouldn’t. This was between Carter and me.

  “Is Lindsey here?” Cooper hesitantly asked. Was he still hung up on Lindsey after all the Cece craziness?

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  Cooper nodded and squeezed my shoulder. Okay, spill already! “Try the boathouse. That’s where I last saw him.”


  “Thanks, Coop!” I gave him a sad smile and weaved through the throng of people to get outside.

  The backyard was massive. It had a sprawling lush lawn that spread out until it hit the sandy beach. Palm trees were scattered everywhere with torches surrounding the trunks. There was a DJ playing trance and techno music out here.

  I looked around for the damn boathouse. It was about a quarter mile from the house to my left. Was Carter really in there? It looked too dark for anyone to be in there.

  “Come dance with me, hot stuff!” Some sleazebag tried to pull me towards him. Ugh! No thank you.

  “Not interested, bubba. Maybe you should try a few breath mints before you open that mouth of yours? It reeks of garbage.”

  “Jeez, I only wanted to dance!” the stinker muttered under his breath and left me to my own devices.

  With my four-inch heels, I strutted towards the boathouse. I stopped right outside the door to listen for any indication that someone was inside. I could hear giggles and laughter from women, but I didn’t hear Carter.

  Should I just open it? Was I ready to see what was going on in there?

  Curious, antsy, angry and confused, I finally decided to open the damn door. It took a few blinks and I squinted until my eyes adjusted to the candle-laden feast that brightened the entire place. I froze and stared horrified as I took in the entire scene before me.

  In the middle of some copper silk sheets, overflowing with embroidered pillows that were thrown on the floor, Carter was lying naked with one hand behind his head, looking like a fucking emperor having his usual night-time delights with his concubines. He was watching two nameless women—I recognized as friends of Amanda—make out while Amanda was sucking his cock. His other hand was busy
finger fucking Cece while yet another nameless woman was licking his nipples.

  “MOTHER FUCKER!” I screamed like a banshee, halting their movements. My eyes misted and I saw red. How long had this been going on?

  I sprinted towards the indulgent sexual six-some and stood before Carter who immediately pushed Amanda off his cheating dick. Bastard!

  “Emma, baby!” Carter started.

  Baby, my ass! I thought before I stomped on his crown jewels with good force. “FUCK YOU! Now you won’t be fucking anyone tonight! We are through!” I bellowed at him.

  “What the fuck, Emma!” Carter yelled before he curled up, cupping his balls. Good, he deserved it!

  I spun towards Cece. “Do you need to fuck the entire campus, Cece? Didn’t it matter to you that he was with me? You’re such a low-life skank!” I looked at the rest of the girls who started to scamper. “By the way, I’m Emma Anderson and you just fucked and screwed with my life, but I won’t have the likes of skanks and tramps affect and ruin me. You can go and fuck yourselves now.” With those final words, I left Amanda’s house.

  I didn’t let my guard down until I got inside my car. Tears were streaming continuously down my cheeks as the scene I just witnessed flashed in my mind. Carter was such a womanizer! He would never change. Well, he did for a month or two, but that didn’t last long.

  Wiping my tears, I drove off. Not towards Santa Barbara, but towards Los Angeles.


  “If you are going through hell, keep going.”

  ~Winston Churchill

  Chapter One Hundred Fifteen

  Once I exited the freeway, I had no clue where I wanted to go. After thirty minutes of mindless driving, I found myself parking at the Chateau Marmont. With my purse in hand, I walked to the reception desk. Old Hollywood glamour greeted me. The design was retro chic with a hint of old charm. Most of the people that worked here, it seemed, were all hot. Whatever worked for their image, I guess.


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