Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 1)

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Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 1) Page 10

by K. L. Jessop

  “I didn’t want you to see.” I whisper.

  He kisses my forehead, threading his fingers through my hair, “I don’t see anything other than beauty. Your heart, the brightness of your soul, the richness of your eyes against your pure creamy skin. You’re a beautiful angel, Amelia.” His words were full of honesty and promise as his lips pressed to mine, and I felt as though the thick heavy smog that congealed my lungs had lifted and I could finally begin to breathe.

  “Make me feel beautiful, Marcus. Make me yours.”

  His mouth hit mine with a kiss that was gentle yet hungry, exploring each other’s taste as our tongues entwined. He swims an arm around my waist and I’m lifted like a doll to wrap my legs around him as he walks us to the bedroom. Placing me to stand, he pulls off his shirt, presenting me with hard muscle I’ve been desperate to touch as our mouths reconnect. I can’t touch him, not yet.

  My arms move to cover myself once my bra is unclasped. Marcus may have seen my scars but that doesn’t stop the shame. “Don’t.” He orders, moving them away. I can’t stop the trembles, I feel like I’m losing my virginity all over again, not knowing what to do or where to start as I stand here waiting to be taken. “Relax, baby,” he whispers, kissing me again and guiding me to the mattress.

  His tongue swirls my pebbled nipple, “Yes,” I breathe, rising up into him as his thumb plays the other. My fingers thread his hair as he kisses a path down my stomach, caressing my body. The desire for him is too much, I ache for him, to feel him. When he stands and removes his jeans my heart rate quickens, I bite my lip. He was bigger than I’d ever had and incredibly beautiful. My hooded eyes took in every ounce of his muscular body as he stands grinning, enjoying my stare before coming back over me.

  I can’t help but cover my face when his thumbs hook my panties. “Don’t hide from me, baby, let me see you.” I watch as his eyes slowly run over the length of my body when removing my lace. “Jesus you’re sexy, every goddamn inch of you.” His voice lustful, the fire between my thighs throbs as my body succumbs to his touch. My hands fist the sheets, I desperately need to touch him, to feel his skin on mine, but he never said I could. In the past I had to ask permission and faced consequences if I didn’t, my wrists were tied and that’s where they stayed as he fucked me raw.

  “Marcus, am I allowed to touch you?” He stops his trail of seduction, lifting his head with narrowed brows before realisation washed over him.

  “Yes. Always.”

  My hands devoured the bareness of his shoulders, back and ass. Intoxicated and breathless with the feeling of his soft cotton skin, inhaling his divine scent that engulfs me. “You have no idea how good this feels just to let me touch you.”

  “You’re so beautiful,” he breathes into a kiss as his fingers play my soaked entrance before pushes two inside. Working me as he brought me to my climax, and increasing the pressure on my clit, letting the welcoming storm take over my body. My need for him is greater than I ever imagined, I want to feel every inch of him in and around me, like I’ve craved all this time.

  Reaching to his abandoned jeans he removes a condom, “Marcus, wait. If neither of us have been with anyone in so long then...”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  I remove my eyes from the packet and look at him, “I want to feel you. I’m on the pill.”

  His grin was sinful, tossing the condom aside before taking my mouth in hunger. The tip of his cock teased me as our gaze locked, soothing his hand over my hair and looking deep into my blues. “Don’t run from me anymore, Amelia. Promise you’ll never run.”

  “I promise.” I whisper the words without hesitation as he slowly pushed inside, both escaping a groan with the invasion, I’m so tight around him but he feels phenomenal. He didn’t move at first, just focused on me as I adjusted to him, and then once he did everything changed. My mind and body awoken to a million feelings that had been buried for so long. “Oh god, Marcus, you feel incredible.” I wrap my legs around him, wanting to feel every inch of him on me as he revived me back to life with each thrust.

  “Until I leave, you’re forever with me.”

  I span the muscles of his back, I feel exhilarated, consumed with an ecstasy I don’t want to end as he whispers words of beauty. My core burns with my orgasm that’s building, sparks river up my thighs, pooling in my lower belly and intensifies by the second, “Oh, oh god!”

  Fire runs my veins. I can’t hold on much longer, and when he circles my clit I’m sent spiralling, stars form under my eyelids and I shatter around him, crying out with a voice I don’t recognise as my own while unshed tears glass my eyes. I’m floating into a new world. A free world and one I never thought I’d never get the chance to be a part of again. All because of this man.

  “Fuck, Amelia!” he groans, filling me with his own white heat. I kiss him, long and hard. I’ve had sex many a time in the past but not in the way I’ve just experienced. It was always rough, hard and painful as he took me anyway he wanted. But this, this was breathtaking. His head dips to the crook of my neck, hot breath hits my sticky summer skin as I hold him close while he’s still inside.

  “For years I’ve dreaded this day for many reasons. But you’ve made me feel anything but ugly, Marcus. That alone means more than you’ll ever know. Thank you.” His lips press to my neck, his arms tighten around me, telling me all the words he never needed to say as our bodies fall into one another.

  I’ve come alive.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I watch her while she sleeps.

  I’ve discreetly tried over the past few weeks to gain more information from Amelia about her past. Getting her to trust me and open up. Letting her know I’m not like her last and that men aren’t all ass-wipes with no feelings for others. I knew from her actions, words and hesitations, her past was dark clouds and shit storms. Talking about her parents was hard for her, but seeing her in such deep anguish was harder. You just had to witness the pain across her face to know. Riddled with grief and not being able to find a way out.

  But even though her closed book was slowly starting to open and the pages be read aloud I wanted to jump right to the last chapter and know of her ex. Who he was. Where he was, and what he’d done to the beautiful creature that lies beside me, restless in her sleep as her face often showed signs of distress. The ones I’ve witnessed over the last few nights as I watched her sleep, while her red locks fan the pillow and her thin frame moulds into the mattress that was suffocated by her tightly pulled fucking bed clothes. Only now that I’ve seen the evidence that coats her body in demons, I’m unsure if I want to know at all. I don’t wish to put her through the torture of repeated haunts and horror, and I don’t wish to hear of what pain the fucker caused her. She doesn’t have to tell me anything I don’t already know. I see it in her eyes, I feel it in her trembles and I hate it when I see her slip into her world of the dark and dangerous past.

  She wanted me, but was afraid in every way. It ran deep in those big cornflower eyes each and every time she looked at me. Even with her bright smile and brave face-I saw it. He’s made her fearful of herself, people, life, even me. She had to ask permission to fucking touch me for Christ sake, that shit just ain’t right.

  Amelia’s faced so much over time, yet today was mentally and emotionally challenging for her. Franticly flitting around me like a spinning top as insecurities oozed from her pores-the worst I’ve seen from her. I wanted to wrap her in the safety blanket of my arms and cradle her like a china doll to prevent her from breaking. Her body physically shuddering when removing her clothes, terrified of what my reaction would be. I knew she needed to break the pattern of barricading herself from me. Move forward. The closeness that I’d got to her was with my tongue in her mouth and my fingers in her pussy. I couldn’t hold back any longer. My dick hurt like hell, my balls dragged like fuck with their deep ache. Even jerking off in the shower didn’t help the craving. I needed to feel her, to touch her. To claim her.

/>   It was hard for me to see her fearful, but there was no other way. She needed this. To overcome and to stop using her body as a fucking battleground.

  She stole my breath when she took off her dress. My heart pounding against my chest. My dick fighting hard against the fly of my jeans. But as she stood baring all and shaking with her eyes closed, all I saw was the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Her red mane covering her pale soft skin that’s dusted over with light freckles, like the stars that coated the night sky. Her big blue eyes deep as the ocean, and the curves of her frame like a sculpted model of art. I knew there were stories of the scares I already saw, the hairline on her chin and the two pink identical marks on her collarbone, yet those stories seemed so small once she turned around.

  My jaw clenched, my fists balled as the fury ripped through my chest like a hot bullet at the thought of someone doing that to her. Treating her like a fucking animal and not seeing the pureness of her true beauty. Instantly I wanted to take all the pain away, hold on and care for her like she deserves and cocoon her in a safety of what I know and can provide. All her anxieties come apparent the second my eyes latched onto those scars. The way her face drops and her eyes sadden when I say she’s beautiful. The way she never takes a compliment like she should own it. Her shield that shelters her from another. It ticks all the boxes.

  She has no idea what she’s doing to me. I have no idea. Her eyes are my light on a dark night, her honeysuckle and vanilla scent is the air that I breathe and her wide white smile is my sunrise. I spoke truth when I said she had a beautiful body. Her flaws are a part of that beauty, her heart and mind are evidence on just how far she’s come. She is like a rare diamond, quietly hidden away and waiting to be uncovered for all to see in its glory.

  She shifts and turns herself on to her side, legs entwine with mine as she nuzzles her nose to my chest. Fingers tracing over my stomach sending goosebumps to pepper my skin as I sweep the hair from her face. “You ok?” I whisper.

  She nods, still with her eyes closed. Milky skin dusted in freckles across her nose and long lashes that whisper against her cheeks. She really is oblivious to just how beautiful and sexy she is, and the only one that had no idea of the heads she turned when walking into a room. Every goddamn thing about her was perfection.

  “Are you going to stay?”

  “Of course I am, why would I not?”

  “Because…because now you’ve seen all of me,” she says barely above a whisper.

  Annoyance glazed my body at the thought of her thinking of me this way. A quick cock fix with a nice-fucking-knowing-you ticket slapped on the side. But then I could understand why she would think this. It took her so long to show me her body, it’s going to take time to realise it doesn’t change a thing.

  “Open your eyes.” I ordered. Blinking them open I’m stuck by her blues. “So you think after seeing you and finally being with you after waiting all this time, I’d leave because of what lies on your body?” Her eyes dart away and I lift her chin making her look at me and like earlier they’re filled with shame.

  “I just…I just thought,” she exhaled deeply. “You’re a CEO, Marcus, a rich and popular man. You need a woman of faultlessness and class on your arm. One that says show girl and style not some closed off woman with a dark past and sca-” I steal her breath and kiss her hard. Holding her face and body tight against mine as I devour her taste. Making her moan into me, little moans of whisper like whimpers that drive me wild each and every time.

  “Not all rich fuckers want show girls dripping in plastic perfection. Some actually like woman who don’t need shit like that to stand out from a crowd. You’re a sexy woman, Amelia and have a beautiful body. Don’t ever hide it, not from me.” She nods slowly as I run my thumb along her bottom lip as a wicked grin grows across my face. “Besides I’m letting you rest before I take you for round two.”

  “Oh really?” Her soft giggle bounced against my chest as her cheeks flush.

  “You bet, can’t get rid of me that easily, Miss Weston.”

  Content silence falls between us as Amelia runs her fingers along my abs, while I trace the outline of her tattoo. A small soft black and grey woman sat with her knees bent amongst flowers as her wings spread wide. Vibrant against Amelia’s pale skin. “Why a Guardian Angel?”

  “They say it’s a spirit that’s thought to watch over and protect you. I’m not a religious person but I believe my mother watches over me daily. I wanted her spirit as close as possible, so I got the tattoo.”

  A small smile ticks my lips as I place mine to hers for a soft kiss. “Well I can be your personal guardian angel now.”

  She shakes her head with a smirk. “Uh uh, I don’t think you fit the bill to be an angel?”

  “Is that so?” I grin, with raised brows.


  She squeals as I roll her quickly onto her back and hover over her, pulling the sheets over our head to cocoons us in an ivory glow, making her body blend against the colour only for her eyes and hair to stand out. “Ok, how about Superman?”


  “Captain America? Every woman in the world swoons over that fucker.”

  She shakes her head, holding back a smile. “You’re more an Angel of the Greek Gods.”

  I tilt my head imagining the image in my mind. “Like Thor?”

  “I don’t think he’s Greek babe, but we’ll go with it.”

  My chuckle bounced between us. “You’re amazing you know that.” I kiss her soft pink lips, slipping my tongue in to greet hers. Tracing, gripping and moulding her hands all over my body like an addiction she can’t get enough of.

  “Hmm…the little guy down there is asking for attention,” she breathes against my mouth, eyes closed and clueless to what she’d said.

  “Little guy?!” I mock, a grin creeping its way out as Amelia’s eyes spring open in alarm.

  “N-no…I mean…what I meant was that…um…shit!” I look at her in amusement, the tips of her fingers over her lips as her cheeks turn cherry red and a giggle leaves her throat. “I’m sorry…you’re not little. Fuck no you’re not little.”

  “I should hope not. You can’t tell a guy he’s Thor one minute then crush him like that the next,” I tease. “It does shit to the self-esteem.”

  Her giggle now erupts into a deep uncontrolled belly laugh. The laugh she hates is infectious causing me to follow suite and let the rumbles leave my chest. The more I laugh, the more she does and we laugh until tears fill her eyes and our muscles ache. Until we don’t even remember why we’re laughing so we laugh because of it. She’s so fucking adorable. As we choke out the remainder of our hysteria Amelia suddenly becomes serious. Taking my face in her hands and smoothing her thumbs over my cheeks, looking deep into my eyes. “Thank you, Marcus,” she whispers as tears glisten. Tears that I’m unsure are from her laughter or her gratitude.

  “For what?”

  “For bringing me back to life.”

  My ego soared. I felt like fucking King Kong had just been given the greatest gift and stomped around with excitement, letting the world know with his rumbles just how much that meant hearing her say that. I wanted her to feel, I wanted her to be free and I can’t help but think a big part of that is because of me, if not all of it. She’s overcome huge steps in breaking down her own walls, but I am a part of it regardless.

  “Let’s see what this little guy can do shall we? On your front.” Her blue eyes darken and flash with heat as she turns. I run my hands down the length of her back and lift her up on all fours. My head dips to kiss the scars on her back, licking them to mark new ownership like a lion caring for its lioness, marks laced with cherishment and security and washing away any pain left on her. Her whispers of gratitude seep out from her lips just high enough for me to hear. I sweep my fingers along her wet pussy as she bucks against me, moaning my name with her head tipped back as I grip her hips and push deep inside her, feeling every inch of her tight pussy around my cock. My e
yes drift close as I take her. Amelia is not like any other. I knew as soon as I was inside her the first time no other woman has or will even come close. The way she robs my breath. The way she feels, the way she consumes me. The way she cries my name when she cums, and fuck me the way my orgasm shoots like a firecracker chasing the night. It’s all her. She felt amazing in every way. Like we belong as we moulded into each other. I thought she’d just be someone to have fun with. A summer romance. But as I bury myself balls deep inside her and drive her body with mine that slates slowly being wiped clean and a new one is beginning to unfold.

  I fuck deep as I feel her beginning to tighten, my own climax roaring through my body like hot lava as the sweat from the humidity outside and the disorderly sheets coats our bodies in perspiration. “You feel so fucking good baby.”

  Her hands grip the headboard as I rock us, her sexy pants of my name leave her lips as she cries and combusts around my cock. I can’t take my eyes from her as she turns her head to catch me gaze, her gorgeous flushed face sent my body and mind in a frenzy. My ass cheeks clench and the growl of my orgasm shoots into her over and over creating another climax from her as I tease her clit, riding the waves of each other before our bodies collapse to the bed.

  This woman has taken me prisoner, gripped me from the insides and reeled me in. All I see is her. All I want is her. I’m slowly entering into a world in which I only see Amelia involved in and it confuses the shit out of me as I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Not this early down the line. Maybe this myth about love at for sight shit was true, because right now all I know is I am falling for her.


  Chapter Sixteen


  My tummy growled with its need to be filled as my nose sensed the smell of bacon lingering its way through my house. There was no point searching the bed for Marcus as I could hear his hums from the kitchen as he listened to the radio.


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