Dating Dilemma

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Dating Dilemma Page 6

by Michelle Leyland

  “And I’m still hurt over it, so I don’t want anyone else yet,” Gina finishes and then leaves us to go to her next lesson.

  I watch her go, feeling sad for her.

  “Do you think she’ll be okay?” I ask Kate, feeling worried.

  “Yeah, she will,” answers Kate. “Don’t worry, we’ll check up on her at break.”

  Gina seems fine at break time, so Kate and I keep quiet about earlier, not wanting to set her off again. Instead, we fill Chloe in on the gossip about Chad. This is a mistake as Chloe continues to nag her to go on the date. This goes on right through break time, third lesson and to lunch time. By then Gina is sick of her talking about Chad. However, we both know Chloe is right, she should just go on the date and forget about Lee.

  “Like I said to you,” Chloe starts off again as we eat lunch, “Lee’s moved on so you should too. It’ll help you get over it if you start going on dates with someone else.”

  “I’ve already said I’m not,” insists Gina.

  I look at her worriedly hoping that Chloe’s pestering won’t upset her.

  A blonde haired boy comes over to our table and Chloe immediately stops bothering Gina and gives him flirtatious looks. Kate rolls her eyes at me to say: ‘Honestly, we can’t take her anywhere!’

  “Chad asked me to give you this note,” he tells Gina, giving her a folded up piece of paper and then leaves.

  “What does it say?” Chloe asks her excitedly.

  Gina unfolds the paper and we all read the scruffy writing:

  Please say you’ll go on a date with me? From Chad x

  “Why can’t he just take no for an answer?” says Gina, sounding annoyed.

  I guess this wasn’t the best time to give her that note, especially since Chloe has done enough nagging already.

  “Maybe he’s fallen for you and won’t leave you alone until you say yes,” suggests Chloe grinning.

  “I hope not,” replies Gina. “I’ve got enough with you on my case.”

  “Come on Gina, just date him,” Kate says to her. “He might leave you alone if you do and then you could say you’re not interested afterwards if you’re still not ready.”

  “And you deserve a date right now,” insists Chloe. “Just go for it. You won’t know whether you are ready or not until you try.”

  Late that evening, I’m sending another e-mail to Matthew when Kate signs in on Facebook as promised and sends me a message. I quickly go onto Facebook to reply.

  Kate: Hey.

  Ven: Hi, how did the date go?

  Kate: Great! He asked me out on another date afterwards too, an OFFICIAL date!

  Ven: It must have gone well! Glad things worked out for you.

  Kate: He knew I was asking him out on a real date, even though I pretended it was a mate date (Cringe!) He said he thought it was pretty funny that I did, but he would have said yes to a proper date anyway, so now we’re officially dating! Can’t believe it!

  Ven: When are you seeing him next?

  Kate: Tomorrow night.

  Ven: He must be keen! Good luck with it! How was the film?

  Kate: Scary. I had to look away a few times so I wouldn’t jump so much. What are you and Matthew watching on Friday?

  Ven: You should have used Chloe’s advice and cuddled up to him. We’re going to watch a comedy film.

  Kate: Cool. Nervous?

  Ven: Very.

  Kate: Don’t worry, if he turns out to be some weird psycho I’ll rugby tackle him.

  Ven: LOL thanks. Hey! You and Jamie will probably be going on a date on Valentine’s Day too.

  Kate: I hope so.

  After chatting to Kate for another half hour, Chloe and Gina come online too, so I chat with them. My mum eventually starts nagging me to get off the laptop, so I quickly type goodbye to all of them, shut down the laptop and go to bed.

  Chapter 15

  The next day at school, Chad is waiting for Gina outside the school gates.

  “Oh no,” moans Gina, but it’s too late to hide behind us because he sees her.

  “Hi Gina,” he calls and walks towards us.

  “Hi,” Gina greets him, sounding uncomfortable.

  “I got this for you,” he says, giving her one of those pretend, red roses. “I know it’s not Valentine’s Day until tomorrow, but I wanted you to have it.”

  “Aww,” says Chloe quietly, thinking Chad is very sweet.

  “Thanks,” says Gina, blushing, “but I did say I wasn’t going on a date with you.”

  “I know. I just really hope you’ll change your mind. You’re a really nice girl and I don’t think you should stay away from lads just because someone didn’t appreciate you enough.” He looks at her hopefully. “Will you please come on a date with me and give me a chance?” he asks her again.

  Gina looks uncertainly at us. I think our ‘move on’ talk and Chad’s sweet pleading is slowly winning her over. We all mouthed ‘say yes’ to her, hoping she will.

  “Alright,” she says, turning back to him, “I’ll go on the date, but if I don’t feel ready for a relationship afterwards then we’ll have to stay friends.”

  Chad smiles happily at her answer. “That’s fine. So I can see you tomorrow? About seven?”

  “Yeah, okay,” she answers.

  “I’ll message you on Facebook tonight. See you around,” he says and walks away looking very happy.

  We all give Gina a hug.

  “Well done,” says Chloe, feeling pleased that she’s finally moving on. “I thought you would say no.”

  “I know, I did too,” says Gina, looking startled but happy.

  “Trust me, you won’t regret it,” Kate reassures her. “I bet you two will end up together.”

  “We’ll see,” replies Gina.

  “I’m so fed up. That means all three of you will have a date for Valentine’s Day and I won’t,” Chloe says pouting.

  “That’ll be a first,” jokes Kate, grinning.

  “Don’t worry, maybe you’ll get asked out by that hot guy from McDonalds,” I remind her.

  “I might have been if Kate would have fixed us up like I asked,” she replies moodily.

  After horse riding lesson that evening, I start on my English coursework and then log onto Facebook, so I can chat with the girls. Luckily, Chloe and Gina are already online, so we start a group message.

  Gina: Chad just sent me a message about seeing him tomorrow. I’m so nervous. I don’t know whether this is a good idea.

  Chloe: Trust me, you’ll be fine once you’re on the date.

  Gina: I still miss Lee and I don’t really want to move on.

  Chloe: Chad is much better than him.

  Ven: Yeah, Chad’s really sweet to you. You’re so lucky. I bet he’ll be a great boyfriend.

  Gina: But he might not be my boyfriend yet, if I’m not ready. Chloe, I know I’m an idiot for still liking him but I still really care about him, so no matter how awful he is I’ll still like him unfortunately.

  Chloe: Just remind yourself that you deserve better.

  Ven: We’ll be here for you. I know moving on must be a big step but it’ll be okay.

  Gina: Thanks.

  Chloe: Chad’s a good catch so take him!

  Gina: I said I’ll see how it goes.

  Ven: I wonder how Kate’s going on for her date.

  Gina: They’ll probably be all over each other by now.

  Chloe: Yeah, she won’t be single for long, so it’ll be just us three, but then you two are both nearly fixed up so I’ll be left alone.

  Ven: Now you know how it feels LOL

  Chloe: Cheeky!

  Gina: Don’t worry, I’m sure your boy magnet powers will catch a boy sometime soon, even if you have to wait until after Valentine’s Day.

  Chloe: Let’s hope so, I hate being single.

  Ven: Chloe you saddo, you don’t need a guy to be happy. I should know.

  Chloe: LOL Yeah I know you’re right, I just can’t help feeling lonely.

  Ven: It’s only been just over a month since you had a bf!

  Gina: It’s ‘cause she’s used to having male attention all the time so it probably feels weird for her not having it.

  Chloe: You two are making it sound as if I’m a slag LOL.

  Gina: Knowing you, you’ll end up having 2 boyfriends by the end of the week LOL

  Chloe: LOL if only.

  At that moment, Kate came online, so I added her to our group message.

  Ven: Hi Kate! How did the date go?

  Kate: Brill!

  Chloe: Lucky thing! Are you his girlfriend yet?

  Kate: No, he’s not asked me out yet, but he did flirt with me a lot on the date (blush)

  Gina: Ooohh, Mrs Jamie Anderson LOL

  Kate: LOL I wish!

  Ven: Has he asked you on a date tomorrow?

  Kate: Not yet, but he said he’d like to spend more time with me and he’s been texting me loads. So maybe he will eventually ask me.

  Chloe: I bet he does and he’s defo asking you to be his gf soon!

  Kate: Fingers crossed!

  Gina: Ven, have you talked to Matthew?

  Ven: Yeah. We’ve been sending e-mails to each other every day and he says he’s really looking forward to meeting me.

  Chloe: Be careful though. I hope he’s not some loser.

  Kate: He won’t be! Don’t listen to her Ven, she’s just jealous.

  Gina: Yeah, bet he’s really nice.

  Ven: I’m really nervous. What if I get all tongue-tied with him on the date?

  Chloe: Don’t worry, lads won’t mind that, trust me. They just hate it when girls go on and on.

  Kate: Like you LOL

  Chloe: Maybe…

  Gina: I hope he doesn’t talk too much about football or you might fall asleep on the date LOL.

  Ven: LOL. I hope not.

  Kate: How dare you say football is boring! It’s the best!

  Chloe: Are we still meeting at your house so I can do your make-up?

  Ven: Yep.

  Gina: And I can help you with your clothes! We can all get ready together before our dates.

  Ven: Okay. Thanks.

  Kate: Don’t let her do it Ven! I’m never letting Chloe put make-up anywhere near me after last time.

  Chloe: It wasn’t my fault he didn’t like it.

  Gina: I thought Chloe made you look great.

  Chloe: So I guess that means no Valentine’s Day make-over for you, Kate?

  Kate: No way!

  Chloe: *pouts*

  Ven: Sorry, gotta go now. Need to finish the rest of this boring English coursework for tomorrow. Seeya.

  Chloe: Aww

  Gina: Byeeee! (hugs)

  Kate: See you tomorrow.

  Chloe: Bye Ven.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning it’s Valentine’s Day! I don’t get any cards in the post, worst luck. I do get a cute email from Matthew saying ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ with a wink and kisses, so I was pretty chuffed with that.

  When I meet the girls at school this morning, Chloe is in a mood as predicted.

  “I didn’t get anything! Not one card,” she moans to us.

  “For once,” Kate mutters to me.

  “There’s still time,” Gina reminds her.

  “Maybe you’ll get one from Danny,” I tease her.

  She pulls her tongue out at me in reply, “I hope not. So did you get one from Matthew?”

  “No, he doesn’t know my address, so he sent me an email instead.”

  “Sweet,” says Gina. “Did you get anything from Jamie, Kate?”

  “I’m not sure,” she answers, “I did receive a card but there’s no name on it.”

  “I bet it is from him,” Chloe insists. “He might be too embarrassed about your team finding out.”

  “Are you giving one to him?” I ask her.

  Kate blushes, “only once I’m on the date. I don’t want anyone else to see it.”

  “And what about you, Gina?” Chloe asks her.

  Gina grins and pulls a big Valentine’s card out of her bag.

  “Wow! That’s impressive,” Chloe says, looking jealous.

  The card looks gorgeous. It’s in the shape of a heart with two teddy bears in the center kissing and ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ written across the top.

  “To Gina, I’m so happy you’re my Valentine. Love Chad xxxxx,” we read, which follows a series of ‘awws’ from all three of us. Gina goes even redder.

  “And look how many kisses there are,” Kate teases her.

  Gina quickly snatches the card back and hides it back inside her bag, looking embarrassed.

  At lunch time, we all eat at the cafeteria together so we can chat about tonight.

  “I’m so scared of seeing Jamie,” says Kate nervously. “I haven’t seen him all morning and things are going to be weird now it’s Valentine’s Day and we’re going on a date tonight.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” Chloe reassures her.

  “But what if he acts all normal with me instead?” asks Kate, “like if he just acts like a mate to me in front of the lads in case they find out.”

  “Well there’s a chance he might,” says Gina thoughtfully, “but I’m sure if you were in a relationship he won’t pretend you’re still just mates.”

  “If he does go all friend mode on you it’s probably ‘cause he doesn’t want you to get embarrassed. Especially if all the lads say stuff and put you off the idea of dating him,” says Chloe.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” says Kate, “but the lads will probably find out soon anyway. I know they’re stupid but they’re not blind. We’ve been pretty lucky keeping it a secret for this long.”

  “I bet you’re wishing it was French today Gina, so you could snuggle up with Chad,” Chloe teases her.

  “I might be,” she replies, but she still looks a little nervous at the thought of going on the date tonight.

  “I wonder if you see Matthew today at school, Ven,” says Kate excitedly.

  “Well, we might, we just won’t know it,” I reply, feeling a little sad.

  I still don’t know what he looks like, so he could be sitting near me in one of my lessons and I won’t have a clue. On the other hand, it’s kind of exciting and mysterious to be having a blind date. He might turn out to be one of the school’s hottest guys. Let’s just hope he isn’t one of the idiotic boys in my classes.

  When we finish lunch and walk outside, Kate immediately sees Jamie nearby hanging out with all the lads from the football team.

  She blushes, “do you think I should go over and talk to him?”

  “No, let him do the chasing,” advises Chloe.

  Jamie is busy messing around with the lads at first, but then he notices Kate walking past and calls over to her. Kate blushes even more because he noticed her.

  “Hi Kate,” he says, running over to her. “Do you mind if we go somewhere more private to talk?”

  Gina, Chloe and I exchange glances at this.

  “Yeah, that’s fine,” answers Kate and they walk off.

  “Let’s follow them and listen,” Chloe whispers to us.

  I’m not usually a nosy person like Chloe, but I can’t help wanting to hear what Jamie is saying to Kate, so I go with Chloe and Gina as they follow them.

  Jamie and Kate walk around to where the bikes are parked, since no one is around there, and sit on a bench to talk. Gina, Chloe and I stand behind a wall, since this is the closest we can get to them without being seen.

  All three of us stay silent and listen. We can only just hear what they’re saying.

  “I’ve really enjoyed our dates together,” we hear Jamie say to her.

  “Me too,” answers Kate, looking shy.

  “The thing is, I really like you,” he says, looking shy too, “so I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?”


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