Protector: A Young Adult / New Adult Fantasy Novel

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Protector: A Young Adult / New Adult Fantasy Novel Page 7

by Joanne Wadsworth

  Belle slid the living room’s glass ranch-slider open and walked in, while Silvie followed with one large suitcase in hand behind. They both spied us at the same time and halted.

  I glared at Davio. “Look, for starters, I’m not your duty. I’m strong in my own right and my forethought is developing. Secondly, I’m certainly not used to hearing men spout such words as you’re mine, and duty and protection. You see in my country, a girl is not helpless, she’s—”

  Silvie let out the mother of all sighs. “Oh, puh-lease. Can’t we just leave the two of you alone for half an hour without any more arguing?”

  I fixed my sight on her. “No, not after the man who attacked me told me that Peacio’s protectors were my enemy. He was a warrior, Silvie, from Dralion.”

  Silvie spluttered and gaped, her face turning white. “I—I beg your pardon? When did he say that?”

  Belle stared at me as if I’d grown horns. “Yes, when?”

  “It makes no difference when,” Davio snarled. “As my mate, her needs fall to me, and her most necessary one of protection still stands—Dralion warrior included.”

  “Well, now don’t I feel all special.” I tried to pull myself free of him. “One needful mate instead of one wanted one. Boy,” I rallied, “you sure have a ton to learn about Earth relationships, and women in particular, I might add.”

  I snagged my bag.

  “Wait.” He inserted himself and nimbly took it from my fingers. “Allow me. This will be going to the twin bedroom you and Silvie will be sharing. For your information, relationships work this way on Magio. After a man gives his promise of protection, it doesn’t falter. Ever.”

  I scowled at him. “You are such a pest.”

  His chest expanded as he inhaled. “It is not necessary for you to state the obvious, just as this is not a conversation of which the outcome will change.” Then he dumbfounded me by placing his palm so gently against my cheek. “Not after you already touch a part of me where your presence is needed. No one will take that away from me, neither you by your harsh words, or due to there being an enemy warrior on the loose. You will therefore accept my aid and give me what no other can.”

  I gulped and found myself strangely melting at his sincere words. It seemed I secretly liked a “take charge” man. I cleared my throat and found my voice. “Well, when you put it that way...”

  “I do. So you will settle yourself in Belle’s spare bedroom with Silvie, where you will rest. Fast-healing or not, you still took a very hard blow to the head.” He twirled me around, retrieved Silvie’s bag from her then directed us both down the hallway. He turned the knob on the third white painted door on the right and strode inside.

  Two twin beds with burgundy covers sat either side of an intricately designed iron high-table, the walls painted a pale lemon and the square-cut windows overlooking the road as the lounge windows did.

  Silvie claimed one of the two pristinely made beds by dropping down on it. “I hope this means you two have sorted yourselves out.” She crossed her legs, set her hands on her knees and arched that knowing brow of hers.

  “I have a feeling we’ve only just begun the sorting out, Silvie.” Davio gripped her shoulder. “Regardless though, I would request that you not allow my mate to think too deeply on what has gone down today. If you can, remind her she’s important to me. I would greatly appreciate it.”

  “Hello.” I flicked my fingers. “I’m in the room here.” Irritated again without his physical touch to soothe me, my blood once again bubbled and brewed with renewed tension. How flippin’ annoying. But at least this time I recognized the problem far quicker. I closed the gap and slid my fingers between his fingers, our palms flush together. Such relief poured through me as the pressure melted away. The ups and downs of this new relationship would be a trial.

  “I must remember too.” Raising my hand, he brought it to his chest. “The strain intensifies for us both if we don’t touch, but more so for you of course.”

  “Are you calling me the grumpy one?” I stared at his chest, at where he now pressed my hand against his heavily beating heart. It seemed we both had a lot to learn. I drew in a deep breath. “This soul match is so strange and difficult. Does it feel that way to—”

  My hand, the one he still held pressed to his chest, heated with a shocking swiftness, then my pulse jumped and I swore my heart now beat in time with his, to a rhythm somehow completely in sync. I trembled, fingers shaky in his grasp.

  “Don’t fear the change, my mate.”

  “You felt that too?” My skin rippled with goosebumps.

  “It’s the bond strengthening.” His voice was raspy and hard. Deliciously hard.

  I swung my gaze toward Silvie, tried to demand some much needed help with just one shooting look. Only she was no help at all. She grinned broadly, as if ready to laugh her socks off.

  Frowning, I struck a look at my mate again. “That better only happen the once.”

  “Just the once, I promise you.” A devilish smile. “The female’s heart follows the suit of her male’s, aiding him in sensing any distress.”

  “Honestly?” Huffing, I pushed him away. “Can you tell I’m feeling distressed right now?”

  What was I going to do with him?

  He was impossible, boundlessly impossible.

  Chapter 4

  It was impressive all right. One modified 4x4 Holden Colorado in a deep sea-blue color, with a silver sports-bar on the front and a whopping enclosed deck at the rear of the huge cab. In Belle’s triple-bay garage, I stood before the muscular-looking vehicle with awe keeping me locked in place.

  “What’s wrong?” Davio quizzed as he held the front passenger door open. Dressed in casual cargo shorts and a white t-shirt, he waited to take us to school. “You’re supposed to jump in. You know. Vehicle. Drives on roads. Uses fuel. Can’t teleport this one.”


  “It’s so big. Did you have to buy such a visibly big beast to drive? You were only gone for an hour. No student I know of has a vehicle this”—I tilted my head sideways to take in the width and breadth of the tires, which were definitely enhanced—“size.”

  “Yeah.” He licked his lips as he ogled his new purchase. “I couldn’t resist snapping this one up. It seems I’m an impulse buyer.” No remorse, not one ounce of it in his tone.

  “Well, nice impulse buying,” I finally conceded, giving him at least that much.

  He turned to Zac and Viv as they approached, pointing out the back two doors for them. “Hop in, otherwise you’ll have to squeeze into the back of Silvie’s little nugget of a car.”

  Silvie caught his teasing words as she skipped into the garage and headed toward her own gas-guzzler. “Yeah, yeah, nice wisecrack, Prince Annoying.” She attempted to smack him as she passed, clearly aiming for his head but missing since he ducked super quick.

  Last night those two seemed to do much of the same, always bantering and joshing with each other like long lost siblings. It was curiously funny to watch how they got on so well.

  I laughed at their childlike shenanigans, at how peeved Silvie was that Davio was so quick on his toes.

  “Next time I’ll make contact with your big head, you towering menace,” she threw at him. To Belle, ever so sweetly she said, “Hop in with me since the one with the big head will want to take his mate with him. You can even have the front seat.”

  “Lovely,” Belle groused. “I’ve always wanted the front seat.” She sent Davio a scowl. “I’d also like to point out that there are some things a protector should never be called to do. That includes riding in a car while Silvie’s driving it. I expect double pay for risking my life like this.”

  My heart panged. I hated missing out on riding with Silvie and hearing those two bicker. One got used to squeezing into her ride and dealing with her crazy driving. I’d earnt that front seat spot.

  “I agree. Double the pay it is.” Davio winked at Belle then slid a hand to the small of my back and guided me towar
d his beast. “I can see you want to ride with Silvie, but you’re coming with me.” His tone quickly turned no-nonsense, all sense of earlier play gone. “We can’t become complacent. The warrior could return at any time, especially considering his warning to do so.”

  “Sure,” I conceded, taking one last look at Belle sliding into my front seat next to Silvie. I wanted to swap places with her so bad.

  So crazy too.

  For the first time I had room to stretch my legs. I couldn’t even reach the front of the cab. Yeah, now that was some room.

  Six and a half minutes later, we arrived at school.

  Wearing casual shorts and t-shirts like other typical teenagers, Zac and Viv bounded off to the main office to enroll for what was left of the school year. Thank heavens. I needed to feel the semblance of normality after all the changes of the past few days. Davio wouldn’t be here full-time. He had reminded me last night that once the threat to me was gone, he’d be gone. But at present, he was focused on flushing out the warrior, taking his enemy down and all before he could return to his country, his family and his home.

  Silvie parked her car and locked it up next to us in the parking lot. She dashed off after Belle along the concrete pathway, both of them disappearing around the high hedging next to the science block.

  “You ready to go?” He squeezed my leg as he turned off the key.


  “Faith?” He cupped my cheek, lightly stroking his fingers over my skin until I turned my head toward him. Alone now, his attention was fully on me. “Did you sleep well last night?”

  “Yeah, fine, although I couldn’t maintain my mind-merge with you through the walls. The distance was simply too great for me to hold.” I breathed in slowly and resettled myself, comforted again as my mind rested in that soft spot, his physical touch calming me even further. “And you?” I asked, since there hadn’t been time for any private conversation this morning at Belle’s busy breakfast table. “How’d you fare?”

  “Not the best.” He leaned closer, touched his forehead to mine and whispered, “I find your mind-merge is necessary to provide me with some form of relief. Most mates have bonded telepathically by now. It aids them in staying connected over long distances. Although it is a link of trust, and obviously that confidence hasn’t yet built between us.”

  Well, it wasn’t like I hadn’t tried to form the link as I had so effortlessly formed it with Belle, except as he’d said there was one simple prerequisite. A telepathic link of this nature was only ever possible if both parties intrinsically trusted the other. So far, I was still dubious.

  “I guess it’ll happen when it happens.” I drew back. We had class, the bell now blasting its first ring.

  Passenger door open, I hopped out and met Davio at the rear of the Colorado. I leaned against the enclosed deck. “So, how did you get a driver’s license? It’s not like you have this kind of transportation in Peacio.” Or so I presumed since Belle had spoken of Peacio’s seventeenth century vibe of horse and cart prevailing across the land.

  “I had private tutors and my education included both your world and mine.” He fetched our bags from underneath the heavy black cover and swung both over one shoulder. He clasped my hand and we walked along the grass-trimmed concrete pathway into the school.

  Like other high schools or colleges in New Zealand, Te Puke High housed blocks of weatherboard-clad classrooms, many of them two-stories high with anywhere from four to eight classes in a block, along with a wonderful new section of classroom pods. We passed the main school administration building, now remodeled in earth-toned bricks, its aluminum windows colored in a bright trim. Around us, a thousand students made their way to class, arriving by foot, bus or car.

  Davio leaned in as students passed us. “Why the frown?”

  He seemed to pick up on every little change in my temperament. “I missed my run this morning. I usually jog for an hour or so before school.” It dragged at me that I’d missed it. Too much was happening too quickly.

  We walked into class together and headed straight down the aisle to the back row. Davio had phoned into the office this morning and confirmed he was taking every one of the classes he’d enrolled in that first day. No surprises there that our timetable matched perfectly. Zac and Viv intended on enrolling in the same classes so they could remain near me too, except as this was their first day, they were required to sign in at the office first. They still hadn’t made their way here, but I doubted they’d be long.

  I sidled into my regular seat. Davio pulled out what was Silvie’s chair and joined me. “That’s Silvie’s spot, not yours.” He couldn’t take her seat. “She’ll be mad if you sit there.”

  “I’ve found I like making her mad, which means this is my seat now, and will remain so until the threat against you is removed.” Under the desk, he linked our hands together. “I’ve also got to get a hold on regulating this temper of yours.

  I squeezed my fingernails into his palm, biting into his flesh. “What temper would that be?”

  “That vile temper you’re always firing at—” His gaze darted toward Silvie as she stormed our way. Zac and Viv marched two steps behind her, Silvie glaring daggers at him.

  Clearly she didn’t like the loss of her spot any more than I did.

  Snapping a chair out behind us, she snarled under her breath. “You shouldn’t be this annoying, Prince Annoying.”

  I laughed, and just managed to slap a hand over my mouth in time to keep it from pealing out too loud, although as Davio held my other hand, I couldn’t halt my happiness from spreading. That instant attraction we’d had from the beginning, had now grown into something more. I slid a finger gently along the reddened marks I’d stabbed into his palm. “I’m sorry about these.”

  “You’re forgiven.” His hand tightened around mine. “Don’t concern yourself with a few small marks. I fast-heal, and you have the right to express yourself freely with me. You’re my mate, and there’s no one else I’d ever want to connect so deeply with, other than you.”

  “You’ve got a way with words too, and the same goes for me. There’s no one else I’d ever want to connect so deeply with, other than you.”

  Our teacher arrived and the room quietened. The lesson began.

  Later in the day, once the bell had signaled our lunch break, the six of us walked out to the edge of the field and found a nice spot on the grass in the sunshine. Students sat eating their lunch in small groups around the perimeter of the field.

  Content after devouring a chicken salad sandwich, I stretched out on the ground with my hands folded behind my head. I’d settled close to Davio’s side, and he played his fingers through my hair as the clouds high above drifted in streaks of white across the vivid expanse of blue.

  So peaceful. My mind drifted and eyes closed, my thoughts returned to the warrior.

  I truly needed to recollect more, to give Davio something else to go on, something…

  Memories swirled, no not a memory, an order.

  Somehow and someway, instructions had been left within my mind and I was to follow the path. Bizarre didn’t even begin to cover that. Although I was quickly learning that things didn’t always appear as they first should.

  I searched deeper within my mind and the warrior’s image crystallized. He had a strong jaw line with a long narrow nose and light-colored hair, his eyes a piercing violet hue.

  That order demanded I unlock more missing memories shrouded in haziness, and there was a way. Go back to the moment and relive it. I did.

  Back outside my house near the front door, I stood before the warrior who’d raised the heavy baton as he’d prepared to strike me.

  “Hey.” In defense, I threw my hands up. “No, please, there’s no need to hurt me.”

  The warrior’s violet eyes misted. “I don’t wish to hurt you, but you can’t recall the truth. Not yet. Loveria will take you. That poses a danger to you which I can’t allow.”

  “Okay, hold on. Obviously
your concept of danger differs to mine.” I raised a brow at the baton. “Put it down.”

  He searched my gaze. “I’m your father. Look into my mind and take the image I give you of my safe house. Make it fast.”

  My skin rippled with goosebumps. Had he just said he was my father?

  “Faith, now. There’s no more time for thought. You have the ability to block this conversation once you’ve taken the image. Bring it forth later once you’re settled and more at ease.”

  I didn’t hesitate to send my mind flaring into his, his tone urgent and my sudden need to obey him surprising even me. The image was there as he’d said and I grabbed ahold of it, and locked it away just as his arms shook. He squeezed his eyes shut for a brief moment as if detesting what he next had to do. He swung.

  I jerked, hands clawing into grass. Grass?

  “Faith.” Fingers tangled in my hair.

  “Davio?” I gasped and shook off the haze that had taken me.

  “Your heart’s racing too fast. Are you all right?”

  Oh my goodness.

  I had a father—a father from Dralion. A warrior who was alive and had now made me his co-conspirator because of the impossible information he’d had me withhold.

  “No, I’m not.” I pulled in a lengthy breath. I had no intention of lying to my mate. “You can’t trust me.”

  “Pardon?” His gaze narrowed. “Why would that be?”

  “My father—I’m sorry, but he is the warrior who attacked me.”

  Alert, Zac and Viv moved to their haunches as if preparing to nail me to the ground.

  “How do you know this?” Flicking a hand at them to remain back, Davio gritted his teeth.

  “He told me.”

  Zac scanned each direction. “Does she tell the truth, Davio? You’ll know if she lies. We can’t condone having one of our own enemy among us, the daughter of our enemy included.”

  “You understand the bond as well as I do. She speaks the truth. Her father is the warrior who attacked her, but she is an innocent and had no true knowledge of him until just now.”


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