Protector: A Young Adult / New Adult Fantasy Novel

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Protector: A Young Adult / New Adult Fantasy Novel Page 24

by Joanne Wadsworth

“With speed?” I still wanted my blade back, only Silas slid it into the weaponry rack. I moaned and tried to push forward. “Let go. My fingers itch for that weapon.”

  He continued to block me. “Look at me.”

  I did, and he quirked a brow. “The speed I’m talking about is a hard run. The castle’s meadow will make the safest place. I can give you Silas to run with if you like.”

  A groan from Silas, and his back sagging. Clearly he didn’t like the idea of running with me.

  “Super. I’d love that.” Anything I could do to annoy Silas would be perfect. I rubbed my hands together, brought the image of the meadow into view and holding Davio’s hands, zipped us straight there.

  Silas shimmered in beside us, clearly following my ’porting airstream.

  “It’s almost dark.” The sun hovered on the horizon across the other side of the rolling fields of lush grass, streaks of vivid red spearing into the darkening sky. “My mother.” I clasped a hand to my mouth. “I’ve left her alone for the entire day.”

  “Check in with Wincrest if you wish to find out how she is, but he would have told her what was happening, that you’re going through your rising.”

  “You’re right.” My feet tingled, and I jogged in place. “I can’t go anyway.” I gave him a wink. “Sure you don’t want to run with me? I can make it fun.”

  He tweaked my nose. “We both know I can’t be left alone with you right now. You have no self-control left, and I’m only holding onto mine by a thread.” He slid his gaze to my lips. “I want to hold onto you and never let you go.”

  “Oh, that I’d love.” Oooh, yes, give me my mate now.

  “Which means it’s time for us to go.” Silas swept in between us, pushed me back and motioned to the track rimming the large field. “We have this spot all to ourselves. Do your worst. If you can.”

  Oh, his gibe was exactly what I needed to divert my attention from Davio. There was nothing I liked more than competition. I headed out, my pace fast and Silas ran in beside me. Together we rounded the field. Again and again. Hour after hour.

  Another three hours passed, the moon having risen high overhead and glowing a stunning orange, its light bathing the field in a golden shimmer.

  Silas dragged back and coughed, his breathing labored as he lost his ability to keep pace with me.

  I felt for him…


  I double-checked. That couldn’t be right. I felt compassion for Silas?

  I slowed and ran backwards while he stumbled in pursuit of me. “Guess what?” I sing-songed.

  He whimpered. “You’re a pest?”

  I laughed, then gasped, caught a hand to my chest and suddenly panted. It was as if I was winded. Surely not.

  “Damn, what’s that I hear?” Silas tapped his hands to his ears. “Are you short of breath?”

  Each lungful of air I breathed became harder to drag in. My rising was almost done, a staggering length of time. With my last burst of energy, I ran and did a full cartwheel then with a grin, dropped to the ground.

  I lay on my back, the twinkling sky a glittering array of diamonds overhead.

  Silas flopped down beside me and let out a long moan. “You’ve no idea how painful that run was. Silvie will not believe me when I tell her about the feat I just managed.”

  “You mean I managed.” I lifted my heavy arm and dropped it down hard on his chest. “I’d beat you up right now, but that’s about all I can manage.”

  “There’s always tomorrow.” He chuckled, actually chuckled. “I’d like to see you beat me up when you’re not going through your rising. Betcha I’d win the fight.”

  The air swirled around us, and I merged my mind with Davio’s as he knelt at my side. “That’s unbelievable. Eight full hours for your rising.” He reached over and clapped Silas’s shoulder. “My gratitude knows no bounds.”

  Silas groused, “I’m sleeping in, and don’t think to wake me. Not for anything. Remember that no bounds in my books means unlimited days of sleep-ins.”

  A laugh in answer, and Davio ran his hand over my brow. “I’m so proud of you.”

  I stared into his gorgeous eyes. “I might be whacked out, but for some reason you still seem hot.”

  He slid an arm underneath me and scooped me up. “Let’s get you off this damp grass.”

  I snuggled closer, laying my head against his shoulder. “Can you show me to a bed? I’m not up for a water escape before slip and sliding all over the dome room floor before I finally make it to my own bed in Dralion.”

  “One second.” He flashed us both away, the cool night air gone as we made it to his bedroom. Yep, definitely his bedroom. It looked identical to the image he’d given me this morning.

  A royal blue comforter covered his king-size bed, which dominated the room. Square-cut wooden windows with heavy drapery tied back at the sides, faced the meadow we’d just come from, while across the other side of the room, three doors led elsewhere. One was partially open, showing a glimpse of a blue and cream tiled bathroom beyond.

  “Do you have a bath? Can I take one before I go to bed?”

  “You can.” He brushed a kiss against my forehead and carried me into his bathroom. Gently, he set me down on a white wicker chair beside the bath, plugged the hole and lifted the silver lever to run the water. It gushed out, all steamy and hot. “Your clothing should have been purchased and hung by now. I’ll fetch it. I won’t be a moment.”

  “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” He walked out the door and since my head felt like a rock, I rested it back against the chair’s headrest, my eyelids sliding shut. Wait. I jerked back upright. My clothing should have been purchased and hung by now? “Davio,” I yelled out, “what clothing?”

  He strode back into the room with a small bundle in one hand and laid a pair of brushed cotton pajama shorts and a lemon singlet-tee on the vanity’s smooth marble countertop. “After you had to borrow Silvie’s clothing earlier, I contacted Seriah. She took Silvie with her after school and the two of them purchased some items you might need and then passed them onto Crossley. He hung your new belongings in my wardrobe.”

  “Who’s Crossley?”

  “My personal assistant and he’s very discreet. No other staff member enters my private rooms other than him. He takes care of all my needs and oversees my schedule. You’ll meet him. He flits about as necessary.” Davio tipped a bottle of bubble bath into the running water, and as it streamed out, the scent of lilac perfumed the air.

  “I see, and how long has this Crossley been around?”

  He cast me a glance. “Since I was a small child. It’s important I have a trusted man around. He doesn’t speak of his duties to any other, will certainly never mention when you’re here and in my bed.” Opening the vanity door, he returned the bubble bath. “My parents and grandfather have their own wings elsewhere in the castle. You won’t come across them. These rooms on this wing are exclusively mine.”

  A mountain of bubbles foamed. “Did Crossley leave that here for me too?”

  “Yes.” He pulled me to my feet. “I loved the way you smelled earlier. Crossley stocked the shelves. You’ll find a toothbrush and everything you might need there as well.”

  “Okay.” He’d done all this for me, ensured I had clothing and the necessary items so staying with him was no issue. My heart lifted, his care of me so comforting. I looked into his eyes, desperately wanting to express those words.

  “I know,” he whispered and touched his lips to mine.

  “You make a great boyfriend.”

  “I want to be more than your boyfriend. I want to be your world, just as you’re already mine.”

  “You’re lucky I’m so tired right now, otherwise I’d be all over you.”

  Smiling, he lifted my hand to his lips, gently pressed a kiss to my palm, his eyes so seductively beautiful. “Have your bath. We’ll speak once you’re out.”

  “Sure. I won’t take long.”

  “You better not.” He
left and shut the bathroom door with a soft click.

  I missed him already. I shucked my sweaty clothes off and sank into the blessedly warm water. Such bliss. I stretched and soaked, the ache of my sore muscles slowly receding. Thank heavens for fast-healing, although unfortunately that skill didn’t ease my exhaustion. Only sleep would do that.

  I dunked my head, washed my hair and rinsed the bubbles out, then rested my head on the rim and drifted.

  “Faith.” A knock on the door. “I hope you’re not falling asleep in there.”

  I slid down into the water, grabbed the sides and heaved back up. “Not at all. I’m coming.”

  I dried, dressed and dragged the door open.

  Davio was there, and I merged my mind with his.

  “Let’s get you into bed. You look ready to drop.” He set a hand at my waist, guided me to his monstrous bed and pulled back the covers.

  I slipped between the sheets and he tucked me in.

  In tan silk pajama pants and his mouthwatering chest on display, he walked around the bed, extinguished the lamp on his side table and shuffled in beside me.

  With his drapes remaining open, moonlight shimmered in and lit his beautiful brown eyes speckled with gold. He inched closer, ducked his head to my neck, his warm breath tickling my skin. “I don’t sleep well without you.”

  “This bond grows so deep and strong.”

  “And it’ll only continue growing deeper and stronger with the passing of each day.” His voice was a husky murmur as he stroked a hand down my arm, then he rose up over top of me and I caught my breath.

  “There’s no Belle or Silas here to separate us at the moment.”

  “Which sounds perfect to me.” His lips brushed mine. “Sometimes their company isn’t desired, or needed.”

  “I’m in perfect agreement with that.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, twined my fingers deep into his golden-brown hair curling onto his shoulders.

  “I need to kiss you, like really kiss you.” His gaze moved over my face, his eyes filled with that need. “Say yes.”


  Then he kissed me exactly as I’d longed for all day, his mouth capturing mine as he shared his breath and his deep desire. He was my rock, the one man who wanted me by his side and never wanted me to leave. This was the mated bond. This was what I wanted with all my heart, to know I’d always have him, no matter he was a Loveria and I was a Wincrest. Maybe we could be the ones to halt the fighting between our countries. It would certainly be a dream come true if we could.

  All too soon, he pulled back, his breathing rough as he rolled to his side and tucked me in beside him. “You’re exhausted and need to rest. Go to sleep.”

  “One day, you’re going to stop ordering me about. I can’t wait for that day to arrive.”

  “I doubt it ever will, so don’t bet on it.” A light chuckle.

  “We’ll see.” I closed my eyes on a sigh, every last ounce of my energy now sapped, and since I had none left even to argue with him, I slowly drifted and allowed the night to take me under its heavenly wing, my mate exactly where I needed him to be.

  Chapter 14

  “Are you dressed?” The clomp of Davio’s heavy step on the other side of his dressing room door had me scowling.

  “No, I’m not dressed yet.” Hands on my hips, I eyed the racks of clothing he’d had Silvie and Seriah purchase for me, my shock and anger rising. Last night I’d thought his gesture was so sweet. This morning was a different story, particularly when I’d entered his walk-in wardrobe and discovered that he’d purchased even more clothes than what Alexxis had. “Would you give me some space for a change? You’re too close and it’s making me madder.”

  He knocked on the door. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  My shoulders stiffened. “I’m feeling a touch more pressure in the clear light of day.”

  “It’s noon and Crossley’s delivered brunch. I want to take you on a guided tour of the castle and show you my home. I want you to meet my parents and Carlisio. And Silas will be up shortly.”

  “You realize I actually have a home, and it won’t be here. I’m a visitor at the moment.” I clenched my fists. “And why on earth would you think I’d wish to meet any of the men in your family? Have you forgotten the battle of our blood? Mine fights against a Loveria’s, meaning I’m going to hate your father and grandfather at first sight. I’ll only want to grump and grizzle at them, which is not a good look right now.”

  “You’re worrying about things you shouldn’t. They’ll love you, simply because you and I have formed a soul bond with each other. That’s what all our people desire.” The door rattled. “I’m coming in.”

  “I’m still in my nightwear.”

  Then he was there, appearing out of nowhere as he flashed in and grasped my hands.

  “You’re annoying.” I glared at him. “And don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?” He leaned in and rubbed his cheek against mine.

  “Like you’re about to get away with buying a department store of clothing for me, and without listening to a word I’ve even said.”

  “I see.” He picked up a length of my hair and wrapped it around his finger. “If what was purchased doesn’t suit you, then I’ll have the items returned and changed.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “I want you here.” He tugged on my hair, drew me even closer. “I’ve no intention of living without you.”

  “I live in Dralion now. You can’t keep me from my new family and country. I have an obligation to them, one I can’t turn away from.”

  “I’m well aware.” He heaved a sigh and flipped through the racks of clothing. He selected a short white skirt and violet tank top. From a drawer, he pulled out a one-piece white swimsuit, then pressed it all into my hands. “Put the swimsuit on underneath your clothing and we’ll forego the family meeting. Instead, I’ll take you to the cave on our property for some more bonding time. There’s a private underground cavern with a natural pool. I’ll ask the others to join us so your bonds strengthen with them as well.”

  “Which others?”

  “Zac, Viv, Belle, and Silas.”

  “What about Silvie?”

  “Silvie’s at school and taking notes for you, but she’ll be ready to collect at three this afternoon. She can join us once Silas brings her.”

  “Well, that’s where I should be.” I checked my watch. “I have Calculus and PE after lunch, and Silvie will be grumping the entire time if I’m not there. She seriously hates Calculus, not to mention any form of physical activity. The two combined always put her in a foul mood.”

  “Right, then we’ll head to school first for those two classes. Afterwards I’ll bring you back here for a swim. How’s that for a concession?”

  “A concession wasn’t what I was after.” Although what he’d offered was immensely helpful. “Let me offer my own options. How about I head to school, and you do what you normally do here, like aiding your father and grandfather in running this country. I’m not in hiding anymore. I even know the dreaded Donaldo Wincrest, so there’s so much less for you to worry about.”

  “I’ll worry regardless.” His gaze narrowed. “I’m also grateful that you realize he’s dreaded.”

  “Get out of here so I can get changed.” I smacked his arm. “You’re completely impossible sometimes.”

  “Yes, but I’m your impossible. I’ll be in the sitting room off my bedroom.” He kissed the top of my head, reversed and disappeared out the door.

  Two minutes later, I walked out of the dressing room. His voice traveled to me through the open door leading into his sitting room. “That might be a problem. I’ll deal with it, Crossley. Thank you.”

  I waited a moment, until the man dressed in dark pants and a crisp white shirt—who must be Crossley—had closed the door on the far side of the sitting room. Only when all was clear, did I step into the spacious and private abode.

  A cozy arrangement of padded chairs and a
sofa in a blue pinstripe sat underneath the windows overlooking the front meadow, while brunch was set out on an oak dining table in the corner. An impressively tall oak bookshelf with a myriad of leather bound tomes lined the far wall, while a gold figurine of two men in battle sat on a polished corner stand.

  I lifted my chin and scratched my throat. “Nice digs.”

  From behind a sizeable writing desk with a leather swivel chair tucked behind it, Davio stood and smiled. “Come here.”

  I crossed the deep blue carpet, so lush and thick, while he walked around his desk and perched his butt on the front edge. I slowed, my gaze on his, then as I joined him, he pulled me into the V between his leather-clad legs.

  Gently, I rested my cheek on his shoulder and gasped at the stunning picture hanging in pride of place on the wall behind his desk. The large portrait showed a woman who could only be his mother, seated on a red velvet imperial chair, her delicate and young features framed by hair the same gorgeous color as Davio’s, but where his hair was short, hers swept down over her shoulders in lush waves of brown with glimmering shades of gold woven within. In an elegant cream-beaded gown, she gazed at the three suited men surrounding her rather than at the photographer’s lens. Davio stood to the right, his father in the center with one hand on his wife’s shoulder, and his grandfather to the far left. All three men bore striking resemblance to each other, from their wide brows to their patrician noses and cleft prominent in their chins. So much love encapsulated them all, and it stretched forth from the image to me. “You look like your father and grandfather. When was this photograph taken?”

  “The day following my rising. A huge celebration ensued in the ballroom.” He threaded his fingers through mine. “My mother longs to meet you, and since she’s not a direct Loveria descendent, her blood won’t battle with yours.”

  “I’d like to meet her too, but another day.” I lifted a hand and traced a finger along his lower lip. “I seem to be building a fascination for your smart mouth.”

  “As I have a fascination for yours, although right now it’s to do with feeding you. I need to ensure your wellbeing. When did you last eat?”


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