Millionaire: The Philanderer, Gambler, and Duelist Who Invented Modern Finance

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Millionaire: The Philanderer, Gambler, and Duelist Who Invented Modern Finance Page 24

by Janet Gleeson

  Acquisition of royal shares: ibid.

  “The rage of the people is so violent and so universal . . .”: Hardwicke, State Papers.

  Law’s breakdown: ibid.

  CHAPTER 14: The Storms of Fate

  “The silver is to be employed in such foreign trades . . .”: PRO SP 78/166.

  Crime and civil unrest in Paris: recounted in Defoe and numerous French memoirs including Buvat, Marais, Saint-Simon.

  Monetary policy: Murphy, John Law; du Hautchamp; Pulteney’s letters, PRO SP 78/166.

  “When M. le D demanded the revocation . . .”: ms. Méjanes, 130.

  CHAPTER 15: Reprieve

  “Lundi j’achetai des actions . . .”: Anon, quoted in Hyde.

  Law’s arrest and audience with the regent: Fauré, La Banqueroute de Law; Murphy, John Law; Hyde.

  “the only man capable of getting them out of the maze they were in”: Duc d’Antin memoirs, quoted by Fauré.

  “We saw this day a rare thing . . .”: ibid.

  Changes following Law’s reinstatement: Marais.

  “It is thought he will influence the commissaries a point to take Mr. Law’s accounts . . .”: PRO SP 78/166.

  South Sea Bubble: Carswell, The South Sea Bubble.

  “The hurry of our stock-jobbing . . .”: quoted by Angell.

  Burning of notes and desire for cash: Buvat, Marais, etc.

  Drop in exchange rate: Murphy, John Law.

  Riots at bank: PRO SP 78/166 266; Buvat; Defoe, etc.

  Plague: Defoe; Buvat; Marais; PRO SP 78/166 420.

  Quarantine restrictions: Carswell.

  “One cannot say what effect the demand for silver had . . .”: Harsin.

  CHAPTER 16: The Whirligig of Time

  Satirical prints: British Museum, Catalogue of Prints & Drawings, Political and Personal Satires.

  “The idea came to me . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  New building projects: Buvat.

  The anonymous pamphlet and Law’s appraisal of his achievement: Murphy.

  Pulteney’s letter: PRO SP/78/166, quoted by Murphy.

  Cantillon: Murphy, Cantillon; Pulteney’s letter PRO SP 78/166 420.

  “You promise much . . .”: quoted in Lemontey, Marais, and Murphy.

  Threat to Law’s safety: PRO SP78/166 420.

  “The distress people are under by the excessive prices of all things . . .”: PRO SP 78/166 301.

  Anecdotes relating to Law’s family in Barbier, Marais, and Buvat.

  New orders demanding compulsory payments detailed in diplomatic correspondence, PRO SP 78/166.

  “The Regent only follows this course to amuse himself . . .”: letter, November 27, 1720, PRO SP 78/166 436.

  Rumors surrounding Law’s departure: PRO SP 78/169 311.

  “He did not see among the French anyone who had enough intelligence . . .”: quoted by Fauré.

  Appointment of de la Houssaye and investigations of bank: PRO SP78/166 450.

  Law’s last days in Paris: PRO SP 78/169 315.

  CHAPTER 17: The Prodigal’s Return

  “It is difficult to decide between the desire . . .”: ms. Méjanes, 13.

  “I cannot sufficiently express my grief on your departure . . .”: quoted by Murphy, John Law.

  “My enemies act with passion . . .”: ms. Méjanes

  “Perhaps my distance will soften them . . .”: ibid.

  Crawford’s report: PRO SP 78/169 321-5.

  “I have learned today that I have been accused of having aided the Pretender . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  Law’s departure from France: PRO SP 78/169 327.

  Law’s finances when leaving: Harsin.

  Details of journey to Brussels: ms. Méjanes.

  “I had hoped to be able to pass through here without being known . . .”: ms. Méjanes, 17-19.

  “This conduct attracts attention”: PRO SP 78/169.

  Rumors relating to Law’s misappropriation of funds: Barbier.

  “What could have given rise to this rumour were the dispatches of silver . . .”: Harsin, p. 253.

  Law’s problems with creditors: Hyde; Charlotte Elizabeth.

  “I am sensible that you suffer extremely by the resolution I have taken . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  Arrival in Venice noted by Burges: PRO SP 99/62 561.

  “It is better to return to the old system of finance . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  “We often think of you, your brother and I . . .”: ibid.

  “I find myself well, being alone without valet . . .”: ibid.

  “What has happened is very extraordinary, but doesn’t surprise me . . .”: ibid.

  Playing “from morning to night . . .”: Murphy, John Law, p. 38.

  Games invented by Law: Hamilton; Murphy, John Law; Hyde.

  “I can only believe that you will agree to what I have the honour of proposing . . .”: Barbier.

  Details of investigations and brother’s arrest: Soulavie; Buvat; Barbier; Marais.

  Censure of Law: PRO SP 78/166 452.

  “I want your company and to live as we used to before I engaged in public business . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  “Mme. Law writes that they find me a debtor of 7 million to the bank . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  “Mr. Law . . . has sent a new project”: PRO SP 78/166.

  “His Majesty will have no scruple to order a second expedition of it . . .”: ms. Méjanes, 92v.

  “It would be very much contrary to the interest of my country . . .”: ibid.

  “having worked in the most beautiful theatre in Europe . . .”: ibid.

  “I had no invitation . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  Return to England and opposition in House of Lords: The Political State, vol. 22, October 1721, pp. 393 et seq.

  “I don’t expect to be well received . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  “The retreat of Mr. Law to England . . .”: PRO SP 78/166.

  “I can’t think the Regent will detain you . . .”: ibid.

  “I would have you get the Marquis de Lassay and my brother to meet with you . . .”: ibid.

  “I was fetched from the Audit House yesterday . . .”: HMC Portland, vol. 7.

  “handsome, genteel, and well fashioned”: ms. Méjanes.

  “I own to you these reflections animate me . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  “I am aware . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  Rebecca Law’s visit to Venice: PRO SP 78/170.

  “My brother must have gone mad . . .”: ms. Méjanes.

  “some conversation I have had lately with your brother . . .”: quoted by Healey.

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  “I have wrote several times to the Regent, and to the Cardinal about your enlargement . . .”: ms. Méjanes, 204.

  “If the Duke of Orleans is disposed to recall him . . .”: Sir Robert Walpole to Sir Luke Schaub, 10 April 1723, quoted in Wood, pp. 173-75.

  Offers of loans: ms. Méjanes, 198v.

  “I have so ordered my brother’s journey to Paris with him . . .”: Walpole to Lord Townshend, October 12, 1723, quoted in Wood, p. 175.

  “Can you not prevail on the Duke to help me . . .”: Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk 1712-1767, vol. 1.

  “there is scarcely an example, perhaps not one instance . . .”: Harsin.

  “I have sacrificed everything . . .”: Harsin.

  “I will do all I can so that his majesty and his ministers are satisfied . . .”: PRO SP 81/91.

  CHAPTER 18: Venetian Sunset

  Dispatches to Whitehall: PRO SP 81/91.

  “The splendour and beauty . . .”: quoted by Hibbert, Grand Tour.

  Law and the art market: Murphy; Hamilton.

  “No man alive believes that his pictures when they come to be sold . . .”: Burges to Lord Londonderry October 21, 1729; PRO SPc108/415, quoted in Murphy.

  Painting of Law by Verelst: sold Christie’s December 16, 1966, lot 291. Signed and dated 1727, ex-collection Sir H. Ste

  Montesquieu’s visit: Voyages de Montesquieu, vol. 1, p. 59.

  “a shivering cold fit which lasted him five or six hours . . .”: Burges, Venice, March 4, 1729, PRO SP 99/63 91.

  “Mr. Law is dead, after struggling seven or eight and twenty days . . .”: Burges, Venice, March 25, 1729, PRO SP 99/63 95.

  “He departed this life on Monday last . . .”: letter from John Law Jr. to Katherine Knowles, quoted by Murphy.

  “I wished to be informed surreptitiously concerning the testament which everyone said the deceased had made . . .”: letter from de Gergy to Chauvelin, French minister of foreign affairs, March 26, 1729, quoted in Hyde.


  Angell, Norman. The Story of Money. 1929.

  Argenson, Marquis d’ (ed. E.J.B. Rathery). Journals et mémoires. 1859.

  Ashton, J. History of Gambling in England. 1898.

  Babington, Anthony. The English Bastille. 1971.

  Baker, J. H. The Legal Profession and the Common Law. 1986.

  Barbier, E. F. J. Journal d’un bourgeois de Paris sous le règne de Louis XV. 1857.

  Barthélemy, E. de. Gazette de la Régence janvier 1715-juin 1719. 1887.

  Beattie, J. M. Crime and the Courts in England 1660-1800. 1986.

  Berkeley, George. Works of, ed. A. C. Fraser. 1871.

  Bernstein, Peter L. Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk. 1996.

  Black, Jeremy. The British Abroad: The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century, 1992; Dictionary of Eighteenth Century History, ed. with Roy Porter. 1994.

  British Museum. Catalogue of Prints & Drawings, Political and Personal Satires, vol. II 1689-1733. 1873.

  Buchan, James. Frozen Desire. 1997.

  Buvat, J. Journal de la Régence. 1865.

  Calendar of State Papers Domestic,1694-9. 1906.

  Campbell, Peter R. Power and Politics in Old Regime France 1720-1745. 1996; unpublished Ph.D. thesis, 1985.

  Carriera, Rosalba. Journal de. 1865.

  Carswell, John. The South Sea Bubble. 1960.

  Carthew, Thomas. Report of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench. 1728.

  Chancellor, Beresford. The History of the Squares of London. 1907.

  Chancellor, Edward. Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation. 1999.

  Chandler, George. Four Centuries of Banking. 1964.

  Charlotte, Elizabeth. The Letters of Madame, translated and edited by Gertrude Scott Stevenson, vol. 2. 1925.

  Cochut, P. A. Law: son système et son époque, 1853.

  Comerbach, Roger. The Report of Several Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench at Westminster. 1724.

  Cronin, Vincent. Louis XIV. 1964.

  Daridan, Jean. John Law, père de l’inflation. 1938.

  Davies, Glyn. A History of Money. 1994.

  Davies, Norman. Europe: A History. 1997.

  Defoe, Daniel. His Life and Recently Discovered Writings, ed. William Lee. 1869.

  ———. Journey Through the Whole Island of Great Britain, ed. P. Rogers. 1971.

  Duclos. Mémoires Secrets sur les Règnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV. 1829.

  Du Tot. Réflexions politiques sur les finances et le commerce, ed. P. Harsin. 1935.

  Evelyn, John. The Diary of, ed. E. S. de Beer. 1955.

  Fairley, John A. Lauriston Castle. 1925.

  Fauré, Edgar. La Banqueroute de Law. 1977.

  Galbraith, John Kenneth. The Great Crash 1929. 1955.

  ———. Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went. 1975.

  Giraud, M. Histoire de la Louisiane française. 1953.

  Grant, James. Cassell’s Old and New Edinburgh. 1881.

  Gray, W. The Memoirs, Life and Character of the Great Mr. Law and His Brother at Paris. 1721.

  Green, E. Banking: An Illustrated History. 1989.

  Hamilton, Earl. “John Law,” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. ix, 1968; “John Law of Lauriston: Banker, Gamester, Merchant, Chief ?,” American Economic Review, vol. 57, 1967; “The Political Economy of France at the Time of John Law,” History of Political Economy, vol.1, 1969.

  Hardwicke, S., ed. Miscellaneous State Papers from 1501-1726. 1778.

  Harsin, Paul, ed. Les Oeuvres complètes de John Law. 1934.

  Hart, Albert Bushnell, ed. American History Told by Contemporaries, vol. II, 1689-1783. 1898.

  Hautchamp, Marmont du, Histoire du système de finances. 1739.

  Healey, Edna. Coutts & Co: The Portrait of a Private Bank. 1992.

  Heinrich, Pierre. La Louisiane sous la Compagnie des Indes 1717-1731. 1907.

  Hibbert, Christopher. The English: A Social History, 1066-1945. 1987.

  ———. The Grand Tour. 1987.

  ———. London. 1997.

  Historic Manuscripts Commission, Portland vols. 4, 5, 7, 8, 1897-1907; Stuart, vols. 4, 5, 6, 7, 1916-1923.

  Hume, David. Essays, Literary, Moral and Political. 1875.

  Hyde, H. Montgomery. John Law: The History of an Honest Adventurer. 1969.

  Kent, W. An Encyclopaedia of London. 1951.

  Kiernan, V. G. The Duel in European History. 1988.

  Lande, L. The Rise and Fall of John Law 1716-20. 1982.

  Leach, Thomas. Modern Reports or Select Cases Adjudged in the Courts of King’s Bench, vol. 4. 1793.

  Lemontey, P. E. Histoire de la Régence et de la minorité de Louis XV. 1832.

  Levasseur, Emile. Recherches Historiques sur le Système de Law. 1854.

  Lister, Dr. Martin. A Journey to Paris in the Year 1698. Reprinted in A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels, ed. J. Pinkerton, vol. 4. 1809.

  Lockhart, George. Memoirs Concerning the Affairs of Scotland. 1707.

  Lough, John. France Observed in the Seventeenth Century. 1984.

  Luttrell, Narcissus. A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs. 1857.

  Mackay, Charles. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. 1841.

  Marais, Mathieu. Journal et mémoires de, ed. M. de Lescure. 1863.

  Mayhew, Nicholas. Coinage in France from the Dark Ages to Napoleon. 1988.

  McKean, Charles. Edinburgh: Portrait of a City. 1991.

  McCusker, John J. Money and Exchange in Europe and America 1600-1775. 1978.

  McKinnon, R. The Jacobite Rebellion. 1973.

  Mémoire sur la Louisiane ou le Mississippi. Published in Recueil, A., 1745.

  Meyer, Jean, La vie quotidienne en France au temps de la Régence. 1979.

  Minton, Robert. John Law, Father of Paper Money. 1975.

  Montesquieu, Charles S. Oeuvres Complètes de Montesquieu, ed. André Mason. 1950.

  ———. Voyages. 1896.

  Murphy, Antoin. Cantillon: Entrepreneur and Economist. 1986.

  ———. John Law: Economic Theorist and Policy Maker. 1997.

  Murray, Graham John. Annals and Correspondence of the Viscount and the First and Second Earls of Stair. 1875.

  Norwich, John Julius. Venice: A Travellers’ Companion. 1990.

  Oudard, Georges, trans., ed. John Law: A Fantastic Financier 1671-1729. 1928.

  Pepys, Samuel. The Diary of, ed. R. C. Latham and W. Matthews. 1970.

  Perkins, J. B. France Under the Regency. 1892.

  Pevitt, Christine. The Man Who Would Be King. 1998.

  Piper, David. Catalogue of Seventeenth-Century Portraits in the National Portrait Gallery 1625-1714. 1965.

  Plumb, J. H. England in the Eighteenth Century. 1963.

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  Suffolk, Countess of. Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband, the Hon. George Berkeley, 1712-1767. 1824.

  The Unknown Lady’s Pacquet of Letters, included in Mme d’Aulnoy, Memoirs of the Court of England. 1707.

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  West, Richard. The Life and Surprising Adventures of Daniel Defoe. 1998.

  Williams, Johnathan, ed. Money: A History. 1997.

  Wodrow, Robert. The Life of Rev. James Wodrow. 1828.

  Wood, John Philip. The History of the Parish of Cramond. 1794.

  ———. Memoirs of the Life of John Law of Lauriston. 1824.

  Wykes, Alan. Gambling. 1964.


  Academy of Sciences (France)

  Amadeus, Victor


  as commercial capital of Europe

  Anderson, Andrew

  André, d’ (Mississippian)

  Angelini (bank secretary)

  Angell, Norman

  Anne, Queen of England

  Antin, Duc d’


  Argenson, Marc René de Voyer de

  Paulmy, Marquis d’

  Argyll, Duke of

  Aubert, Jean

  Baillie, George

  “bank,” origin of word

  Bank of Amsterdam

  Bank of England

  banking, in ancient past

  Bank of Scotland

  Banque Générale

  attempt to bring down

  banking services offered by, 116

  building of public confidence in

  flaws in plan for

  granting of charter for

  and Law’s proposals for private bank

  and Law’s proposals for state bank

  nationalization of

  d’Orléans’s deposits in

  selling of shares in

  success of

  Banque Royale

  closing of


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