Fatal Frenzy: Book 9 of the Fatal Series

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Fatal Frenzy: Book 9 of the Fatal Series Page 31

by Marie Force

  “I want to go to the parade.”

  “You’re going home.”

  “No, really! I’m fine. I want to go to the parade.”

  “And I want to take you home to get some rest so you can dazzle me at that ball tonight.”

  “Scotty wants to go to the parade.”

  “I’ll take him after we get you settled at home.”

  She started to argue again but a wave of nausea had her thinking better of it. “Okay, take me home then.”

  * * *

  Hours later, Sam stood before the full-length mirror in her bedroom, taking a critical look at herself the midnight blue gown that clung to every one of her considerable curves. “It’s too sexy,” she declared.

  “It is not,” her sister Tracy said. “It’s perfect on you.”

  “I agree,” Angela said from her perch on the bed. “It’s sexy but classy. Like you.”

  “Right. I’m one classy broad, jumping barriers and tackling murderers when I’m supposed to be walking with my husband like a dignified lady.”

  Brooke, who was stretched out on the bed next to Angela, giggled. “Everyone in the world is talking about that tackle tonight.”

  “Great,” Sam said. It was wonderful to hear Brooke giggling like the girl she was once again. For a while after her harrowing night in the Springers’ basement, they’d had reason to wonder if she’d ever be the same as she’d been before. “It might be too sexy, but it’s the best I can do.” She fingered the key necklace that rested right above her cleavage. The bracelet Nick had given her earlier was on her wrist and the stylist had returned to wrestle Sam’s hair into a sexy updo.

  “Knock, knock,” Nick said as he came into the room, stopping to take a good long look at her in the dress he hadn’t yet seen. “Wow.”

  “I could say the same for you, Mr. Vice President.” She would never, ever get used to how incredibly sexy he looked in a tuxedo. Tonight he wore a white tie and vest under the black suit.

  “I’d say that’s our cue to get the heck out of here,” Tracy said. “You guys look amazing. No wonder the whole country is captivated by you.” She kissed Sam’s cheek and then did the same to Nick on her way out. “Have a great time.”

  “Thanks for keeping me company, ladies,” Sam said as she hugged and kissed Angela and Brooke.

  When they were alone, Nick came over to her and took a much closer look at the neckline that seemed to plunge more deeply than it had at the fitting. She’d have to tell Marcus to cover up the girls a little better next time.

  “Look at my gorgeous, sexy wife,” Nick said as he planted a kiss on the top of each breast. “You sure you feel up to this tonight?”

  She felt like hell. Her entire body hurt and her knees were on fire, but she was going to get through that one dance they’d agreed upon even if it killed her. And then she would come home and collapse. “I’m sure,” she said, fussing with the white bow tie that was perfectly tied.

  He offered her his arm. “Then let’s get going.”

  Downstairs, Sam was surprised to see Shelby waiting with Scotty to see them off.

  “What’re you doing here, Tinker Bell?”

  “I came to keep my buddy Scotty company while Mom and Dad are off to the balls, and I wanted to see you guys before you left. You look beautiful. Both of you.” She dabbed at her eyes. “Damned hormones.”

  “You’re still feeling better, then?” Sam asked

  “Yes, thank goodness.”

  “That’s good,” Sam said.

  Nick helped her into her coat and then she went to hug Scotty. “Have fun with Shelby.”

  “We always have fun.”

  “We aren’t going to be gone long,” Nick said.

  “Take your time,” Shelby said. “Avery is still working, so I’ve got nothing else to do but get my butt kicked in Call of Duty.”

  “She stinks,” Scotty said bluntly.

  “You’d better watch your mouth, my friend. I’ve been practicing.”

  “Uh-oh,” Scotty said with pretend fear. “Let’s go see what you’ve got. See you guys later.”

  “I’m a terrible mother because the nanny plays Call of Duty with him, and I don’t even know what that is,” Sam said while they waited for the Secret Service to give them the signal to go.

  “You’re not a terrible mother. You gave him a story today that he’ll tell for the rest of his life.”

  “About the time his oh-so-ladylike mother tackled a murderer during the inaugural parade.”

  “Yep, that’s the one. He loves you just the way you are. He told me the other day that he hoped you went back to work soon because that’s where you’re the happiest.”

  “I’m happiest with you guys.”

  “He knows that, babe, but he also knows you love your work. You’re setting a great example for him in so many ways.”

  “No, you are. I’m just giving him stories. Lots and lots of stories.”

  “You’ve also given him something he hasn’t had since he was six—a mom and a real home.”

  Sam looked up at him. “Will you teach me how to play Call of Duty?”

  Smiling, he said, “Sure thing. Whatever you want.”

  They were in the car when Lilia called. “What’s up?” Sam asked.

  “It’s a world gone mad. We’ve been overrun with media requests since your heroic feat today. Everyone—and I do mean everyone—wants you.”

  Nick tipped his chin in inquiry.

  “Everyone wants me,” Sam said. “Interviews.”

  “Ah, well, let’s do one.”

  “Pick your favorite,” Sam said to Lilia, “and set it up for next week.”

  “You’re going to make someone’s career with this one.”

  “In that case, let’s make it someone young and hungry,” Sam said.

  “I’ll do that. And by the way, Sam, that was some kind of awesome today. We’re all so proud of you.”

  “Aww, stop. My head is swelling and my husband would tell you it’s already gigantic.”

  Lilia laughed. “With good reason. Have a wonderful time tonight. I can’t wait to see the photos.”

  “Talk soon.” To Nick, she said, “She’s a lot cooler than she sounded that first day on the phone when she was all stuffy and official.” Sam frowned. “I hate stuffy, official people.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “How in the world did this happen to us?”


  “This. What we’re doing today, tonight. You’re, like, really the vice president.”

  “You’re just getting that memo?”

  “It just sort of finally and completely registered with me today when we were up on that stage in front of the entire world.”

  “If that doesn’t bring it home, I’m not sure what will.”

  “I’m so crazy proud of you. I hope you know that.”

  “I do know, but it’s nice to hear anyway.”

  Sam leaned over to kiss him and then wiped the lipstick from his lips. “Thanks for understanding why I need to keep the festivities to a minimum tonight.”

  “I totally understand and everyone else will too.”

  Outside the Washington Convention Center, they encountered another massive crowd of people hoping for a glimpse at the president and vice president. The crowd went wild when Nick and Sam emerged from the limo.

  He leaned in close to her and said, “That’s more for you than for me tonight, babe.”

  “It’s for both of us.”

  She held on tight to his arm as the Secret Service hustled them inside. Every step hurt, but she gritted her teeth, determined to get through this for him. He did so much to support her career. Tonight, it was his turn.

“Did I mention that I got to invite some of my favorite musicians to play tonight?”

  “No, I don’t think you did. Who’d you ask?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  The moment they stepped into the ballroom, they were surrounded by people wanting to greet them, to hear about what’d happened earlier, to take photos with them, to be part of them.

  Overwhelmed by the crush, Sam held on even tighter to Nick’s arm.

  Apparently sensing her dismay, Nick put his arm around her and she immediately felt better.

  “I’m afraid I owe my wife a dance,” he said to the leaders of the Democratic National Committee. “We’ll catch up with you later.” He took Sam’s hand and walked through the crowd of cheering revelers to the dance floor. “Look,” he said as he took her into his arms.

  She turned her head toward the stage, and Jon Bon Jovi waved to her. “Oh my God! You did not!”

  “I certainly did too.”

  Like he had at their wedding nearly a year ago, Bon Jovi played an acoustic version of their wedding song, “Thank You For Loving Me.”

  “Nick,” she said, overwhelmed all over again, this time by the amazingly thoughtful man she’d had the good sense to marry.

  “I’ve never been more thankful that you love me than I have in the last couple of months since I tipped our already crazy lives completely upside down.”

  “I love you so much, and I always will.”

  Right there in the middle of the dance floor, with the whole world watching, he kissed his second lady.

  * * *

  They were home two hours after they left, having made brief appearances at two other inaugural events. Shelby was watching TV when they came in, and jumped up to greet them.

  “How was it?”

  “Fun, actually,” Sam said.

  Shelby placed her hand over her heart. “I saw Bon Jovi on the news. Very well played, Mr. VP.”

  “I know the way to my wife’s heart.”

  “Jon kissed me this time.” Sam pointed to her cheek. “Right here. I’m never washing that spot again.”

  Nick threw her a look that had Shelby laughing.

  “Not even you can compete with Bon Jovi,” Shelby said.

  “Believe me,” Nick said, “I know. Thanks again for hanging with Scotty tonight. He wanted to go to the balls, but he has school tomorrow.”

  “I’m always happy to hang with him, and you’ll be glad to know I held my own with Call of Duty even if he still kicked my booty.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, he kicks mine too,” Nick said.

  “That does make me feel better. I’ll see you in the morning.” Lowering her voice, she said to Nick, “Everything is ready.”

  “Thanks for the help.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Wondering what they were taking about but too tired to ask, Sam said, “Have a good night, Shelby.” She headed for the stairs, dying to get out of the dress and the shoes so she could stretch out her aching legs.

  “Keep going,” Nick said, steering her past their room to Scotty’s room where they nodded to Darcy and went in to check on their sleeping son. “Come with me upstairs,” Nick whispered after they’d both kissed Scotty.

  “Not sure I’ve got the loft in me tonight, babe.”

  “Come with me anyway?”

  Because she’d go anywhere he asked her to go, she took his hand and followed him up the stairs. Candles cast a warm, romantic glow over their special place. A table had been set for two and covered dishes had been left for them. As the scent of something delicious reached her nose, Sam realized she was starving.

  “What’s all this?”

  “Our own private celebration of the inauguration and the closing of your case.”

  “How did you do this? When did you do it?”

  “I asked Shelby to help me out, and she called in a favor from her favorite wedding caterer. I know you’re sore and tired, so what do you think about dinner in bed?”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  “Are you in a lot of pain?”

  “Not right now. I took a pill earlier. I’m okay.”

  He helped her out of her clothes, wincing at the sight of the angry bruises on her side. “I hate to see you hurt. I hate it so much.”

  “I hate how much you suffer when I’m hurt.”

  Nick was so gentle as he tucked her into bed with a pile of pillows behind her. When she was settled, he delivered her dinner and a glass of champagne. “Can you have this with the pill?”

  “A little won’t hurt.” She glanced up at him. “You planned this whole thing, and I messed it up by getting hurt again.”

  “You haven’t messed up anything. You’re still here with me. That’s all I need.”

  Sam raised a brow. “So you didn’t have plans to ravage me?”

  “I never said that.”

  “Haha! I knew it.”

  Laughing, he stripped down to his boxers, and Sam enjoyed every decadent second of the strip show. “Quit your gawking and eat your dinner.”

  “I’d rather look at you.”

  “You can do both.” He brought his plate to the bed and stretched out next to her.

  “This is so good.” The tasty meal consisted of teriyaki chicken, pineapple, crisp red peppers and rice.

  “I remember how much you loved teriyaki chicken on our trip.”

  “You remember everything,” she said with a sigh. “Your lame wife is lucky to remember what happened yesterday.”

  “My wife is not lame. She’s the perfect wife for me, and the perfect mother for our son. We love her just the way she is, and we’ll keep telling her that until she believes us.” He put his plate on the bedside table and reached for his glass of champagne. “Mmm, that’s good.”

  “We need a toast.”

  “You’re absolutely right. Let me see…” He rubbed at the sexy end-of-the-day stubble on his jaw. “How about… To you and me and Scotty and the next four years in office. May we and all the people we love be blessed with health, safety, happiness, prosperity, success and love. Lots and lots of love.”

  “I will most definitely drink to that.” She touched her glass to his and then leaned into his kiss, looking forward to all the years ahead as long as she got to spend them with him.


  More than ten thousand police officers came from around the country to the District to help the Metropolitan Police Department lay to rest Detective Arnold John Arnold. The ceremony was touching and humorous and a fitting tribute to a life of service ended far too soon. Sam would never forget the sea of blue uniforms, the bagpipes, the eulogies delivered by his devastated older sisters or the sight of her entire squad acting as pallbearers for one of their own, led by Arnold’s grief-stricken but determined partner, Tommy Gonzales. Arnold’s parents had been presented with the department flag and his badge number had been permanently retired. He was posthumously promoted to detective sergeant.

  She wouldn’t forget the way regular citizens lined the streets as the hearse left the church to take Arnold to his final resting place. There were tears and tributes and toasts and songs and more tears. A collation was held at the Washington Convention Center, where Sam and Nick had danced at the inaugural ball a few days earlier. Food and drinks were provided for Arnold’s family and friends as well as all the officers who’d come to pay their respects. Chief Farnsworth personally greeted and thanked every one of them for coming.

  While they were at the funeral, Androzzi had appeared in federal court, and was charged with multiple counts of murder, including that of Detective Arnold, as well as human trafficking and sex crimes. He’d been ordered held without bail until trial. Mindy Cahill had rallied and was now out of the coma, and Jenni
fer Torlino had been released from the hospital. SVU had been working around the clock to take statements from the other women who’d been rescued from the warehouse, all of which would be used to build the case against Androzzi.

  Immediately following one of the saddest days of her life came one of the most joyous, the day that Scott Dunlap Cappuano legally and permanently became their son.

  With the sweep of a pen, a Family Court judge made Scotty’s adoption official. “Son,” he said, “I hope you know how lucky you are to be adopted by two people who will love and support you for the rest of your life.”

  “I do, your honor.” He looked at Sam and Nick, who were struggling to contain the overwhelming emotions. “I know exactly how lucky I am.”

  “As do we,” Nick said gruffly, releasing Sam’s hand to hug his son.

  Watching the two of them together, bonded to each other from the first time they ever met, Sam gave up on trying to contain the tears that wanted out. She might never get the chance to carry her own child, but this boy, this child of her heart, had made her a mother, and she would be eternally grateful to the curious twists of fate that had brought him into their lives.

  They returned home for a celebration that included their entire extended family and all their friends.

  “Crushing lows and soaring highs this week,” Freddie said to Sam when they were alone in the kitchen.

  “I know. We wondered if it was appropriate to do this the day after Arnold’s service, but Nick thought it would be good for everyone to have something to celebrate. And we didn’t have the heart to disappoint Scotty by postponing it.”

  “Life goes on,” Freddie said, taking a sip of beer. “I wanted to tell you that I thought your eulogy for Arnold was really nice yesterday. I liked what you said about him being everyone’s favorite kid brother. We could tell how much you cared for him. How much you care for all of us.”

  “I do care. Too much sometimes.”

  “You can never care too much.”

  “So when are you getting married?”

  “We’re not sure yet.”

  “What’d your mom say?”

  “She was happy because she knows I am. Maybe she wouldn’t have chosen Elin for me, but it’s not her life or her choice.”


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