Chasing Tomorrow

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Chasing Tomorrow Page 6

by S. J. McCoy

  Ben grinned. “You remember how he had his lawn service?”

  “Yeah, although seeing him mowing people’s lawns never seemed quite right to me.” She made a face at Pete.

  He shrugged. “You do what you have to do, until you can do what you want to do,” he said. “I had to start somewhere. Doing the lawns myself was necessary in the beginning.”

  “Yeah,” said Ben, “but it’s not anymore. Now he has a team of guys working for him and he just runs things.”

  “Ha! That’s more like it,” said Charlotte.

  “I agree,” said Pete with a smile. “And I’ve been spending some time today working out how to keep managing the business while I’m away at school in Austin.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “And what are you going to do, set up the same kind of business again there, too?”

  “I don’t know yet. I might, but I don’t know what the market’s like there.” He grinned. “And I don’t know what other opportunities might be better down there. It’s not that I want to be in the lawn service business; it’s just that it was the best opportunity I could get into here.”

  “You’re going to be one of those mogul type people, aren’t you? When we all get together in twenty years’ time, you’re going to be a multi-millionaire president of some big company. I know it,” said Charlotte.

  Pete grinned. “That’s the plan.”

  Ben laughed. “You and your plans.”

  Charlotte poked him in the ribs. “You can’t say anything, you’re just as bad.”

  She turned around at the sound of a car approaching. It was Emma and by the looks of it, she’d brought Michael and Missy with her.

  Ben smiled at them as they got out, but his mind was still on what Charlotte had just said. He didn’t see himself as being like Pete. Pete had to plan and control everything. Ben didn’t. It was just that he knew what he wanted in life. He wanted Charlotte and he wanted to run the resort. More than to run it, he wanted to grow it, expand it, and make it more successful.

  “Hey, everyone,” called Emma. “How are we doing?”

  “Great thanks,” said Charlotte. “We had a wonderful weekend. “How about you?”

  Emma smiled. “Mine was wonderful, too. It might not have been as exciting as yours, but I spent the last couple of days turning my favorite book into a screenplay.”

  Ben smiled. Emma was a sweetie. She was still a little timid around people, though she’d come a long way since they were kids. She preferred to stay in her book world than the real world most of the time.

  “Oh, wow!” said Charlotte. “Are you thinking you want to be a screenwriter then?”

  Emma shrugged. “I don’t know yet. I’ve been studying screenwriting ready for my courses in the fall, and I thought I’d give it a go. I really enjoyed it. It would be wonderful if I could do that for a living. I would be one happy bunny.”

  Michael laughed. “Well now you’ve figured that out, it looks like we all know what we’re doing.”

  Ben looked at Charlotte, wondering how she would react. It was true that all the others knew what they wanted to do. Pete would run whatever business he came up with. Michael was going to be a doctor like his dad. Missy was going to school for Psychology so she could go on to take her Masters and become a guidance counselor. He was going to run the resort. But, Charlotte? What was she going to do? She caught his eye and smiled. It was something that they’d often talked about. She usually said she was just going to help him with whatever was needed at the resort. She hadn’t even decided what she was going to major in at college yet.

  “What about you, Charlie?” asked Missy. “Have you decided?”

  Charlotte shook her head. “No. I think I’m just a late bloomer. I’m hoping inspiration will strike out of the blue one day and my calling will become apparent.”

  Pete laughed. “I thought your calling was to be wife and mother?”

  Ben sucked in a deep breath. He knew she wasn’t going to like that. She wanted to be something in her own right, and she kept making it clear that she didn’t want kids until later in life—much later.

  “Well, think again, Hemming.” Charlotte laughed, but there was an edge to her voice that Ben could hear, even if no one else could. She slid her arm around Ben’s waist. “I’m looking forward to being a wife, and we’ll get around to the kids thing at some point, but I am my own person, too. Maybe I’ll become a journalist and travel the world, or work for the diplomatic service or something. I don’t know yet, but there’s no rush.”

  “Sorry, you’ll figure it out in your time.” Pete gave Ben an apologetic shrug.

  Ben smiled and hugged her into his side. “We all figure it out in our own time.”

  “We do.” Emma smiled at Charlotte. “And whenever you figure it out, I’m sure it will be something amazing.”

  “Thanks, Mouse.”

  Missy looked at Ben. “Could you stand to leave here?”

  Ben shook his head. “I don’t want to.”

  Charlotte looked up at him. “What if I do decide to become a journalist who travels the world?”

  That took him by surprise, he’d thought she was only joking about that. “But you’re not going to are you?”

  “I don’t know yet, that’s the whole point, isn’t it? That I get to work out what I really want.”

  He nodded. “Yeah.”

  “So if you work out that you really want something that means you can’t stay here; does that mean Ben would have to give up everything he really wants?” asked Pete.

  Ben shot him a warning glance. He didn’t want this turning into an argument. He should have known better, though. Charlotte was giving the question serious consideration, not taking offense that Pete had asked.

  She smiled up at him. “We’re a couple, we love each other. I believe we’ll always work it out between us.”

  Ben leaned down and pecked her lips. “Me, too.”

  “Aww, isn’t that sweet!” said Michael with a laugh.

  Ben laughed, too. “You’re just jealous.”

  “I am,” said Emma. “I just hope I’ll be as lucky as you two someday. I’d love to think I could be part of such a great couple someday.”

  Missy laughed. “You’d have to brave enough go out with someone first, Mouse.”

  Emma stuck her tongue out at her. “I’ll get there, but like Charlotte, I’ll do it in my own time, thank you.”

  “That’s right,” said Pete. “You just keep waiting for your Mr. Right, Em. Someday your tall, dark, handsome stranger will come and sweep you off your feet.”

  Emma laughed. “I can hope. Anyway, what’s everyone doing next weekend? Gramps wants to have a big get-together up at our house.”

  “I can’t,” said Pete. “I’m going to Austin with my folks. We’re going to look at apartments.”

  Ben raised an eyebrow. “I thought you had that all figured out ages ago?”

  Pete laughed. “I did, but I made a deal with my dad that if I find a cheaper place, he’ll still give me the difference. If I can save a couple of hundred on rent every month I can invest it in my business instead.”

  Ben nodded. Part of him wished that his parents were able to contribute to his rent. He squashed that thought as soon as it arose though. They weren’t able, because they squandered all their own money on traveling and having fun. They were contributing something much more valuable than money to his education anyway. They were giving him a shining example of how not to manage his own life!

  “What about the rest of you?” asked Emma.

  “We’re in, aren’t we?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow at him.

  Ben nodded. “Of course. It’ll depend what time I get off work, but we’ll be there.”

  “Same for me,” said Missy. “As soon as I finish work.” She looked around at them all and then wrinkled her nose. “Would anyone mind if I brought Travis?”

  Ben exchanged a glance with Pete who said, “I will! Since I’m not going to be there.”
/>   Missy laughed. “That’s why I thought of it. It’ll be a lot easier to bring him if I know he’s not going to be subjected to interrogation.”

  “Don’t bank on it,” said Michael. “Pete’s not the only one looking out for you.”

  “No, he isn’t,” said Ben. He wasn’t proud of the fact that he didn’t like the idea of Travis coming out to Gramps’ place. Missy was one of his best friends and that guy just wasn’t good enough for her. He was a lowlife as far as Ben was concerned.

  Missy shrugged. “I know you’re all looking out for me, but he’s not that bad. It’d be nice to feel I could bring him out if I wanted to.”

  “Do you want to though?” asked Charlotte.

  Missy shrugged again. “I don’t know. I’m not so sure about him, I think I just want to feel like I had someone I could bring.” She smiled. “I guess it’s you two. I’m comparing me and Travis to you and Ben, and the comparison doesn’t give me the warm and fuzzies.”

  Michael laughed. “Being around these two makes us all feel inadequate. They’ve got it all figured out, and they’re living their happily ever after already.”

  Charlotte laughed. “We’re not though, are we? I mean, yes, we’ve got it all figured and we’re together, but until we go away to Uni, we’re stuck here. Each of us living under our grandfather’s roof.”

  “You can stay here this week if you want,” said Pete. “My folks are going to Denver tomorrow and won’t be back till Thursday. Then we’ll all be in Austin until Monday.”

  Ben grinned. That was even better than he’d hoped!

  “Yes, please!” said Charlotte. She went and gave Pete a hug. “You know you’re not my favorite, but you do come in handy sometimes.”

  Pete shook his head as he hugged her back. “You’re welcome. I think. You’re not my favorite either, but at least you speak your mind. I do like that about you.”

  Ben smiled to himself. He didn’t think Pete and Charlotte would get along at all, if it weren’t for him, but he was grateful that they did.

  Chapter Nine

  Charlotte woke early on Saturday morning. She snuggled into Ben’s side as he slept on beside her. This week had been wonderful. They’d stayed here at Pete’s cabin, down by the water. This was how their life was going to be when they went away to college. It was getting closer. Just a few more weeks now and they’d pack up and go. They were going to find an apartment when they got there. Granted, it wouldn’t be quite like this, the cabin was wonderful, tucked away on its own private cove, out of sight from the main house. Not that it had mattered this week. Pete’s parents weren’t around—and they, just like her own grandparents and Ben’s Grandpa Joe, knew she and Ben were staying here. It was a strange situation in some respects. Yes, they were only eighteen, but they’d been together forever and everyone knew they were going to get married someday. They were still kids in some respects, but they were a couple and the adults around them had accepted them as such for the last few years.

  Ben stirred beside her. He’d need to get up and off to work soon. She would, too. She was working the early shift at the restaurant so they could get over to Gramps’ house this afternoon. She was looking forward to the big cookout. Ben’s parents were coming and she was looking forward to spending some time with them. She’d seen them a few times since she’d been here, but it was only ever for a few fleeting moments here and there, since Ben never wanted to hang out with them. It would be different today since there would be so many people around. She could chat with them without forcing him to have to do the same. Whenever they were at Gramps’ place, he liked Ben to be his assistant at the grill. So it should work out well. She’d always hoped that she could someday be the force that brought Ben and his parents closer. She knew he loved them, and despite how he sometimes felt, they loved him, too. It was just that they were so different. Charlotte felt that over the years she might just be able to bridge the gap between them.

  He curled his arm around her waist and drew her closer. “G’morning,” he mumbled.

  “Morning,” she said with a smile and planted a kiss on his lips.

  He drew her closer still and pressed his hard body against hers.

  “Mmm,” she breathed as she felt his hard-on pushing at her. “Do you have time?”

  He ran his hand down over her side. “I always have time for you.” He propped himself up on one elbow and drew her underneath him.

  She slid her arms up around his neck and pulled his head down to kiss him, spreading her legs wide as he positioned himself above her. “I can’t think of a nicer way to start the day.”

  “Me neither,” he said as he rocked his hips against hers. He cupped her breast and began to tease her nipple with his fingertips, making her gasp. That felt so good. She rocked her hips in time with his, eager to get rid of his boxers and her panties.

  His hand slid down over her rib cage, tormenting her as he walked his fingertips slowly down until they found their way between her legs. She moaned when he began to stroke her. This wasn’t fair. She slid his boxers down and slowly trailed her fingers up and down the length of him. He was hot and hard and fully awake. He slid a finger inside her making her gasp, it felt good, but not as good as she knew he would feel. She tightened her fingers around his shaft and slowly pumped her hand up and down. It had the effect she’d known it would, making him withdraw his own hand so that she could guide him toward her. The feel of him pushing at her slick entrance was more than she could take. In the same moment he thrust his hips, she thrust hers up to meet him, taking him deep as he drove home. They both gasped as their bodies became one.

  He set up a wild rhythm, pounding into her. She moved with him, her hips bucking wildly, joining him at every thrust. She loved the way he made love to her; he was gentle, but at the same time he held nothing back. He gave her his all and took everything she had, everything she was. Her heart and soul were as open to him as her legs were and she willingly let him in to every part of her being. He squeezed her nipple between his finger and thumb, sending shock waves racing through her. All the sensations intensified until her muscles tensed and her orgasm took her. She felt his release deep inside her, their bodies straining together as they rode the waves of pleasure.

  ~ ~ ~

  Ben flipped the burgers and looked out at the crowd. It really was quite a crowd, too. There were people milling all around the lawn in front of Gramps and Grandma’s house. Those two did love to have people over. He caught sight of Emma standing chatting with them. They’d raised her as their own since her parents, their son and daughter-in-law were killed in a car crash. He caught sight of Joe going over to join them. Gramps turned to him and slapped him on the back. Those two were best buddies. He gave a shrug. It was kind of the same situation. Joe, his grandfather had raised him, just like Emma’s grandparents had raised her. It wasn’t the same though. His parents weren’t dead—they just didn’t want the responsibility of being full-time parents!

  He caught sight of them. Of course Charlotte was with them. They were all sitting on the picnic bench down by the dock. They were chatting and laughing. He flipped the burgers again. He should be happy that they got along so well. His parents loved Charlie. He had no doubt about that whatsoever. He should be grateful—not jealous!

  “You’re going to burn them!” he turned to see Michael grinning at him.

  “No, I’m not. Gramps trusts me to do them because I never burn them. Unlike some people.”

  Michael laughed. “Yeah, and more fool you.”

  Ben raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean it’s like laundry or dishes or anything else, isn’t it? If you do them well, then people are going to ask you to keep doing them. If you mess them up a couple of times, then it’s easier for people to just get on and do them themselves.” He waggled his eyebrows. “At least that’s what my mom tells me.”

  Ben shook his head. Michael was a charmer. He could talk his way into or out of just about anything. It wasn’
t the same for Ben though. He didn’t have a mom who would do his dishes or laundry. If he didn’t take care of them himself, they just didn’t get done. Most of the time his parents weren’t around, and even when they were, his mom wasn’t exactly the domesticated kind. “You’re going to have to learn fast when you’re out on your own, you know.”

  “I know. I know how to do stuff. I was just trying to have a laugh with you. Lighten up.”

  “Sorry.” Ben put the spatula down and rubbed his hands over his face. “I guess I need to. I’m just feeling a bit sorry for myself, that I’ve never been able to wiggle out of doing stuff, because there’s no one for me to fall back on.”

  Michael’s smile faded for a moment, but then it was back. “You might not have had anyone till now, but that’s all about to change, isn’t it? You and Charlotte are going to have each other’s backs. You’ll take care of each other.”

  Ben smiled. They would. And he couldn’t wait. It wasn’t that he wanted, or needed, her to take care of him. He was looking forward to taking care of her!

  Michael followed his gaze to where Charlotte was sitting with his parents. “Anyone would think she was their daughter and you were the boyfriend.”

  Ben blew out a little sigh. “Isn’t that the truth!”

  “At least they love you.” Michael jerked his head to where Charlotte’s grandparents were getting out of the car. He watched them walk over to join Charlotte and his parents. “They love everyone. They’re awesome people.”

  “Yeah, but they especially love you. They can’t believe their luck that their little granddaughter is going to be staying in the States, coming to live here at the lake and that she’s got herself a rock solid, stand-up guy to take care of her.

  Ben turned to look at him, wondering if he was mocking him.

  Michael held both hands up. “No kidding. I mean it. Think about it from their point of view. From what I understand, her parents are no better than yours. That’s got to be hard for grandparents to worry about. You’re the best thing that could ever happen to her as far as they’re concerned.”


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