Druid Animal Oracle Deck

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by Carr-Gomm, Philip

  Meaning Bo opens us to an awareness of the Goddess. Her generosity, healing and nourishing power is present all around you - in your friends and children, in your food and drink, in your dreams, and particularly in the natural world that you are blessed to live in. She brings protection from all harmful influences, and by attuning to her presence you can gain the inestimable benefit of deep and peaceful sleep. By opening yourself to Bo and to her sacred quality as a manifestation of the Goddess on earth, you will be connecting to the perpetual stream of nourishing energy that flows from the Goddess to each one of us. To experience this, there is nothing you need to do.

  Reverse meaning This card may be calling you to examine the ways in which you give to the world. If you believe your resources are limited, then you will be anxious about giving fully from your heart, but if you know that you are one with all of Creation and all of nature then you will be able to give fully and freely. But you can only give if you are also able to receive. How easy is it for you to receive the love and concern of others?

  Meaning The spirit of Each calls us to journey, to travel. This may manifest itself as a desire to travel in the physical world, or we may be drawn to voyaging in the inner realms. She brings us energy and speed and connects us to the power of both the land and the sun. The Horse Goddess is patroness of the complete life cycle of birth, death, the afterlife and rebirth. By working with the spirit of Each, we will grow to feel comfortable with every aspect of the life cycle, knowing that the Goddess protects and guides us through each of its stages.

  Reverse meaning The horse may be asking us to look at the roots of our restlessness. If we have difficulty settling down, staying in one place or completing tasks, it may be that we have not fully accepted the flow of the life cycle and our part within it. Attuning to the spirit of the horse may help us to connect with our sense of place in the world - with the spirit of the land beneath us and the sky above us.

  Meaning Drui-en allows us to glimpse the beauty of God or Goddess in all things. He tells us that 'small is beautiful', and that self-realization lies not in grandiosity or apparent power, but in humility, gentleness and subtlety. Cunning, if tempered with humour and good intent, is a way of achieving great things with an economy and effort, and a rational and honest use of the achievements of others.

  Reverse meaning This could indicate that you need to look at whether your humility and gentleness actually render you invisible to others. Are they your way of defending yourself from life and from others, rather than facing life and its difficulties? Perhaps you also need to look at how you use your cunning, your native wit. It is easy for the habit of building on the work of others to become a dishonest exploitation of others' achievements, just as it Is easy for cunning to become malign rather than benign. Remember that the story of the wren and the eagle can also be interpreted in a way that sees the wren as a cheeky and dishonest 'upstart' who naively believes he can fool others and win status for himself through his ruse. Cleverness and building on the work of others require wisdom and honest skill if they are to be of value.

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  Meaning Draig-uisge brings that which is hidden into the light of day. Memories and wishes, which may have long lain forgotten or repressed in the Unconscious, may emerge to frighten or overwhelm you with their apparent negativity or destructiveness. Facing these experiences with compassion and courage will, in the end, bring you to an experience of a greater depth of soul and a greater sense of connectedness to all life. Although you may at times feel overwhelmed with emotion, with time you will be able to achieve a sense of balance and stability, as these strong feelings are integrated in your consciousness.

  Reverse meaning The Water Dragon is warning us to approach an exploration of our psyche and our past with caution. The conscious self can absorb the impact of only a limited amount of repressed or unconscious material being released into awareness. It is wise to work fractionally, little by little, to integrate unconscious material into consciousness. It is often best for healing and wholeness to be achieved slowly. Beware also of allowing your emotions to rule you in a way that later you will regret.

  Meaning Droig-talamh brings us face to face with our potential. Within us we have a treasure house of riches - of powers and capacities - which we can learn how to use. In the past we may have been denied access by the guardian of this treasure. But now we are coming to understand that this sometimes fierce guardian is in reality an aspect of ourselves. By coming to know and love the Earth Dragon we will be able to unlock the secrets of our heart, and at the same time we will find ourselves discovering the beauty and the power that lie within the hearts of those around us and in the very earth itself.

  Reverse meaning Perhaps, somehow, you are relating to your inner reserves and potential in an inappropriate way. Draig-talamh guards the treasures of your soul fiercely, but he is your ally, not your enemy - do not try to kill him, and do not try to wrest the treasure from him. You may need to spend time befriending this creature who has slumbered in your soul for so long. A precipitous attempt to capitalize on your talents or express your potential may be unwise.

  Meaning Coming into contact with Draig-athar can be as a bolt of lightning to the psyche and intellect - and as such must be treated with care and considerable respect. Sometimes manifesting as sudden flashes of illumination, the Air Dragon brings insight and clarity to your thought and imagination. As conveyor of numinous power, the Air Dragon can be seen as a symbol of visitation - for he is a messenger of the Sky God.

  Reverse meaning You may be in danger of becoming the servant of an idea, dogma or belief system. Contact with spiritual concepts and energies can sometimes stimulate the intellect in a way that produces inflation and delusion. To avoid this, constant reality-testing in the everyday world of relationships and practicalities is essential.

  Meaning Draig-teine brings vitality, enthusiasm, courage

  and an increased ability to overcome obstacles and to find the energy to cope with life's problems. Having the powerful Fire Dragon as an ally will align you with the qualities of leadership and mastery. With care, he will fuel your inner fire, which can be directed and channelled, with laser-like precision, to help you accomplish tasks and achieve objectives.

  Reverse meaning Are you repressing a lot of anger? If so, you may feel that you're not in control of your life energy. Either this energy seems out of control, or you sense it as scattered or dissipated. Do you often lack energy and vitality? Do you find it hard to get excited or motivated? Or, do you have too much nervous energy, making you overexcited and unable to relax? Whether you have too much or too little energy, developing a harmonious relationship with the Fire Dragon will help you. If you lack energy, you may need to ask the dragon to give you a little more of the treasure he is guarding. Or, if your energy level is too high, you could ask the Dragon to take charge of some of your energy, sure in the knowledge that you will be given access when you need it. Draig-teine can be dangerous, but if the inner rage that has been repressed for so long can be expressed and worked with in therapeutic setting, he can become a powerful ally.

  Meaning Ron calls to you from the seal people of the sea. The Dan nan Ron - the song of the seals - frightens many who hear it. Its mournful and human sound stirs the heart of the listener to the core. It is a call to us from the depths, from the Unconscious, from the waters of our birth, from our beginnings on earth, from our brothers and sisters in the animal realm who are closer to us than we dare imagine. We fear this call, anxious that we may be drowned, overwhelmed by our feelings. Do not let your intellect imprison your heart, as the human imprisons his selchie spouse - the magical seal. Opening yourself to the promptings of the Unconscious, of the Feminine, of your dreams and longings, will bring transformation, healing and love into your life.

  Reverse meaning You may be facing a dilemma, whichever way you turn could involve risk and potential loss, and yet you know you must make a choice. The seal speaks of the longing of the heart, of true l
ove, of a sense of humanity and goodness. In the end, these should be the determining factors in your choice. Although the seal may represent loneliness and separation, as the selchie imprisoned on dry land, the time will come when she will be released and will act as a guide and companion through the watery realm of the emotions and the Otherworld.

  How to Use the Cards

  Serpent and Z-rod carved on a stone , from Aberdeenshire

  The Druid Animal Oracle does not predict the future. Instead, it offers ideas and suggestions that may provide you with insights into your own life or the events surrounding you. These insights can help you take responsibility for your life rather than passively accepting your 'fate' or 'destiny'.

  To get the best out of the Oracle, it is important that you use it at times when you are able to be reasonably detached and objective - so that you can weigh its words against your own intuition and knowledge, and so that you can note the relationships between the cards given in the spread. Some people like to spend a few moments settling themselves and getting into the right frame of mind before using an Oracle - perhaps lighting a candle, closing their eyes and letting go of everyday cares and concerns by taking several deep breaths. A Druidic way of doing this is to sense the earth beneath you, allowing yourself to develop a strong sense of connection with it, and then becoming aware of the sky above you while focusing on your breathing. You can then open yourself to feeling the earth's energy and the sky's energy meeting in the centre of your body (which is usually felt as the Solar Plexus). When you feel ready, open your eyes. You are now prepared to start the reading.


  It is important to formulate a clear question in your mind before consulting the Oracle. It is tempting to skip this part, but if you have trouble formulating a question, ask yourself why this is. Maybe you do not have a question but just want some advice or guidance. That's fine - a request for advice is your question! But often there will be something worrying you, which is why you want to use the Oracle, and this initial stage of formu1ating a question is an integral part of the process of consulting the Oracle - it will help you to clarify your concerns, and it will also help you to interpret the cards more accurately.


  Some people worry that reversed cards are 'bad' or

  'unlucky' - this is not the case with the Animal Oracle. In most instances, a reversed card simply offers more challenge than one which is upright. So, turn half of the cards upside down and then shuffle the pack well, while holding the question in your mind. By using reversed cards as well as upright ones, the Oracle has the ability to give you sixty-six readings rather than thirty-three.


  There are two ways to select cards for a reading. The first involves spreading all the cards face downwards, like this:

  The second option is to hold the pack in your left hand, cut it from the bottom of the pack twice to the left, forming three piles, and then reassemble the complete pack from right to left, so that 1 is now the top third and 3 the bottom.

  The left represents the Unconscious and, in most people, the left hand is controlled by the right, more intuitive, side of the brain. In some people (usually left-handers), the reverse is the case and they might prefer to use the right hand, cutting the pack to the right.

  With the first method, you can now choose cards one at

  a time from the row spread in front of you, to build up the spread. With the second method, you can lay the cards out in the sequence required for the spread, starting with the top card and working down through the pack.

  Both methods allow moments for the Spirit or your

  Unconscious to choose the right cards: with the first method, during the selection of each card from the row; and with the second method, during shuffling and cutting the cards - with the exact places where the pack is cut being decisive.


  The simplest way to work with the Oracle is to shuffle the pack as described above, and then pick one card. Your question, as you shuffle and pick the card, may be a general one, as simple as, 'May 1 receive some inspiration for the coming day?' or it may be as specific as, 'What is it that is holding me back?'

  Working with one card at a time is an excellent way to develop a familiarity with the sacred animals and their meanings, and can also be used to provide insights for a daily meditation. After you have read the interpretation, try to open yourself to any message the animal may want to convey to you personally. Gazing at the card, or visualizing the animal with eyes closed, you may be able to smell it, to feel it breathing, to touch its fur or skin or feathers. Gradually you will develop a relationship with each of the animals, and your readings will become more complete and intuitive as they become dialogues with the animal spirits or, when using more than one card, a conference of animal guides.

  You can lay a number of cards out in a spread to explore specific questions or to provide a general reading. The Druid Animal Oracle (1996 edition) provides more information about the lore associated with each animal, and gives details of six spreads you can use.


  To gain an overview of a situation, and an insight into the reasons why it has arisen and its effects on both the emotional and the physical level, choose three cards and lay them out like this:

  The first card represents the cause, dynamic, impulse, guiding idea, or motive behind a situation or event. The second card represents its effect at the emotional, social, or relationship level. The third card represents its effect at the physical level of manifestation - in the body or the concrete tangible world.


  To begin with, you will need to use the keywords and interpretations given for each card (see earlier). If you are interpreting a reversed card, read the first paragraph of the interpretation as well as the second. You may also like to read the reversed card's meaning even when you have drawn it upright - for sometimes it can represent a 'shadow' or hidden side of the issue being considered.

  One way of understanding the Oracle is to see it as an expression of the totality of your being and its potential. Like a diamond with thirty-three facets, each card can be seen as a symbolic representation of one facet - one part of yourself. When you do a reading, or a reading is done for you, a number of facets are highlighted, but it is important not to forget the whole.

  Once you have read the keywords and interpretations, and related these to their positions in the spread, take some time to look at any patterns or groupings that may exist. You may have a preponderance of birds or animals related to one particular element or quality, for example. Or you might have related animals in significant positions within the spread.

  A summary of groupings is given opposite. You may wish to add your own, or alter these groupings in accordance with your own intuitions and guidance.

  Always leaving room for exceptions, it can be said that generally a preponderance of air cards suggests intellectual and mental issues to be considered; of water cards, emotional issues or factors; of earth cards, practical matters; and of fire cards, issues of energy and will. A number of dragons appearing in one spread may indicate a great deal of spiritual energy present in the issue being considered, and several reversed cards in a spread could suggest that there are a considerable number of challenges to be faced.



  Adder, Boar, Dog, Frog, Ram, Raven


  Bear, Boar, cat, Dog, Goose, Otter, Raven

  Fertility and creativity

  Adder, Bull, Cow, Goose, Hare, Ram, Sow

  Sensitivity to the Otherworld

  Blackbird, Cat, Crane, Frog, Hare, Hind, Horse, Owl, Raven, Seal, Stag, Swan, Wolf

  Connection with Faerie

  Cat, Cow, Hind, Swan, Horse


  Owl, Raven


  Cat, Hare, Hind, Seal, Stag, Swan, Wolf

/>   Journeying

  Crane, Dog, Horse, Stag, Air Dragon


  Cow and Bull, Boar and Sow, Stag

  and Hind, Hare and cat, Dog and Wolf



  Dragon, Adder, Bear, Boar, Bull, Cat, Cow, Dog, Fox, Hare, Hind, Horse, Ram, Sow, Stag, Wolf


  Dragon, Crane, Dog, Frog, Otter, Salmon, Seal, Swan


  Dragon, Bee, Blackbird, Crane, Eagle, Goose, Hawk, Owl, Raven, Swan, Wren


  Dragon, Adder, Eagle, Hare


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