Lady Lorena’s Spinster’s Society ( The Spinster’s Society) (A Regency Romance Book)

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Lady Lorena’s Spinster’s Society ( The Spinster’s Society) (A Regency Romance Book) Page 11

by Charlotte Stone

  “Calvin,” she whispered.

  Then she felt her body all but plucked from Calvin and her back slammed into someone else. Her feet were off the ground and two strong arms held her in place. She gasped and placed her arms over the ones that held her.

  “She said no.” Ashwick’s steely voice was at her ear. “So, all of you may go.”

  “Not without securing Lorena,” Calvin said.

  Lorena sighed and looked around. “You can’t all truly think this seemly.”

  “We do,” Morris said with eyes that reminded her of a painting of calm seas. “We’ll not allow you to fall into poverty. You need a husband and any of us would be capable of taking care of you.”

  Lorena settled into Ashwick as she stared at Morris and said, “But none of you love me.”

  Morris grinned, Lorena’s stomach dropped, and he said, “I love you.”

  “So do I,” Julius threw in. He was leaning on the doorframe with his hands in the pockets of his breeches. His eyes were the only lavender pair Lorena had ever seen, which usually made it very hard for her to look away.

  Hugh said, “I think I speak for both Aaron and when I say that we love you as well, so choose.” His blue eyes held humor.

  Lorena looked around at the men and smiled sweetly at them. What woman in London hadn’t dreamt of this moment? Surrounded by titles, wealth, and beauty, a lady could easily find herself trying to take advantage of them and see if she could keep them all. But alas, the men knew they were safe in Lorena’s hand.

  “I choose… none of you.”

  There was a collective groan.

  Lorena went on, “One day, you will all fall madly in love with a woman and I cannot wait to see your faces and remind you of my good charity that I didn’t force myself upon you. I’ll not marry any of you,” she said, looking at them all. Everyone except for Ashwick. She couldn’t even see him.

  Ashwick slowly let her go and Lorena’s feet touched the floor, but he kept his hand on her hip and didn’t allow her to completely leave.

  She smiled even though all she wanted to do was run. The men had all cornered her and didn’t appreciate it. Especially not from Ashwick.

  But at her speech, all the men smiled at her.

  Then Calvin said, “I believe, Lady Lorena, you will be the only rejection that any of us shall ever get.”

  Lorena laughed and said, “Well, since not one of you actually proposed, much less asked for my hand, I do not believe it counts.”

  Calvin seemed to perk up at this and said, “So, if I were to ask—”

  “The answer is still no,” Lorena said with a smile.

  Calvin walked over to her, causing her to tilt her neck.

  Then he touched her nose and said, “I shall see you later, Ren.”

  “I cannot wait,” she replied and watched him leave.

  The other men said their goodbyes, some of them kissing her cheek. Julius, who was bolder, kissed her mouth. Then they were gone.

  Everyone but Ashwick.


  She turned around and glared at him. “How could you?”

  * * *




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  Ashwick grabbed Lorena as she took a step away from him, pulling her back in his arms.

  “No,” she shouted.

  He grabbed the back of her neck and leaned down.

  Her eyes widened, and their eyes locked. Hers, so beautiful.

  Her fingers wrapped around his arm, and he knew she was about to shove him away.

  “Kiss me,” he told her.

  She stilled and her eyes grew wider. Her breathing was rushed and she parted her lips, but no sound came out. She was watching him cautiously now, her anger gone.

  “Kiss me, Lorena,” he whispered.

  She frowned and he saw the battle returning to her eyes.

  The hand on the small of her back slid up her side, to her front, and he cupped her breast. Then his thumb gently swept over her nipple.

  The battle left her and desire took over.

  His mouth stopped a breath away from hers and she closed the distance. Her mouth was so warm and just as soft as the rest of her. His hand continued to play with her nipple as his other hand went into her hair, her neck, anywhere he could find skin. Her nipple rose to meet him.

  Lorena made a noise in the back of her throat and said, “I can feel you everywhere.”

  Her heated words turned his body to stone. “Where do you feel me?” he asked between kisses, between licking and sucking her mouth.

  She shivered in his arms. “There.” Her fingers grazed the hand that worked at her amazing breast. “And…” She trailed off and seemed to almost retreat.

  Ashwick said, “Show me.”

  Her eyes widened.

  His tongue grazed her lip.

  She shivered and slowly brought his hand to the center of her body and the place he most wished to go. “There,” she said in a voice heavy with want.

  He cupped her through her clothes. Her hands went to his shoulders and her head fell there as she panted. Her fingers dug through his jacket, and his pressed into the folds of her dress.


  He took her up in his arms and her legs wrapped around him in a second. Another second later and he took her down to the couch, proceeding to take her mouth with hunger.

  Lorena moaned and wiggled her body against his and her hands gripped his waist. Her frantic nature was almost Ashwick’s undoing but he refused to ruin another pair of breeches.

  He rose from her mouth like a man starving her air and said, “Calm down, my darling.”

  “Please,” she groaned, the second before the precious place between her legs rolled over his groin.

  “Oh, God!” Ashwick shouted and rolled off the couch and onto the floor. His entire body felt as though he’d broken into a fever. Never before had he wanted a woman so much but he would not take her on the couch where anyone could come upon them.

  As though he conjured them with his mind, Mrs. Matilda, Miss Maura, and the ever-present Mr. Sudworth appeared at the door. Sudworth’s eyes flashed with surprise.

  “Are you all right?” Matilda asked, glancing in their direction with worry. “I know how deadly it can be for you two to be in the same room.”

  Ashwick turned around and looked at Lorena. She was still laying on the couch and looked dazed, and if he admitted, a little weary.

  He turned to Matilda and decreed, “No one shall die today.” Though he couldn’t speak for his lower body, which still ached mercilessly. It was good that he had one leg bent while the other lay stretched before him, hiding the evidence of his arousal.

  “Excellent,” she said, walking further into the room, followed by Maura and even Mr. Sudworth.

  Sudworth was watching him, and Ashwick could tell that despite his unusually jubilant attitude. He’d also seen Sudworth present when Lorena first greeted all the men. He’d stood slightly at her back, and he’d never known him to be there. The moment Lorena cried Calvin’s name and had been wrapped in his arms, Sudworth had slipped away.

  He was loyal to his mistress all right.

  He felt Lorena move and turned his head to find her face still flushed and her hair a mess.

  “Oh, dear,” Matilda said. “Perhaps you should go rest until Mr. Taylor gets here. I would hate it if you were ill.”

  Ashwick didn’t think she looked ill. She looked like a woman well ravished to him.

  Lorena smiled at her aunt. “That’s won’t be necessary. I feel quite all right.”

  At least that makes one of us.

  As they began a discussion of colors and fabrics, Ashwick felt his body calm enough to rise.

  “Allow me, my lord,” Mr. Sudworth said. He held a hand out to him.

  Ashwick stared at him, took it, and

  Their eyes met.

  Sudworth grinned, but there was something in his eyes. “I must confess, I didn’t know you were still here.” He spoke low, so that the women did not hear him, holding on to Ashwick’s hand.

  Ashwick thought Zed hadn’t realized he’d left. “I was just on my way.”

  “I didn’t see you leave yesterday either,” Sudworth added, clear blue eyes staring at him.

  “I must have left when you were not at the door.” There was no way he’d tell the man he left through the back garden. If it became an issue, he would let the man know. Until then, he liked having his own way of escape.

  “When was this?” Sudworth asked. “I shan’t like to miss you the next time, my lord.”

  Yes, Ashwick thought. He would keep the hedge escape to himself. He would undeniably use it as an entrance if the man were going to give him a hard time. He couldn’t fight Sudworth for doing his job, but he did add, “Just mind the door. It’s what I’m paying you for.”

  Sudworth grinned. “Then I better do my job and see you out.”

  Ashwick smiled and chuckled. He finally pulled his hand from the butler. Then he turned and said to the women, “Good day to you all.”

  “Good day,” Matilda said.

  Maura smiled.

  Lorena didn’t even look at him.

  “Lady Lorena,” he called.

  Lorena lifted her eyes to him and said, “Yes?” Her expression showed none of what had just occurred between them.

  “I’ll return to collect you for our ride at one.”

  Lorena nodded and turned back to her aunt. “How many items do you think will be included in this… revelation?”

  Ashwick had no idea what she spoke of but headed to the door.

  Sudworth bid him a good day and closed the door soundly behind him.

  Ashwick decided he would do.

  * * *




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  Lorena was ready when Ashwick came to get her hours later, and she did nothing to hide the glare she was giving him when he entered.

  Ashwick lifted a brow. “What have I done now?”

  Besides being the most beautiful temptation in my life?

  He wore a clean dark jacket with matching dark breeches, a white shirt, and gray waistcoat that matched his eyes.

  Lorena said, “I’ve had time to think over what is happening here and have decided I don’t like it.”

  He walked toward her and stopped less than a foot away and lowered his voice, “What don’t you like, my love?”

  She liked that he called her ‘my love.’ She liked it too much. She liked him too much. And he broke her heart. “You can stop now,” she told him.

  His brow shot up again. “Stop?” Then, in a lower voice, he said, “I haven’t even touched you yet.”


  Lorena’s breath caught and her fingers curled into her hands. She glanced Sudworth’s way and said to Ashwick. “My butler is in the room.” She said this not to warn him that Sudworth would throw him out, though the men did look to equal to one another in height and strength, but so that Ashwick would not say anything that would embarrass her.

  Ashwick caught on and said, “Then you better dismiss him so that he will not witness what I do to you next.” His eyes darkened and Lorena’s knees went weak.

  She bit her lip and called herself all manner of weak when she told Sudworth, “That will be all.”

  Sudworth bowed, but stared at her for a moment. He said, “If you need me…” He didn’t finish, simply held her eyes.

  “Of course,” she said, giving him a genuine smile.

  Sudworth smiled back and left.

  Lorena turned to Ashwick just as his hands shot out and grabbed her hips. “No,” she hissed. “No more.”

  “Yes, more,” he growled. He rubbed his nose against hers.

  Lorena melted into him instantly, kissing him before he could tell her to do so and holding nothing back. Her arms went around him. Her body burned for him, and she gasped. “This isn’t right.”

  “What isn’t right?” he asked her, kissing along her jaw.

  Lorena shut her eyes tightly and said, “You’re just like them.”

  “Them?” Ashwick asked at her ear right before he took the lobe in his mouth.

  Lorena shuddered and tightened her arms. “The others. The Men of Nashwood. You’re one of them.”

  He leaned away and said, “Yes?” Confusion lit his stunning gray eyes.

  “You don’t want me,” she whispered.

  He stared into her eyes and said, “Lorena, I’m lost. What are you saying?” His hands settled against the small of her back and pulled her closer.

  Lorena fought against thinking about his body and concentrated on her words, her heart breaking as she spoke. “You’re like them. You came here this morning intent on bullying me down the aisle. Everything you’ve told me was just to secure my future and though it’s sweet, it’s not right.”

  He held her eyes a bit and Lorena stilled when his confusion turned into anger.

  “What did you just say to me?” he asked her, dragging her close until there was no space between them. Until her chest met his and her hips did the same. “What did you just say?” he asked again.

  Lorena was so surprised that she only blinked.

  But Ashwick didn’t say anything either, he only stared and seemed to be growing angrier. And even while enraged, he was beautiful. But he didn’t belong to her.

  She touched his cheek and said, “One day, you’ll meet a girl and fall in love with her, and you’ll reject ever having married me. I know why you wish to take me to the park today. You’re courting me. I won’t allow it.”

  Ashwick was silent for a length of time. His anger cooled slightly and he said, “You’re right about me courting you.”

  Lorena’s heart fell.

  “But you’re wrong about me and falling in love.”

  “How so?” she asked.

  Ashwick lowered himself until their foreheads met. While holding her eyes, he said, “I already love someone. You.”

  Lorena's heart quickened and her arms drew him even tighter, but she shook her head and closed her eyes, blocking herself from seeing only what she wished to. He loved her but so did everyone else. “I know you do, Ashwick, but it’s not enough. I mean that…” She leaned back, met his eyes, and said, “One day, you’ll fall desperately in love with someone and she’ll be the one.”

  Ashwick’s anger returned and he shook her slightly as he said, “I am desperately in love with someone. You! You think a man tells a woman that she is his haven when he doesn’t love her? You think he speaks of God and mountains and freedom to just anyone?” He let her go so quickly that Lorena almost stumbled.

  Then he prowled across the room and moved his hands through his hair. “I planned to propose to you a year ago.”

  Lorena’s hands went to her chest. “What?”

  “Yes,” he confessed with wild eyes. “An entire year ago, but then the accident happened, your parents died, and you went into mourning. I didn’t seek you out then because I knew it was not proper. I hate being proper, but I wanted you to have that time because my parents have been awful, but yours?” He walked back over to her and grabbed her shoulders. “Your parents were a gift far greater than anything a man could buy with a coin.”

  The sob that choked Lorena surprised her. In an instant, she was crying. He was right. While many mourned their family members for a year because it was the right thing to do, Lorena had mourned because it was the only thing she could do. She still mourned for them, and it was very likely she would forever mourn. She missed them terribly.

  Ashwick wrapped her up in his arms, and his hand stroked her back. He said nothing as she drew comfort from him. Holding Ashwick, Lorena found
it quite different than being held by her Aunt Tilda, who’d been with her during the first months in the country until she’d gotten called away. Ashwick’s arms were even different than Francis’, who’d also been there for her. She didn’t know how to explain that, but she knew it was there.

  And he loved her. Desperately, he’d said.

  He bent and picked her up and carried her over to the couch and settled her down. He took a position next to her and continued to hold her.

  “How?” she asked when she could manage to speak.

  Continuing to stroke her back, he asked, “I’ll need more words, my love.”

  She glanced up and met his eyes. “How could you possibly love me? We’re a disaster.”

  He smiled. “How could I not love you, Lorena? I know how you tried to take care of me during those country parties.”

  Lorena tucked her head away and grinned. “You were always so… reserved. I wanted you to feel at home.”

  He lifted her chin. “I did.” And Lorena felt everything those two words meant. She was his home. His haven.

  His finger trailed her wet cheeks. “You’ll never know how fortunate I felt to have your kindness. You’re sweet and you continuously give, even though you have nothing.” He wiped at her tears. “But all of those facts simply confirmed what I felt when I first saw you. I’m in love with you, and I’d have killed any man you’d chosen this morning who wasn’t me.”

  Lorena’s eyes widened. “But they’re your friends.”

  He leaned toward her and said, “I. Don’t. Care.” He was holding her eyes to make sure she understood his every word.

  Lorena said, “I wouldn’t want to set you against the others.”

  Ashwick grinned. “I’ll fight anyone who gets in my way.” Then he held her cheek and said, “Marry me, Lorena.”

  Lorena squinted her eyes and asked once more, “Are you sure this isn’t about me being nearly penniless?”


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