Shifter Royals 3: The Crown

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Shifter Royals 3: The Crown Page 10

by Leigh Walker

  “Isn’t that what reality television is?” Joely asked. “Consuming something that’s meant to be private. We’re voyeurs, all of us.”

  “My voyeuring is done for the evening. Good night, Joely. Try and get some rest.” I felt terrible for Dae. As much as I wanted to be cheered by the fact that Rhys had once again voiced his preference for me, I hated to see my friend in pain.

  As I hustled from the room, Roger, my bodyguard, stepped out of the shadows and followed me up the stairs. “Is it me, Roger, or have you only been watching me part-time? I never know when you’re going to pop up.”

  He gave me a gallant smile. “Sometimes His Highness needs me for other matters, and sometimes, like tonight because he is away, he has asked me to make sure that you’re safe.”

  “Ah, that’s very kind of him.” But after I said goodnight to Roger and sat alone in my room, I wondered if “kind” was really the correct term. After what Duncan had told me that afternoon, what did I know? I could accept that Rhys was trying to shield me from danger, but it felt as though he were deciding for me what I was capable of dealing with.

  I liked to make my own decisions. I was a grown woman, and a member of the royal court at that. As I’d told Rhys before, I had opinions. And I was not of the opinion that Jenny was a threat. She shouldn’t be made an example of because she’d done nothing truly wrong.

  We were living in fear of King Black finding out that she wasn’t the one who’d attacked Rhys. But if we kept cowering before the vampire king, the Realm would never really be free.

  I couldn’t hear Roger outside in the hall, but I knew he was still there. He would stay until dawn. It made me wonder if the werewolf king was locking me in or locking me out. It seemed to be a bit of both, which left me with an uneasy feeling as I prepared for bed.

  In contrast to my peaceful night’s rest in the tree house, I slept fitfully. Different words and images chased me. I feared I was feverish. First, my dreams brought me Rhys, who told me he loved me. Then they brought me Jenny, who looked small and frail, shackled to her prison of a bed. Next, there was Duncan, who seemed to slither toward me, talking out of two sides of his mouth. At first, he told me that he still found me too fancy for his king. Then in the next breath, he complained that Rhys was holding me back. Worse still was when Maya appeared, wearing a white lace frock and a veil. She was talking too loudly into a microphone, saying that she should’ve been chosen as the bride all along and that she would show us all.

  I woke with a start, my heart thudding. It was still dark. Rain pounded on my windows, and my heart sank. The sun wasn’t even up yet, and it already seemed as though it would be a long day.

  There was a knock on my door, and I made out Rhys’s outline in the semidarkness. He walked in, shoulders slumped.

  “What on earth are you doing here? You’re supposed to be with Dae!”

  He sat on the edge of my bed and put his face in his hands. “I’m afraid our date ended early, and it didn’t end well. Mira’s not very happy with me, not to mention Lady Phillips.”

  “Then you should retape your evening with her,” I said. “It hasn’t been broadcast yet, so there’s still time. You can make it right.”

  “I don’t think Dae would be too agreeable about that idea. The last thing she said to me was that she wanted to go home.”

  “Oh, Rhys. I’m sorry.”

  He lay back on the bed on top of the covers. “Were you watching? Did you see what happened?”

  “Yes. You were just being honest. I’m sure that wasn’t the answer she was hoping for, but it’s better to tell the truth. It might not be best for the ratings, though.”

  He put his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. “That’s what Mira said. She said I need to play the game. She thinks the episode will be too depressing for the audience.”

  I sighed. “It was a bit depressing. What was worse was Maya’s running commentary, though. She was vicious.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that.”

  I rolled over and looked at him. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, Maya’s commentary is not an issue. The crew told me she was being abominable. Mira has given her this role to appease her, but it means nothing to me. Maya can think she’s important, but she’s not. I sent her home the first time because I found her tiresome. I brought her back because she’s a liar who crossed me. The only reason she’s allowed out and about is because I made a deal with Mira. As far as I’m concerned, I owe Maya nothing. And once the show wraps, I might very well toss her back in the dungeon.”

  “Rhys. We talked about this—she didn’t commit a crime. She’s just annoying! But if she finds out that you don’t plan on honoring your agreement, you’re going to have a bigger problem on your hands.”

  “It doesn’t matter. She doesn’t need to know until it’s too late for her to do anything about it.”

  I wanted to argue further about the matter, but we had other pressing things to discuss. “I have something else I need to talk with you about.”

  “Can it wait, Tamara?” Rhys’s voice was flat. “It’s been rather a long day.”

  “It’s about Jenny.”

  He opened one eye and peered at me. “What about her?”

  “Duncan said you didn’t want me involved with what’s happening to her anymore.”

  He closed his eye. “That’s right.”

  I sat up and looked at him. “I care about what happens to her.”

  “And I care about what happens to you. Stay away from the vampire, Tamara. Nothing but trouble surrounds her.”

  I blew out a deep breath. “But she didn’t do anything wrong. You and I both know that.”

  Rhys opened the one eye again. “I also know that I love you, and that I will protect you from harm in all its forms.”

  “What if I don’t need your protection?”

  “What if you do?” He closed his eyes. “Good night, my lady. We can argue more about this some other time, when I’m not about to fall asleep. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” The werewolf began breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. It seemed the conversation was finished, but really, I was just getting started…

  I fell back asleep for what felt like only a moment, but when I awoke, Rhys was gone. I went to the window and saw that it was still raining. I glimpsed a large black wolf and a lean silver one disappearing into the forest from the edge of the grounds. I couldn’t be sure, but it looked like Rhys and one of his advisors, possibly Philip. Perhaps hunting would clear His Highness’s head. I certainly hoped so, because I needed him to hear me out.

  I was nowhere near done arguing.

  A Steady Rain

  Before Giuliana could bustle in, humming and talking of wedding plans, I had to get out of my room. I missed Elsa terribly. I also missed Eve and Blake. I vowed to sneak out and visit the Northern castle even though Mira Kinney had ordered us to stay put for the final days of filming. But if I saw Maya that morning, I might scream. I also knew that poor Dae was hurting and seeing me might make her even more upset. A quick visit to my friends in the North was what I needed to lift my spirits. I grabbed boots, heavy trousers, and a thick cloak. I pulled up the hood. I didn’t want anyone to see me, particularly anyone from the show. With the dark circles under my eyes and a rat’s nest of a hairdo, I looked as wretched as I felt. I definitely needed a change of scenery.

  Thankfully, Roger was nowhere in sight. I snuck down the stairs and outside without encountering anyone except for some staff who paid me no mind. But the werewolves who stood guard at the edge of the grounds were a different story. They glared from where they stood under the fir trees that somewhat shielded them from the steady rain.

  “Where do you think you’re going, Lady Layne?” one of them asked.

  I kept my cloak wrapped tightly around me. “I need to visit the Northern castle to retrieve my pet.”

  “Was this visit approved by His Highness?” the
guard asked.

  I wanted to say that I had approved the visit and that was all they needed to know, but I hesitated.

  Duncan suddenly loped across the lawn and joined us. “I’m not sure if His Highness has had time to speak with Lady Layne this morning. He’s out doing surveillance. But I’ll accompany the lady to the North. She’s quite a mess without her pet, as you can see from her outfit.”

  I scowled at him. “Gee, thanks.”

  He scowled back. “Gee, you’re welcome.”

  “Have her back on the grounds soon,” the guard said. “Mira Kinney told us none of the contestants are to leave the grounds. But as I don’t take orders from vampires, I’ll let this one pass, so long as you’ll vouch for her. But don’t get us all into trouble, Duncan.”

  Duncan bowed his head to the soldier then shooed me toward the woods. “Let’s go. If we stay out in this rain too long, I expect you’ll melt.”

  I pulled my hood up higher as we started into the forest. “That was awfully nice of you,” I told the werewolf. “Which makes me think you have an ulterior motive. What’s in this for you?”

  “Where is the trust, Lady Layne? I thought we’d become friends.”

  I sighed. “I’m not in the mood for playing games, Duncan. Why are you helping me get my gnome?”

  “I’m not helping you. I’m helping myself. The king has ordered me to be your bodyguard. He doesn’t take kindly to his instructions being ignored.”

  “What about Roger?” I liked my handsome, quiet, well-dressed bodyguard—emphasis on quiet—which Duncan most certainly was not.

  “Roger’s busy. And he’s not me.”


  Duncan shrugged his bony shoulders. “So His Highness wants you to have the best, and I’m the best. So there.”

  “Is His Highness particularly worried about my security today in particular for some reason?” I thought of what Rhys had said to me last night, his talk of needing protection.

  “Mmm, let’s just say that His Highness has his hackles up, so to speak.”

  I stopped walking. “What’s happened?”

  Duncan didn’t stop. “It’s classified, my lady. But we found something out in the woods yesterday, and let’s just say we aren’t taking any chances. He went out again this morning to see if he could find more tracks.”

  “Was it more vampires?” I whispered.

  “What part of ‘classified’ did you not understand, Missus?” He gave me a pointed look. “King Rhys does not want you involved in these matters, and you’re going to have to accept it. If His Highness wants to tell you something, that’s his business. My business is following orders, which right now means getting you your stupid furball back and returning you both to the castle in one piece. Yay me. A lifetime of service, and I’m babysitting socialites and gnomes. There’s no justice, I tell you.”

  He continued to mutter his aggrievements, but I tuned him out. Instead, I wondered what was happening in the forest. If they’d found traces of the vampire group, that meant the rebels could be close—that is, if these rogue vampires were in fact working with the rebels. Vampires on the grounds again, sneaking about the forest. I shivered. This news was not good.

  “Duncan.” I said, interrupting his grumblings. “King Black has been keeping a rather low profile since Rhys was attacked.” Now that I thought of it, I hadn’t seen the vampire king or any of his guards in days. “Does King Black know the truth, do you think? Does he already know that a group of vampires attacked Rhys? That it wasn’t Jenny? Do you think he’s just pretending to accept it as an explanation as he waits us out?”

  “You are asking me, I believe, whether or not King Black is playing a game with us.”

  “Yes. That’s what I’m wondering.”

  “I don’t know, Missus.” Duncan looked around and moved closer to me. He was careful to keep his voice low. “I also don’t know what, if any, involvement he may have had with the vampire attacks, but I have my suspicions. Rhys will have my head if he finds out I’ve been talking to you about this. Now don’t say another word—there are Northern guards up ahead.”

  I obediently shut my mouth, but my mind swirled. The whole situation was too tangential for me to sort at the moment. I would think it through later when I could pace alone in the safety of my room. But I couldn’t say anything about my fears to Eve. And I couldn’t confide in Blake… Could I?

  I’d been looking forward to visiting my friends, but my heart turned heavy as we left the forest behind us and trudged across the lush grounds of the North. The rain made the lawn soggy, and my boots squished in the thick grass. I saw Blake through the windows of the castle. She waved to me, but I thought I saw a flash of a frown cross my pretty friend’s face.

  She threw open the door. “Tamara.” Any evidence of the frown had vanished. “I’m so glad to see you!” She kissed both my cheeks and pulled Duncan and me inside. “You’ll catch pneumonia out there on a day like this!”

  We stood, smiling at each other, as Duncan and I dripped puddles into the entryway. Blake continued to smile, but she stood directly in the center of the foyer, blocking our entry inside the castle. I peered around her. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, of course.” She smiled brightly, her dazzling beauty lighting up the room. “Whatever could be the matter?”

  Duncan and I looked at each other. “Aren’t you going to invite us in?”

  “Ah, yes, silly me. Of course!” She stepped aside smoothly, but I caught a glimmer of something cross her face again. It was gone before I could be sure, but I thought it looked suspiciously like panic. “Eve and Balkyn are in the salon, along with Austin. They’ll be thrilled to see you.”

  “Go ahead, Duncan. I’ll just be a minute with my boots.” Duncan loped forward, and I bent down to undo my buckles. Once I was alone with Blake, I looked up at my friend. “You’re acting funny. Is this about the gnomes? Are you mad because I want Elsa back?”

  Blake surprised me by laughing. “Ha, no. They’ve been inseparable, though. They’ve been side by side every minute. Thank you for letting her stay with me. It means so much. Beast has been in heaven.”

  Once I removed my boots, I faced my friend. She frowned again, her pretty face twisting.

  “Aw, Blake, what’s the matter?” I asked. “You don’t seem at all like yourself.”

  She glanced toward the salon then back at me, her long blond hair swinging. “That’s because I’m not. I’m just worried, you see.” She lowered her voice. “King Black’s been locked in his war room these last few days, and Austin’s very upset. He even called Dallas and asked him to come.”

  Worry threaded through me. “What’s going on?”

  “I… I don’t know for sure. Only that King Black’s gone off about the rebels, and he’s planning something. He won’t include Austin in his meetings. It’s all been very tense.” Blake looked around nervously. “Will you come with me a minute? I don’t want to talk here.”

  I followed her down the hall, curious and filled with dread.


  Blake pulled me into a small study and locked the door behind us.

  “When did all of this start?” I asked. “When did King Black start isolating himself?”

  “It’s been a few days.” Blake shook her head. “I’m so sorry we still haven’t been to see Rhys. I feel terrible. But Austin forbade me from leaving the castle.”


  Her brow furrowed, and she rested her hand on her stomach. “He’s worried about me, and he wants to keep me close. But that’s not the only reason.”

  I suspiciously looked at her hand, which didn’t move from her flat belly. “Why’s he worried about you?”

  “Well, we might have some news.” Blake bit back a smile, and her eyes filled with tears. “I’m not one-hundred-percent sure, but…”

  “Blake!” I very gently but very firmly wrapped my friend in a giant hug. “You’re going to have a baby?”

  “I-I th
ink so.” Her cheeks were crimson as she pulled back and smiled at me. “It’s a bit different for vampires, or so I’m told. It’s in the very, very early stages, and Austin is so overprotective. We’re not supposed to tell anyone yet, okay?” Her gaze turned serious and searched mine. “Only Eve knows. We haven’t even told the king and queen and don’t plan to for several weeks, not until we’re sure. Can you keep it a secret?”

  “You have my word.”

  “Now I must give you my word about something. I’m only telling you this because you’re my dear friend and I’m very worried. Although I’m fully aware that I’m committing treason—”

  I shook my head. “You don’t have to tell me. Your safety’s the most important thing.”

  “My safety’s in jeopardy either way.” Blake took my hand and squeezed it. “Austin does not know for sure, but he’s concerned that his father has gone and made a terrible alliance. That’s the other reason he won’t let me leave the castle. He’s worried that it’s dangerous both here and in the Realm.”

  “What sort of alliance?”

  Blake started to pace. “It can’t be true, of course. But it seems that King Black has gone and done some dealings with the rebels. He’s made a bargain, we think, to save the settlements.”

  I swallowed hard. “And what does Queen Serena say about all of this? I haven’t seen or heard much from her lately.” Queen Serena was an ancient and traditional vampire. Honor and loyalty were of the utmost importance to her. She was very close to her husband and ruled alongside him, often guiding decisions and policy.

  “Haven’t you heard? She’s gone back.” Blake shook her head. “Austin said that she and his father had a disagreement and that she left for the settlements the next morning. It’s quite a big deal, and Austin fears that without her guidance, King Black will continue chasing folly.”

  I took a deep breath. “What exactly do you think he’s up to?”


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