To Trust a Cop

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To Trust a Cop Page 20

by Sharon Hartley

  “You have beautiful hands.”

  Startled, she jerked back, but he held on and raised her fingers to his lips. His breath, warm and soft, rocketed gooseflesh down her arms and legs. She let him nuzzle her palm against the stubble on his face.

  “I went nuts when I learned you’d left the safe house,” he said softly. “I was crazy with worry about you.”

  A prickle of guilt made her look away. She hadn’t wanted him to fret. Or maybe she had. She sighed and murmured, “I’m sorry if I worried you.”

  His lips curved into a crooked smile. He reached for her hand again and guided her onto the sofa beside him. After a moment he said, “Are you glad to be home?”

  “You know I am.” Focused on Cody’s thumb rubbing her skin in a languorous circle, she answered without thinking.

  “I’ve missed you. I think Johnny misses you, too,” Cody said. “That old dinosaur just loves to play cards.”

  “Quit trying to make me smile.”

  “But I love making you smile.”

  She couldn’t turn away from the intensity in his gaze. Butterflies...thousands of migrating monarchs...fluttered to life in her stomach. How did Cody do this to her? Pathetic the way he made her forget her pride, forget everything he’d done and said.

  She freed her hand and folded her arms across her chest, searching for something to say. “Annie’s worried about you. She says you haven’t been home in days.”

  “True. I’ve been spending nights in my car in front of the safe house.”

  “What?” Merlene searched his face, for the first time noticing the creases around his eyes seemed deeper. “You spent nights in front of my safe house?” Had that been him in the car at the end of the street?

  He nodded.

  “But why?”

  “I wanted to make sure Neville didn’t get to you, Merl.” Soft and seductive, his voice floated over her like silken wings. “That was the only way I could be sure.”

  “You never said anything.”

  “I thought it would worry you, that you wouldn’t trust the safe house if you knew. You were fine without me. I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “I see.” She sucked air deep into her lungs, hoping to steady the quaver in her voice. “Detective Warren needed to protect his star witness.”

  “Merlene. Please.”

  The hurt in his voice made her regret the sarcastic words. He pulled her toward him, and she didn’t resist, surprised by how much she welcomed his touch.

  “You can’t believe that was the reason,” he said.

  She turned her head into his chest and closed her eyes as he gathered her close. He felt strong, solid, warm. “I don’t know what to believe.”

  Being close to Cody made everything all right again. Somehow nothing mattered. Not as long as Cody stroked her back and rubbed his cheek against the top of her head.

  “Believe in me, Merl.”

  She shut her eyes tightly against his words. How could she believe in him?

  “You don’t believe in me, Cody.” She whispered the words, barely able to get them past a tight throat. “I know I’ve made mistakes, but...”

  Cody stopped her with his lips, kissing her hard, deeply, possessively, his fingers buried in her hair.

  When he pulled back, she was dizzy, unsure where the lines between them lay.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I acted like a jerk, and I was wrong.”

  He kissed her again, and she responded with a hunger that frightened her. No one had ever apologized to her before, or at least not about anything that really mattered... Not for hurting her feelings.

  That he’d slept in his car outside the safe house touched something deep inside her. His concern stirred to life the long-buried terror of a lonely child, intense longings for someone, anyone, to care what happened to her. With a rush of joy she knew that someone finally did. She released the buttons on his shirt, dimly aware that Cody’s fingers plucked at the front of her blouse. She slid her hands across his bare chest, relishing the feel of taut muscles beneath her fingers. No matter how hard she’d tried not to, God help her, she had fallen in love with this man.

  His hand encircled her breast, caressing, teasing her nipple. She arched into his touch and was lost when his mouth fastened on her other breast. She groaned his name, not recognizing her own voice.

  Ripples of pure pleasure moved with warm breath as he kissed across her neck, nibbling at the edge of her mouth.

  “Listen to me, Merl.” His voice was raw, edged with an emotion she couldn’t define.

  She opened her eyes when he cupped her cheeks with his hands. His bright blue gaze burned into hers.

  “I don’t care about your past. I want you just the way you are right now. We’ll move on from here.”

  Just the way I am? Dazed, she wondered if he meant it, but he sounded as serious as she’d ever heard anyone.

  His thumbs moved tenderly across her cheeks. “You’re beautiful and smart and sexy. So what if you don’t like to be broke?” He attempted a smile, but she felt his tension, his uncertainty.

  She ran her fingers across his pecs to his flat abdomen, watching his flesh quiver under her slow, light touch. She halted her movement at his waist. “No one likes to be broke, Cody.”

  “I never used to mind a lack of cash.” Cody inhaled deeply, and his belly moved beneath her fingers. “Now I think I do.”

  Merlene smoothed her hands up his broad forearms, intoxicated by the hardness of his body. “Why?”

  “Because you care a great deal about money. How will I be able to make you happy?”

  Merlene looked into his worried, questioning face. A glow of happiness spread from her center, dissolving the despair that had eaten at her since yesterday afternoon.

  “It’s not money I care about. It’s knowing I won’t starve.”

  He stared at her, not answering.

  “And I don’t think I’d need a lot of money if I had you,” she whispered.

  His mouth quirked. “You don’t think?”

  She grinned, loving the way his hands tightened in her hair. “I’ll prove it to you when you make love to me again.”

  * * *

  CODY GAVE UP RATIONAL discussion when she beamed the full force of her dimpled smile into his face. He felt as if he’d been zapped by a stun gun. “Whatever you say, ma’am.”

  Oh, he’d be glad to let Merlene prove her point. He’d been wanting to make love to her from the moment she opened the door.

  He gathered her against him, closing his eyes. He hadn’t lost her. They still had a chance.

  She worked feverishly at his buckle, then helped him shed his clothing. Never had a woman been more responsive to his touch, more eager to have him inside her.

  “Don’t be in such a hurry, Merl,” he growled, planting light kisses across her chin. “It’s better if we take it slow.”

  “Is it?” She arched her neck dreamily, her words sounding forced and far away. “I don’t see how it could get any better.”

  He raised his head and watched, fascinated by the pleasure transforming her face. Wanting to remind her how much better it could get, he slid his hand to the warm, moist spot between her legs. She arched and moved against him, breathing his name.

  Hearing his name with sweet pleading propelled him over the edge. He kissed her hard, her surrender exciting him beyond any control. Maybe they’d take it slow next time. He’d do anything to win her love, anything to... He groaned when she slid her hand searchingly toward his groin, seeking and finding what she wanted.

  Now he couldn’t wait, either.

  He sheathed and entered her, watching her face dissolve into wonder and passion equal to his own. She gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. As their rhythm increased
, she hoarsely encouraged him not to stop...then pulsed wildly around him as he emptied himself into her.

  When his heart stopped slamming against his ribs, Cody rolled over to take his weight off her. Could they never make it to a bed?

  He smoothed the hair away from her face to judge her mood. She smiled and nestled her cheek onto his chest. Cody relaxed against the cushions and closed his eyes, softly stroking her skin that felt like satin beneath his hand. He never wanted to let her go.

  He loved her.

  For the first time in his life, he wished he had more than he did, wished he had something to offer her. How could he even think of life with a woman who wanted to own nice things, to stay in one place, settle down? He’d always been able to change addresses in a couple of hours. He never had thoughts of saving for tomorrow because he never wanted to become a slave to cash, a victim of greed like his dad. It had been more important to repay the debt his father owed than save for his own future...a future he now desperately hoped would include an innocent Merlene Saunders, private eye, country singer and would-be teacher.

  But now, yeah, a place of their own would be nice. He wanted a home...a comfortable, modest home that Merlene could decorate in her own unique style. Breathing deeply, he envisioned a big yard with small children laughing and playing. Maybe a dog.

  What was it about Merlene that made him long for that stable life? Her bravado, her vulnerability, her willingness to help him through the pain over his father.

  She could quit the P.I. routine—he didn’t want her exposed to any more danger—and go to school full time to earn her teaching certificate. Wouldn’t take long. He’d help her study.

  How many kids did she want? He’d always hoped for at least two...but three would be better. She’d definitely have to get rid of that compact car. He’d buy her a minivan and...

  Yeah, right. With what? He must have lost his freaking mind. But they could work through all this together. That’s what couples did.

  “How’s D.J.?” he asked after a moment.

  “Better,” she said. “The rest did him good. What happened with Neville Feldman?”

  Cody sighed, hating to return to the subject that always created a wedge between them. “Duval County finally nabbed him. He’s on his way back to Miami.”

  “That’s good, right?” Her breath tickled his chest.

  “Yeah, but the feds want him now, too. Sean is acting as his brother’s attorney, wants him returned home and is demanding a quick preliminary hearing.”

  Merlene pulled back to look into Cody’s face. “Why the rush?”

  “Sean insists he can prove Neville’s innocence. He’ll probably be disbarred soon, but as you once pointed out to me—” Cody smiled “—suspending a license takes time.”

  “When’s the hearing?”

  “Could be next week.”

  “Next week?” She rested her head on his chest. “How could Neville’s case get on the docket that fast?”

  “Defendants are entitled to a speedy arraignment.” Cody tried to see her face. “Is that a problem?”

  She took a deep breath, her breasts moving against him. “Will I have to testify?”

  “I don’t know. That’ll be up to the prosecutor, Rafael Alvarez.”

  Looking worried, she bit her lower lip.

  Cody turned on his side and faced her. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Merl.”

  She smiled, but he saw the doubt in her eyes. Yeah, well, he had some explaining to do. He took a deep breath.

  “We pulled your phone records because we’re trying to determine Pat Johnson’s whereabouts the night of the murder.”

  “You can’t think she’s involved.”

  “There’s a possibility.”

  “Because she increased his life insurance? That’s circumstantial and ridiculous.”

  “Forensics have raised some troubling questions. The gun that killed Dr. Johnson isn’t the Glock in the video. Hopefully everything will be cleared up when Feldman is back in Miami.”

  “You’re sure there’s no mistake?” she asked. “Labs sometimes make errors.”

  “No mistake. Plus, the records show you received no out-of-state calls on either your landline or cell for a week before the murder.”

  Merlene remained quiet, obviously digesting this new information.

  “We’re still developing evidence,” he said into the silence.

  “Your people think I’m involved, don’t they?” she asked in a small voice.

  Cody hesitated before he answered. They’d reached a tricky area. “My lieutenant thinks you know more than you’re saying.”

  “Because I didn’t turn over the video right away?”

  “And because of forensics. We have a lot of holes in this case that we can’t figure out. I’m trying to plug them.”

  “I understand,” she murmured.

  “Do you, Merl? Do you really? Because—”

  “I get it that you’re still investigating. I do. I’m a detective, too, remember.” After a pause she said, “I just wish you’d told me.”

  “I couldn’t. I was under orders from my lieutenant not to.”

  “Because if I knew I were a suspect, I’d flee.”

  “That’s what Montoya thinks.”

  “I know what he thinks.” She inhaled a deep, shaky breath. “But what he thinks isn’t important to me.”

  Cody held his breath, waiting.

  “Why are you telling me now? Do you think I’m involved, Cody? Do you think I helped murder Dr. Johnson?”


  “That’s the truth?” she asked.

  “So help me God. And I’m working night and day to prove you’re innocent. Montoya has no evidence of your involvement, or you’d already be under arrest.”

  “I thought maybe that’s what the safe house was all about.”

  “I know you did, but it wasn’t.”

  “Cody, I swear I didn’t know anything about the murder. I would never have—”

  “And I do believe you, Merl. Trust me, I’m going to find the answers.”

  “Thanks,” she whispered.

  “Any more questions?”

  “Maybe. I’m thinking.”

  Cody yawned into the silence, and his eyes drifted shut. Wanting to remain alert to continue this discussion with Merl, he forced them open again. But fatigue dragged him down into a black hole. Her sweet softness curled into him felt so right, so good.

  Just five minutes of shut-eye. That’s all he needed. The woman was insatiable, and damn if she didn’t wear him out.

  The tightness in Merlene’s chest released as she considered what Cody had told her. Cody believed her even if his boss didn’t. Cody didn’t think she was an accomplice to Johnson’s murder. She felt light enough to float away.

  Snuggled close to him on her sofa, their legs intertwined, she continued to process everything he’d revealed. So the police didn’t only suspect her, they suspected Pat. Pat’s blond coiffed image popped into her head. Was she the kind of woman who would kill her husband? Could she have hired Neville Feldman to be her hit man? But then why would she insist Merlene surveil Dr. Johnson constantly? It made no sense. Pat had to know Merlene might tape the murder.

  Ah, could that have been the point? Ridiculous.

  Merl thought hard. Had there been any behavior that should have tipped her off? True, she hadn’t been able to reach her client for a while. Pat demonstrated amazingly clear thinking after the murder. In hindsight, it seemed odd how Pat constantly moved Merl around, always trying to position her just so, almost like a piece on a chessboard.

  At least Cody believed her. That’s all that mattered.

  Merlene realized he’d fallen asleep when his hand halted its slow mo
vement up and down her arm. His breath became deep and regular, his body relaxed.

  Raising her head, she examined his face. How could he pass out on her after what they had just shared?

  He’d better not start snoring.

  He mumbled something...might have been her name...and pressed her head back to his chest as he resettled them on the couch, never opening his eyes.

  Then she remembered that for the past week he’d camped out in his car for her protection, and let him sleep. Besides, she liked cuddling close to him. He appeared vulnerable and trusting, totally at her mercy, although she knew he’d be on his feet at the slightest threat to either of them.

  A chill crept up her naked backside, but Cody’s skin warmed her legs where their bodies connected.

  Taking advantage of the unexpected opportunity, Merlene allowed her gaze to roam over his muscled torso. She’d been this intimate with only one other male. Compared to Cody, her husband had had more in common with a marshmallow. Or maybe a corpse. Merlene stifled a groan at her thoughts.

  Low on his abdomen, near his groin, a three-inch scar angled toward his heart. Suspecting appendicitis, Merlene lightly rubbed a finger across the faded ridge, then onto a blue vein that passed very close to his skin. Cody shifted beneath her, and Merlene pulled back, not wanting to wake him.

  With unchecked curiosity, she gazed at his groin, surprised to find him still hard, his arousal nestled in a thatch of dark hair. What would Cody’s reaction be if she stroked a finger on that part of his anatomy? She bit her lower lip at the delicious thought, which brought to mind the idea of placing her lips on him instead. That ought to wake him up!

  She swallowed and turned her mind away from fantasy. Admiring Cody’s powerful body while pressed against it was giving her all sorts of wanton notions when the man needed his sleep. After all, the reason he was so tired was because of her. She grinned. Of course, his fatigue now resulted from more than protecting a witness.

  Had he examined her as thoroughly the night she’d fallen asleep on his couch? Her cheeks warmed, then she remembered her long T-shirt. But it didn’t matter, not really. She didn’t want to have any secrets from him.


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