Say You Will

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Say You Will Page 9

by M. Malone

  "I don't even want to know how much a view like this costs."

  Trent glanced at her and then looked away. "Ah, no you probably don't."

  She walked up to the glass and looked down. In the fading light of evening, the people and cars below were so small they looked like toys.

  "Oh crap, now I'm curious. If I'm going to live here, I should probably not be completely ignorant. So how much would a place like this cost if I wanted to buy one?"

  He didn't meet her eyes when he answered, "I bought mine years ago but at current market value, a penthouse in this area starts at about twenty million."

  Mara swallowed. "Right."

  He must have sensed her discomfort, so he held out his hand. When she took it, he led her to a door on the left side of the room. “This is your closet.”

  She stepped inside the large space, turning around to take in the full effect. Mara knew that her mouth was hanging open but there was no way to avoid it. One wall was outfitted with cubbyholes for shoes, bags and belts. The other wall held the standard rack for hanging dresses, skirts and coats.

  A chandelier dangling with assorted sizes of cut glass sparkled merrily over a circular custom-built dresser. She pulled out one of the drawers. There were built in dividers in the top shelves. A bench sat in the corner of the room next to the window.

  Her closet was so big that it had a window.

  “I can tell you like this room.” Trent smirked as she ran her fingers over the custom cabinetry.

  “Oh yeah. This almost makes dealing with your family worth it. Because that meeting was enough to make me want to slit my wrists!”

  Trent paled and vaulted away from the doorframe. “Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that.”

  Mara's breath seized in her lungs at the look on his face. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed back slightly so she could see his face. His pupils had dilated, making his eyes appear darker. She'd never seen him look so … destroyed.

  “I should have never brought you here, subjected you to them. We can leave in the morning. Immediately.”

  When he pulled her into his arms, she allowed him to just hold her. Beneath her ear, his heart banged a rapid beat inside his chest. His hold on her arms was so tight it was almost painful but she held still, just stroking the skin over his heart revealed by the opening in his shirt.

  “Trent, I was just … it was a bad joke. I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  Her words didn't seem to help. If anything he just squeezed her tighter. His lips moved against her hair as he kissed the top of her head.

  “You are my life. If anything ever happened to you… If anything ever took you away from me.”

  She ran her hands over his arms soothingly and allowed him to pull her closer. He seemed manic, holding her against him like he was afraid to let her go. It was disconcerting to see him like this, just another side to him that she wasn’t used to.

  He took her mouth, crushing her against him, holding her so tightly that she could barely move. She squirmed in his arms, alarmed by his sudden intensity. When she went lax, he pulled back, his breath coming hard and fast in a wash of air against her cheek.

  "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." His hands roamed over her face, her hair, petting gently. She allowed it, sensing that the touching was soothing to him. When he finally calmed, she looked up into his eyes.

  "I'm okay. And I'm not going anywhere."

  When he lowered his head this time, it was slowly. Steadily. She tilted her face up into the kiss, one hand curling behind his head. Mara gave herself up to emotion, to being taken by the only man who had ever made her feel this way. Trent had taken care of her when she was sick and comforted her when she was sad. He was the only one she had ever imagined forever with.

  The only one she'd ever wanted to imagine forever with.

  "Sometimes I think you don't know how much you mean to me," he whispered. "Everything about you is perfect. The way you move. The way you smell. The way you taste." His fingers hooked into the sides of her jeans and tugged, working the material over her hips. Her underwear was pulled down, too and Mara watched helplessly as he tossed it aside.

  His head descended and then his tongue connected with her core. Her loud moan echoed around them as he pulled her wet flesh between his lips. There was no buildup, no foreplay. He just went for it and unprepared, Mara wasn't ready to stifle her cries.

  "Tell me you want me," Trent demanded. He lifted his head and captivated by the feral look in his eyes, Mara couldn't look away.

  She was standing half-naked in her brand new closet with her legs spread. She was past the point of wanting. But she knew he wouldn't touch her without the words. He wasn't himself. This was not the easygoing Trent she knew. This man was dominant and exacting.

  And he wanted her with single-minded intensity.

  "I want you," she panted. She could barely get the words out. Immediately his thumb pushed into her wet heat and she contracted around the thick digit. The orgasm took her off guard, flashing through her bright and hot. She squeezed her eyes shut and rode the shattering waves that left her feeling completely wrung-out when they ended. Boneless, she collapsed against him. He caught her, helping her to the floor. He moved over her, his hands working at his own belt, tugging at the zipper.

  "Aah, yes," she cried out when he finally thrust inside her, pushing through her still contracting muscles.

  "Tell me you're mine," he growled against her neck, the sound one of desperate longing.

  She arched as his fingers found her nipples. Her shirt was pushed roughly out of the way and his thumb found her through her bra. The sensations were heightened through the slightly scratchy lace. All the while, his hips worked a grinding rhythm, slowly screwing her halfway to insanity. Her own hips lifted with every thrust, accepting him, taking him as deep as possible.

  "I need you," he mumbled.

  She almost didn't hear the soft words, too distracted by the kisses he dotted over every inch of skin he could reach. Mara wrapped her legs around him, rocking up into his thrusts. He panted, harsh breaths against the side of her neck as he worked himself deeper, his hips fusing to hers again and again.

  Her hands clutched at his shoulders, his back, his hair. Anything she could reach. Trent was usually a very gentle lover, allowing her to take the lead. But this was a side of him she'd never seen before. A dominant, forceful side of him that alternately thrilled and worried her.

  “Say you'll never leave me. Promise me.” His eyes didn't leave her face the entire time.

  She was suddenly hit with an overwhelming sense of protectiveness. Whatever had set him off, she didn't know but she would do whatever he needed, say whatever he needed to be okay. Because that was loving someone, Mara thought. Wanting them to be okay and doing whatever you needed to make sure they got there.

  “I'll never leave you. I promise.” The words were still on her lips as she fell apart, coming so hard that everything turned into light as bright as diamonds.

  * * * * *

  THE NEXT MORNING, Trent woke to the unfamiliar light of the sun streaming through the wide windows. For the past few months, when Avery had been staying here, he'd always slept in the guest room so she could have the biggest bed. It had been a long time since he'd woken up here.

  It had been a long time since he’d felt so light and carefree, too.

  Mara rolled over and the movement drew his attention. Her hand roamed over the empty space between them, searching. At home, she usually slept half on top of him. She'd always been a snuggler. He moved to the center of the bed and once her hand connected with the bare skin of his chest she let out an indistinct murmur and plastered herself to his side. She'd probably be annoyed when she finally woke up but he was going to enjoy having her soft, warm weight against him in the meantime.

  After making love to her like a maniac on the floor of her closet, things had gotten awkward. Trent had retreated to the kitchen to give her some space. When he returned to the room, M
ara had already been asleep or doing an excellent job of pretending to be. She'd gone to sleep all the way on the far right side of the bed so there was no chance that their bodies would touch during the night. Which was no wonder since he’d probably scared her with his intensity the night before.

  After an hour of trying to fall asleep, he’d still been acutely aware of her every move. He’d known the exact moment when she’d fallen asleep in truth. He’d lain awake for hours after that contemplating how he was going to get her to trust him again.

  Mara moved again and he held still, hoping to hang on to this precious moment before she woke up and he had to see the suspicion and pain enter her dark eyes. She'd gone to bed wearing a nightgown but the straps had slipped off her shoulders during the night. Her curls were tousled and falling over her bare shoulders. The sight reminded him that they’d made love last night for the first time in a long time.

  After a few minutes, her eyes opened, squinting against the light. When she looked down and realized she was half on top of him, she smiled sheepishly.

  "Good morning. I guess I used you as my pillow. As usual."

  “That's the way I like it.”

  At his words, she smiled brightly. Then as if remembering the prior day, she glanced away and scooted back to the other side of the bed. She sat up and stretched.

  “I haven’t slept that well in a long time. I guess I was pretty tired.” She gave him one last undecipherable look before she slid out of bed and hurried into the adjoining bathroom.

  Once the door closed behind her, Trent sat up too and pushed the covers back. If they weren’t going to stay in bed cuddled up, then he might as well start his day. He’d never been one for staying in bed once he woke up.

  He padded over to the closet and pulled out a long black robe. After belting it, he wandered out to the kitchen. The staff had made sure the kitchen was stocked with the basics before their arrival so there should be enough food for him to make a quick breakfast. He could order a grocery delivery for later in the afternoon.

  His phone rang while he was in the middle of scrambling eggs. Switching the spatula to his left hand, he reached across the granite counter to grab it. Now that his parents knew he was back in town, his plan to hide out for a few days and show Mara around was probably shot to hell. When he saw Gina’s face on the screen, he knew it.

  “What completely unnecessary tasks has my father asked me to do today?”

  “Good morning to you, too.” Gina didn’t sound too annoyed with his brusque greeting. She’d worked for his father for years and understood well his frustration with Townsend family theatrics.

  “He’s scheduled an executive meeting for nine a.m.”

  Trent pushed the eggs around the pan awkwardly with his left hand. “Nine, huh? I suppose waiting until I’ve unpacked would have been too reasonable.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ve flagged the email and itinerary for you. Should I send a car?”

  Trent sighed. He hadn’t been back a full twenty-four hours yet and he was already feeling stressed and over-scheduled. This trip was supposed to be about Mara. About showing her how committed he was to being with her completely. Instead his father had found a way to derail things and make it all about him as usual.

  “Yes. Send a car. But clear my day starting tomorrow. I want a few days where I can focus without distractions.”

  “Of course, sir. And if you don’t mind me saying so, it’s nice to have you back in town for a little while.”

  He hung up and tossed the phone on the counter. When he looked up, Mara stood in the doorway to the kitchen, the natural light coming through the windows framing her so she looked like an angel.

  “Whatever you’re making smells like it's done,” she commented. She walked over, the t-shirt she’d slipped on swaying, showcasing her long legs with every step. She ducked beneath his arm and turned off the gas on the stovetop. “Well done.”

  Trent lifted a section of eggs with the spatula to see that the bottoms were completely charred. He sighed and set the spatula down on the counter.

  Mara opened the refrigerator, surveying the meager contents. It was such a domestic scene but one that he'd never imagined happening there. It hit him then how much was riding on this trip. If anything happened that made her leave him or if she decided she didn't want their life together, nothing else he had could ever compensate for that loss. A sudden rush of love came over him, so potent he swayed where he was standing.

  "Mara?" He waited until she turned around, a bottle of water in her hand. "I'm really glad you're here."

  "Me, too." A slow, pleased smile spread across her face. She walked over and kissed him lightly. Then she picked up the pan and dumped the contents in the trash.

  “Now, how about I take care of the cooking and you handle everything else?”

  Chapter Nine

  ALTHOUGH MARA WAS disappointed when Trent told her he had to leave for a meeting, part of her was glad she didn’t have to keep her “happy” face on for much longer. Things had been moving at warp speed over the past few days and she needed a little time alone to think and process. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling and a little solitude would probably help her gain some perspective.

  “I wasn’t planning to have to leave you so soon.” Trent yanked at his tie, cursing before he pulled it completely undone and tied it again.

  “It’s fine, Trent. It’s not like there’s much trouble for me to get into up here in the ivory tower.” She was joking but she could tell it didn’t make him feel better. Geez, what did he think was going to happen to her while he was gone?

  "The housekeeper might come by at some point. She operates like a ghost and tends to be in and out very quickly. She mainly cleans when I'm out of town but since we'll be here for at least a few weeks, it's inevitable that you'll see her eventually."

  "Okay. What does she look like?"

  He paused, as if he had to really think about the answer. "Um, older lady. Gray hair. A grandmotherly-type I guess you'd say."

  "Good." At his quizzical look, she rolled her eyes. "I was imagining some nubile young thing wearing a French maid's uniform."

  "Sorry to disappoint." He grinned.

  "Is she the one who left the frozen meals?" Mara asked, remembering the neatly stacked containers she'd seen in the freezer.

  "Yes. My schedule was always so sporadic when I would come into town that she wanted to be sure that I'd have something available no matter when I showed up. You'll like her."

  "Any other random women in your life that I need to be on the lookout for?"

  "Funny." He gave her a dark look before going back to messing with his tie.

  He’d already dressed but the cuffs of his shirt were still unbuttoned and the matching jacket to the Tom Ford suit he was wearing was tossed lazily over one of the kitchen barstools. Never a connoisseur of men’s clothes, Mara was sure of the brand because she’d shamelessly snooped while he was getting dressed.

  It was at turns fascinating and depressing that the beach bum she’d come to love could coexist inside the same man with a closet full of mouthwateringly-sexy men’s couture. He finished with his tie and slipped into the jacket of his suit, the material stretching over his broad shoulders perfectly.

  It was so strange to see him like this but she couldn’t deny how incredibly hot it was, too. Which made her even more confused. It felt almost like she was cheating on the Trent she’d loved for years by lusting over this new and different version of him. She supposed it would take time for her mind to equate that they were really the same man.

  “Did it ever occur to you that I might need some time alone in this huge place to explore? I’ll be fine here.” She patted his cheek and when his eyes darkened, she hooked a finger under the knot of his tie. “And maybe when you get back you can show me the rest of this sexy wardrobe that I’ve never seen before.”

  His face tightened and his eyes roamed over her face, as if he was trying to gauge how serious she was from
her tone. She smiled cheekily up at him and he relaxed, pulling her closer until they ended up a tangle of arms and legs.

  “I will be more than happy to show you anything you like when I return. In the meantime, explore your new home. Anything you don’t like, we’ll call the decorator and have it changed.” He leaned forward, slowly, his eyes on hers the whole time.

  It hit her then that he was waiting to see if she’d allow him to kiss her again. Everything was so stilted now between them, like every moment and every interaction carried the risk of blowing up into something else that could shatter them. She hated feeling this distance between them especially when she’d always felt that with him, she could be her most authentic self. So she grabbed him by the lapels of his suit jacket and yanked him forward. Then kissed him until they were both squirming and breathing hard.

  “Maybe I don’t really need to go to work,” Trent whispered, and then nipped at her bottom lip again.

  She shivered as his eyes remained on her mouth, before he ran his tongue over his lips in such a suggestive way that it made her blush. Damn!

  “I think you do have to go,” she replied breathlessly. “Didn't you say something about board meetings and investors?”

  “Not sure I really care about any of that right now.”

  Since she doubted she’d have the strength to do it if she waited any longer, she stepped back. After a moment, he cleared his throat and then stood back, running his hands through his blond hair.

  “Woman, you are dangerous.” He gave her a warning look before bussing her cheek with a quick kiss. “I’ll be home late afternoon. I’m taking you out to dinner. It’s high time I showed you New York. And whatever happens today, just go with it.”

  With that strange statement, he left.

  Despite how things were between them, Mara couldn’t suppress a frisson of excitement. She was in the Big Apple. Visions of skipping down Fifth Avenue danced through her head. She made a brief detour to the bedroom to get her cell phone before settling on the couch. She was used to paying bills in the morning on her cell phone banking app. To her surprise, when she pulled up her account, her mortgage showed a zero balance. Then she noticed that her car note, which she carried through the same bank, also had been paid off.


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