Page 16
“They’re probably all in your bed again,” sniffed Emma. Charlotte smiled. She’d have Emma to herself tonight.
But when she opened her bedroom door, she saw no sign of any people or any of the disarray of sheets that accompanied lovemaking. However, she heard voices coming from Emma’s bedroom. That was most unusual. Susan and Maisie usually never made love in Emma’s bed unless Emma was there.
Charlotte wandered over to Emma’s room where Josephine, Maisie and Susan were spread out naked together on the bed. Emma sat down on an armchair by the side of the bed. Maisie was talking quite earnestly to Emma and her lover was looking distinctly uncomfortable.
“It’s silly. Josephine loves Charlotte. Charlotte loves you and Josephine. Susan loves Charlotte, but Charlotte isn’t so bothered. You love me. And I love you. But I love Susan too. It’s too complicated and it’s very upsetting.” Maisie put her arm round Susan who inclined her head onto Maisie’s shoulder. “So Susan said to me that she didn’t like how sad you were getting and that she’d rather not sleep with me, so that I could sleep with you every night like we used to. But Josephine said that Charlotte won’t like that because she likes sleeping with you. Isn’t that so Charlotte?”
Charlotte nodded. This was peculiar perspicacity coming from such a young child.
“So what are you saying, Maisie?” asked Emma.
“Well, I want to make love to everyone,” announced Maisie. “I want to make love with Susan, my best friend. I want to make love to you. I want to make love with Josephine. And I’d like to make love to Charlotte, who I’ve never made love to.”
“So,” continued Josephine, “Susan and Maisie thought there ought to be less jealousy and envy and that everyone should sleep with everyone else every night. Then if I want to have sex with Charlotte I can. And if you want to make love with Maisie you can. And if Susan wants to make love to both Maisie and Charlotte then she can. And the way to do that is to put both the beds together to make one big bed.”
“How are we going to do that?” wondered Emma.
“We simply move Charlotte’s bed in here, and move some of your furniture into her bedroom and then everything’s fine,” announced Maisie triumphantly.
There was a lot more discussion on the various aspects of such a new arrangement, but it was difficult to argue with its essential fairness so before long the girls started moving beds and furniture around the flat. After a while, the exhausted girls were lying together on a pair of double-beds that was nearly twelve feet across, and crammed out all remaining space in Emma’s bedroom. Maisie seemed particularly tired as she laid her head down on Emma’s lap while Emma stroked her hair. Susan and Josephine sat by Charlotte who lay on her back looking at the light-shade and considered the implications of the new arrangement. The aspect which most concerned her was that although everyone had made love with everyone else, she had not in fact ever made love to Maisie. She’d always thought of child sex as a perversion, but now she’d found herself in effect agreeing to it. Was she wise to have done so?
She felt a third body creep up between her legs and apply a tongue to her vulva. Charlotte lifted her head up to see who it was, half-expecting to see that it was Maisie, and consequently not being so surprised when she found out that it was. Maisie had clearly been thinking the same thing, and now wanted to find out what Charlotte’s body tasted like. She put her tongue deep inside Charlotte’s vagina and then traced it around her clitoris. Charlotte lifted herself up to have a look at what the child was doing, while Susan and Josephine discreetly detached themselves from her and climbed over the mattresses towards Emma who was now sitting alone.
Maisie swivelled her body around with Charlotte beneath her, such that Charlotte’s mouth was on Maisie’s crotch. She’d never looked so closely at a child’s crotch before. It was undeniably beautiful. She leant forwards to nuzzle it with her nose, but she wasn’t sufficiently supple to apply any more of her face to it. So, she contented herself with stroking it with her fingers and exploring its contours. Just as she was beginning to feel comfortable with this, she was joined by Emma who, in the spirit of sharing, pulled her face up to Charlotte’s and applied her tongue to Maisie’s anus and the base of her vagina.
And then all became lost in a mass of bodies as all five girls bundled in. At any one time, Charlotte might be addressing Susan’s flat breasts or Josephine’s fuller ones. She’d be licking Maisie’s crotch or Emma’s much hairier one. And at some stage she felt the familiar sensation of a large object entering her vagina. She looked round to see who it was, and it was in fact Maisie who was dwarfed by the dimensions of the dildo she had strapped around her waist and thrust in and out of Charlotte’s cunt. Maisie had clearly had some practice in this, but was by no means the expert that Susan was when it was her time to ply the dildo into her.
The evening continued as a mêlée of bodies, which eventually calmed down and the five girls lined themselves up beneath the sheets. Charlotte had Susan on one side and Maisie on the other. Then beyond Maisie were Emma and Josephine locked together in an embrace with Josephine just above Emma complaining about the roughness with which Emma had been punishing her body.
Charlotte luxuriated in the warmth of the two bodies on either side of her, and contemplated whether this arrangement would, in any way, make everyone happier. It seemed to make Maisie and Susan happier, but Charlotte knew that Emma and she were quite different people. She felt that part of the joy of love was the very exclusivity this new arrangement was so actively denying.
“It’s alright for you, Charlotte, because you’re a lesbian,” Maisie was saying a few days later. She was sitting naked on the rug in front of the television, facing Emma, Charlotte and Susan who were sitting with their arms round each other on the sofa. “And it’s alright for you, Emma, because you don’t like men. And you get it all the time in your job, Susan. But I just don’t get anything!”
“I still don’t see what you want to make love to a boy for,” continued Emma, who was visibly distressed at the idea of her Maisie being fucked by anything so vulgar. “You’ve got the three of us: and Josephine when she’s here. We make love almost every night. Why do you want more?”
“Because it’s natural. Because it’s what girls are meant to do. Because it’s what all my friends do. It’s not fair! Just because you don’t like it, you think I shouldn’t have it. I want to be fucked properly. I’m still a virgin, and none of my friends at school are.”
“That’s only what they say, Maisie dear,” said Susan reassuringly. “Girls always boast about how much sex they’ve had. You know, I wasn’t fucked until I was nearly fifteen years old. But I used to tell everyone I’d been fucking. And I didn’t enjoy it at all at first.”
“I don’t care!” said Maisie adamantly. “I want a proper fuck. And I want it now!”
“But why do you want it with Oliver?” wondered Emma, despairingly. “Of all the boys you could’ve chosen, why him?”
Oliver was the boy that Maisie was adamant she wanted to take her virginity. He was a boy about sixteen, and therefore old enough to appear on the screen making love. However, he didn’t confine his lovemaking to the studio set, where he was undoubtedly very good at his craft. He could often be found in the company of other women and girls around the television studios, his naked buttocks moving rhythmically up and down as he fucked and fucked.
Even Emma wondered where he got his enthusiasm for. And he had no sense of privacy. It didn’t matter who was around, he would choose a girl and before long the two were fucking together. Even in front of his mother, who sometimes came to the studios, he’d choose an actress or any other girl and fuck her. He showed no discrimination whatsoever. He would choose girls and boys, women and men, of almost any appearance and any age. Was this the boy, Emma asked herself, with whom she’d entrust her darling Maisie’s virginity? What would Dorothy think, if she heard that her sweetest daughter, who she so rarely saw nowadays, was going to sacrifice herself to Oliver’s metr
onomic thrusts?
However, Maisie was adamant, so Emma found her consigned to the distasteful task of approaching Oliver and inviting him to visit Maisie and her at the flat. She found him lying naked with another boy with their arms around each other and a positive stench of post-coitus just outside the studio set of a Sex Science Fiction series. She had nothing to do with this production which seemed to be nothing more than an excuse for large breasted women in leather thigh-length boots to indulge in sex with men dressed in monster costumes. She supposed that Oliver’s role might be to act as one of the monsters, but she didn’t really care enough to find out.
Inevitably, when Oliver found himself addressed by Emma he immediately assumed that she was trying to solicit sex with him. Emma sternly put him off the idea and averted her gaze from his penis which had instantly sprung to full erectness.
Oliver was surprised to be told that a girl he didn’t really know was so keen on him. He’d seen her on the set of the soap opera and he’d seen her in Emma’s company, but he’d never really thought more about her than that. He knew that she was too young to’ve been filmed in any act which was of an overtly sexual nature, and he may have guessed from her general shyness with boys that she’d not even had televisual sex for foreign consumption.
Emma had to escort Oliver to the flat, who wore a pair of lycra shorts and a cycling jersey, and who seemed to feel that Emma’s habitual nudity was some sort of an invitation for sex games. “Don’t!” reprimanded Emma slapping his hand off her thigh. She also found his conversation terminally dull: concentrating as it did mostly on sex, sport and violent films. So it was with great relief that Emma was able to leave Oliver in the company of Susan and Maisie while she prepared dinner for everyone in the kitchen.
Charlotte and Josephine were out together at the cinema, so Emma felt utterly abandoned in the flat with the company of the other three. She wasn’t too surprised to see Oliver fucking Susan in the living room with Maisie watching when she popped her head in to see if they would like to start drinking some wine while waiting. “It doesn’t take that slut five minutes…” Emma found herself thinking uncharitably as she returned to the kitchen.
Emma didn’t enjoy the dinner with them either, as she sat watching Oliver regale Maisie with his horribly crude jokes and unsubtle sex stories; and observed Maisie lapping all this with apparent veneration. But she felt obliged to stay with the company to be witness to Maisie losing her virginity.
The idea was that after dinner, Emma would sit near Maisie to comfort her while Susan took the camcorder and videoed Oliver and Maisie fucking together. This was so that this important moment in Maisie’s life would be recorded for posterity. However, it was with great difficulty that Emma and Susan dissuaded the two younger ones from leaving half-way through the dinner to just get on with it. It was distressing for Emma to see the food she’d prepared and planned so meticulously being wolfed down with such little regard. And the wine she’d spent hours choosing was treated with absolutely no respect.
However, the real ordeal was to come. Susan trained the camcorder at Oliver and Maisie who lay on the large double-beds in Emma’s room with Maisie to one side of Oliver, while Emma sat on the other bed looking at Maisie’s eager look of anticipation with alarm. And then it began, while the camcorder whirred on with Susan moving around to focus on what seemed to her, with the experienced eye of the sex movie actress, the most important action at any one time. The foreplay really took very little time at all. Then Oliver was straight into Maisie’s vagina and pumped away at her unromantically. Emma had to sit back and bite her lower lip to restrain herself from pulling the two youngsters apart.
In the hour or so of lovemaking that Susan recorded (and played back the following day in front of Josephine and Charlotte), Oliver went through the whole range of sex movie clichés. What was worse was that Maisie was enjoying it with incredible and noisy abandon. There was the missionary position. Then Maisie on top of Oliver. Then Maisie sucking Oliver’s penis, while he tongued her vagina. Then finally there was the inevitable anal intercourse, which Emma had hoped Oliver would restrain himself from. But there was no shame, and Maisie was keen, so Oliver pushed himself as deep into the not particularly large anus as he could, which process clearly inflicted some pain on Maisie. And that was that. Then Oliver had to be driven home by Emma back to his mother and his home in the outer suburbs.
“Did you enjoy all that?” wondered Charlotte incredulously as the video disintegrated into a mess of unintelligible squiggles.
“It was great!” said Maisie enthusiastically. “I’m not a virgin any more. Not back nor front.”
“And are you seeing this chap - Oliver - again?” Josephine queried amiably.
“Well, I’ll be seeing him,” Maisie admitted. “And I might fuck with him. But it’s not going to be serious.”
“Why’s that?” wondered Susan.
“Because,” said Maisie with the ingenuous naïveté of a child, “I’m not in love with him. We might make love. But that’s all. It’s you and Emma I’m in love with.”
“And besides he’s ever so vulgar!” chipped in Emma cheerfully.
“No,” reflected Maisie. “I’m sure he’s not that. He was ever so interesting to talk to. And he’s seen What the Dickens! live. I’d love to do that. Their concerts always sell out really quickly.”
Chapter XXII
Harriett’s travels around the world through her work meant she knew hardly at all how life was at home at the flat. The long and detailed letters she received from Emma and less often from Charlotte were always several weeks late and usually forwarded from the last location she’d worked at. For instance, she might send a postcard home from her current location which could be Kabul or Phnom Penh, and then receive a letter from Emma which might have been posted to her last or her last but one location (which might be Banjul or San Salvador). Neither Emma’s nor Charlotte’s letters were particularly detailed on the subject of their love-lives. Indeed, this seemed to be the one area about which they were both most reticent in their correspondence, but this didn’t trouble Harriett. Nor did it in any way dissuade her from filling most of her letters with detailed accounts of the sex she’d had with men and women in the course of her travels.
She had developed a strong relationship, including frequent sex, with the director of the Sex Abroad series she was working on. Isabel had started her career as a sex actress and as a result had once opted to have her breasts surgically enhanced. Apparently they had been of good dimensions before, but her chest now consisted of nearly fifty inches of very firm breast on a body otherwise of quite slender proportions. Other parts of her body had also been surgically enhanced, but so expert were the surgeons that for all Harriett’s exploration of Isabel’s body she couldn’t be sure which parts they might have been. She had not really made her fortune as a sex actress, as apparently she was not a natural when it came to frequent and indiscriminate fucking; but she had kept her career within the world of sex entertainment and was now a director of many television productions. She was in her mid-thirties, but certainly didn’t look particularly old nor were her breasts showing any sign of sagging. However, they were sufficiently large to oblige her to keep them uncovered most of the time, while directing the set or in her leisure time, because of the discomfort that most clothes caused them. She was not a naturist though, unlike several of the others involved in the production of the series. She almost always wore a skirt, shorts or trousers; and frequently sunglasses and a straw hat when it was particularly warm.
The Sex Abroad series was one of a number of productions Isabel and Harriett worked on together as they travelled with the production crew from country to country. Both enjoyed working together, just as they enjoyed making love together (although both would deny any claim to being lovers or of being lesbian). They enjoyed staying at expensive hotels, usually in the same suite, and planning the logistics of each production. This almost always involved Harriett making love to a native
from whichever country they were in. This was sometimes a famous personality, but more often just a sexually fit representative of the population. Usually this consisted of no more than heterosexual coupling, but in some locations it was necessary to show more explicitly the peculiar customs of that particular country. In Korea where there was a cult of boys being surgically altered to take on the physical appearance of women, it was necessary for Harriett to make love to a few of these transsexuals. She most enjoyed those whose penises were still fully functioning. In Tajikistan, it was necessary to have group sex with several women. In Somalia, Harriett enjoyed sex with children of about nine and ten of both sexes, - but this would probably not be screened on Semen South West.
When Harriett and Isabel were not working on the actual filming of these various sex acts, the two of them would plan together what was required for the programmes. Often, Harriett would have sex with the designated partners to determine the best angle for the performance. Isabel would watch, making suggestions and very occasionally participating, particularly when the sex star was a well-endowed man. Sometimes the two of them would practice together, with Isabel playing the role of the other partner to establish the optimum erotic presentation of the scene. Harriett also kept herself fit by regular work-outs at the gym in the various hotels they stayed at, or by jogging around the city. In some places naturism was obligatory, (such as El Jedida in Morocco, Nerja in Spain or Darwin in South Africa), which made her jogs more comfortable, but meant that Isabel couldn’t participate as her breasts bounced around too much. Harriett kept her body as slim and trim as she could: something Isabel mostly achieved by drugs or surgery.