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Page 28

by Nikki Ash

  “She’s worth it,” I growl.

  “I figured she was. Never seen you act this way before. You’re in deep.”

  “My girl, Cat, has a dipshit cousin who thinks he can fuck with what we have,” I grit out. “I’m going to find out for sure and then I’m going to deck his ass.”

  “Hope she’s worth going to jail over,” he says, laughing.

  “She’s worth everything.”

  He grows serious for a moment. “You don’t remember Wanda because you were just a little kid, but she took a liking to you before she died. Miss Helen and she were close at church, before breast cancer took my wife. She told me to look after you. Said, ‘He doesn’t have a proper daddy and he needs a little love and guidance, Dame.’ And hell if I didn’t want to take you under my wing. It was like serenfuckingdipity when you came strutting in here when you were a fifteen-year-old grumpy bastard with one helluva chip on your shoulder. I did as Wanda asked and took you in, even though your attitude was rotten as hell. But I did and you got tolerable. You were a quick study too. Weren’t a happy thing at all, but you loved any job I threw your way. So to see you finally smiling, I gotta tell you, she must have known something I didn’t. I feel a little proud like I’m sure your dad would have if he were still around.”

  I playfully punch his arm. “Don’t go getting soft on me, man.”

  “I’m just saying it’s good to see you not be such an asshole. You’re growing up. I’ve been waiting for this day for years, kid.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah,” he says, grinning. “I was just about to give you a promotion, too, but you left my shop wide-open.”

  “She was worth it,” I tell him with a wink.

  “The good ones always are.”

  “I’m looking for Violet,” I tell the bouncer as I enter the club I’ve been to more times than I’d like to count.

  The fat guy laughs and his belly quivers. “A crowd favorite.”

  “I want to ask her some questions.”

  His brows furrow. “You a cop?”

  “You’ve brought your piece of shit truck to me at the shop on the corner. You know I’m not a cop.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbles. “She’s working the bar tonight.”

  I give him a nod and stalk into the smoky club. Violet is bent across the bar with her cleavage hanging out talking to a balding old man. When she sees me, her eyes flare with appreciation until realization sets in. She groans when I take a seat on a barstool next to the old man.

  “What can I get ya?” she asks, smacking her gum. The flirty act she put on me last night is gone.


  “I guess it doesn’t matter,” she huffs. “It’s not like he paid me anyway. I did my job. The asshole held out on me.”

  I arch a brow in question. “Who?”

  “Heath’s new kid. I guess he isn’t new, but you know what I mean. Theo. He was supposed to give me five grand.”

  “Five grand?” I growl. “To do what? Fuck me?”

  The old man chuckles. “Baby doll, get me another vodka tonic. I feel like there’s a story here and I need another drink.”

  She smiles sweetly at him and shoots me the bird before setting off to make his drink. Once he’s settled, she puts a hand on her hip and glares at me.

  “Not to fuck you,” she reveals. “To make her think we were fucking.” Her brows furl together. “For the record, we did fuck. You don’t even remember me?”


  Maybe I remember her voice. I don’t fucking know. They all blend together.

  “I know you’re Violet,” I say with a grunt.

  She rolls her eyes. “You didn’t last night. It doesn’t matter. I failed, apparently. Theo’s a dick like his dad. At least Heath tips well when I do my job.” She pops her gum. “He certainly doesn’t whine like a little bitch when we fuck.” A fake smile forms on her lips. “And I’m at least memorable enough that he knows my name.”

  “Don’t worry,” I grumble. “I won’t forget your name after this.”

  “Tell Theo I hope his dick rots off,” she calls out after me.

  “Gladly, Violet.” I look over my shoulder and frown at her. “And if you know what’s good for you, stay away from fucking Heath of all people. He’s bad for the soul.”

  She smirks. “But he tips well.”

  Cars are everywhere and my blood boils. This idiot is going to get his ass handed to him when Heath gets back. But first, Theo and I are going to have words. I want to know why the fuck he thought he could throw an obscene amount of money at some chick to try and break up Cat and me. If he gives me any lip, I won’t be in a talking mood. I’ll be in a I’m going to whip your scrawny ass mood. He better tread lightly.

  As soon as I open the door, the stench of marijuana assaults my senses. It grates on my nerves that he’d allow drugs in the house. His cousin is fairly innocent and I don’t like the fact he exposed her to this shit. A couple of girls giggle when they see me and I tip my head at them before rushing to the stairwell. I reach the top of the stairs and start for her room when I see someone go into mine.

  Oh fucking hell no.

  I stalk down the hall and yank some blond asshole from my room, scaring the shit out of him. “Leave,” I snarl.

  His girl squeaks as she runs from my room after him. Thank God I got here before those two fucked on my bed. I smell like an ashtray from the club, so I hurry and take a quick shower. Once I’m clean and dry, I pull on a pair of loose sweats. I slip out of my room, run off a couple more people, and then make it to Cat’s room. When I open the door, it’s dark inside.

  A small whimper makes me take pause.

  A familiar whimper.

  Fire explodes within me as I swat at the light switch. Light bursts around me, exposing the source of the moans. Cat is facing the wall and her fuckwad cousin is behind her, rutting against her like a fucking barn animal.

  “What the fuck?” I roar, my hands curling into fists.

  Cat jolts and swivels her head around. Her face goes from confused to horrified.

  “You liked it,” Theo slurs. “I heard you moan.”

  She shrieks and slaps away his hand from between her thighs. “Theo! You idiot!”

  Stalking forward, I grab the twerp by the back of his neck and jerk him from the bed. I send him careening into the armoire. He cries out and holds his side.

  “I thought it was you, Harrison,” Cat cries out. “Ew! Theo, ew!”

  He tries to stand, but he’s drunk as shit. The kid can barely get up on his knees without swaying. I kick his chest and he falls back, knocking his head on the floor.

  “Stop,” he whines. “You fucking brute!”

  “You touch what’s mine,” I snarl as I approach, “and I’ll touch yours.” I give him a swift kick to the balls and he howls. “Touch her again and I’ll do a lot worse than that.”

  The little asshole is such a weak bastard that I don’t even feel right about kicking his ass. Fuck him for being a pussy. If he were a real man—like his father—I’d take him out to the barn and go at him fist to fist. But this dickhead is so drunk, I’d probably kill him with one punch to the throat.

  “Harrison,” Cat says, gripping my elbow. “Get me out of here.”

  “Fucking gladly,” I growl. I nudge Theo with my foot and glower down at him. “I want you to get your ass downstairs and send them home. Then, tomorrow, I want you to apologize to my goddamn girl for touching her.”

  “You’re a bully,” he cries, writhing on the floor, still grabbing his nuts.

  “Me?” I seethe. “You tried to get my girlfriend—your cousin—to break up with me because you wanted to fuck her. If I were a bully, I’d tie you up and drag you behind my bike for acting like a damn idiot. Stay the fuck away from me and Cat. Got it?”

  “Fucking fine,” he snaps.

  “I’m telling your dad,” Cat says, digging her own knife in.

  “Cat…” he pleads.

sp; I grab her hand and haul her out of her room. From the top of the stairs, I yell down, “You have ten minutes to get the fuck out of my house or I’ll call the cops.”

  We don’t wait to see if they obey or not.

  I take my girl to my room where she’s safe and lock us inside.


  I LIKE HARRISON’S ROOM. IT’S more spacious than mine and he has quirky decorations. As though he’s collected items over the years and somehow made a representation of himself through his décor. I turn over a particularly heavy hunk of metal and stare at it in confusion. It’s clunky and I have no idea what it even is. But I guess art is that way. Beloved to the eye of the beholder and all that jazz.

  My eyes drift to the window and I stare longingly at the house in the distance. I can see it beyond the fog that’s starting to clear. It makes my chest ache.

  My home.

  Well, my old home.

  I miss it.

  And not just for the things in it. I miss the memories. The smell. My dad’s always cheery disposition.

  “It’s an alternator.” Harrison takes the clunky metal thing and places it back on the dresser. “A car part.”

  “I thought it was a decoration,” I say, smiling.

  He rubs at his eyes and I take a minute to admire him as he yawns. His gray sweatpants hang low on his narrow hips, revealing a very obvious bulge. Morning wood. I bite back a smile as I let my eyes roam up along his dark happy trail to his sexy belly button. Over his gloriously chiseled abs decorated in ink painting every inch of him. Up along his chest and between his pectoral muscles that are downright lickable. I slide my gaze up his strong neck that’s corded with muscle. His Adam’s apple protrudes and I find myself fixated on that lovely but unusual part of the human anatomy. Eventually, I let my eyes flit to his face. He’s watching me, minus his usual knowing smirk. So serious this morning.

  “Did you get your fill?” he asks, his voice still rough and gravelly from sleep.

  “Not yet,” I say, darting my gaze to his dick before meeting his eyes again. “Someone insisted on my sleeping last night.”

  His jaw clenches and his features harden. “Your cousin had just felt you up. Didn’t exactly feel like the right time to fuck my girl for the first time.”

  I try to make light of it, but he’s right. Last night, we came to his room and I burst into tears. I was pissed at Theo but also upset that he’d creep on me like that, pretending to be Harrison. It was disturbing. A shudder ripples through me.

  “Hey,” Harrison says, kneeling in front of me. He tips my chin up with his fingers so his blue eyes sear into mine. “You okay?”

  I swallow down the emotion and smile. “Perfect.”

  “Liar,” he says, smirking. “Talk to me, mustang girl.”

  Turning from him, I stare out the window again. “I was feeling homesick.”

  He takes my hand and brings it to his mouth. After giving each knuckle a sweet kiss, he bites my thumb.

  “Hey!” I yelp.

  He grins wickedly at me. “I was trying to cheer you up.”

  “By biting me?”

  The asshole shrugs. “It was worth a try.”

  “Dumbest idea ever, Harrison.” But I’m smiling stupidly at him.

  “It worked,” he says smugly. He bites me again and I swat him in the head. His laughter fills my soul this morning, driving out any lingering depression.

  “I guess I’ll leave so you can get ready for work,” I say in resignation.

  He shakes his head. “I’m calling in sick today.”

  “You are?”

  “You mentioned last night you missed riding Shorty. I thought we could take the horses out and you could take me to some of your spots,” he says with a smile that makes my heart flutter.

  “My spots belong to someone else now.”

  “The sweet spots are mine,” he says with a wolfish grin. “But the secret spots at your old house, those are the ones I’m talking about. We’ll pack a lunch and make a day of it.”

  “A day of breaking and entering?” I ask with an arched brow.

  “Unless you have something better to do.” He smirks as he rises to his feet, offering me his hand.

  I allow him to pull me up and into his arms. “Nope, nothing better. Let’s be bad together.”

  His lips press to my neck as he squeezes me. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m perfect now.”

  “You always were.”

  We sneak away on the horses before Theo gets up. When I went to grab some clothes, I found him in my bed snoring. I hope he wakes up and regrets the way he behaved. Although, I’m not going to hold out hope. Heath is a bad influence on my cousin. He’s turned into an ass since we’ve come to live here.

  I’m so over this place.

  Once Dad finds a new job, I’m leaving. I’ll somehow convince Harrison to come with me. We can leave Windy Hills and never come back. Theo can spend the rest of his life trying to please an unhappy man.

  I glance over at Harrison as he rides Heath’s horse, Brontë. He’s wearing a black Henley that hugs all his muscles and a baseball hat that’s flipped backward on top of his head. A bad boy riding a horse. Yummy.

  “Whoa there,” I say to Shorty as I guide him around a large rock.

  “The scenery is great and all, but don’t kill yourself looking at it.” He grins at me, his blue eyes glimmering. Smug ass.

  We continue riding and I inhale the cool morning air. This is nice. Every moment I have with Harrison is nice. It makes me realize that for the first time in my entire life, I feel wholly a part of something. In this case, it’s another person. Not cheerleading or my friends or my family or my future.

  Just him.

  “My boss Damian met his wife their senior year in high school,” Harrison says as we clomp along on our horses. “He said they just knew.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. Their folks had a shit fit when they ran off and got married.”

  “Sounds like a sweet story,” I say, grinning.

  “They met in first hour on a Monday and were married in the courthouse by Friday after school.”

  I let out a gasp. “What? No way!”

  “He told me that one time when we were taking apart a bitch of an engine. I thought he was stupid, but they’d been married for a long-ass time before she died of cancer. Looking back, it was smart.”

  My heart squeezes in my chest. “Smart?”

  He stops his horse and turns his intense stare my way. “They didn’t waste a minute, Cat. They just knew and that was that.” He pulls off his hat to run his palm over his head before putting it back on and pinning me with a penetrating stare. “You know, your mom and Heath…” He sighs. “What a fucking tragedy.”

  “They wasted it,” I murmur. “They wasted their minute.”

  He nods. “Damian is happy. He runs his shop with a smile on his face. My boss lost his wife, but he remains happy because they stole every second together.”

  “And Heath is miserable because he and my mother wasted their time,” I agree.

  “I want to be happy,” he says before trotting off, not waiting for my answer.

  We’re quiet until we get the horses put away in the barn. He shoulders his bag filled with our packed lunch and we walk up to the door. After a quick peek through the windows, it’s clear to see no one has moved in, which frustrates me even more over the whole debacle. We didn’t have to leave in such a rush. Heath is just a dick.

  “Ready to break in?” he asks as though this is a regular, everyday task.

  “Luckily, we don’t have to.” I kneel and lift a pot to reveal a key.

  “Clever girl.”

  I grin as I pick up the key and unlock the door. The house is quiet and partially empty, but most of the furniture still remains. I spend the next half hour showing him all the nooks and crannies in the house. Eventually, I take him to my spot. The attic. When I was a girl, I was always hiding. Dad got tired of losing
his mind when I’d disappear for hours and converted the attic to a hideout for me so he could always find me. It’s the part I miss the most about this house.

  “You have to climb,” I say to Harrison as I point to a ladder on the wall at the end of the hallway.

  “Maybe you should go first. To show me how,” he flirts.

  I swat at him. “You just want to check out my ass.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Try not to get distracted and fall,” I tease.

  We climb up to the attic and I inhale the familiar scent. Dad packed up everything except here. I’d been too upset to even check. Now, I’m glad it remains untouched.

  “Watch your head, big boy,” I tell him as I hunch to avoid a rafter on the angled ceiling.

  He grunts but mimics my actions. We make our way over to the mattress on the floor by the only window. It’s covered with soft, chenille blankets and has a ton of pillows thrown on top. Stacks of books litter the floor around the bed. It’s cozy and my heart warms at being here again.

  “I love this place,” I tell him sadly. “It’s not mine anymore.”

  He kicks off his boots and sprawls out on the bed. “What makes this place so special?”

  With a sigh, I pull off my shoes and curl up beside him. I run my fingers along his jaw and kiss his lips. “I love how I feel like I’m someplace far, far away from the world. A secret place. I love getting lost in my books and napping on rainy days. It’s quiet and perfect.”

  “Like my spots,” he agrees, his thumb running along the outside of my neck.

  “Yeah.” I smile. “Like yours.”

  He pulls me so I’m lying on top of him. “You make the spot, you know. This,” he says, waving around us, “can be anywhere.”

  “It’s much better with you in it,” I admit.

  “My spots were empty until you came along.” His steel blue eyes sear into me, brimming with unspoken words and emotion.

  I sit up and pull off my shirt. His stare burns a trail along my exposed flesh. When I reach back and unhook my bra, he lets out a hiss.


  I toss my bra at him, loving the way he turns from predatory to grinning wide. He sits up and peels off his own shirt, losing his hat along the way. I lick my lips as I admire his chest. Never gets old. The man is hotter than hell.


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