Altis-5: Book #2 of the Sleeper Series

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Altis-5: Book #2 of the Sleeper Series Page 10

by J. Alexander Black

  “OK,” said George. “The paper will sponsor you. Is there anything you need?”

  “Yes, I need the camera we brought onboard and I need you to call my roommate. I need her to pack a bag for me. Just tell her I am leaving for eight months she will know what to pack. I need the bags dropped off at the U.N. building helicopter pad by eleven. I need you to arrange to have my share of the rent paid while I am gone. Let’s see, oh yes, two cases of chocolate bars and a cash advance put in an envelope in my bag. I think that’s it”

  “OK I have it. Have a great trip and we will see you in eight months,” said George.

  Karen turned to her companions; sitting next to her, they had overheard the conversation.

  “Well that’s that,” she said excitedly. “I am coming with you.” She looked up at Karl her cameraman.

  “What about you Karl? Want to come along?” she asked. Karl had been sitting quietly off to the side being invisible as cameramen do. As a photojournalist for a major newspaper, he had traveled extensively covering stories all over the world. He had jumped at the chance to cover the events onboard the Orion and had been totally fascinated by the Barque and the trip up to the ship. Once onboard he immediately understood the enormity of what was about to happen. This was an opportunity that comes around only once in a career. He did not hesitate.

  “Sure. I will need to call George back and make the arrangements for my personal stuff and give him a list of the equipment I will need.”

  The final twenty-four hours before any ship leaves port are always busy even for the most organized crew. Four new advanced Jaguars were delivered along with their maintenance bays. The maintenance bays for the Jaguars lost in the battle had to be removed to make room for the new bays. The new Jaguars were identical to the old ones except they had a more efficient and smaller Carvorite engine. The extra room allowed for two more seats earning them the nickname ‘six packs’. The Barques were providing a non-stop shuttle to and from Earth bringing up last minute perishable supplies including Karen and Karl’s baggage. All available personnel were called upon to help move the supplies into their storage compartments. The supply personnel were in charge. They were experienced in stocking aircraft carriers and amphibious ships to them this was just another day at work. As most supplies were being funneled through the US Navy everything was inspected by Navy Preventive Medicine Technicians on Earth to ensure freshness and quality before loading on the Barques. All the remaining available space on Orion was filled with equipment and utensils needed to preserve, grow, or create food on Altis-5. By 1300, everything was embarked and stored away.

  Captain Querrion, being responsible for everything onboard the Orion ordered his senior staff to make a complete inspection of the ship. It was 1700 before they reported that they were satisfied. Captain Querrion scanned his bridge instruments. They confirmed all systems were up and running. Orion was shipshape and Bristol fashion. The Captain had three more duties to perform before leaving orbit he went into his stateroom and changed into his dress uniform. When he returned to the bridge Sande and Tom where waiting also in full dress uniforms. With Karl hovering in the background recording everything, the Captain positioned himself in front of Sande.

  “This is one of my duties that I find to be bittersweet. I am happy that you will go forward to a new and exciting life but that means I will be losing a most valuable member of my crew.” He paused then pulled himself up straight and said formally; “Sande Skylar, Ships Nurse and Environmental Technician. I hereby accept your resignation from Hevinian Commonwealth Service. I must remind you that you are still bound to the Hevinian secrecy code and all sensitive information acquired while in service must remain as such. Your service record will reflect your outstanding service to the People of Hevinia and will be recorded forever in the Commonwealth archives. Good luck to you.” He saluted her and shook her hand. He held the handshake long enough to show a firm friendship. “We will miss you,” he said.

  Sande was almost in tears, she had been in the service since she was fifteen, with her father killed while on active duty on the planet Certhian. His unit had surprised a company of insurgents in the mountains and had been wiped out, her mother never really recovered from that. She had done her best to raise her daughter and tried desperately to keep her out of the service but Sande was adamant and enlisted as soon as she completed her studies. She turned and looked at Tom and any fears or doubts she had vanished with a simple smile from him. She had made the right choice. Sande thanked the Captain and took Tom’s hand as he escorted her off the bridge. Captain Querrion turned to his Executive Officer.

  “Prepare the ship to receive Minister Beltran and The President of the United States of America even though this is an informal visit, I want traditional honors given on arrival.”

  Sarah Chambers was excited. She had not felt such exhilaration since her inauguration. She was about to fly in space. The first American President to do so. Sitting on the White House lawn was one of the new Jaguars. It looked beautiful all sleek and shiny in the late afternoon Washington sun. She forced herself to walk confidently across the lawn beside her husband Walter. Behind her was Sarah’s son Graham resplendent in his

  midshipman’s uniform. He was in his third year at Annapolis. She smiled and waved at the reporters. Major John Woods the Jaguar pilot and his copilot Lieutenant Charlie Frank saluted as she approached. Once everyone was aboard Major Woods sealed the craft, explained the restraint system and engaged the Carvorite drive. As they rose silently into the sky he switched on the side screens so everyone could enjoy the view. Thirty seconds later they passed out of the atmosphere, the blue sky faded to an inky blackness and then the stars came out. Sarah gasped at the majesty of the universe laid out before her. The pilot made a slight adjustment to his course bringing the Moon into full view. It was an incredible sight.

  “How close can we get?” Sarah asked. The Major briefly visualized his instruments.

  “We are slightly ahead of schedule Madam President. We have time to drop down to the surface if you like.”

  “Now that would be a first. An American President on the Moon,” said Walter.

  “Could we do that?” asked Sarah.

  Woods carefully guided his Jaguar down. The antigrav engine took over and brought the ship to rest next to an American flag. Sarah recognized the flag from her briefings.

  “Thank you Major.”

  She looked around at the moonscape. It looked bleak and cold exactly what she expected.

  “Are the defense missiles nearby?”

  “Yes, Madam President.”

  The Major lifted the ship and turned ninety degrees. The Jaguar cruised silently over the lunar surface passing over mountains and craters the size of Rhode Island until the missile site came into view. There were thousands of fifty-foot-long white missiles pointing up into the darkness beyond, hundreds of blunt tubes sitting in racks off to the side contained more missiles ready to be mounted. In the center of the field was a large dome. As they watched a Barque landed next to the dome and several figures in white Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU)’s debarked and started working in and around the dome. “The dome is the particle beam emitter that will eventually protect the missile field from meteorites. Those tubes contain the missiles waiting to be installed. Should be complete in a week.” He paused, “We are running out of time Madam President. We should be going.”

  “Very well, Major.”

  This is incredible, she thought. People working routinely on the Moon. How far we have come in such a brief time. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the Orion sliding into view as they traversed the Moon. Her one thought was how glad she was they were on our side. The young midshipman sitting next to her smiled as he removed and looked at his glasses, thinking, these will no longer prevent me from going into space.

  All the hustle and bustle of loading stores was lost on the small group of ladies preparing for the wedding. With Marcie leading the charge, the village squ
are in front of the Café was transformed into a sort of open-air chapel with a wedding arch on a raised platform. The arch was covered in white lace and ribbons. It was not possible to find enough chairs to seat everyone so they put out as many as they could find in front of the platform leaving a center aisle clear for the bride to walk down and called it good. The wedding was set for 1900 ship’s time. That gave the Minister thirty minutes for his brief and thirty minutes for the Presidential goodbyes.

  Minister Beltran and his assistant Andrew Blaque arrived at exactly 1830. They were escorted to the village where President and Mrs. Umberto were waiting. Two minutes later the President of the United States arrived and went off to meet with the military units. After brief introductions, Minister Beltran stepped up onto the raised platform and began his short brief on what the colonists could expect to find on Altis-5.

  “Although the Altean system is one of thousands of systems in this Galaxy there are only two hundred with habitable planets, at least as far as humans are concerned. Altis-5 was discovered over one hundred years ago. It has a temperate climate and three moons. There is plenty of oxygen in the atmosphere and a slightly lower gravity, with plenty of fresh water in lakes and streams and vast oceans teeming with fish. There are fields and forests, mountains, and valleys. There is ice at the poles and tropical forests and deserts at the equator. Over time we’ve added to an already vibrant ecosystem making it like that found on Earth, we have introduced herds of cattle, sheep, horses, and many other animals you are familiar with and they are thriving. We have introduced flowers, fruit trees, nut trees and other foliage from Earth which we picked up during our many visits over the years. The land mass is divided into seven” He paused lowering his head slightly as he searched for the right word. “continents that make up almost fifty percent of the planet surface, the rest is ocean. It is as Earth was three thousand years ago before humans made an impact. Now do not get me wrong. Utopia it is not. It will mean hard work to establish yourselves and even harder work to prepare the way for other colonists to come. However, you will have the benefit of Hevinian technology,

  communications and antigrav farming equipment. There will be power to heat and light your homes, plenty of fresh water and food packs to get you going.”

  As he spoke pictures of the Altisian landscape appeared on the screens. He pointed to the center of a large continent. “Here our geologists have found indications of large Carvorite deposits.” The screenshot moved to a different continent and zoomed in to a coastline… “and here is the location chosen for you. It provides everything you need to ensure success.” The screenshot showed over three million acres of grassy plain next to the ocean. The field was dissected by a curving river that formed a natural deep-water harbor. Inland the plain was surrounded by orchards of fruit and nut trees which in turn were hemmed in by forests. “When you set up your houses, I suggest you use this incredible village as a blueprint.” The screen went blank. Blaque stepped up to the podium and spoke in his ear. The Minister nodded his head. “We are a bit short of time but if there are any questions?” There were none.

  “Very well. It is my distinct pleasure to announce that my assistant Andrew Blaque will accompany you to Altis-5. He will be your liaison to me. If there is anything you need upon arrival he will make it happen. I wish you all a wonderful life. Thank you.”

  The Minister stepped down and President Umberto took the podium.

  “I just wanted to wish you all Bon Voyage. You are making history today, something to be proud of. What an adventure you are going to have. Good luck to you all.”

  Sarah Chambers had returned with Tom from presenting a battle honor streamer to attach to the Brigade flag presented previously by President Umberto, and from saying her farewells to the Seabees.

  She took the podium, “As a citizen of Earth I thank you for your sacrifice and I agree with President Umberto that I envy you. But; this is not a time for speeches. I believe there is a couple who would like to get married.”

  As the audience applauded the dignitaries stepped off the low platform and Marcie moved the podium out of the way. The Captain experienced an eerie feeling as the antigrav transport whisked him and the Minister to his Barque; nearly everyone including the ship’s crew was attending the ceremony. As they glided through the seemingly empty ship Beltran turned to the Captain.

  “Pirates have appeared in the Carekan Galaxy. One of our supply ships was hit. They took everything and killed the crew,” he said.

  “Why did I not know of this? There has been nothing in any of the reports,” said the Captain.

  “We have been keeping it quiet. They are very well informed. They hit only fully loaded supply ships in the most remote areas of the supply routes for newly colonized planets. They obviously have inside

  information. They hit one ship then they disappear only to resurface in a different quadrant.”

  “Why are you telling me this now? Are we likely to be a target?” asked Querrion.

  “I don’t know. The attack happened a month ago which gives them time to unload the cargo and get into position for the next attack. When I looked at the schedule of supply ships in this quadrant the Orion is the only one scheduled out in the next two weeks. That raises the possibility so I’m giving you this information personally so you may take extra precautions on the trip.”

  “I thank you for that. I think we’ll be okay with the Brigade aboard but you never know. I shall be watchful.”

  “Good,” said Beltran. "I wish you a safe trip then.” With that, he climbed out of the vehicle and stepped aboard his Barque. As he was about to enter he paused and turned back. “I almost forgot.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope, which he passed to the Captain. Querrion instinctively looked down at the envelope; it was addressed to Commodore Phillip Querrion. In the top right corner was the seal of the Prime Consul of the Commonwealth of Hevinia. He looked up just as Beltran disappeared into his Barque and the hatch closed.

  On the way to Sande’s quarters, he turned the envelope over and over in his hands. His mind was in turmoil. He looked again at the rank before his name -- Commodore.

  “Captain we are here, Sir. Captain?”

  Querrion slowly became aware that the driver was talking to him.

  “What?” he asked distractedly.

  “We have arrived at our destination, Sir.”

  Querrion pulled himself together. Thoughts of promotions and pirates were filed away. Today was a day for others. For Sande. Not only was he going to perform the ceremony as ship’s Captain but he had the double duty as surrogate father of the bride. His news would have to wait.

  “Post the guard of honor.”


  The Wedding

  Twenty members of the Brigade marched in and stood at attention on either side of the aisle. Sergeant Deming had the honor of being the master of ceremonies.

  “Everybody please take a seat. Would the best men please escort the groom to the platform?”

  Tom was in full dress US Air Force uniform, Ray and Kris in tuxedos marched in step down the aisle and positioned themselves on the right. They had decided that whereas the EDB blue coverall uniform was practical and comfortable it was not formal enough for this occasion. Next Darien, Marcie and Anne walked down the aisle and took their positions on the left of the arch.

  The village band managed a close rendition of the wedding march and everyone stood and turned inwards. All eyes were on Sande as Captain Querrion escorted her to the arch. She looked stunning in the all-white wedding dress and veil. Tom thought he had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life.

  Ray leaned over to him and said quietly, “Close your mouth Tom, you look like a dying cod fish.”

  “Isn’t she beautiful?” was all Tom could say.

  Captain Querrion placed Sande’s hand in Toms, lifted her veil and thanked her for the privilege of giving her away. He then took his position on the podium to perform the ceremony.
Tom remembered nothing of the actual ceremony. He apparently said everything as expected but it seemed like a dream. He was brought back into focus when the Captain said he could kiss the bride.

  The Brigade Sergeant Major called the men to attention and ordered a left and right turn causing the men to face inward. He then ordered a hand salute as Tom and Sande walked through them down the aisle as man and wife as the guests cheered. At the end of the aisle, the Presidents and the Winters’ were waiting to congratulate them before departing for Earth. Donald Winters would pilot the white Jaguar first to the Whitehouse lawn then on the old U.N. building in New York, now considered the temporary headquarters for the Confederation while the new building was under construction.

  The Captain stood in front of his viewing screen and watched the Jaguar disappear. He turned his attention to the status board and seeing all was correct he ordered the Orion to leave orbit and get underway for Altis-5. He mentally logged the date and time

  760134.45.4/8-20. For the passengers crowded around the information screens around the ship it was a mesmerizing sight, one last glimpse of Earth. They stood watching the Earth shrink as the Orion moved away. As the ship increased speed, the planets became a blur. The Captain changed to the forward-looking cameras. The view was spectacular as stars appeared to fly by on either side as they penetrated the universe. A new era in Earth’s history had begun. For a while everyone just stood and watched transfixed. Then the village band began playing a lively tune and the moment was broken. Tom and Sande had returned to the square and the party could begin.

  The Captain sat comfortably in his command chair as the Orion silently cruised through the vastness of space. This was a quick trip for them, three Centors out at four times light speed, two Centors in orbit while the colony sets up then six Centors back to Hevinia for some down time before a new assignment. He had served aboard colonial transports before but this was the first time he had moved colonists under his command. The Orion was not rigged for transporting people. His was primarily a cargo vessel but the Earthers had managed to create a suitable and comfortable living space. He was confident that these colonists would manage the trip without issue.


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