'Til the End of Time

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'Til the End of Time Page 15

by Sabra Brown Steinsiek

  “Nice crop of young women to try out. There’s some real talent out there. One in particular stood out and, unless God’s gift to acting showed up this afternoon, I have the feeling she’s going to get the part. I know she’s scheduled for a callback. She had an unusual name, too.”

  “You really seem impressed with this girl. Getting ideas?”

  “Not those kind, madam! It would be fun to have her as an acting partner someday.”

  Laura gave him his cider as they sat down at the table. “So what was her name? What did she look like? She must really have been something for you to be this enthusiastic.”

  “Her name was Morgan Collins.”

  “What? I can’t believe the coincidence!”

  “There’s more. She’s about five-eight, red-hair, turquoise eyes…”


  Taylor nodded.

  “She changed her name,” Laura said, “after we told her we’d talk about it! Did she see you?”

  “No, I was far enough back to be in the shadows. That’s why I left this afternoon. I didn’t want to be part of the discussions.”

  “Wait! You said she’d probably get the part?

  “Mark and the others were really impressed.

  “She was that good?”

  Taylor reached across the table and took Laura’s hands. “She’s beyond good, Laura. She has ‘star’ written all over her.”

  “Oh, Taylor.”

  “Laura, I can’t fight her on this. She’s not going to go to school, she’s ready for this now.”

  “But she’s so young, Taylor!”

  “The same age I was, remember? She can do this, Laura. It’s what she was born to do.”

  And Laura knew that it was done. The question of Annie going on to school was settled. If Taylor said she had this much talent, Laura knew he was right. He’d never encourage their child to follow something so stressful if he didn’t believe she could do it.

  “So, what now?” she asked.

  “I think we need to get it out in the open. How about at dinner tonight?”

  Laura nodded her head. This wasn’t what she’d expected when she told Taylor he needed to get out more. Her mother’s words came back to her. “Tenga cuidado para qué usted desea—Be careful what you wish for” was one of Maria’s favorite dichos. It had proven to be true before and it certainly was now.

  Chapter 46

  Annie was on top of the world. On her way home from school she’d received a phone call asking her to come to a callback for the Omlor show on Thursday. She’d gone from being one of hundreds to being one of only a handful of actresses being considered for the role. Her odds had vastly improved and she couldn’t help thinking about what it would mean if she got the role. Her parents would have to come around and admit that she was destined for the stage, not a college classroom.

  She let herself into the apartment and stopped to pay tribute to the dogs. They were getting old now, both of them had gray about their muzzles, but they were still as devoted to her as when they were puppies.

  “I’m home!” she called out as she headed for her room.

  Laura stepped out of her office to give her a hug. “How was your day?”

  “It was great!” Annie said.

  “Anything special happen?”

  “Just a really good day,” Annie said, sidestepping her mother’s question. After she got the part would be soon enough to confront the issue of her future. “See you at dinner.”

  We’ll not only see you at dinner, darling girl, we’ll find out a little more about this exciting day of yours, Laura thought as her daughter walked away from her.

  * * *

  Dinner was just the three of them. Rosina had her bingo night at the church, but had left dinner ready for them.

  While they were eating, conversation stayed on general subjects. Annie talked about some of the upcoming senior events and was positively glowing.

  “I had an interesting day,” Taylor commented.

  “What did you do, Dad?” Annie was willing to let the whole world be happy tonight.

  “I sat in on auditions for the new Mark Omlor show this morning.”

  Annie was speechless and the room filled with an almost palpable silence as her parents watched her reaction.

  “Anyone good?” Laura asked.

  “There were several but one really stood out. She’s a student at your school, Annie. Maybe you know her? Morgan Collins? Interesting name.”

  Annie knew she was busted. There was no way to fake her way out of this one. So she raised her chin and said, “I thought it was a good stage name since Annie was out of the question.”

  “Actually,” Taylor said, “I agree. It’s a good name. And you won’t be trading on my reputation if you use it.”

  “Far better than Melanie Morgan,” Laura said.

  This was weird. Her parents were taking this entirely too calmly. She decided they needed to know the whole picture, and that her mind was made up.

  “I’ve got a callback for Thursday,” she said, with a note of defiance.

  “I figured you would. That was an impressive performance.”

  “You liked it?”

  “More than liked it, Annie. You were incredible.”

  Her father’s praise made her smile. It meant the world to her that he recognized her talent.

  “Good! Then you see why I’ve decided to skip college.”

  “It won’t be easy, Annie. Even if you get this part, it will only last so long. Then it will be hitting the cattle calls again.”

  “I know, Daddy. I don’t care. This is what I was born to do. And I’m going to get this part. I just know it.”

  “Your mother and I have talked about it. We’re not going to stand in your way if you get this part. If you do, we’ll support you one-hundred percent.” He raised his hand as she opened her mouth to speak. “If you don’t, you’re going to school, at least part time, until you do get a decent role.”

  That was it? Annie had expected more opposition and she knew this was an affirmation of what her father had seen on the stage this morning. He believed in her—they believed in her.

  “Will you agree to that?” her mother asked.

  “Sure! Because I know I’m going to get that part, Mom. I know.”

  “And you’re still giving up your name?”

  “Not completely. Just one part of it and rearranging the rest. You guys can still call me Annie,” she hastened to reassure them.

  “You bet we will, missy,” her father said. “Do you need me to run lines with you later?”

  As simply as that it was settled. Annie was on her way.

  Chapter 47

  When Betta called her doctor, there was a cancellation that allowed her to get in that day. She didn’t tell Chris she was going. He was heading out to do a photo shoot and she didn’t want him to cancel to go with her.

  Dr. Quillin listened to her symptoms then suggested they do a complete physical with the requisite blood and urine tests. “It is possible you picked up some strange bacteria when you were in Bosnia. This will let us rule out a lot and won’t be too uncomfortable. I’ll send in my nurse to take the samples and then I’ll be back to do the physical exam.”

  After the nurse took the blood samples, Betta went to the bathroom to fill the cup she’d been handed. Then she waited for the doctor.

  She was beginning to wonder what was going on when Dr. Quillin came back in. After the usual poking and prodding, the doctor told her to get dressed and meet her in her office.

  When Betta came in, Dr. Quillin was sitting at her desk looking over a file. “Sit down, Betta. I think I may have an answer for you.”

  Betta hadn’t expected anything so quickly but she was barely seated when the doctor smiled broadly. “I think this will be good
news—you’re pregnant, Betta. About two months along.”

  Pregnant? She couldn’t get pregnant. That had been the problem, one of the reasons they had adopted Rhen. Pregnant? Now?

  “I can see you’re surprised. You know, it’s not unusual for an adoptive mother to get pregnant right away. Something about no stressing over getting pregnant seems to do the trick. You and Chris have tried so long. Have you been concerned about it since you adopted Rhen?”

  “No. We just assumed that we would never…Dr. Quillin are you sure?”

  “Completely, Betta. Congratulations. Along about September, you’ll be welcoming a baby into the family. Think your little girl is ready for a sibling?”

  * * *

  Betta was in a daze when she left the doctor’s office. It was unbelievable! They’d tried so hard and been so disappointed. Counting on her fingers, she figured the baby had been conceived shortly after she brought Chris home. Lovemaking had been awkward with his cast but their need to be with each other had overridden the obstacles. She blushed as she remembered that first night home. This baby had certainly been conceived in love!

  She called Chris to see when he would be home but he didn’t answer his cell. That meant he was busy with the shoot and couldn’t be disturbed. Still, she had to tell someone. She called Meg’s office and was told she would be taking a break soon. She asked the receptionist to let Meg know she was coming.

  She began to walk down the street then cut across to an area of shops. There was an exquisite baby boutique there and she decided to spend a little time dreaming before she met her sister.

  * * *

  “Betta! That’s wonderful!”

  She smiled as Meg hugged her tightly. The two women were crying as they pulled apart to look at each other.

  “I can’t believe it,” Betta said. “It’s all like a dream.”

  “A wonderful dream. Oh, Betta, you’ve waited so long. What do you think Chris will say? Obviously,” she said with a wicked grin, “that shoulder injury didn’t interfere much.”

  Betta blushed. “You always were good at math. Chris will be elated. I can’t wait to tell him, but I don’t know what time he’ll be home and I have to pick up Rhen.”

  “What if I pick up Rhen when I pick up Kat? Then you can go find him wherever he is and give him the news. Better yet, today’s Friday. The girls don’t have school tomorrow. Let me keep Rhen overnight and you two do some proper celebrating.”

  “What a good idea, Meg! Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Mind? I adore Rhen. You know that. And the girls will be thrilled. She already has a toothbrush and jammies here and a couple of changes of clothes.”

  And Kat had the same at Betta’s house. Rhen and the school knew that it was all right for Meg to pick up the little girl. The idea of being able to spend a night celebrating with Chris was too much to resist.

  “Then I’ll take you up on it,” Betta said. “Call us if there are any problems.”

  “There won’t be any problems. Go home and get ready. No champagne, though! You pregnant women can’t drink, you know.”

  The two sisters hugged each other again. As Betta opened the door to set off for home, Meg said, “Wait! Did they do an ultrasound? Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl? Taylor and Abuelo will be over the moon if you have a boy.”

  “Chris and I talked about it before Rhen. They’ll probably do an ultrasound later but we don’t want to know. We want to be surprised.” With that, she closed the door and headed for home, her thought full of plans on how to tell Chris.

  Chapter 48

  Annie had done her callback on Thursday afternoon, reading with the male lead this time, the man who would play her abusive father. Everything clicked between them and she knew she’d done the best reading of her life. “We’ll get back to you,” they said and the time was crawling along as she waited for her phone to ring.

  The afternoon vanished on Friday and as she started home from school, Annie began to believe they’d chosen someone else. She’d be going to college in the fall after all.

  As she walked into the apartment, her phone rang and her heart began to pound. Dropping her book bag, she grabbed her phone and looked at the caller I.D. It was them! This was it! Her hands trembled so hard she could barely push the ‘talk’ button.

  “Morgan Collins.”

  “Morgan! This is Mark Omlor. I’m glad I caught you. We just finished deliberating and we’ve decided we want you for the show. Are you still interested?”

  Annie was shocked into silence. They wanted her! She had the part!


  “Oh! Mr. Omlor. Yes! I’m thrilled. Thank you!”

  He laughed, “Good! For a minute there I thought you were going to say ‘no’. I’ll be sending you a contract next week with all the details for rehearsal and opening. I’m looking forward to working with you.”

  “Me, too,” she said then laughed. “I mean I’m looking forward to working with you, too.”

  “Have a good weekend.”

  “Thanks, you too.”

  Annie cut off the connection and stood, stunned, in the middle of the foyer. She had the part! She was going to Broadway. She let out a whoop that brought the dogs running, with her parents close behind.

  “I did it!” she said, her eyes shining. “I got the part!”

  “Congratulations!” Taylor said as he came and enveloped her in a hug. “I am so proud of you.”

  Laura squeezed her way in and took her daughter in her arms. “I am, too, Annie. Congratulations! You’re going to be as good as your father is.”

  “Better,” Taylor said. “Better by far.”

  And Annie believed him, just as she had believed in herself.

  Chapter 49

  Betta put the finishing touches on the table as she waited for Chris to come home. A bright tablecloth on a round table, set up in front of their living room fireplace, their Italian pottery dishes, the ruby crystal from Venice—all of it glowed in the light of the fire burning in the grate.

  She loved this house. Their loft over Morganna’s had been a wonderful place to start their marriage and she’d always treasure their time there. This house was something different—it was a home for a family. There was room for them, and Rhen’s brightly decorated room. Beside hers was another bedroom, and she’d spent part of the afternoon there dreaming of a pale yellow nursery for the newest family member.

  This baby would be a girl. She knew it in her heart. A sister for Rhen, a cousin for Kat and Annie. She knew the men in the family would be hoping for a boy, but it wasn’t going to be. Another girl, another Armijo woman as her Abuelita would proclaim.

  She heard Chris’ key in the door and quickly smoothed down the red dress she was wearing. Not a maternity dress, not yet, but soon.

  “Wow, Betta, what’s the occasion?” Chris asked as he saw the set-up in the living room. “You’re looking exceptionally beautiful.”

  She lifted her face for his kiss. “We haven’t had a lot of time together since Rhen came. Since she’s staying the night at Meg’s, I thought we could spend some quality time together.”

  He kissed her again, deeper this time. “Mmmm. Great idea. Let me go take a quick shower and I’ll be back down.”

  While he showered, she fixed their plates and poured him a glass of wine that came from the village near the family villa in Italy. She was lighting the candles when he came down the stairs and slipped his arms around her from behind.

  “Just what I needed,” he said, kissing her behind her ear. “Rough day?”

  “No, not particularly. You’re just always what I need.” He planted another kiss on her neck and moved to her shoulder.

  “Hey, dinner’s on the table!” she said with a soft laugh.

  “What if I’m not hungry for dinner?” he whispered in her ear, as his ha
nds came up to cup her breasts.

  Even though his touch left her breathless and burning, she pulled his hands away. “Later, Chris. Eat. I think you’re going to need your strength.”

  “Promises, promises, Betta,” he said as he took his seat at the table.

  “Don’t forget—I don’t break promises.”

  “And I’m not letting you start now,” he said as he picked up his fork. “You did remember to include oysters in this feast?”

  “What, you need the help?” she teased.

  “Not a chance.”

  They played ‘footsie’ under the table as they ate, feeding each other now and then, enjoying the anticipation of what was to come. After a heavenly chocolate cheesecake for dessert, Chris raised his wine glass to her.

  “I love you, Mrs. Flynn,” he said, caressing her with his eyes.

  She returned his salute with her glass, which he suddenly realized was full of water.

  “No wine for you?”

  “Not tonight,” she said. Before he could question her further she asked him, “If you could have one wish, Chris, what would it be?”

  “Right now? Nothing. Everything I would wish for is right here.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I’m right? I am, but you could pretend to be a little more modest,” he teased.

  “No, you’re right. Everything you would wish for is right here. We have a beautiful home, a wonderful daughter, and a loving marriage. The only thing we need to make it absolutely perfect is right here,” she said as she gently placed both hands on her belly.

  “What are you talking ab—” he stopped as he realized where she had placed her hands. “Betta? Are you…are we?”

  “We’re pregnant, Chris.”

  “How? When? Oh my God, are you all right? Everything’s okay?”

  She laughed, “I’m fine. The baby’s fine. I saw the doctor today and she confirmed it. That’s why I’ve been so tired. As to how, I think you know. And when? Well, remember that night shortly after you came home from Bosnia?”


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