Under the aegis of Postmodernism, this denaturalizing devolution is taking on increasingly perverse and totalizing forms. Even the human body itself is now subject to purposeful transformative manipulation (‘bio-hacking’): the current epidemic of ‘cosmetic surgery’, the widespread ‘behavioural medication’ of children and the public promotion of invasive ‘transgenderism’ are reliable indicators of a collective loss of Traditional human identity and an accelerated tendency towards enforced physical and psychological ‘transformation’. Confronted with the undisputed historical primacy of Traditional human nature — the Traditional identities of religion, ethnicity, caste, gender and vocation — Modern humanity has embarked upon a self-destructive Flucht nach vorne, characterized by ideological dogmatism and ethical nihilism. Within the heartland of Modernity, the so-called ‘Western world’, this direction is now dictated to the masses by a radically anti-Traditional hostile elite — a true ‘anti-elite’ that may be characterized as truly ‘Luciferian’ in the Traditional sense of the word.
The prime target of the Postmodern final offensive against all forms of authentic Traditional identity that is being waged by this ‘anti-elite’ is ethnicity, which is the strongest remaining form of collective identity and the historical vehicle of Traditional civilization. Economic ‘globalization’, political ‘hyper-democracy’, social ‘emancipation’ and cultural ‘deconstruction’ are the ‘conventional weapons’ of this ‘reverse crusade’ against Western civilization. Where necessary, these are now supplemented by ‘weapons of mass destruction’ such as demographic sui-genocide (subsidized ‘single-parent households’, ‘abortion’ facilities, liberalized ‘euthanasia’), ethnic replacement (‘labour migration’, ‘refugee settlement’, ‘family unification’) and ethnic cleansing (albanizacija in Kosovo, plaasmoorde in South Africa, white flight in the United States). Outside the Western world, in the so-called ‘Third World’, the destruction of Traditional identities is hastened by a fatal combination of habitat destruction (deforestation, desertification, sea-level rise), industrialization (destruction of Traditional economies), urbanization (destruction of Traditional communities) and acculturation (destruction of Traditional cultures through invasive monocultures, as in Americanization, Islamization and Sinification). The resulting combination of habitat collapse, demographic explosion, ethnic strife and political radicalism in the Third World are encouraging mass migrations that are directed towards the Western world by the hostile elite in a desperate bid to hasten its global vision of an anti-identitarian ‘melting pot’. This transforms the Western heartland into the global ‘ground zero’ of the Cultural Nihilist Maelstrom.
The Cultural Nihilist Maelstrom
The earth is full of anger, the seas are dark with wrath;
the nations in their harness go up against our path…
— Rudyard Kipling
In the global melting pot, all forms of authentic Traditional identity are subjected to the ultimate test of Modernity. The present form and efficiency of this crucible are determined by the baby boomer ideology of Cultural Nihilism: under the aegis of Cultural Nihilism, the melting pot vision has reached its apotheosis in a moral-free ‘American Dream 2.0’. This is a hallucinatory state of urban-hedonist stasis within a total ethical vacuum: Hollywood versions of this vision can be found in Ang Lee’s The Ice Storm (1997) and Sam Mendes’ American Beauty (1999). But the actual practice of this ‘ideal form’ remains the exclusive preserve of the Western baby boomers: as a plague of locusts they have devastated the outer as well as inner worlds of Modernity and in their trail nothing is left but a desert. For the globalized masses of rootless prospective consumers the practical implementation of the global melting pot project is an entirely different reality: their experiential reality is not that of the shaded suburb and the gilded shopping mall, the Brazilian favela, the South African shanty town, the American inner city ghetto and the French HLM banlieue, where the teeming billions of damnés de la terre, the masses of professional have-nots, are condemned to live under permanent conditions of ‘bio-industrial’ deprivation and moral degradation. This global reservoir of human misery is the ultimate driving force from which the global process of social implosion derives its impetus. Within the Western world this reservoir functions as a ‘labour reserve’ to decrease wages, a ‘consumer mass’ to increase profits and a ‘democratic electorate’ to vote for the Cultural Nihilist regime. Outside the Western world, it functions as a major psychological catalyst for global subversion through religiously and ethnically inspired violence. Globally escalating demographic pressure, failing ecosystems, denaturalized living conditions, competitive consumer fetishism and structural social-economic marginalization are building up a global ‘anger capital’, i.e. a sum total of despair, resentment and anger that is deposited in a ‘world anger reservoir’ (Peter Sloterdijk 2006). This ‘global anger bank’ constitutes a permanent mortgage on all Traditional forms of authentic identity and social structure. From this perspective, the ultimate foreclosure of Western civilization is inevitable and must result in the final dispossession and permanent debt slavery of the Western peoples. What is truly arising is nothing less than an anti-Western exercise in cosmic revenge: a final overflowing of this ‘world anger reservoir’ will finally sweep away Western civilization in an incoherent and all-consuming Last Wave of apocalyptic violence.
Until the collapse of the Soviet ‘Evil Empire’ in 1991 and the declaration of the American ‘New World Order’ in 1992, the ‘world anger reservoir’ was still largely contained within the Third World. The phenomena of social implosion and societal atavism were limited to the post-colonial world of Latin America, Africa and Asia and their exponentially breeding populations of impoverished métèques. During the subsequent Postmodern Age the Third World still remains the most important stakeholder in the ‘global anger bank’, obtaining ever higher returns on the Western ‘investments’ of ‘intervention’ (Somalia 1992, Iraq 2003), ‘sexploitation’ (UN Mozambique 1992, Oxfam Haïti 2018) and ‘low cost outsourcing’ (Nike ‘sweatshops’ 2005, H&M/Zara child labour 2009). The difference is that the Postmodern Age is characterized by a purposeful ‘globalization’ of the ‘world anger reservoir’, which is deliberately being imported into the West itself. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union, the former Eastern Bloc countries were the first to be subjected to the neo-liberal ‘shock doctrine’ (Naomi Klein, 2007), with the entirely predictable results of de-industrialization, endemic poverty, brain drain and demographic implosion. With the introduction of the Euro and the start of the ‘credit crisis’, the Southern European countries were next in line. In the ex-Protestant economic heartland of the West — North-Western Europe and the overseas Anglosphere — the process is more gradual. To maintain political stability in the heartland of Western consumer society, which is still a vital part of the world economy, the demolition of labour laws and social services proceeds at a slower pace: the process of Verelendung is replicated in ‘slow motion’. It is reasonable to assume that the final abolition of the last borders of the ‘world anger reservoir’ will coincide with the biological end of the Western baby boom generation (somewhat arbitrarily defined as the cohorts of 1940–65).
But finally, it will be in the Western heartland that the strongest Cultural Nihilist ‘therapy’ will have to be prescribed to achieve the abolition of the last borders of the global melting pot. In the face of the highly educated and politically emancipated indigenous populations of the Western heartland, the hostile elite will have to resort to its ultimate weapon: ethnic replacement. To the extent that the indigenous peoples of the Western heartland are proving themselves unfit for the melting pot — demographically infertile under totalitarian dictatorship, economically unproductive in urban-hedonist stasis and politically unreliable in debt slavery — they are simply replaced by less intellectual, less demanding and less self-conscious slave peoples that are more easily manipulated. In this regard, the do
minant Cultural Nihilist discourse of anti-identity is essential, because it allows for a refined exploitation of the historical traumas and demoralization of the Western peoples. The psychohistorical burden of two world wars, four decades of decolonization and total post-ideological disenchantment makes them ripe for sadomasochistic self-annihilation. The Cultural Nihilist programme of ethnic replacement is based on a subtle combination of demographic ‘shrinkage’ (deconstruction of the family through ‘female emancipation’, self-sterilization through ‘contraception’, child sacrifices through ‘abortion’, senicide through ‘euthanasia’), genetic ‘outcrossing’ (exogamic role pattern with indigenous people as ‘wife-givers’ and immigrants as ‘wife-takers’) and evolutionary ‘cropping’ (genocidal role pattern with ‘decadent’ indigenous peoples and ‘vital’ migrants). The indigenous peoples of the West, starting with the progeny of the baby boomers, are sacrificed in a ritualistic ‘holocaust’: they are the necessary offering on the altar of the cult of Cultural Nihilism. Once they are in the grip of the Cultural Nihilistic Maelstrom they are doomed to disappear into the bottomless pit of the global melting pot, which is the final destination of all forms of authentic Traditional identity. Thus, in the early 21st century the Western peoples are facing an ultimate choice: either they submit to sadomasochistic self-destruction, or they will struggle free from the Cultural Nihilist anti-identitarian agenda in a self-surpassing act of supreme willpower.
The Anti-Identitarian Agenda
And now, open your eyes and see… What we have made is real: we are in Xanadu
— Olivia Newton-John
The greatest inner power of Modernity resides in its powers of suggestion. The greatest fraud it has perpetrated on Modern mankind is arguably the historical materialist illusion of the infinite malleability of human nature: this illusion causes man to believe that identity is a ‘choice’. This illusion, as seductive as it is absurd, is a central tenet of the Enlightenment, inducing Modern mankind to indulge in a self-defeating and self-destructive battle against all forms of authentic identity. In Cultural Nihilism, this tenet becomes doctrine and in the Postmodern melting pot, it becomes reality. This Cultural Nihilist doctrine is implemented by means of an anti-identarian agenda. The crucial mechanism by which this agenda is realized is the mutual cancellation of all forms of authentic identity, according to the old maxim divide et impera. Thus, authentic Christianity (supersession of fate, salvation through grace) is twisted, opposed and cancelled out against authentic Islam (acceptance of fate, salvation through submission). Thus, authentic Indo-European ethnicity (Bringer of Evangelion, Creator of Nomos, Master of Techne) is cancelled out against authentic Semitic ethnicity (Prophet of the Word, People of the Covenant, Servant of the Law). Thus, authentic femininity (private dedication, self-surpassing sacrifice) is cancelled out against authentic masculinity (public authority, self-surpassing responsibility).
This process of mutual cancellation is operational at all levels. At the lowest individual level, all authentic personal vocations are supplanted by competing ‘lifestyle’ options. Women are made to believe that matrimony and motherhood are somehow ‘incomplete’ vocations and that they are somehow compatible with relationship and labour-market experiments: this has reduced entire generations of women to eternally immature and eternally unhappy creatures. Men are made to believe that labour and family are merely random and temporary life choices and that public responsibility is an obsolete idea: this has reduced entire generations of men to money-grabbing weasels, striving to imitate the role model of The Wolf of Wallstreet. At the highest collective level, all authentic forms of religion, ethnicity and culture are buried in a globalist ‘zero-sum’ fantasy of ‘international competition’. The inevitable geopolitical implication of the Cultural Nihilist anti-identitarian agenda, aimed at realizing the ‘New World Order’ (George Bush 1990) and the ‘End of History’ (Francis Fukuyama, 1992), is an apocalyptic ‘Clash of Civilizations’ (Samuel Huntington, 1997). The anti-identitarian agenda dictates that to the extent that the authentic forms of religion, ethnicity and culture do not disappear of their own accord during the great fire sale of the contemporary Postmodernity, they will be removed by force in the near future.
From this perspective, it is easy to understand why the globalist hostile elite is deliberately creating artificial conflicts: domestically against ‘Islam’ (the abstract representation of authentic religious life) and internationally against ‘Russia’ (the abstract representation of authentic national sovereignty). Such conflicts are created on purpose: these artificially created domestic and international ‘enemies’ function as lightning conductors on the Cultural Nihilist new Tower of Babel. These psy-op machinations, which effectively continue the successful psychological warfare strategies of the Cold War, represent intentional programmes by which the globalist hostile elite means to win the domestic and international Clash of Civilizations. It realizes its anti-identitarian agenda through a combination of ruthless suppression, perverse propaganda and refined psychological manipulation: Third World barbarity is systematically imported under the guise of ‘human rights’ (‘asylum rights’, ‘refugee status’), fundamentalist terror is systematically sponsored under the guise of ‘freedom fighters’ (Jabhat al-Nusra, Da‘esh) and authentic state authority is systematically undermined under the guise of ‘colour revolutions’ (Georgia 2003, Ukraine 2004). The increasing brinkmanship of the globalist hostile elite — which may lead to civil war in the Western heartland or nuclear war with Russia — indicates its increasing impatience. Knowing that its days are numbered, the old baby boomer elite is seduced by the Cultural Nihilist mirage of the global melting pot and is losing its grip on geopolitical reality. This means that the risk of fatal miscalculation and va banque hubris is rising exponentially: the demonically possessed leaders of the West have nothing to lose: their souls are dead already.
‘Dead Souls’
Dämonen seyd ihr, keine Genien!
Der Hölle, die Verzweiflung haucht, entstiegen.
[You are devils — not genii!
rising up from the hell, breathing despair]
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Des Epimenides Erwachen
The global hostile elite represents a power complex that is ruled by a handful of literally dehumanized ‘dead souls’. These are the ‘Davos Men’ — the top business tycoons, top politicians, top economists and top ideologues that regularly meet in institutionalized settings such as the World Economic Forum (Samuel Huntington). Occasionally, one of the éminences grises of this hostile elite is recognized by opponents of the globalization project, illustrating the ‘dead soul’ principle. They are a mere handful of new ‘rulers of the earth’, exploiting the triumph of Modernity — technically defined as the end of the Nomos and the occultation of the Katechon — to unleash their megalomania on innocent nature and naive mankind. In their case ‘humanism’ is not a mere ideological slogan but a literally totaler Krieg against God; and the Novus Ordo Seculorum is not a mere fantasy between lodge ‘brethren’, but a literal Griff nach der Weltmacht. Compared to these dead souls’ chief vampires, the political ‘cartel creatures’ of Western ‘democracy’ (Thierry Baudet, 2017), the Social Justice Warriors of the ‘Leftwing Subsidy Network’ (Martin Bosma, 2010), the Gekaufte Journalisten of the Western ‘free press’ (Udo Ulfkotte, 2014) and the ‘affirmative action’ appointees of the Western academia (Jordan Peterson 2017) are merely insignificant and disposable extras. The anti-identitarian agenda, including its ‘open borders’, its ‘open societies’ and its ‘open relations’, is officially portrayed as a ‘democratic’ bottom-up project, but it is actually realized in an entirely top-down fashion.
The real strength of the anti-identitarian ‘New World Project’ resides in the intangible informality and judicial immunity of its largely anonymous leadership. The handful of new Godfathers and new Untouchables that is ultimately responsible for the monstrous network of ‘global governance’, ‘high f
inance’ and ‘multinational business’ always manages to stay out of public sight — and out of the reach of justice. The ontological ‘quality’ and the basic ‘motivation’ of these dead souls are determined by a (micro-cosmic) inner void, and by the (macro-cosmic) ‘Outer Void’ that is its inevitable downward extension. Their quality and motivation can only be understood as quintessentially subhuman phenomena: only the ancient archetypes of Absolute Evil can shed light on them. It cannot be a coincidence that contemporary art forms are characterized by a massive resurfacing of the archetypes of ‘demons’ and ‘vampires’, often in the typically modern incarnations of ‘aliens’ and ‘zombies’. The Lord of the Rings offers a poetic stereotype of such an archetype in ‘Shelob’: a monster living in underground hiding, ruthlessly fixed on the maximal sadistic inversion of all authentic Light — all strength, beauty, goodness, innocence — that still exists in a darkening world. Like the dead souls that lead the global hostile elite, Shelob ‘lives’ without any fixed allegiance and without any fixed affinities, patiently feeding off her eternal resentment and waiting for new victims. The only thing she truly fears is the Light: like the dead souls that lead the global hostile elite, she is only at ease hiding in the shadows of her webs of deceit. It is only in the dark that the global hostile elite prospers and they can only maintain their power by clouding the judgment and intellect of the Western peoples, hoping to catch them in their webs and to devour them in darkness.
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