Alba Rosa

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Alba Rosa Page 28

by Alexander Wolfheze


  Nun begegn’ ich meinen Braven,

  Die sich in der Nacht versammlet,

  Um zu schweigen, nicht zu schlafen,

  Und das schöne Wort der Freiheit

  Wird gelispelt und gestammelt,

  Bis in ungewohnter Neuheit!

  [Now I meet my brave companions

  Who have come together in the night

  To keep silent, not to sleep,

  And the fair word of freedom

  Is murmured and stammered

  As an unsuspected novelty!]

  — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,

  Des Epimenides Erwachen

  ‘Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos’

  — freely inspired by the first leaflet of Die Weisse Rose

  Nothing is more unworthy of a people of high culture than a mindless and feeble acceptance of ‘governance’ by an irresponsible clique that itself is governed by dark instincts. Is it not true that at present every decent Dutchman is ashamed of his ‘government’ of ‘Lying Dutchmen’? And who of us can imagine the shame which will come over us and our children when finally our eyes are fully opened to the whole mendacity and criminality by which this hostile elite is betraying our country and our people? If the Dutch people have so far degenerated in soul and heart that they are willing to give up their free will — the highest good of humanity and the thing that raises man above all other creatures — without a fight, in the frivolous belief in the dubious ‘progress of history’, then they deserve to disappear. If they are willing to give up their human freedom to decide the course of history and to shape history according to their will, and if they have lost their sense of human individuality in the shapeless ‘grey zone’ of mindless and cowardly collectivism, then they deserve to be consigned to the dustbin of history. During their Eighty Years’ fight for freedom and independence, the ancestors of the modern Dutch saw themselves as a new Chosen People in a new Promised Land, which was liberating itself from a new Egyptian bondage. But now it seems that the Dutch people have become an effeminate and spineless herd of sheep, deprived of any sense of honour and dignity, willing to be meekly led to an ignominious end.

  Thus it seems, but it is not so. Rather, each individual Dutchman has been reduced to spiritual bondage by a slow, treacherous and systematic suppression of independent thinking and mature conscience. Only when he was down on the ground in chains did he realize what his fate was. Only a few noticed the approaching disaster; the wages of their warnings were murder (Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh) and persecution (Hans Janmaat, Geert Wilders). The final verdict on these names will have to be spoken by future historians. But if everybody waits until others do something, then the harbingers of merciless Nemesis will inexorably come closer and closer, until the last senseless sacrifice will have vanished into the gaping jaws of the insatiable demon of Cultural Nihilism. For this reason, every individual must be aware of his responsibility towards his Christian culture and his Western civilization and resist, as much as he is able to, the scourge of Western humanity: Cultural Nihilism and its totalitarian grip on state authority. Prepare yourselves for passive and non-violent resistance — resistance — wherever you are: prevent the advance of this godless machine of destruction before it is too late, before the last remnants of our civilization disappear in the abyss of history and before our last descendants are sacrificed to the satanic madness of the subhuman and unworthy hostile elite! Pierce the transparent ritual with which it facilitates, tolerates and hides dark evil! Do not forget the crimes that are coming ever closer to your doorstep: the South African ‘farm killings’, the Rotherham ‘grooming gangs’, the Cologne New Year’s Eve — and the daily larger and smaller terror that is creeping into your cities, villages and streets! Do not forget that every nation gets the government that it deserves, that it allows itself to be ruled by!

  ‘Placard of Abjuration’

  — freely inspired by the second leaflet of Die Weisse Rose

  It is impossible to combat Historical Materialist movements such as Liberalism and Cultural Nihilism with spiritual weapons because these movements do not possess a spirit. It is incorrect to call Liberalism or Cultural Nihilism ‘worldviews’. If this were the case, they should be combated with spiritual weapons, but reality shows us an entirely different picture: from their very beginnings Liberalism and Cultural Nihilism depend on simple deceit; from the very start, they were rotten to their core and could only maintain the appearance of substance by continuous lies. Initially, these cancerous growths were not clearly visible in the body politic, because there were still enough positive powers available to combat them. But when they grew larger and larger, when they obtained a monopoly on power through a last and malignant transformation and when they finally took over our country and people in a Neo-Liberal New World Order, then most of these earlier resistance forces hid themselves from reality: the Dutch intelligentsia took refuge in a dark hole, to slowly decay and die like little poor indoor plants lacking sun and light.

  Now we are facing the bankruptcy of Historical Materialism in its final incarnations of Neo-Liberalism and Cultural Nihilism. Now it is essential that we find each other again, that we clear our minds by talking to each other, that we think through our predicament and that we do not allow ourselves to rest until everybody is convinced about the absolute necessity of our personal commitment to fight the hostile elite that is attempting to artificially prolong the life of the Neo-Liberal New World Order. If in that manner, a wave of resistance is generated, if a new idea pervades the air, if many join the cause, then it is still possible to shake off this satanic system in a last, mighty exertion of our collective willpower. A terrible end is better than terror without end.

  It is not up to us to pronounce the final verdict on our historical destiny. But if our present Cultural Nihilist predicament can still be of value, then only thus: to be purified by our ordeal, so that we may look up from the darkest night to the new dawn. Thus, we can pull ourselves together and help dislodge the yoke that is pressing down on our country and on the whole of the Western world.

  Not only ethnic replacement is an issue of vital importance: this issue is merely one of the symptoms of Cultural Nihilism. With subtly disguised mass-immigration our country is being colonized in front of our very eyes: our people and culture are being slowly strangulated — this is indeed an immense crime. But even these ‘immigrants’ are still people, whatever one’s feeling about ‘immigration’; they are mere pawns in the evil game of the Cultural Nihilist hostile elite. Neither the colonized indigenous peoples of the West nor the rootless immigrant populations that are being imported by the hostile elite benefit from mass-immigration: the former lose their home and the latter is eternally homeless. The Cultural Nihilist project of ethnic replacement is a dead-end street that offers no exit except self-destruction: ethnic conflict and civil war. But the other symptoms of Cultural Nihilism are just as fatal: especially industrial ecocide and social implosion. The continuation of industrial ecocide, driven by absurd hyper-capitalism and unbridled consumerism means that the mindless cruelty of the horrendous bio-industry is allowed to roll on undisturbed and that unprecedented climate change is allowed to reach catastrophic proportions. The continuation of the social implosion that inevitably results from the Postmodern realities of matriarchic feminization and collective narcissism means that the ‘deconstruction’ of our people, our family and our society is allowed to proceed unchecked. A whole generation of young people has already been scarred for life by the results of this ‘deconstruction’: ‘broken families’, ‘libertarian childrearing’, ‘education reform’, ‘permissiveness’, ‘pornification’ and ‘transgenderism’. In the same way that ethnic replacement leads to ‘ethnic deconstruction’ and that industrial ecocide leads to ‘environmental deconstruction’, so social implosion leads to ‘identitarian deconstruction’. The resulting combination of demographic inundation, climate catastrophe and failing cultural transmission is
the death sentence of our people.

  Why does all of this have to be said to you in these words, if yourself you already know it — if not in detail, at least in substance? Because the issue of Cultural Nihilism is an issue of life or death: it must be addressed, as our fate as a people depends on it. Why do the people respond with apathy to this terrible, inhuman development? Almost nobody gives it any serious thought. This development is accepted as a fact of ‘progress’ and set aside. Again the nation falls asleep, stupefied and exhausted, and again it encourages the Cultural Nihilist hostile elite to take another step down into the abyss — and the fall continues. Perhaps this is a sign that the people have been damaged in their most primitive human dignity — that their conscience has atrophied to the point of being silent even in full view of the most disturbing sights, that they have fallen into a lethal urban-hedonist trance and a spiritual coma from which there is no waking up. It appears to be the case. And it is true, if the people cannot shake off their stupor, if they do not protest — at every opportunity — against this criminal hostile elite, if they do not feel pity for the countless innocent creatures that are its victims —

  For the millions of defenceless animals that are tortured to death in the maniacal bloodbath of the ‘bio-industry’ every year. For the hundreds of thousands of children who live through the narcissist madness of the ‘libertarian’ society, children who will never know who their real father is or what a real family feels like — and who have to go through life as broken reeds after being neglected, maltreated and abused. For the hundreds of thousands of youngsters who feel the daily effects of globalist Neo-Liberalism in unbearable ‘student loans’, permanent work insecurity and unfair competition with inflowing masses of cheap ‘migrant labour’. For the hundreds of thousands of young women who have been brainwashed and manipulated into embracing an empty ‘emancipation’ that robs them of their chances of marriage, motherhood and family life. For the hundreds of thousands of ‘redundant’ old people who are deprived of natural family life, dignified care environments and well-earned social respect, only to be subtly encouraged to quickly quit their supposedly ‘completed lives’. So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter. Wherefore I praised the dead more than the living which are yet alive, — Ecclesiastes 4:1–2.

  Not only should the people feel pity for these innocent victims, but much more: they should be aware of their guilt as accomplices. Because, by their apathy, they make it possible for the hostile elite to do what it does: they tolerate a regime that is guilty of atrocious negligence and criminality. More: they themselves are guilty because they have allowed it to rise to power! Everybody wants to deny this guilt and gloss it over — and this is exactly what everybody does, dozing off into an undisturbed sleep with an unburdened conscience. But the people cannot escape their responsibility: they themselves are guilty, guilty, guilty.

  But still, it is not yet too late to remove the disgusting dirt that is supposed to be our ‘government’ and our ‘elite’ — and to avoid further incrimination. Now that, at long last, our eyes have opened and now that we know who we are dealing with, the time has come to remove the hostile elite of fake leaders and fake authorities. Until recently, most of the people were blind: the Cultural Nihilist hostile elite was able to hide behind the politically correct mask of ‘humanism’ and ‘progressiveness’. It is only recently that the evil conjoined twins of the regressive left and the kleptocratic right have finally discarded this mask. So now, now that we know who they truly are, it is the sacred duty of the people to remove the suicide pilots of the hostile elite from the cockpit of our national government.

  ‘And Tyranny Away’

  — freely inspired by the fourth leaflet of Die Weisse Rose

  A shield and my reliance

  O God, Thou ever wert.

  I’ll trust unto Thy guidance.

  O leave me not ungirt.

  That I may stay a pious

  Servant of Thine for aye,

  And drive the plagues that try us

  And tyranny away.

  — The Dutch national anthem ‘Wilhelmus’, VI

  It is an ancient wisdom, as we repeat to our children, that whoever refuses to hear, must feel. A clever child will only burn his finger on the hot stove once. You have been warned: every word that comes out of the hostile elite is a lie. If it says ‘multicultural tolerance’, it means mass immigration that you pay for yourself and ethnic replacement that is fatal to your children’s future. If it says ‘free movement of goods, capital, services and labour’, it means offshore accounting, mailbox companies, money laundry, narcostate, industrial dumping, outsourcing and wage-suppressing migrant labour. When it says ‘environmental awareness’, it means bureaucratic whitewashing of bio-industrial horrors, profitable self-deception of commercial ‘greening’ and paper-only animal rights. When it says ‘progress’ and ‘enlightenment’, it means atavistic regression and demonic darkness. Its media outlets are the stinking mouths of hell and its governmental institutions are inwardly rotting.

  Of course, it is laudable to fight the false ideology and dictatorial regime of the hostile elite with rational arguments, but whoever still doubts the existence of the demoniacal power that stands behind this regime has not grasped the metaphysical context of the Crisis of the Modern World. Behind the concrete realities that can be discerned by the senses and behind the logical deliberations that are founded on tangible affairs, there is an irrational dimension. It is in that dimension that the struggle against the demon and the antichrist is fought. Everywhere and at all times the demons have been waiting in the dark, waiting for the hour that humanity becomes weak, the hour that of its own free will it abandons the place that God has granted it in freedom. That is the hour that humanity surrenders to evil temptation, that it turns its back on higher powers and higher aims. After this voluntary first step follows a second and a third — and more steps follow at an ever-accelerating pace. But everywhere and at all times, whenever human distress reaches unbearable levels, people have stood up: prophets, holy men who remembered humanity’s original freedom. They remembered the One True God and, with His help, called the people to turn back. Humanity may be free, but it is helpless against evil without the One True God: without Him, it is as a ship without a rudder, an infant without a mother, a cloud that dissolves into nothing. If you believe this, you should ask yourself if, in the present struggle against Cultural Nihilist evil, there is still any legitimate reason to hesitate, to prevaricate or to postpone the outstanding final confrontation. Do you hope that another person will take up arms on your behalf if God has given you the power and the courage to fight? We have to fight evil where it is strongest — and it is strongest in the regime of our Cultural Nihilist hostile elite.

  It should be emphatically stated that every authentic Dutch resistance to our hostile elite must reject service to any foreign power. Even if it is clear that our own hostile elite represents a global power and that the Dutch people should join other Western peoples in a common effort to destroy that power, it is of vital importance that the deeply wounded Dutch spirit is cured from within. The Dutch Renaissance must be preceded by a clear awareness of the burden of guilt with which the Dutch people have charged themselves through their own tardiness, passiveness, laziness and collaboration. They have to detach themselves from the hostile elite and stop their slavish deference to greedy bankers, looting venture capitalists, political straw men, corrupt journalists and compromised academicians. Next, there should be created a clear delineation between the real Dutch people and the treacherous hostile elite of ‘transnational’ hyper-capitalists, ‘europhile’ political stooges, ‘cosmopolitan’ media pundits and ‘internationalized’ pseudo-academicians. For the ‘hard core’ of the hostile elite, who have not only bet
rayed their country and their people, but who have also abandoned their humanity and conscience, there is no punishment on this Earth that befits their crimes. But, for the sake of coming generations, they should be made an example of after their downfall — so that never again will anybody feel the slightest temptation to repeat a similar betrayal of their nation and their people, or to repeat a similar disdain for God and God’s Law.

  Until the Cultural Nihilist hostile elite has fallen, silence is no longer an option: until that time, may the White Rose be your conscience.


  Ave, formosissima, gemma pretiosa,

  ave, decus virginum, virgo gloriosa,

  ave, mundi luminar,

  ave, mundi rosa!

  — Carmina Burana

  Completed at The Hague on 20 June 2018,

  half a century after the Machtergreifung of the soixante-huitards.

  * albus in albis *

  7. Ave, mundi rosa

  Offrande à la Vierge, ‘Offering to the Virgin’ (Simon Saint-Jean, 1842), Museum of Fine Arts Lyon.

  Appendix A: ‘Human Rights’ — A Traditionalist Reality Check


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