Knowledge and the Sacred. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University, 1981.
Needleman, Jacob (ed.), The Sword of Gnosis. Metaphysics, Cosmology, Tradition, Symbolism. London: Arkana, 1986.
Nietzsche, Friedrich W., Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen. Nietzsches Werke II. Leipzig: Naumannm 1919.
Otto, Rudolf, Das Heilige: über das Irrationale in der Idee des Göttlichen und sein Verhältnis zum Rationalen. Breslau: Perthes, 1917.
Schmitt, Carl, Politische Theologie. München: Duncker & Humblot, 1922.
Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus Publicum Europaeum. Berlin: Dunker & Humblot, 1950.
Land und Meer. Leipzig: Reclam, 1942.
Scholl, Inge, Die weisse Rose. Frankfurt-am-Main: Fischer, 1956.
Schuon, Frithjof, De l’unité transcendante des religions. Paris: Tradition, 1948.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I., In the First Circle; orig. V kruge pervom. New York: Harper Perennial, 1968.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. (cont.), Prussian Nights: A Narrative Poem; orig. Prusskye notsy. London: Collins & Harvill, 1977.
Spengler, Oswald A.G., Der Untergang des Abendlandes.München: Beck, 1919.
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, The Arctic Home in the Vedas. Being also a New Key to the Interpretation of Many Vedic Texts and Legends. Poona: Tilak Bros, 1903.
Weber, Max, Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus. Göttingen: Mohr, 1905.
Wolfe, Tom, ‘The ‘Me’ Decade and the Third Great Awakening’, New York Magazine 23August 1976.
Wolfheze, Alexander, The Sunset of Tradition and the Origin of the Great War. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018.
Besson, Luc, Lucy (2014) genre: science fiction;
— relevance: trans-humanism, technological hubris;
Carpenter, John, In the Mouth of Madness (1994) genre: psychological horror;
— relevance: zombie apocalypse — occult arts, postmodern culture ;
Curtis, Tony, The Century of the Self (2002) genre: cultural-historical documentary;
— relevance: narcissism epidemy — psycho-analysis, marketing & consumerism;
Darabont, Frank, The Walking Dead (2010-) genre: post-apocalyptic horror;
— relevance: zombie apocalypse — social-psychological dynamics;
Devlin, Dean, Geostorm (2017) genre: science fiction disaster;
— relevance: climate catastrophe, technological hubris;
Emmerich, Roland, The Day after Tomorrow (2004) genre: science fiction disaster;
— relevance: climate catastrophe;
Fincher, David, Se7en (1995) genre: crime-thriller;
— relevance: hamartiology of Modernity;
Forster, Marc, World War Z (2013) genre: action-horror;
— relevance: zombie apocalypse, eschatological motives (Jerusalem);
Ivory, James, The Remains of the Day (1993) genre: historical drama;
— relevance: social implosion — Regression of the Castes;
Lee, Ang, The Ice Storm (1997) genre: drama;
— relevance: social implosion — urban-hedonist immorality;
Mendis, Sam, American Beauty (1995) genre: drama;
— relevance: social implosion — urban-hedonist immorality;
Mongillo, Michael, The Wind (2001) genre: psychological thriller;
— relevance: narcissism epidemy;
Nichols, Jeff, Take Shelter (2011) genre: psychological thriller;
— relevance: climate catastrophe — social-psychological dynamics;
Romero, George, Dawn of the Dead (1978) genre: horror;
— relevance: zombie apocalypse — socio-cultural dynamics;
Santoro, Matthew, Higher Power (2018) genre: science fiction;
— relevance: trans-humanism, technological hubris;
Scorsese, Martin, The Wolf of Wallstreet (2013) genre: black comedy;
— relevance: social implosion — hyper-capitalism & hyper-individualism;
Snyder, Zack, Dawn of the Dead (2004) genre: horror;
— relevance: zombie apocalypse — eschatological motives (Revelation).
Earlier Publications of ‘Alba Rosa’ Material
Chapter 1 — ‘The Harrowing of Hell’ is a slightly expanded and adjusted version of the article ‘Hellstorm: Ten Western Perspectives on the Eurasian Project’ in the Journal of Eurasian Studies.
Chapter 2 — ‘The Crisis of the Modern West’ partially appeared earlier in the article ‘The Dutch Ernstfall: A Traditionalist Diagnosis of Dutch Post-Modernity’ on the website — two introductory paragraphs and explanatory notes have been added to contextualize the present Dutch predicament and to clarify specifically Dutch themes.
Chapter 3 — ‘The Dangers of Democracy’ contains material from the author’s article ‘Dutch Democracy: A Warning from History’ on the website
Chapter 4 — ‘The Sword of Knowledge’ contains material translated by the author from his own Dutch-language article ‘Het Zwaard van Kennis’, originally written for the periodical Zicht of the Dutch Christian-Conservative study centre ‘Guido de Brès’.
Chapter 6 — ‘The Living Dead’ appeared earlier as an article on the website
Chapter 8 — ‘The Archaeo-Futurist Revolution’ appeared earlier as a book review on the website
κατέχον, katechon — Greek: ‘that which withholds’, Biblical ‘restrainer’ of the Antichrist, Carl Schmitt’s intellectualization of the Christianum Imperium
μολὼν λαβέ, molōn labé — Greek: ‘come, take (them)’, King Leonidas of Sparta’s response to Persian Emperor Xerxes’ demand that he lay down his weapons during the Battle of Thermopylae
φαρμακός, pharmakós — Greek: ‘sacrificial victim’, hence ‘outcast’
Accipe quam primum; brevis est occasio lucri — Latin: ‘take while you can; the moment
of profit is brief’ (Martial)
Acquirit qui tuetur — Latin: ‘he that maintains, acquires’
ʼAḏān — Arabic: ‘Listening’, Islamic call to prayer
Adhuc coelum volvitur — Latin: ‘the heavens still turn’ (Erasmus)
Agent provocateur — French: ‘inciting agent’
Alba Rosa — Latin: ‘White Rose’
Albus in albis — Latin: ‘white among the white’
Albanizacija — Serbo-Croatian: ‘Albanianisation’
Alieni juris — Latin: ‘under the power of another’
Allochtoon — Dutch: ‘alien born’
Alma mater — Latin: ‘nourishing mother’, a university that somebody attended
‘Amīdah — Hebrew: ‘The Standing’, Jewish prayer
Anomie — French from Greek anomia, ‘lawlessness’: ‘psycho-social void’ (Durkheim)
Anti-genealogische Experiment der Moderne — German: ‘Anti-genealogical Experiment of the Modern Age’ (Peter Sloterdijk)
Après nous le déluge — French: ‘after us the flood’ (de Pompadour)
Archéofuturisme — French: ‘Archaeo-Futurism’ (Faye)
ʼAṣhāb al-Kahf — Arabic: ‘People of the Cave’ (Quran)
Auctoritas — Latin: ‘authority’, ‘power of command’
Audax Iapeti genus — Latin: ‘the audacious progeny of Iapetus’ (i.e. Atlas and Prometheus)
Ausnahmezustand — German: ‘state of exception’ (Schmitt)
Aussteiger — German: ‘drop-out’, non-conformist
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam — Latin: ‘either I find a way, or I make one’ (Hannibal)
Avant garde — French: ‘advance guard’, ‘artistic pioneer’
Ave, formosissima, gemma pretiosa, ave, decus virginum, virgo gloriosa, ave, mundi
luminar, ave, mundi rosa
! — Latin : ‘Hail, fairest one, precious gem, Hail, brightness of maidens, glorious maiden, Hail, light of the world, Hail, rose of the world!’ (Carmina Burana)
Baʻal teshuvah — Hebrew: ‘master of repentance’, penitent
Behouden Huys — Dutch: ‘Preserved House’ (location: Novaya Zemlya)
Bellum omnium contra omnes — Latin: ‘war of all against all’ (Hobbes)
Bewältigung — German: ‘coping’
Blitzkrieg — German: ‘lightning war’, German WW2 strategy
Blut und Boden — German: ‘blood and soil’
Canards, canaux et canailles — French: ‘ducks, canals and riffraff’ (Voltaire)
Ceci tuera cela — French: ‘this will kill that’ (Hugo)
Cet animal est très méchant ; quand on l’attaque il se défend ! — French: ‘this animal is very mean; when it is attacked, it defends itself!’
Chambre introuvable — French: ‘the chamber (of representatives) that cannot be found’
Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop — French: ‘chase away nature (and) it returns at a gallop’
Chassidei ʼumot ha-‘ōlam — Hebrew: ‘the righteous peoples of the world’
Contradictio in terminis — Latin: ‘contradiction in terms’
Créolisation — French: ‘creolization’, racial and cultural merger
Crise du monde moderne — French: ‘Crisis of the Modern World’ (Guénon)
Daʻesh — Arabic acronym: ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’, islamicist terrorist organization
Damnés de la terre — French: ‘The Wretched of the Earth’ (Fanon)
De l’audace, encore de l’audace, toujours de l’audace et la Patrie sera sauvée! — French: ‘Audacity, then again audacity, always audacity — and the fatherland will be saved! (Danton)
De verweesde samenleving — Dutch: ‘The Orphaned Society’ (Fortuyn)
De puinhopen van acht jaar paars — Dutch: ‘The ruins of Eight Years Purple’ (Fortuyn);
Début — French: ‘beginning’, ‘formal introduction’
Der Untergang des Abendlandes — German: ‘The Decline of the West’ (Spengler)
Deutschland ad acta legen — German/Latin: ‘to close the books on Germany’ (Sieferle)
Devotio Moderna — Latin: ‘modern devotion’, late medieval religious reform movement in the Low Countries
Die fröhliche Wissenschaft — German: ‘The Joyful Science’ (Nietzsche)
Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus — German: ‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’ (Weber)
Die Weisse Rose — German: ‘The White Rose’, anti-Nazi resistance movement;
Divide et impera — Latin: ‘divide and rule’
Dolce far niente — Italian: ‘sweet idleness’
Dura lex sed lex — Latin: ‘the law is harsh, but it is the law’
Einführung des Narzissmus — German: ‘An Introduction to Narcissism’ (Freud)
Elan vital — French: ‘vital impetus’, spontaneous morphogenesis (Bergson)
Eminence grise — French: ‘grey eminence’, ‘power behind the throne’ (Tremblay)
Empyrean — from Greek empyrus, ‘in the fire’: ‘highest heaven’
Endsieg — German: ‘final victory’ (Goebbels)
Entfremdung — German: ‘alienation’ (Marx)
Epistème — French from Greek epistèmè: ‘knowledge system’ (Foucault)
Ernstfall — German: ‘case of seriousness’ (Schmitt)
Ex factis ius oritur — Latin: ‘the law arises from facts’
Evangelion — Greek: ‘good news’, ‘gospel’
Ewige Wiederkunft — German: ‘eternal return’ (Nietzsche)
Excalibur — from Welsh caled-bwlch ‘hard breach’, magical sword of King Arthur
Faute de mieux — French: ‘for lack of better’
Favela — Brazilian Portuguese: ‘slum’
Finis Germania — Latin: ‘Germany’s End’ (Sieferle)
Flucht nach vorne — German: ‘flight forward’
Freiheitliche Partei Oesterreichs — German: ‘Freedom Party of Austria’
Front National — French: ‘National Front’
Führergeburtstag — German: ‘Leader’s Birthday’ (Hitler’s, 20 April 1889)
Führerprinzip — German: ‘leader principle’
Gaia — Greek goddess of the Earth, deified personification of the Earth
Geest — Dutch: sandy, raised landform with poor soil, homophone with ‘ghost’
Gekaufte Journalisten — German: ‘Bought journalists’ (Ulfkotte)
Ger Toshav — Hebrew: ‘resident alien’
Ger Tsedek — Hebrew: ‘righteous alien’
Génération identitaire — French: ‘generation identity’, the identitarian generation
Gesundes Geschichtsempfinden — German: ‘healthy historical instinct’
Gidsland — Dutch: ‘guiding nation’
Giyur — Hebrew: ‘conversion (to Judaism)’
Gli uomini e le rovine — Italian: ‘Men Among the Ruins’ (Evola)
Gnade der späten Geburt — German: ‘mercy of a late birth’
Götterdämmerung — German: ‘Twilight of the Gods’ (Wagner)
Gram — Old Norse: ‘wrath’, magical sword of mythical Norse hero Sigurd
Griff nach der Weltmacht — German: ‘Grab for World Power’ (Fischer)
Gutmensch — German: ‘good human’, politically correct hyper-altruistic ‘nice guy’
Halacha — Hebrew: ‘the way to walk’, Rabbinic Law
Heimat — German: ‘homeland’
Hitler Jugend — German: ‘Hitler Youth’
HLM banlieue — French: ‘rent-controlled public housing suburb’
Hohe Messe — German: ‘High Mass’
Homo novus — Latin: ‘new man’, plebeian raised to higher rank
Hortus conclusus — Latin: ‘enclosed garden’, title of the Holy Virgin
Hudūd — Arabic: ‘boundaries’, extreme punishments under Islamic Law
Il nome della rosa — Italian: ‘In the Name of the Rose’ (Eco)
Imperium — Latin: ‘highest command power’, ‘imperial remit’
Invidia — Latin: ‘hostile look’, ‘envy’
Jabhat an-Nuṣrah — Arabic: ‘Victory Front’, islamicist terrorist organization
Jeunesse dorée — French: ‘gilded youth’, bullying affluent youth
Kali Yuga — Sanskrit: ‘Age of Kali’, cosmic ‘Dark Age’
Katechon — cf. κατέχον above
Katharsis — Greek: ‘purification’
Kohl’s Mädchen — German: ‘Kohl’s girl’, reference to former German Chancellor Helmuth Kohl’s patronage of his present successor Angela Merkel
Kulturkreis — German: ‘cultural circle’, anthropological approach of separate culture complexes
La Gioconda — Italian: ‘the Giocondo girl’, a reference to Lisa del Giocondo and to da Vinci’s painting, Mona Lisa
Laïcité — French: ‘secularity’, the secular ‘state religion’ of the French Republic
Landnám — Icelandic: ‘land settlement’, original act of taking possession
Landvoogd — Dutch: ‘regional governor’, associated with foreign administrators
Le Horla — French hors là, ‘out there’: ‘The Outsider’ (de Maupassant)
Liberté, égalité, fraternité — French: ‘liberty, equality, fraternity’, motto of the French Republic
Luctor et emergo — Latin: ‘I struggle and emerge’, motto of the Dutch province of Zeeland;
Luftwaffe — German: ‘airforce’<
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Lügenpresse — German: ‘lying press’, politically correct system media
Machtergreifung — German: ‘seizure of power’, Nazi rise to power
Machtübernahme — German: ‘take-over of power’, Nazi rise to power
Manumissio — Latin: ‘affranchisement’, freeing of slaves
Métèque — French: ‘metic’, foreign resident without citizenship (Maurras)
Métissage — French: the creation of a population of mixed ethnicity
Moc bezmocných — Czech: ‘The Power of the Powerless’ (Havel)
Nomina nuda tenemus — Latin: ‘we hold only naked names’ (de Cluny, Eco)
Moment suprême — French: ‘supreme moment’
Monachus- Latin: ‘monk’
Mors triumphalis — Latin: ‘triumphant death’
Narodnaya Volya — Russian: ‘The People’s Will’, revolutionary terrorist organization
Negativ auserwähltes Volk — German: ‘negatively chosen people’ (Sieferle)
Nirvana — Sanskrit: ‘extinction’, Buddhist state of final redemption
Nomos — Latin: ‘law’, Carl Schmitt’s intellectualization of Higher Order
Noodgeval — Dutch: ‘emergency’
Nouveau riche — French: ‘new rich’, parvenu lacking a proper pedigree
Novus Ordo Seculorum — Latin: ‘The New Order of the Ages’ (Virgil), motto of the Great Seal of the United States
Odin den Ivana Denisowitsa — Russian: ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich’ (Solzhenitsyn)
Oikophobia — from Greek: ‘fear of home’
Ousia — Greek: ‘being’, ‘essence’, ‘substance’
Oyfn Pripetshik — Yiddish: ‘On the Hearth’ (Warshawsky)
Par excellence — French: ‘by excellence’
Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) — Dutch: ‘Freedom Party’
Paschein — Greek: ‘to suffer’, philosophical category of affection by some other object (Aristotle)
Pax Eurasiatica — Latin: ‘Eurasian Peace’
Penitentia — Latin: ‘repentance’, the good work of contrition and penance
Pensionado — Spanish: ‘pensioner’, wealthy retiree living the expat life-style
Perfectus — Latin: ‘perfect human’, Cathar Bonhomme
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