The Princess and the Bodyguard

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The Princess and the Bodyguard Page 8

by Morgan Ashbury

  “That’s not where I want your mouth.”

  She grinned with pure joy as he tossed a version of her own words back at her.

  “No? Where do you want it?”

  “On my cock. Now.”

  Oh and here, right here, he tasted of every dream she’d ever had suddenly come true. Teasing him with little licks, tiny kisses, his flavor and scent stirred her senses, bringing out her primal woman.

  “Suck it, Red. Please.”

  Her laughter low, she wrapped one hand around his cock where it rose, flushed and thick, from the opening of his pants. She could just see the spheres of his scrotum, hidden by his pants and the dark, curling pubic hair. Steadying him with her hand, she slid him into her mouth, her lips rippling over the skin along his length. She pulled back, then took him deeper, and he sucked in air, thrusting his hips so that he fucked her mouth. His hands trembled as they caressed her cheeks, and she knew he measured the movement as they filled and hollowed while she sucked him. His pants were in her way, so she shoved them over his ass until they pooled around his ankles. She’d already had an orgasm, but her fires burned anew, and the arousal became a hot, thick honey roiling through her veins. One hand caressed his ass, her fingers running up and down the crack, making him shiver. The other came around the front to cup his balls.

  He caressed from her cheeks to her hair, then slid his hands down her back. She felt him gather the fabric of her shirt, and approved wholeheartedly. Releasing his penis only long enough for him to yank the shirt off her, she returned to her task. She loved doing this, she loved the taste and the smell of him, and she especially loved knowing she pleasured him.

  “God, Red, you’ve got a great mouth. But I’m going to have to ask you to stop. I need you naked.”

  She hadn’t realized he’d unfastened her bra until he gently nudged her back onto the bed and tossed it to the floor.

  He covered her naked breasts with his hands, squeezing gently.

  “Now it’s my turn.”

  * * * *

  She was gorgeous.

  He’d never let himself notice before. But now, as she lay sprawled on the bed before him, he looked his fill and knew he looked at the only woman he would ever love. Thoughts of the future, of a time when she would walk away from him, tried to edge into his mind. He tuned them out and, instead, lowered his head to taste her.

  Her breasts, unbelievably plump and firm, had the softest skin he’d ever felt. Her nipples, pretty and pink, tasted sweeter than candy, and when one slipped out of his mouth, it peaked suitably, elongated and hard. Growling, he feasted on the other one, scooping his arms under her to hold her close. Her arms enclosed him in an embrace he knew he would always seek. He peeled the skirt and panties from her without taking his mouth away from her. Then he rose above her and visually drank her in.

  So tiny, he marveled, needing to touch as well as look. He splayed his hand low on her belly, above her mound, and for one fanciful moment imagined a slight swelling in this cradle of life. Then his hand roamed, and his fingers combed through the reddish curls between her legs.

  “You’re certainly red here,” he teased.

  “Strawberry blonde,” she shot back.

  “Does it taste like strawberries, I wonder?”

  “Why don’t you find out?”

  He didn’t need a second invitation. Spreading her legs wide, he snuggled himself between them and set his mouth on her. She tasted wild and savory, a salty flavor that fed a need in him he’d not known existed. She tasted so good, hot, warm, and alive, and he knew in that instant he should have done this months ago. Why had he fought this, when the craving had been so strong? He stroked his tongue into her silkily, a slow in and out he knew aroused her, for her hips began to move as she pressed her pussy even closer to his face. Finding her clit, he sucked it hard, nibbled it lightly, then received his reward with a flood of her essence when she came.

  “Oh God, oh God.”

  Peter laughed, for he could tell the strength of that orgasm had outstripped the previous one.

  “We’re only getting started.”

  “I can’t. Too much.”

  “You can. You will.” He eased up a little, spreading gentle kisses to the inside of her thighs, blowing little puffs of air over her labia. Her intimate flesh actually vibrated with aftershocks. “I’ll take you up slower this time,” he promised.

  With his lips on her, kissing and stroking all around her slit, her lips, her clit, one hand grabbed the box from the drawer. He had it open, and one packet peeled off in almost no time at all. He took only a moment to slip the sheath onto his already hard cock.

  Then he went back to pleasuring her. He felt her heat climb, and when her hips began to twitch, he inserted two fingers inside her, seeking out then stroking the tiny inner button at the same time he sucked her clit.

  When she started to come, he let go, sliding up her body to bury himself deep, deep within her.

  He didn’t have to ask her to wrap herself around him this time, she did, the strength of her orgasm bowing her off the bed. He thrust hard and fast, the convulsing of her tunnel on his cock driving him farther than he’d ever been driven, until finally, finally, he felt the explosion of his own semen into the condom. For one long, wild moment, they soared together. Wanting the connection to be complete and whole, his mouth sought hers, the kiss hot and velvety, a silent declaration where words would not yet be spoken.

  Turning onto his side, bringing her with him, he cradled her in one arm while he managed to pull the blankets down with the other. When she mewed in protest, he said, “Shhh, I’m not leaving you. Still not finished with you.”

  “Good. Me neither.”

  Her heartfelt sigh when he slid them both under the covers pleased him. The way she snuggled into him, curling around him, warmed his heart.

  “I’m still pissed with you for butting in with the bitch.”

  Her low, sleepy voice made him laugh. “Atta girl, Red. You can come up swinging. Soon as you have a little rest.”


  Her breathing steadied quickly into a deep, even cadence. “Sleep, ma coeur.” He’d called her his heart, because she certainly was. But he was grateful she slept and didn’t hear.

  * * * *

  “I stand corrected. Things are a lot different between knights and ladies these days.”

  Eugenia watched her sister fanning herself and nodded in agreement. “They certainly are. And so much more complicated, if you ask me.”

  “They are indeed, sister. Why, not that long ago, this would have been the end of our work. There would be no question whatsoever of a wedding and happily-ever-after now.”

  “Precisely.” Heaving a huge sigh, Eugenia rose through the ceiling of the farmhouse and perched in a nearby maple tree. When Gwendolyn joined her, she said, “I am worried about these two. There is such danger around them.”

  “My thoughts exactly. Why these days, dragons don’t even look like dragons. Isn’t there anything we can do about that nasty person?”

  “Unfortunately, very little. We’ll have to be especially vigilant, sister. There will come a moment when we can act, but what we can do is so limited.”

  Gwendolyn sighed. “All these modern goings on. I’m certainly looking forward to going to the ball. Do you suppose, dear sister, that we could go to the ball?”

  Eugenia looked at her and smiled. “What a splendid idea, sister. Why, I haven’t been dancing for cent…er…a long time.”

  “Neither have I.”

  Eugenia gazed at the house beneath them. “I think they’re going to stay put for a while. Let’s have a look at our gowns, shall we?”

  “Yes. Looking at gowns is precisely the medicine I need!”

  Chapter 10

  At first, Hannah didn’t think this would be a good idea. But she changed her mind.

  Helene had taken pity on her that very morning and during breakfast had described the type of pomp and ceremony she could expect.
When Alex had explained the day’s event, he’d been very blasé—his attempt, she thought, to put her at ease—and told her while he considered all of his duties to be important, this would only be a routine appearance.

  Now, standing beside him while the Royal Military Band played the national anthem of Boisdemer, she was very glad she’d come and very grateful to the young crown princess for her assistance.

  She felt grateful, too, for the spectacular outfit she wore. She’d never owned anything as fine as this ivory linen suit. A classic style, it was matched today with a dusty-rose silk blouse. Alex had pinned a very pretty brooch in the shape of a fairy, on the left lapel of the jacket, and as the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, Hannah nearly gasped at the sparkle of the piece. And it occurred to her, then, that those weren’t rhinestones, but actual diamonds and sapphires! Out of the corner of her eye, she caught his twinkling smile and knew he’d seen her looking at the jewelry. She’d ask him about that, later.

  Upon their arrival at the Military College, the commander of the school, and the general-of-the-army, had greeted them. Boisdemer, though a small nation and at peace, possessed a rich military tradition, Alex had explained. His family had always served. Boisdemerian troops had served with the Allies in both world wars. Alex, when he was crown prince, had attended the college, achieving the rank of commander. Michael had also taken military training, being the first member of the family to learn how to fly fighter jets.

  Today would see the graduation of the latest class of cadets—young men and women planning careers in the Boisdemerian Armed Forces. Helene had told her Alex always addressed the graduating class.

  Hannah stood back while the school’s commander had led Alex on an “inspection” of the troops. Pride shone from the faces of the cadets as their king and commander-in-chief passed. He stopped, of course, to speak to some who stood at attention. Being Alex, she thought fondly, he couldn’t resist giving a personal touch.

  During the ceremony, Alex would personally pin the insignia of lieutenant, junior grade, on each graduate. A reception would then follow.

  Taking her seat after Alex sat, one of Helene’s protocol pointers, she listened as the commander began his speech.

  “This one’s not so bad,” Alex whispered to her. “He doesn’t drone on. The last one did. And General Picard likes to keep his comments brief, too.

  “And you, Your Majesty?”

  “Ah, well. Sometimes, it’s grand being king. I can talk as long as I want and no one dares look at their watch.”

  A few minutes later, Alex got up to speak. He was a wonderful orator. His words echoed with the passion he had for his country and his people. He spoke of the sacred duty everyone had to defend the lives of the innocent, to preserve the free and vibrant society Boisdemer had become. He thanked the cadets for their dedication to duty, and their desire to serve. He told them the country was proud of them, and he was proud of them, too. He took a moment to address the parents and families, telling them that he considered the lives of their children a sacred trust and that he would take care not to abuse that trust.

  Then the time came for each cadet to be presented. They numbered fifty in all, and each young man and woman who stepped forward seemed genuinely pleased by the attention received from the king.

  Hannah smiled as she watched Alex interacting with his people, the way he put each young person at ease and spoke to them with true affection, and in that moment didn’t feel out of place in his world. She was proud of him.

  * * * *

  “I hope that wasn’t too boring for you,” Alex said in the back of the limousine after the reception.

  “Oh, I didn’t find it boring at all. You’re a good speaker, Alex. I could have listened to you for hours.”

  Taking her hand, he brought it to his lips. Alex had noticed how outgoing his Hannah had been during the reception. Women sometimes shied away from approaching him at these functions. But today, they felt free to approach Hannah. Whether she realized it or not, she had done an outstanding job of not only making each person feel special, but also of easing the way for others to approach him.

  He almost chuckled aloud. He’d bet the lady herself had been the only one present who didn’t understand the significance of her appearance as his companion at an official event.

  “Thank you, sweet,” he said now, placing her hand on his thigh and covering it with his own. “I suspect you may be a bit prejudiced, but I’ll take your compliment.”

  “I’m really glad I got to be there today, Alex. It’s like an expanded version of reality. I got to see you the way your people see you. They really love you, and that’s a good thing. And I also saw, firsthand, how important they are to you.”

  “The event next Monday is a tad more sedate and pedantic, I’m afraid. The International Banking Conference opens in the afternoon, and the chairman of the conference dragooned me into making a few opening remarks. Banking is one of the industries that helped save Boisdemer from complete ruin, though, so I feel honor-bound to pay the institution its due.”

  “The way I heard it, you were the one who helped save Boisdemer from complete ruin.”

  Alex felt himself flushing and waved off her praise. “The least I could do after my father and grandfather had pillaged the place.” All these years later, it still infuriated him when he thought of the way his predecessors had failed in their responsibilities to their country.

  “This ‘chairman’ who dragooned you, that would have been your eldest son?” Hannah laughingly asked.

  Alex nodded. “Yes. He and Helene will both be with us. So at least you’ll have company.” The car had slowed to pass through the gates of home.

  “And the ball is the day after tomorrow.”

  “That sounded just a tad nervous, Hannah.”

  The car rolled to a stop, and Alex’s door opened. He exited the car, then turned and offered a hand to Hannah. When she stood beside him, he needed to touch her and stroked her chin with a finger.

  “I am nervous. I’ve never been to a ball. I’ve never been to a formal dinner where there are more utensils in front of me than there are in my entire cupboard back home.”

  Alex couldn’t stop his laughter. “I promise you, everything will be fine. You can relax in the afternoon. It is the custom of the women in my family to have a spa day prior to an event of this nature. I have no idea what all it entails. I try to stay away from that end of the palace at such times.”


  “Oh, absolutely,” he admitted shamelessly, glad his intention of lightening her mood had succeeded. “It is only one evening, good food and music. Will you dance with me, Hannah?”

  “Yes, please, and more than only two dances, if you don’t mind.”

  Despite that they stood outside at the bottom of the steps, and that several members of the staff had them in sight, he leaned forward and kissed her, lightly, on the lips. “I don’t mind at all. In fact, I’m looking forward to it.” He led her up the steps to the door that an efficient footman had already swung open.

  “The forecast is warm, sunny weather throughout the weekend. I’d like to invite everyone to dinner on Sunday.”

  Ah, yes. Hannah’s dinner. He didn’t have a clue what she had in mind for the event. The evening might, he thought, give him even further insight into the woman he loved.

  “I’ll see to it the entire family attends.” And what a treasure she was, if those few words could put that kind of smile on her face.

  * * * *

  Rachel wrinkled her nose, and when the irritating tickle wouldn’t go away, she swatted at it. A deep, male chuckle had her opening her eyes. Early evening shadows draped the room, but the man looming over her needed no illumination.

  “About time you woke up.”

  She smiled, the teasing in Peter’s tone tickling her senses as much as the finger he’d teased her nose with. “I couldn’t have been asleep that long this time.”

  “No, only about twenty minut
es. We should be thinking about heading back.”

  She turned her head towards the clock. Nearly five-thirty. She hadn’t had lunch, and her tummy rumbled. But food wasn’t what she wanted most at the moment. She’d heard his words, softly spoken as she’d drifted off to sleep that first time. Ma coeur. My heart. She clutched the words close. A very nice first step.

  “All right. I’ll think about it. In the meantime, why don’t you kiss me?”

  “Because every time I do that, I wind up taking you again. Or we take each other. And right about now, I’m thinking you might be a bit tender.”

  True, she’d registered the slight discomfort almost as soon as she’d opened her eyes, but she really didn’t care. It was the type of discomfort she’d like to feel on a much more regular basis, like every morning, and to have this man responsible for it.

  “Taking care of me again?”

  “Yeah. Can’t help myself.”

  “I’m not the pampered princess the tabloids would have you believe. I don’t mind a little discomfort. Especially if it means being here, like this, with you. Guess what? I am a whole hell of a lot happier than when you tossed me on this bed.”


  “Oh, I know. Men always want to run away from any sign of emotional involvement. You’ll just need to deal with it, Peter.”


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