Tiberius with a Telephone

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Tiberius with a Telephone Page 86

by Patrick Mullins

  Coombs, ‘Note on conversation with Prime Minister on 30th August 1971 by telephone’, 30 August 1971, NAA: M321, 15.

  Bunting, note for file, 3 October 1971, NAA: M319, 30 Part 2.

  ‘Press conference given by the Prime Minister before leaving for overseas — 27 October 1971’, 71/940, APMC Transcripts.

  Howard, 2014, pp. 557–58.

  Gorton and Howson, CPD HoR, vol. 73, 16 September 1971, pp. 1402–03.

  Author’s interview with Phillip Adams, 12 October 2016.


  Howson, 1984, p. 773.

  McMahon, CPD HoR, vol. 74, 7 October 1971, pp. 2020–21.

  Howson, 1984, p. 783.

  Chapter 38: The Crumbling Pillars (IV)

  Downer to Heath, 14 October 1971, British National Archives, Kew, London, PREM 15/744.

  Author’s interview with Richard Woolcott, 2 February 2018.

  Morrice James, 8 December 1971, ‘Summary: Mr McMahon in Britain’, British National Archives, Kew, London, PREM 15/744.


  Menzies to Henderson, 27 October 1971, in Henderson (ed.), 2011, p. 238.

  See, in particular, Daly, CPD HoR, vol. 74, 28 and 29 October 1971, pp. 2787–89.

  Coombs, 1981, pp. 287–88.

  Author’s interview with Richard Woolcott, 2 February 2018.

  Woolcott, 2003, pp. 108–09; Ramsey, 2009, p. 38.

  Woolcott, 2003, p. 110; author’s interview with Richard Woolcott, 2 February 2018.

  ‘Press conference at Blair House’, 2 November 1971, APMC transcripts.

  Curran, 2015, p. 130.

  When, during the turmoil of the Dismissal, Henry Kissinger confessed he could not remember the last ‘conservative prime minister’ of Australia, one of his advisers supplied the answer: ‘The guy with the wife — McMahon’: ibid., p. 290.

  Author’s interview with Alan Ramsey, 31 January 2018.

  Heath, 21 November 1971, ‘Record of a conversation with Mr McMahon, the Prime Minister of Australia on Tuesday 9 November 1971’, British National Archives, Kew, London, PREM 15/744.


  McMahon to Heath, 20 December 1971, British National Archives, Kew, London, PREM 15/744.

  Heath to McMahon, 14 December 1971, quoted in Bunting to Tange, 18 January 1972, NAA: M319, 31 Part 1.

  ‘Visit of the Australian Prime Minister to the United Kingdom 7–13 November 1971, United Kingdom record of a meeting held at 10 Downing Street on Tuesday 9 November 1971 at 12.20pm’, British National Archives, Kew, London, PREM 15/744.

  Waller to Bunting, 20 August 1971, NAA: A1209, 1971/9949 Part 1.

  Ward, in Bridge, Bongiorno, and Lee (eds), 2010, pp. 159–61. See also Ashton, Bridge, and Ward (eds), 2010, pp. 853–92.

  Alan Reid diary, 14 November 1971, NLA MS7796.

  Alan Reid, ‘Prime Ministers I have known’, Bulletin, 19 February 1980, pp. 59–60.

  McMahon, 19 November 1971, ‘Sir John Bunting’, NAA: A11099, 1/120.

  Bunting, note for file, 20 November 1971, NAA: M319, 30 Part 3.

  Morrice James, ‘Mr McMahon in Britain’, 8 December 1971, British National Archives, Kew, London, PREM 15/744.

  Foster, CPD HoR, vol. 70, 7 October 1971, pp. 2121–22.

  Alan Reid diary, 8 October 1971, NLA MS7796.

  ibid. McMahon’s conduct may also have been influenced by discussions he was having with Arthur Calwell, who informed him of ALP positions on the matter. See Bramston, 2015, p. 10.

  Malcolm Fraser interviewed by Clyde Cameron, NLA Oral History, TRC 2162, p. 35.

  Cabinet, 20 December 1971, ‘PJ Lawler’, NAA: A11099, 1/306.

  Alan Reid diary, 20 December 1971, NLA MS7796.

  Loose-leaf draft statement, ‘PJ Lawler’, NAA: A11099, 1/306.

  McMahon, aide-mémoires, 20, 21, and 22 December 1971, copies in the author’s possession.

  Alan Reid diary, 21 December 1971, NLA MS7796.

  Cabinet, 22 December 1971, ‘PJ Lawler’, NAA: A11099, 1/306.

  Nigel Bowen interviewed by Ron Hurst, NLA Oral History, TRC 4900/61.

  Author’s correspondence with John Stone, 25 May 2017.

  ‘Backdown’, SMH, 24 December 1971, p. 6.

  Alan Reid diary, 23 December 1971, NLA MS7796.

  Bunting to Garner, 26 June 1971, NAA: M321, 11.

  Freudenberg, 2005, p. 129.

  Chapter 39: The Stories Told

  Bowman diary, 4 June 1984.

  Tiffen, 1988, pp. 25–29.

  ‘Diary of a Liberal: even friends take a knock’, SMH, 28 May 1984, p. 2.

  Bowman diary, 28 May 1984.

  ibid., 4 June 1984.

  ibid., 6 June 1984.

  Maximilian Walsh, ‘Public McMahon and Private Billy: the facts and the myths’, National Times, 20–25 September 1971, pp. 3–4.

  See Gerard Henderson, in Bramston (ed.), 2010, p. 84; or Henderson, 2015, p. 291.

  Author’s interview with Alan Ramsey, 31 January 2018.

  Mitchell, 2007, pp. 38–39.

  Mungo MacCallum interviewed by Mel Pratt, NLA Oral History, TRC 121/44, p. 33.

  Author’s correspondence with Mungo MacCallum, 4 October 2017.

  Author’s interview with C.R. ‘Kim’ Jones, 10 June 2017.

  Author’s interview with Ian Grigg, 16 April 2018; author’s interview with Jonathan Gaul, 24 February 2018.

  This section draws on: Bruner, 2004, pp. 691–710; Mandler, 1984; Schacter, 2001, pp. 138–60; and Sartre, 1964.

  Bowman diary, 6 June 1984.

  Chapter 40: Survival Mode

  Hughes, 1972a, pp. 92–101.

  Bunting, note for file, 4.25pm, 23 January 1972, NAA: M321, 16.

  Author’s interview with Ian Grigg, 20 February 2018.

  Oakes and Solomon, 1973, pp. 80–81.

  See APMC Transcripts: ‘Army re-organisation’, 26 January 1972, 11/1972; ‘Payment of pensions overseas’, January 1972, 8/1972; ‘Retirement of the Honourable C.E. Barnes, MP’, 25 January 1972, 7/1972; ‘Release of Sheikh Mujimur Rahman’, 10 January 1972, 3/1972; ‘President Nixon’s peace proposals’, 26 January 1972, 10/1972.

  Bert Kelly diary, 24 January 1972, NLA MS7424; Hughes, 1972b, pp. 261–70.

  Snedden and Schedvin, 1990, p. 115.

  Bunting, notes for file, 15 January 1972, NAA: M321, 16; Bunting, note for file, 13 January 1972, NAA: M319, M31 Part 1; Snedden and Schedvin, 1990, pp. 116–18.

  Bunting note for file, 23 January 1972, NAA: M321, 16.

  Hasluck, ‘Mr McMahon’s plans in February, 1972’, NAA: M1767, 3.

  Alan Reid diary, 4 and 14 February 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Hasluck, ‘Mr McMahon’s plans for February, 1972’, NAA: M1767, 3.

  ‘Premiers’ Conference opening statement by the Prime Minister’, 14 February 1972, APMC Transcripts.

  ‘Interview given by the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon. William McMahon, CH, MP on ABC national television’, 14 February 1972, APMC Transcripts, 72/23B.

  Alan Reid diary, 15 February 1972, NLA MS7796.

  See, for example, CPD HoR, vol. 76, pp. 107–18.

  Alan Reid diary, 16 February 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Bunting, 16 February 1972, NAA: M319, 31 Part 2.

  Bunting, 17 February 1972, NAA: M319, 31 Part 3.

  Snedden and Schedvin, 1990, p. 138.

  Bert Kelly diary, 22 February 1972, NLA MS7424.

  Alan Reid diary, 22 February 1972, NLA MS7796.

  McMahon and Hurford, CPD HoR, vol. 76, 22 February 1972, p. 7.

  Bunting, note for file, 20 January 1972, NAA: M321, 17.

  Alan Reid diary, 20 January 1972, NLA MS7796.

d., 23 February and 7 March 1972.

  Howson, 1984, p. 813.

  Coombs, 1981, p. 289. Late in September 1971, McMahon wrote to Howson of his ‘deep’ concern at the delay — which he argued was ‘damaging to the credibility and standing of the government’ — and his ‘general agreement’ with the submissions made by the CAA to Howson’s inter-departmental committee. See McMahon to Howson, 28 September 1971, NAA: M1368, 51 Part 1.

  When McMahon attended a meeting of the Aboriginal affairs committee of cabinet on 14 October, he said: ‘I do not believe we could sensibly contemplate granting leases on basis of traditional association.’ See ‘PH Bailey’, NAA: A11099, 1/336.

  Aboriginal affairs committee of cabinet, 13 October 1971, ‘PH Bailey’, NAA: A11099, 1/336.

  Howson, 1984, p. 792.

  ibid., p. 799; ‘Committee on Aboriginal Affairs — cabinet minute — leases on Aboriginal reserves — submission 457’, 6 December 1971, NAA: A5909, 613.

  Lawler, ‘Land for Aborigines’, 3 January 1972, NAA: M319, 31 Part 1.

  Dexter, 2015, p. 216.

  McMahon, ‘The PM’s statement on policy’, CT, 26 January 1972, pp. 12–13.

  ‘A chance lost’, CT, 27 January 1972, p. 2.

  ‘A price on our guilt’, Aus., 26 January 1972, p. 3.

  This paragraph draws on Foley, 2014, pp. 22–41; and Robinson, 1994, pp. 49–63.

  Michael Anderson interview with Brenda Gifford, in Foley, Schaap, and Howell (eds), 2014, pp. 119.

  Howson, 1984, p. 818. Barrie Dexter recalled later that McMahon considered his statement ‘a major turning point in Aboriginal Affairs in Australia’. See Dexter, 2015, p. 217.

  ‘Aboriginal women record dissent’, CT, 31 January 1972, p. 1.

  CN, 31 January 1972, quoted in Foley, 2014, p. 32.

  Coombs, 1981, p. 290.

  Harris, 1972, p. 19.

  McNally, 1973, p. 44.

  Perkins, 1975, p. 167.

  ‘Black Power salute to Mr Suharto’, CT, 8 February 1972, p. 3.

  ‘Labor promises Aborigines land’, CT, 9 February 1972, p. 3.

  ‘This Week’, McMahon interviewed by John Boland and Max Grant, 5 March 1972, APMC Transcripts.

  Whitlam and McMahon, CPD HoR, vol. 76, 29 February 1972, pp. 331–37.

  Souter, 1988, p. 501.

  Alan Reid diary, 29 February 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Bert Kelly diary, 8 March 1972, NLA MS7424.

  Paul Hasluck, ‘Dissension in the cabinet, May 1972’, NAA: M1767, 3.

  Alan Reid diary, 1 March 1972, NLA MS7796.

  ‘Who is it?’, Age, 17 March 1972, p. 9.

  Neither of the Kibels were from Manchester; neither Kibel was Jewish.

  Berinson, Bowen, Hughes, McMahon, CPD HoR, vol. 76, 23 March 1972, pp. 1090, 1096.

  ibid., pp. 1096–103.

  Alan Reid diary, 23 March 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Howson, 1984, p. 838.

  ibid., pp. 836–37.

  Alan Reid diary, 22 March 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Howson, 1984, p. 840.

  ‘Killen’s “crisis a teacup storm”’, CM, 28 March 1972, p. 3.

  Alan Reid diary, 26 March 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Bert Kelly diary, 24 March 1972, NLA MS7424.

  Alan Reid diary, 26 March 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Snedden and Schedvin, 1990, pp. 134–35.

  Alan Reid diary, 29 March 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Howson, 1984, p. 841.

  Snedden, CPD HoR, vol. 77, 12 April 1972, pp. 1428–32.

  Bunting, note for file, 20 March 1972, NAA: M321, 17.

  Author’s interview with Jonathan Gaul, 24 February 2018.

  The quotes from Crean, Anthony and The Aus. are drawn from Hughes, 1972b, pp. 261–70.

  Hasluck, ‘Mr McMahon’s views on Honours’, NAA: M1767, 3.

  Bunting, 3 March 1972, NAA: M321, 17.

  Bunting, 11 March 1972, ibid.

  Bunting, 7 June 1972, NAA: M319, 35 Part 1.

  Author’s interview with Sir Lenox Hewitt, 2 February 2018.

  Bunting, 1 June 1971, Bunting to Wheeler, 7 June 1971, NAA: M319, 28.

  Bunting to Collings, 17 June 1971, ibid.

  Bunting, ‘Trade with Japan’, n.d., June 1971, ibid.

  Bunting, ‘Discussions with Sir Frederick Wheeler’, 20 January 1972, NAA: M319, 31 Part 1.

  Bunting, note for file, 15 March 1972, NAA: M321, 16.

  Author’s interview with Jonathan Gaul, 24 February 2018.

  Bunting, note for file, 12 June 1971, NAA: M319, 28.

  Lawler, note for file, 27 December 1971, NAA: M321, 15.

  Lawler, note for file, 29 December 1971, ibid.

  Bunting, note for file, 15 May 1972, NAA: M321, 16.

  Bunting, note for file, 7 September 1972, NAA: M319, 37.

  Bunting, note for file, 8 September 1972, ibid.

  Bunting, note for file, 9.45am, 8 September 1972, ibid.

  Bunting to McMahon, 8 September 1972, ibid.

  Bunting, note for file, 7.45am, 6 October 1972, NAA: M319, 38.

  Author’s interview with Ian Grigg, 20 February 2018.

  See, for example, Howson, 1984, pp. 735, 751–54, 828, 831, 836–37.

  Peter Howson interviewed by Jonathan Gaul, NLA Oral History, TRC 229, 10/16.

  Bruce Juddery, ‘Making something of the environment’, CT, 10 December 1971, p. 2.

  Author’s interview with Sir Lenox Hewitt, 2 February 2018.

  Howson, 1984, pp. 796–97; Cabinet decision no. 583, ‘Proposal for a committee of enquiry into the quality of the environment’, 30 November 1971, NAA: A5909, 583.

  McMahon, 30 November 1971, ‘Sir John Bunting’, NAA: A11099, 1/121.

  Howson, 1984, p. 807.

  ibid., p. 816. In that cabinet meeting, McMahon said, ‘We need something but we won’t get it out of this paper.’ See McMahon, 25 January 1972, ‘Sir John Bunting’, NAA: A11099, 1/121; ‘PH Bailey’, NAA: A11099, 1/336.

  Cabinet decision no. 500, ‘Commonwealth Advisory Committee on the Environment’, 25 January 1972, NAA: A5909, 500.

  Howson, 1984, pp. 833–34, 842–43; McMahon, ‘Australian Environment Council Meeting’, 6 April 1972, PM no. 33/1972, APMC Transcripts.

  ibid., pp. 848–55.

  ibid., p. 858; Bunting, note for file, 29 April 1972, NAA: M319, 33 Part 2.

  Joseph Glascott, ‘Now that the environment is here …’ SMH, 2 May 1972, p. 6.

  Howson, 1984, pp. 860–61.

  Cabinet decision no. 978, ‘Appointment of Chairman of Commonwealth Advisory Committee on the Environment’, 16 May 1972, NAA: A5909, 978; Howson, 1984, pp. 867–69.

  Howson, CPD HoR, vol. 78, 24 May 1972, pp. 2970–79.

  Howson, 1984, p. 873.

  Chapter 41: On Edge

  Bowman diary, 10 March 1984. For more on this treatment, and follow-up treatment a year later, see Jerry Featherston, 1985, ‘Cancer scares for Sir William and Lady McMahon’, Women’s Day, 13 May, pp. 4–5.

  Bowman diary, 14 March 1984.

  ibid., 15 March 1984.

  ibid., 19 March 1984.

  ibid., 20 March 1984.

  Chapter 42: Constant Threats

  Chipp and Larkin, 1978, p. 102.

  John Edwards, ‘Inside Billy McMahon’, AFR, 31 May 1972, p. 3.

  David Solomon, ‘MPs seek ban on “Schoolbook”’, CT, 17 April 1972, p. 1.

  David Solomon, ‘Mr Chipp to win on “Schoolbook”’, CT, 18 April 1972, p. 3.

  Chipp and Larkin, 1978, p. 127.

  ‘Archbishop’s call for “Schoolbook” banning’, CT, 24 April 1972, p. 3.

  ‘Mackay says nation fac
es moral siege’, CM, 1 May 1972, p. 10.

  ‘Anthony flays “Schoolbook”’, CT, 15 May 1972, p. 3; Kane, CPD Sen., vol. 52, 26 April 1972, p. 1333.

  Bunting drafts, in McMahon’s name, for Katter, Cotton, Wentworth, Holten, and Howson, NAA: M319, 34 Part 2.

  Alan Reid diary, 18 April 1972, NLA MS7796.

  Hancock, 2016, p. 198.

  Killen, 1985, pp. 191–92. According to Alan Reid, Killen told McMahon to ‘Go dive in a lake’. See Alan Reid diary, 9 May 1972, NLA MS7796.

  According to Howson, at least. See Howson, 1984, pp. 869–70.

  The Bill received debate again on 18 October, but out of a need to have it deferred once more. See Gorton, Patterson, Killen, Connor, Bowen, and Whitlam, CPD HoR, vol. 81, 18 October 1972, pp. 2770–89.

  ‘Challenge to Labor over wanted candidate’, Aus., 11 February 1972, p. 2.

  Paul, 1972, pp. 99–100.

  Brown, Hughes, Whitlam and Killen, CPD HoR, vol. 76, 2 March 1972, pp. 479–89.

  Hughes, 1972b, p. 269.

  ‘Dangerous to future’, CT, 4 May 1972, p. 3.

  Howson, 1984, pp. 831, 857.

  Bruce Grant, ‘The question is: Who is entitled to govern?’, Age, 8 March 1972, p. 8.

  Laurie Oakes, ‘PM’s very difficult year’, Advertiser, 11 March 1972, p. 4.



  ‘Reports of cabinet proceedings’, cabinet decision no. 698, 26 January 1972, NAA: A5909, 698.

  ‘Press briefing given by the Prime Minister Mr William McMahon to Heads of Bureaux in the parliamentary Press Gallery, Canberra’, 26 January 1972, APMC Transcripts, 72/10B.

  Max Walsh had written of this perceptively the year before. See Maximilian Walsh, ‘Public McMahon and Private Billy: the facts and the myths’, National Times, 20–25 September 1971, pp. 3, 4.

  Wallace Brown, ‘McMahon’s first year as Prime Minister’, CM, 9 March 1972, p. 2.

  Bunting, note for file, 23 February 1972, NAA: M319, 31 Part 3; Howson, 1984, pp. 825–26.

  Bunting, note for file, 24 February 1972, ibid.

  Alan Reid diary, 9, 10, 11 August 1972, NLA MS7796; Bunting, note for file, 30 August 1972, NAA: M319, 36 Part 2.

  Mungo MacCallum interviewed by Mel Pratt, NLA Oral History, TRC 121/44, p. 27.


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