Dead Hearts (Book 3): Vengeful Hearts

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Dead Hearts (Book 3): Vengeful Hearts Page 21

by Susanne L. Lambdin

  Thor picked the Vescali up by his cloak. “How do I know if I can trust you?”

  The creature blanched, shrill voice catching in his throat. “I-I-I could help retrieve your friends,” he offered.

  The Viking eyeballed Logan, nodding. “I like that idea. If what you say is true, you will lead us back to Pevensey and help rescue our friends. Do that, and I’ll help free the Vescali from Balan.”

  Tamal bowed before Thor, trembling with excitement, then turned and walked toward the monolith.

  “A blood sacrifice is required, yet…” The demon sniffed the air and turned toward the lake. “I smell fresh blood. A Vargan has been slain.” He let out a heavy sigh. “The Vargan was a Babylonian lake worm, as ancient as the Vescali, left here by Leopold to guard the portal. It was the last of its kind.”

  “Who cares,” Phoenix said.

  “We need a blood sacrifice,” growled Moon Dog.

  “It is so,” Tamal said. “But still, I mourn its death.”

  “You’re enjoying this a little too much,” Logan said, as Thor puffed out his chest.

  Thor’s eyes filled with amusement. “I think I have found something that suits your skills, Agent Logan. Redemption can be yours if you return with Tamal, Cadence, and the others. A man such as yourself shouldn’t have any problem being stealthy and clever.”

  Rafe returned carrying a tray stacked with sandwiches. He placed the tray on the sand bags, took one look at the demon and laughed.

  “Ah, the third member of the team has arrived.” Thor’s smile broadened as he waved the Dark Angel over. “Forget lunch, Rafe. I have a job for you and Logan.”

  “Where did you get this nut bag?” Rafe said, glaring at the demon. He glanced at the monolith. Seeing the light spilling from a crack in the stone, his eyes glowed and his fangs extended. “It’s open! What are we waiting for? Let’s go find Cadence!”

  “Tell Rose I’ll be back,” Logan said.

  Smack was the only one in the group that gave an encouraging nod. Logan threw on one of the black cloaks. As Rafe pulled the odorous garment over his head, he snorted and gave the demon a dirty look. Dodger handed them both weapons and Logan placed his in a pocket in the robe before tying it closed.

  “Priests do not carry weapons,” Tamal said.

  Rafe snarled when Thor took the automatic rifle from him. “Be that way,” he grumbled. “Where does this stupid portal lead? Where will we find Cadence?”

  “England, in the year 1345, during the Black Plague,” Thor said, all business. “You three are priests. Blend in with the locals, get Cadence, and bring her home. Should be no problem for a vampire, a demon, and a scavenger.”

  “Thanks for nothing. This better not be a one-way trip to Hell. I’m not ready to go yet,” Logan said, pulling the hood up.

  With Rafe at his side, they followed Tamal to the center of the stone. The demon smiled and scurried into the light, leaving Logan feeling like he was embarking on a suicide mission. Rafe ran after the demon and vanished, while Logan resisted the tug of the monolith. Thor pointed at the stone.

  “That’s the way to the other side, Agent Logan. We’ll be waiting here with Rose, when you get back.”

  Logan closed his eyes and stepped forward, feeling an invisible hand pull him into the stone. He fell into darkness.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Nineteen

  Christmas Eve found Raven with her husband and a few close friends watching the Death Games in a private box. Dressed in fur, Raven rested her feet on Luna’s back. She held the Kaiser’s arm as fighters marched into the arena. Salustra, the vampire lords, and their escorts sat with them, drinking champagne. Vampires, bundled up more for style than warmth, filled the stadium. The announcer sat in the press box, wearing a red business suit with a peppermint-print tie. His voice dripped like honey through the speakers.

  “Merry Christmas! I know all of you have been naughty this year, but Santa Claus is now a vampire, and he doesn’t mind. Those with winning tickets will receive a special prize this Christmas. Don’t think we forgot the rest of you. Under every chair is a gift, compliments of the Kaiser and his new bride!”

  The crowd erupted with applause and cheers as vampires opened presents containing six- packs of Glorious Night, the new synthetic blood manufactured by Mr. Rafferty in Los Angeles. Guests in the press box were drinking Venetian Pleasure, imported from Italy by D’Aquilla.

  Raven and her companions, however, sipped on Dom Pérignon or drank from human slaves offering their necks and arms for a taste.

  “I am pleased to present Loki,” the announcer purred over the speakers. “Loki is new to the Colorado Death Games. He hails from the Roman Prime Time Games, where he has killed forty-four fighters to take the title of Best Newcomer. Let’s hear it for Loki!”

  A bright blue light hit Loki standing on a center platform in the arena. The teenager wore a gold helmet and snug, green-scale body armor. Keeping with the comic book version of his namesake, he carried a gold trident and net, turning this way and that as the crowd chanted his name. Cameras flashed as T.V. crews closed in on his face, showing live footage on the screens.

  “Happy holidays,” D’Aquilla said, lifting Salustra’s hand and slipping a diamond bracelet around her wrist. She kissed his cheek and leaned over to Raven to display her gift. “A small token of my esteem. This once belonged to Elizabeth Taylor. In fact, her entire collection has been delivered to your room.”

  “What did you get me?” Raven asked, smiling. “A pony?”

  “A jet, so you may visit me in the spring.” D’Aquilla laughed when the Kaiser glanced over his wife’s head. “I hope you don’t mind? The plane is waiting for you, under guard. The runways were in need of repair, and since I fly here so often, my gift to you, Kaiser, is a functional airport. Bechtel recommended putting one of your Shadowguard in charge of security there. What about Pallaton?”

  “Pallaton is in charge of security at the arena,” Raven said, watching her fighter wave to the crowd. “I’d rather Bechtel go to the airport. That way I don’t have to look at his ugly face anymore.”

  “Thank you, Salvatore,” the Kaiser said. “Raven and I spent half the night trying to decide what to give you for Christmas. I think what you’ll find waiting in your jet will more than fulfill your every fantasy.”

  “A dozen gorgeous women I selected myself,” Raven said, not able to resist. “Did you bring Salustra’s present, darling? I can’t wait for her to see it.”

  The Kaiser reached into his pocket and handed the velvet box to Raven, who placed it on top of the leopard-fur blanket covering Salustra’s legs. She opened the box, gasped, and held up a white pearl necklace.

  Raven grinned. “It belonged to the Star of the East, Umm Kulthum, and was given to her by Sheikh Zâyed bin Sultân l Nahyân. A friend in Cairo found it inside her tomb and sent it here for you, dearest.”

  “I am touched,” Salustra said. She kissed Raven on the cheek, and let out a shout when Aries of Athens appeared on the platform. “Aries has arrived. Now we’ll see how good a fighter Loki is. I hope he wins, Raven.”

  The cyborg zombie threw off a golden robe, lifted his mechanical arms, and turned to flaunt his massive body. Aries wore a gold loincloth and gold-laced boots. Because he was a zombie, big, black spots stained his flesh. Curly blonde hair accentuated an unnatural square jawline. Trainers led Aries and Loki off the field.

  The stadium lights lowered, and heavy metal boomed from the speakers and announced the ‘zombie round.’ Over sixty zombies emerged from the tunnels. A group of young vampires zigzagged across the field, dragging cow carcasses. The zombies followed the blood trails and sauntered for the corpses as the vampires leapt out of the arena. A platform rose from the center of the field, bringing into view a cage filled with terrified humans. The Class-E fighters were dressed as Spartans. The sides of the cages sank into the platform, leaving the humans huddling together on the field.

  Three of the fighters showed init
iative. They jumped from the platform as a team, attacking the zombies who were busy feasting on cow flesh. When the main group of humans refused to branch out and attack, the platform lowered. They scrambled off the platform and turned to face the zombies, looking pathetic. When the platform rose again, bodies of mutilated cows littered it. The smell of fresh blood brought the zombies shambling toward the platform, sparking fear in the fighters who fled to an end-zone.

  “I love this part,” Raven said, taking hold of the Kaiser’s hand. “Only a few humans realize they have to fight to survive. It will be a slaughter!”

  “Dr. Heston outfitted these zombies with computer chips he controls, and he has injected them with steroids designed to increase their hunger. We’ll release zombie cyborgs after the fighters are thinned out and the best remain.”

  “I wish Dragon was here.” Salustra sounded heartbroken.

  Raven reached out and took hold of her friend’s hand. “I know. This is the second time Dragon was scheduled to fight Aries of Athens, and both times we’ve been disappointed.”

  “Dragon may yet be caught.” The Kaiser retained his handsome appearance, though his smile was cruel. “Captain Bechtel is leading a strike team against the survivors’ camp. This time we’ll take the camp. I’ve sent in the Black Hawks. Nothing will remain by morning.”

  “Darling, don’t spoil the festivities with talk of war. It’s so boring,” Raven said, wiping away a tear from her friend’s face. “You and I, Salustra, will drink champagne and cheer for the winners. Tonight I intend to have fun.”

  Raven took two glasses of champagne from a slave girl. The girl stepped on Luna’s tail and the werepuma jumped, snarling, and knocked the tray out of her hands. Glasses toppled, and Salustra squealed. She stood, wiping champagne off her leopard-skin coat, which hung open. Her slinky dress was wet from her breasts to her navel. The slave girl gathered up the glass and left.

  “My dress is ruined,” Salustra said, angry. “I must go to the bathroom to clean this up before it stains. I won’t be long.” She stood and held her coat together.

  “The fight is just getting exciting,” D’Aquilla said, cheering as the zombies engulfed another human. “The cyborgs are about to be released. I’ll get you another dress, Salustra. Sit!”

  Salustra turned to Raven and the Kaiser. “Give me a few minutes to refresh myself, and I’ll return. Poor Luna. You little darling, you’ll cut your paws on the glass. Take my seat.”

  Luna jumped into the vampire’s seat, purring in gratitude, as Salustra hurried away. Concerned for her friend, Raven glanced over her shoulder and watched Salustra glide toward the exit. D’Aquilla and the Kaiser turned back to watch the games. The crowd cheered as the cyborgs entered the field. The remaining humans congregated in the center of the field, forming a circle and joining their shields together to block the zombies. Fighters stood in rotation, jabbing at attackers, and kneeling again. The cyborgs marched toward the circle of humans and fired at them with flamethrowers. The crowd went wild.

  “I will check on Salustra,” Raven said, giving her husband a peck on the cheek. “It’s my fault her dress is ruined. Look after Luna. Blood excites her, and I don’t want her jumping into the arena.”

  The Kaiser nodded. He turned and spotted his shadow gliding along the aisle, and he motioned for it to follow Raven. She hurried down the ramp and entered a section roped off for the Kaiser’s favorite guests, where vampires were playing carnival games. They threw daggers at humans tied to spinning wheels, and sat in a shooting gallery firing at moving targets dressed to resemble jungle animals. Others gathered at an open bar to drink overpriced champagne and blood-mixed drinks.

  Raven found the bathroom empty at first. Unsure where Salustra had gone, she bent and looked under the stalls. Not seeing any legs or shoes, she turned to leave when she heard a soft voice speaking.

  “Tonight. It’s tonight,” came from a stall on the end.

  Raven held still and listened. It was Salustra’s voice. A few women entered the bathroom, spotted a shadow blocking their reflection in the mirrors, and hurried out.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” Salustra said. “Black Hawks. It’s confirmed. Get out now.”

  Seething with fury at her friend’s betrayal, Raven removed a small revolver strapped to her leg and turned toward the stall, pointing the gun at the door. Salustra stepped out, startled to find Raven and the Kaiser’s shadow waiting.

  “Who were you talking to?” Raven asked, her eyes glowing yellow. Her tongue slid across her lowered fangs. “Was it Highbrow or Rose? It was Rose. You’re the one who arranged for Dragon and Logan to escape, and no doubt you blew up the lab too. All this time I believed you were loyal to the Kaiser, but you are not my friend. You’re a traitor!”

  “Darling, you’re mistaken.” Salustra held up her hands. “I wasn’t talking to anyone. Lower your gun. We are friends. Best friends.”

  “I heard you. We’re going back to our seats, and I’m informing my husband you’ve alerted Rose. Don’t try anything clever. You may be older and stronger, but the rounds in my pistol are dipped in Loki’s blood. One bullet and you’re dead, friend. I suggest you get moving before I use it.”

  Salustra stared at the gun. “You wouldn’t.”

  Raven stepped back and blocked the doorway. The shadow expelled a deep groan and moved toward Salustra. As the blackness engulfed Salustra, the Maker screamed, and she emerged pale and gaunt. Salustra’s eyes glowed violet, and her fangs cut into her bottom lip. Panicked, she rushed Raven, pushed past her, and fled.

  “Stop her!” shouted Raven.

  The demonic shadow swept in pursuit of Salustra, with Raven not far behind. Vampires cleared the way as the shadow flew through the crowd. Raven spotted a woman in a red dress ahead of them, moving through the press of the crowd. Raven took aim, fired, and struck a vampire playing carnival games, inciting panic. Vampires scattered in all directions as the shadow moved over their heads, giving Raven a clear path to follow.

  Joined by the Shadowguard, Raven chased Salustra as she raced with blinding speed into the stadium. Raven ran headlong into a group of spectators, and the audience let out a cheer as she broke through the group. She spotted Salustra on the field; a pink spotlight found the vampire Maker and followed her every move as she darted through zombies and cyborgs trying to reach the far side of the arena.

  “It seems we have a new fighter tonight.” The announcer noted. He was excited, and his voice reached a new octave. “That’s Salustra! But wait, another fighter has joined her. It’s Raven, the Kaiser’s new wife!”

  As Raven leapt over the barrier wall and onto the field, a new cage emerged and caught her by surprise. She slammed into the cage and several cyborg zombies reached out for her. One latched onto her shoulder and pulled Raven against the cage. She seized the zombie’s hair and crushed its head between the bars, shattering metal and bone. The cyborg body fell twitching inside the cage.

  The arena cheered as the doors to the cage fell open and two remaining flame-throwing cyborgs marched toward Raven. A wave of flame missed her as she ran to where zombies trapped Salustra at the opposite end of the field. Shadowguard advanced through the arena with their red lasers dotting Salustra’s face.

  At the same time, over two-hundred zombies entered the field from four different tunnels. Salustra turned and ran toward the Shadowguard who were now busy firing at the zombies surrounding them. The cyborgs followed Salustra, gaining ground as the Shadowguard blocked her path. She turned back, unsure which way to run, as a cyborg ripped her dress from her body. The crowd went into a lustful frenzy as Salustra stood exposed, wearing nothing but her lingerie. She ran.

  “This isn’t something you see every day,” the announcer crooned. “I’ve just been told three Class-A fighters are being released into the arena. Loki, Monkey, and Skye! Place your bets folks!”

  Loki, followed by Monkey in a black bodysuit holding two katanas, emerged along with a werepuma at her side. Another crowd of zombi
es followed the three Chameleons, moving faster than normal. The trio ran toward a group of five remaining human fighters trying to bring down a cyborg swinging a chainsaw. Instead of eliminating the Class-E fighters, they stood with them against the approaching zombie horde.

  Raven kicked off her heels, zigzagging through the bloodshed and zombies. Something white leapt onto the field, and Raven spotted Luna running toward her. She tucked her gun inside her bra and in one fluid move, picked up a discarded sword and shield. With Luna at her side, they cleared several zombies in their path as they plowed toward Salustra, but more zombies entered the arena and were too thick to cut through.

  “Is this a surprise or what?” the announcer shouted. Raven and Luna appeared on the jumbotrons, battling the zombies. “Why don’t the owners make it a little more exciting and release a few more Class-A fighters? We want our local heroes, Cricket and Red Hawk!”

  “Cricket! Red Hawk!” the crowd responded, pounding the seats with their fists.

  Thunderous applause filled the air as Cricket and Red Hawk appeared. Cricket was small and fast, having no trouble picking off zombies, while the werewolf knocked over the walking corpses like bowling pins. They soon reached the center of the field and joined the human survivors with Loki, Skye, and Monkey. At that moment, the zombie horde finished the Shadowguard and headed straight for them.

  Raven lost sight of Salustra among the zombies. She kept close to Luna and targeted a gathering of zombies. They slipped past the ragtag horde and ran into Loki. He saluted Raven with his gold trident and stepped forward, allowing her and the werepuma to move around him. His threw his net over an incoming cyborg’s head and thrust his trident through the mechanical torso, short-circuiting its system. Loki turned to Raven and bowed.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here,” Loki said. “What are you doing?”


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